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It’s full of cum-like substances. For use only in emergencies.


Okay okay, you can use it for 1 hour. Make sure to sign out the key and return it when you’re spent.

What games would you reccomend to someone who really enjoyed Industries of Titan and was immensely disappointed by it's incomplete release?

What the title says. If I was to best describe what I liked so much about it, I would say that it was how it had both a serious ‘cozy factor’ (ex: anno 1800) while still being difficult and requiring effort+skill to win. What other games scratch that itch?


I’ve never played Industries of Titan, but what I can garner from screenshots and such is that it’s a management/base building game, so:

Satisfactory (especially the cosiness)

Factorio - peak management (2.0 coming out soon also)

Stardew Valley - peak cozy, the world is the total opposite of a dystopia though.


The people that keep the bathrooms useable are pillars of civilization.


As a non-programmer, this entire comment sounds straight out of a Neal Stephenson sci-fi story.


You are all progenitors to the ITA.

Mini Monitor Recommendations

I’m looking for a small 7” or 8” computer monitor to keep on my desk to display Discord and other things without taking up real estate on my main monitor. Ideally something cheap and therefore not a touchscreen. There’s tons of options online but I’d like to get some recommendations from people who have a similar...


I haven’t personally tried them, but there are a lot of monitors on Amazon that are meant for Raspberry-Pi’s. I was looking at them myself but I instead decided to get an old monitor for free off of Freecycle. I made a post there and a bunch of people offered a bunch of old ones they weren’t using any more (like the ubiquitous Samsung 720N).

Also, I already have a second monitor but it’s too narrow for discord; as in the window can’t be made small enough. Maybe it’s just a GNOME thing, but I’m not sure discord will ‘fit’ on those small screens.


I wish they were already available in Canada.


Same. If it’s fpv only it doesn’t really matter to me.


At this point, I think the only reason a game wouldn’t work on Linux is because of the developers political views.


Huge shout out to the jaded AF high school math teachers that don’t give a fuck any more!


Microsoft asserts that the 7 TB storage per glass sheet maintains data integrity for 10,000 years.

Imagine people 10,000 years from now finding a 7tb homework folder of high resolution ponies.

I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is

So I’ve been using youtube ad blockers since pretty much when ad blocker extensions were first available. Lately though I’ve been getting hit more and more with these messages that YT was sending out every 5 or so videos telling me that adblockers aren’t allowed. No problem, just gotta wait 5 seconds to x it out and then...


I use NoScript to block every script from google except for ytimg and youtube and I haven’t seen anything like that; though, I do only watch 1-2 videos at a time, maybe I haven’t ‘triggered’ it.

I can even disable origin and still not see any ads because NoScript blocks them from loading in the first place.


Also NoScript!


I’m happy, this means that I can play it on my Linux PC.

  • Clipping
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  • Clipping



Pretty much same for me. Also you might not want to place your plutonium out of bounds. There might be an update in the future for Nuclear Waste recycling since that is ostensibly possible irl, just really expensive and not worth it atm.


Discs don’t have the capacity to store modern games anyways. I mean, how many disc would it take to store Starfield? Its’s not going to work.

Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.


One thing that really gets me with that game is that every single planet has only one biome. There are no poles, no jungles, no deserts; it’s just one environment pasted over the entire planet and that feels weirdly wrong and is kind of boring.


KZ1 was one of my favourite games, but goddamn, the mechanics sucked. I really only liked it because of the level design, like the places you were fighting in were actual places where people had lived once. It was easy to get immersed. The story was good too, imo.


I dropped that game when I couldn’t cross a bridge because it was blocked by an invisible wall broken down bus. It was so egregious I got annoyed and went outside.


The farm must grow.


The only ones I like are 7 and 12. 12 especially because I hated the random battles in 7, I just wanted to progress through the story goddamnit.


Cool! I wish I wasn’t reminded of anatomically correct spiderman though…


Same! Though, I am disappointed that we likely aren’t getting hills or diagonal walls lol. Regardless, looking forward to it.

…Also (as a pet peeve), I can’t deal with space ships where the thrust vectors are wrong. Personally, I would like to see the engines as some sort of building you have to build in the centre of your platform so you could actually walk around if you needed too, but it looks like you’ll just be chilling in the white building thing, which would still be difficult to move around in because you’d constantly be ‘falling’ towards the engines. /reeeeeeeeeeeeeeant

(the engine animations look really cool though)


Thanks! The same publisher is working on Nivalis, I’ll definitely check that one out sometime.


Mmm yess. Recently did a play through, and luckily I played most of it with a fellow pilgrim. IMO Journey will always be gorgeous. The graphics are perfectly balanced between realism, performance and art. To me, it’s a timeless classic.


I’ve given ~2000 hours of life to that game as well.


Hell yeah. I love that game, but got stuck on the last block guard guy. :_(


I read recommendations for this game so often I’d be remiss to not try it at least once.


A car of culture as well I see.


That ones on my wish-list already, now it’s on my actual wish-list in my head.


Currently playing that game, and I fully agree.


fr lol. My first play through I completed the storyline but wasn’t able to fit the Frozen Wilds into the narrative.


Still possible! Go forth!


I feel that. I’m anxiously waiting for it to be ported to PC. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ




Just gave me a flashback of my friends and I doing the same thing on a CRT lol.

Pssst, can I interest you in some free video games? (

Howdy pardners, this is a cheeky self-plug for !freegames, a community I’ve created to post limited-time full-game free giveaways. It’s been going a month or two and I’m already claiming games faster than I can play them, so come and join me and make your what-game-to-play choice paralysis worse!

loops, (edited )

I don’t want a movie. I want a Combat Racing re-make. :(

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