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Why are we still like this? Just a bunch of primitive apes pummeling each other


idk this read like a joke to me 😅

edit: “be gay do crimes” is a very common meme i hear from my queers and leftists


Just chiming in to say your english is great! Ty for the writeup


Bro is publicly selling out to the highest bidder while pedaling antisemitism, vaccine denial, and whatever other grift he can. At least choose the right high horse like Cornel West or something jfc


Not op, but Voyager is second to none imo

The Political Divide Between Men and Women Is Getting Wild. One Party Is Primed to Take Advantage. (

It has long been the case that American women are generally more liberal than American men. But among young Americans, this gender gap has widened into an enormous rift: According to recent Gallup polling, there is a 30-point differencebetween the number of women age 18–30 who self-identify as liberal and the number of men in...


I disagree. The divide is not because we talk about “violence against women.” Violence against women is a sadly vastly bigger problem rooted in eons of misogyny. That does NOT take a damn thing away from men and nbs who are abused.

Maybe the left can do more to capture the minds of young men, but how? Conservatism plays at people’s base instincts, fear and ingrained culture. It’s easier to avoid the cognitive dissonance of recognizing that hey, toxic masculinity does kinda suck. Or perhaps that the social construct of women in the home rearing kids is demeaning and repressive and has nothing to do with nature.

I think men have a lot of reflecting to do, and it’s very hard to do that when it’s uncomfortable and challenges you to think differently. Conservatism simply maintains the status quo which places men higher, and that’s a lot more convenient than introspection.

All this isnt to say that men aren’t being left behind when it comes to body positivity, mental health, etc. These are things that are vitally important for men too.

Also, I would avoid the Heard topic which is a beacon of misinformation and misogyny. I exclusively read negativity about Heard from news outlets and Reddit. It was like Depp was everyone’s best friend as they suddenly rushed to his defense against “feminism”. Blegh.

naught, (edited )

Good point, however there is more to this situation than the raw numbers. Women are a minority and simply face a different kind of oppression and violence. I mean think about women’s health outcomes, anti-abortion legislation, etc. Plus, you can break those statistics down further. By the time they’re 17, 1/3 of women have experienced a rape or attempted rape, whereas the same is true for 1/4 of men. 1/3rd of women rape victims experience it before age 17, whereas the same is true of 1/4 of male rape victims.

In reality, only 2.6% of men reported ever being raped, which even accounting for underreporting utterly pales in comparison to 18% of women.

  • “Nearly 1 in 5 women (18.3%) and 1 in 71 men (1.4%) in the United States have been raped at some time in their lives, including completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, or alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration.


Regardless, just because one thing is maybe more prevalent than another doesn’t mean the other isn’t a problem. I do not mean to downplay violence in any form against anyone.

What I mean is focusing on violence against women isn’t inherently an issue, and I don’t think that’s what is driving young men toward conservatism. We can focus on more than one thing at once. I think that conservatism empowers young men, elevates them. It is the path of least resistance for most because men-on-top is ingrained deeply in our society. I think that young men are gravitating to the most attractive worldview presented to them, no matter how selfish and regressive it is because it feels right.

EDIT: I got the stats wrong.


I agree with you on this entirely


Women are a social minority. Whites in South Africa who perpetuated the apartheid were the majority oppressing a minority, despite being vastly outnumbered. I am referring to sociological minorities, not statistical.

Why bring it up then? What’s the point?

I edited my comment. The numbers are far more disparate than I initially misread. I only brought it up because we’re getting into specifics and I had to do some research. Women are indeed more affected by sexual violence. What’s more, over 90% of sexual violence is perpetrated by men.

that means both sexes need special attention on issues disproportionately affecting them, don’t they?


The problem is not “focusing on women’s issues”. The problem is “not focusing on men’s issues”.

This is fair, but it sounded to me like you were implying this was a zero sum game. We can do both.

My primary assertion is that conservatism (and figures like Tate) is attractive to young men because they reinforce what society has taught for their whole lives, and if not, then it’s at least a power fantasy that places them in control, which is preferable to the alternative. Reality (which some refer to as “wokeism” or “leftism”) is not as tantalizing. Realizing that you as a man have implicit biases, privilege, and toxicity embedded deep within you requires a level of introspection and empathy that most young people do not possess.

I struggle to see how “the left” can capture the minds of young men in the same way when taking an objective view of reality.


I dont think it is problematic in itself. I am merely pointing out that my previous statements about the disparities between men and women were correct.

The mentality is certainly “abusers vs victims,” but we cannot bury our heads in the sand and ignore the context. I.e. we must recognize that most rapists are men. Most rape victims are women. Why this is the case is important to examine if we are to improve things.

Why do men need a “role” in society specifically? Is it the case that men simply feel aimless and this leads them to conservatism? To violence, even? I don’t know. I don’t think women go about feeling assured about their role in society which in turn makes them end up more liberal. Why would the inverse be true for men?

Again, this isn’t to say we don’t need support for young men or that they are never victimized. The only messages I can think of are: acknowledge and understand your privilege, act with empathy, emotions are important and should be discussed, etc. Way less sexy than shooting boar from a helicopter with a minigun or whatever it is men’s role in society boils down to.


Is your back okay? Those mental gymnastics look hard for even someone half your age


I’ll assume you understand metaphor/wordplay despite the jab.

You place Trump in remotely the same category as the “poors” which is comical. Obviously Biden doesn’t make this joke about moms on WIC, etc., ie the real poors. You use more charged language like “millionaire president”, but when was the last president who wasnt wealthy? What is your point? You can’t place the Bidens’ wealth remotely near the true robber barons, but thats what you attempt to evoke.

You have not presented facts, but rather used manipulative language endearing to Trump

naught, (edited )

Idk Biden making jibes and jokes makes him appear mentally with it which contrasts the fox news narrative. It’s not as mean spirited as Trump has been and even comes off as tongue in cheek IMO. I can see more positives than negatives, but I can also see it being spun by hacks, sure.

This particular joke was aimed at none other than Trump, so you saying this is Biden dunking on the poors does place you in a precarious position of calling Dolan a “poor” and defending him


I remember when Obama was the antichrist and my father was waxing about the end of all things. Meanwhile this orange fuck holds a bible upside down and embodies nearly every “sin” you can think of and not a fuckin peep


That is not going to reduce power significantly right? If anything, underclockimg cpu and gpu is far easier to do (in software!) with a more definite solution. If you remove ram, perhaps it was a faulty stick instead of power consumption etc. Drives hardly take any power anyway


wow missed 8 drives!


What about CS? Valorant? They pull in numbers


What about those crusade things I’ve heard so much about


Nice! Exchange the right knob for a track ball and you’ve got my dream setup


I have the moonlander so that’s just a dream for me still. I have mouseclick bound to a key on a layer already though, so probably that


Took me about a few weeks to get really used to the columnar layout on my moonlander. However, I sat down one night early on and banged out my config and practiced with ZSA’s learning tools and found it immensely helpful. Got me like 90% of the way there pretty quick. I try to retain the typing the same form on staggered layouts now, but it’s still a context switch. Good luck!

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