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Alternatives to Google Docs/sheets?

What are people using in place of Google docs/sheets/etc? I’m looking for a simple program that syncs with the cloud so I can access my documents on my different computers or my Android phone. I run Windows 10 (don’t crucify me). I use libre office for things that can stay on one computer, but for things like school notes,...


I wish the EU would fucking invade the US already. Either put us out of our misery or save us, either way, it stops our leaders from spreading the evil and murder around the globe.


Poor Capone was born in the wrong time. He’d have been considered a hero and a good politician today apparently.


Genuine question, I just tried this on my phone with both Firefox and Brave (my backup browser). Why does Firefox leak so much more data than Brave? Brave pretty much only showed which number version of Android I’m running and my time zone, Firefox showed all kinds of unique data including all the sensor readings from my phone, how many cameras it has, all the hardware components, and that fingerprint reading is allowed and I have all my settings as strict as they can be. I thought Firefox was supposed to be the way better option.


I’d love to leave. I desperately want to. But I have no marketable skills (too broke to attend college out of high school, am trying now but still have 2 1/2 years to go, so too long), I’m terrifyingly broke, have a weird-ass employment history from years of undiagnosed mental illness and just recently diagnosed ADHD, and I never learned a second language because shitty education and I don’t pick up languages well from those programs that claim to teach you. If I could go, I’ve have gone already, but nowhere worth going wants me and I get it. I know I’m a loser. I’m stuck on this ship while the cool kids are leaving in the life boats. And yes, I vote, but what does it matter?

shadowSprite, (edited )

Amen. You’ll never hear me whining about that. Anyone desperate enough to risk their life to cross the border has to be escaping hell. I used to live in an area with a lot of immigrants and some refugees and my job put me in contact with them frequently and I never saw any reason to have a problem with any of them. Despite what the media says, they were no worse than any other person, and a lot of them were good people who were clearly doing their best.


I’ve said this before, but my abusive mother once told me that I wasn’t a human and had no rights beyond what she allowed me until I became an adult and moved out of her house. They truly don’t consider their children people. They also consider themselves wonderful parents who are victims when those children grow up and cut all contact with them.


I think all of what you said, except maybe add a side of martyrdom on top of it. I’ve been saying since the last election, it’s not Trump himself they need, he’s only the figurehead to stir shit up. Get rid of him when he’s outlived his usefulness and do it in a way that sets up someone who’s liberal, brown, trans, gay, illegally in the country, or your choice of combination, and his followers will happily start a war and fight to the death to “avenge” him. Allow chaos to reign for awhile, then come in heavy handed to re-establish order and there go the rest of our freedoms “for the good and safety of everyone until things settle down”.

Can Linux be dual booted on a computer with Windows?

I have a Lenovo Yoga running Windows 10 on a 1TB SSD and at some point will probably have to upgrade it to Windows 11. I use it for school and have to keep Windows on it for now because of what I’m currently doing. I want to start getting into Linux in hopes of making the switch sometime down the line. Is partitioning the disk...


Thank you! This is all good advice. I’ve never actually used a VM but will have to do more research on installing and using one. When you (and everyone else here) say shrink the partition from inside windows, do you mean from within the disk management software? I’m familiar with that, having added extra drives on my other computers. I actually have 3 computers, 2 laptops and a gaming rig I built, but they both have Nvidia GPUs and I’ve heard so many bad things about Nvidia and Linux and I don’t want my first Linux experience to be fighting it out with those. If I like Linux I’ll probably switch one of my other computers over to Linux either entirely or on one of the second drives (both my other computers have 2 different drives).


I have no idea. I’ve known it for years. All my computer knowledge is self taught so random things I’m fairly knowledgeable on and then there’s things that are common knowledge I’ve never heard of. I’m doing my best out here! I was a sheltered kid who grew up into an adult that doesn’t know anyone tech savvy!


Thanks! I’ve been interested in Linux for awhile now. I don’t plan on sharing files between the two OSes, and I’m religious about my backups. If I don’t have at least 3 or 4 backups I don’t consider my data backed up :)


I did google it, and found a bunch of articles about dual booting with windows 7. I didn’t know if it was still possible or if it would be smart to try for someone with no experience with Linux, so I thought I’d come to a sub where there are tons of people who use Linux daily and could give me some advice about whether I should try it or not. Thanks for the input :)


Thanks! This is all good information and I appreciate you taking the time to write it all out for me!


About a month ago I was at the gas station filling up my 24 year old clunker when a homeless guy came up and asked if I would give him enough money for a coffee. I was going to lie and say I didn’t have cash on me, but it occurred to me that I’m one bad day from being in his shoes every moment, so I checked the emergency stash I kept in my car and on impulse just gave him the whole pile of it. Idk how much it was, not a ton, but a handful of ones and maybe a $5 or a $10. And yeah, a week ago, that bad day happened. My husband dumped me via text message, and now I’m very, very close to homelessness in the next few weeks or months if I can’t find a place to go soon. It’s not always drugs, or addiction, or laziness. Sometimes it’s making what look like good decisions and just getting fucked over.


Thank you for your kind words. I’m still completely in shock and just trying to process the entire thing. I’ve cried more in the last week than I have in my entire life. Up until a week ago I would have said he was literally the best husband I ever could have dreamed of.


Hes been depressed for years. Kept saying its not me, and I kept asking how I could help and he kept telling me nothing. He’s been working with changing his meds around and just hit a new combo less than 2 months ago that he admitted has made him completely numb and because of that/on top of that he’s been drinking more after almost stopping alcohol. Won’t talk about maybe that being an issue, nope, it’s me, I gotto go. (He literally wont talk to me at all. We’ve had one text conversation since all this happened where he basically told me to fuck off and that his mind is made up). He was supposed to go to therapy recently for his depression but he changed his mind. I’m laughing because there’s that sexist joke “men will literally do anything but go to therapy” yeah well he literally just fucked up my life rather than go to therapy and have to deal with his feelings. He claims this isn’t my fault and there’s nothing I could have done differently but also that “I should have known” that he was depressed and of course going to leave me like this. I’ve been depressed my entire life and I’d never do this, so stop lying and just tell me the truth.


You sound like a good person. I hope you get out of the motel and into stable housing soon!


Halsin makes you wait til Act 3. Got to lift the shadow curse first.

Would you prefer if games had a separate difficulty setting for boss fights?

I usually play games on “normal” difficulty these days, for a balanced challenge. However, I don’t particularly enjoy boss fights, or at least I don’t enjoy the extra challenge associated with them. Was thinking it would be nice if games had a separate setting so I could just set boss fights to “easy”, while not...


I agree. I honestly hate boss battles. I love playing video games on hard mode, but for some reason boss battles have never filled my soul with joy or given me a sense of satisfaction when I’m done. They just irritate me. I definitely have games where I’m on the hardest difficulty for normal game play and then right before every boss battle I’m going into settings changing the difficulty to story mode so I can knock them down in 5 hits and move on with the game.

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