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How will they pay for these war crimes?

Community and instance rules prevent me from answering honestly


I thought that was the point of the image


Everyone who isn’t well-off that is.

Which is practically everyone.


Bandwidth is great but the ping is terrible


How is it that gaming as both an industry and as a hobby so consistently manages to attract the worst people you can imagine?

hydroptic, (edited )

I definitely play games for the escapism (have you fucking seen this shit that’s going on?) but I manage to not be a bigoted conservative sociopath just fine. I don’t think that’s the cause


I didn’t but that does not surprise me at all. Apparently reich-wing chuds even made a mod to remove the ability to choose “they” as a pronoun in Starfield – I guess the fragile little flowers felt that they were being forced to accept the existence of us queers?


The Portal is such a weird device. I really don’t understand why anyone would want one, but it’s not like I’m the arbiter of what’s useful and what’s not


or could double as a PSP/Vita.

Not anymore it can’t


Ok, and does that mean she’s not capable of fulfilling her duties?

hydroptic, (edited )

How do those fucking reich-wing imbeciles reconcile this with the lie that all the insurgents were AnTiFa?

Or do they even try? Is this just a classic example of doublethink?


Are Allied analyses going to be so limited in scope from now on that there is absolutely no need to ask (let alone answer) the question: has Hitler in any way been provoked?

Never let is be asked: is there an ever-so-slight possibility that this might be blowback from something the Allies did.


A wiki link to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in case people don’t know about it. Stalin essentially made a deal with the Nazis so they could annex a huge chunk of eastern Europe

hydroptic, (edited )

Weeeell, it’s still in the territory of asking domestic violence victims whether the soup really was cold, as another commenter put it. Reparations weren’t a valid excuse for the mass murder of millions of people


Kidnapping foreigners to fight in their genocidal war is a new low for Russians, but it’s not like I’m surprised.

And no, shit like this wouldn’t be fixed by replacing Putin – he’s not the cause of everything that’s wrong with Russia, he’s a symptom.

hydroptic, (edited )

They’ve been like this for centuries now; the Russian Empire was already pretty damn fucked up.

Putin is not the cause.

hydroptic, (edited )

They have a centuries-long history of extremely brutal and downright psychopathic rule. You really need to read up on Russian history if you think that Putin is the reason things are the way they are.

edit: just ran into this relevant article: thehill.com/…/4560963-is-the-problem-putins-russi…

Analysts of Russia differ about many things, but the most important difference concerns their interpretation of the roots of Russia’s ongoing aggression. One side argues that Russian history and political culture are to blame — or, to put it more simply, uniquely Russian characteristics are the cause of Russian aggression. The other side argues that the causes are not uniquely Russian, but typical of the behavior of certain kinds of states, regimes, societies and leaders.

Unsurprisingly, historians of Russia and Ukraine tend to fall into the first camp

hydroptic, (edited )

Eeeeeeexactly. The few times Russians have managed to produce or acquire leaders who weren’t sociopaths, they were fairly universally hated.

It’s just incredibly short sighted of people to think that Putin is some kind of an anomaly and that he alone is the reason why Russians are so fucked up, when they have a centuries-long history of genocides, violent repressions by various secret police organizations, colonialism etc. Nobody seems to even understand that Russia is still a colonial empire, just one with contiguous borders

EDIT: Some Russian genocides and ethnic cleansings over the years

Just to drive the point home, here’s a list I copied from an earlier comment of mine of just the easiest to find genocides and ethnic cleansings perpetrated by Russians that I found with a minimum of searching based on what I remember from history. Note that there’s some overlap between these, so you can’t just sum the “victims” column to get a total victim count.

Date Event Victims
1785 – 2017 Chechen genocide 500,000 – 900,000 deaths
1800 – 1870 Circassian genocide 1,500,000 – 2,000,000 deaths
1850s – ongoing Cultural genocide by Russification in colonized areas Hard to estimate. Millions, with many minority cultures lost
1920s – 1930s Genocide of the Ingrian Finns Ingrian population reduced from 140,000 – 160,000 before the persecution to 19,000 today
1920s – ??? Ethnic cleansings on the Kola Peninsula Nordic population of the Kola peninsula dropped from 20% to 0.2%
1930 – 1952 Cultural genocide by forced migration in the Soviet Union 6,000,000 deported
1932 – 1933 Genocide of Ukrainians in the Holodomor 3,800,000 – 5,300,000 deaths
2015 – ??? Syrian, Russian forces carrying out ethnic cleansing around Aleppo, Turkmen accuse Russia of ethnic cleansing in Syria air strikes Tens of thousands displaced and/or dead
2022 – ongoing Genocide in the current Ukraine war ???
2023 – ongoing Pogroms in the Caucasus ???

Oh yeah, I wouldn’t mind being wrong, but unfucking Russia would be an absolutely monumental task and like you said it doesn’t seem like there’s much hope of it happening. Here’s to hoping, I guess


Yeah, they’ve been kidnapping Indians too and literally torturing them if they refuse to join the army.

Wonderful culture, such nice people.

hydroptic, (edited )

It’s not some abstract regime that is routinely torturing people in Ukraine and elsewhere, though. There’s something deeply fucked up about their culture when you consider that absolutely hair-raising brutality has been a hallmark of theirs for centuries now. It’s a colonialist, imperialist, violent and deeply racist mentality.

I had a significant proportion of my family tree (who were Ingrian Finns) genocided by Russians. I’m the first generation in my family for about 100 years who hasn’t either had to live under Russian occupation, fight invading Russians, or dodge Russian agents because somebody in the family dared stand up to them (yes I’m old and my parents are practically ancient). The argument that the problem is their regime just doesn’t sit right with me, considering the shit that the individuals get up to pretty habitually, and the hundreds of years of brutal regimes have to come from somewhere.

This is not to say that all Russians are terrible, nor that it’s a fundamental biological feature of the people, but even scholars think that their culture is – to put it very mildly – extremely problematic


At this point I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it turned out Bibi staged the October attack as a false flag so he could justify genocide.


How could you do that to another human, especially a kid

Easy peasy, just take a page from the conservative playbook and don’t think of your “enemies” as human


Oh yeah it’s not like I think it’s likely, just that at it wouldn’t really surprise me

Trump and GOP use a fake panic about a "trans" Easter to justify their Christian nationalism (www.salon.com)

It’s easy to roll one’s eyes as the self-serving dramatics of MAGA voters using false claims of victimhood as cover for their ugly views. But, as the threatening language in Greene’s tweet shows, this “woe is us” act is deeply dangerous. The hyperbolic conspiracy theories and dehumanizing language serve to convince...


He was a virgin birth, meaning all his genes came from Mary.

Jesus didn’t have a Y chromosome but presented as male. That sounds pretty trans too


Only a 50% defect rate? By Russian standards that’s absolutely outstanding


What are you talking about, the US has the best legal system money can buy


Honestly global nuclear war’s starting to feel preferable to living in a world with Russia in it.


If the video “confession” that the terrorists were promised money and provided weapons is actually true and not just FSB bullshit or a forced confession, I absolutely believe that the FSB was behind it.

It wouldn’t even be the bloodiest false flag in Putin’s career; the '99 apartment building bombings killed over 300 people.


Based on some very quick searching, Israel has been claiming that Green Without Borders is a Hezbollah front group and has convinced eg. US Treasury Dept. to sanction them.

I’m not sure there’s any actual proof of this affiliation though, or whether this is the same sort of Israeli bullshit as we saw with the whole “UNRWA is Hamas” fiasco. I didn’t look too deep into it however so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

hydroptic, (edited )

So many people go through really weird contortions to avoid saying anything about Israel’s involvement in any of this human suffering


Witcher 3 was pretty damn buggy on release too. Not Cyberpunk level buggy, but still

hydroptic, (edited )

I wonder who the terrorists are. One good bet could be separatists from one of Russia’s colonies (ie. “republics” etc. People often don’t realize that Russia is still a colonialist state).

Well, separatists or disgruntled vets. Plenty of those to go around – and they’re mostly ethnic minorities too so could be a double whammy.

Edit: or a false flag! Wouldn’t be Putin’s first false flag “terrorist” attack, either

Revenge of the Edit: I forgot about the March 8th US embassy warning about an imminent terrorist attack in Moscow, which could be tied to IS – although the embassy didn’t give any further information than “shit’s goan go down


If a system’s purpose isn’t to produce heat, any heat it produces is waste heat.

hydroptic, (edited )

Yes, and it’s not infrared.

Do you think the purpose of telecom systems is to produce heat? What the hell do you think waste heat even is?

Waste heat is heat that is produced by a machine, or other process that uses energy, as a byproduct of doing work.



Ahh right I see, I got very confused by the way you worded the comment but that may well have been a problem here on the receiving end

UN staff in West Bank accuse Israeli authorities of campaign of harassment (www.theguardian.com)

The documents record hundreds of incidents ranging from the alleged blindfolding and beating of UN staff at checkpoints to the use of UN facilities by Israeli troops as firing positions during raids on refugee camps in which Palestinians were killed.


Wasn’t it just a couple days ago the IDF was calling UNRWA a front for Hamas?

Yep Israel even got “Hamas” UNRWA employees fired, and all without a shred of proof. The UNRWA chief has said as much.

Right-wing authoritarians always have a very tenuous connection with reality, and nothing they say can ever be trusted – they will lie every time it suits them. You can see this in eg. the sort of ridiculous lies conservatives spread about LGBT+ folks.


We don’t know how to monetize. Ads are the only option that we know of, donations do not work at all, as proven by my previous projects.

A subscription-based model might be the only viable one, since ads will inevitably lead to a conflict of interest and voluntary donations are mostly a no-go. The problem is that people are so used to the notion that everything is “free” that many are convinced that online services should always be free and balk at the idea of paying for anything.

Personally I pay for Kagi which has been decent enough

hydroptic, (edited )

Dropping tear gas would be a war crime and we know Russia is doing that. He might have been hit green on green.

That would really be par for the course for Russians. They have of course been claiming that Ukrainians have been using drone-dropped tear gas grenades, but I would bet one of my kidneys that that’s just the same old “NO U” they do with every war crime they commit.

At least based on Ukrainian sources (see eg this article from the Arms Control Association), it seems like Russians have been using more chemical weapons in the recent months. Tear gas (CS) and chloropicrin (PS) have been said to be used, both of which would make sense as they have Soviet stock grenades for both.

At least they’re both still on the milder end of agents, although neither is exactly a joke in the sort of concentrations used in military applications. PS especially will fuck your lungs up


Yep, I think the blanket ban makes sense exactly due to the reasons you outlined. My point was more that at least it’s not like they’re just chucking Novichok agents at the Ukrainians, and are sticking to less horrible agents at least for now. Still a war crime and I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of either of those – even just CS at high enough concentrations will make your skin feel like it’s on fire, and I can say from experience that it’s not fun at all. While PS is technically for riot control, it’s classified as a lung damaging agent and in high concentrations can even kill

hydroptic, (edited )

Detransitioning is a different claim than doctors forcing children to transition you dumbass. Nobody’s saying detransitioning isn’t a thing

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