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OP did you intentionally change the title? It seems intentionally misleading and inflammatory compared to the one I get when I visit the article page.

How the recycling symbol lost its meaning

Because, of course, capital got America addicted to plastic. A symbol can do no such thing and can only represent such a change.


cool but i still think America is pretty dependent on plastic haha


Ah fair sorry. I usually see that figure of speech (if you think __ then __) as dismissive of the former term.

My apologies for the misreading.


anecdotally, all LGBTQ voters i know “abandoned” Biden long before they were forced to vote for him

spujb, (edited )

Absolutely agree that more is good; I think it’s about making sure the quality of communication is constructive rather than destructive. :)

Here is an example of a user using the mod response to continue their use of the r slur.

Here is an example of a user using the mod response as bait for further trolling.

Here is an example of a user getting to platform their misinformation long after the conversation should have just ended. There are others, this was just what I found first.

edit. added more


edited, thanks


Definitely minor in the grand scheme of things :)


i added more diverse examples edit: with peace and love :)


No comment as this is barely related to what I am posting about.


i absolutely hate that this correct answer gets any downvotes.

so much anti-intellectualism on the internet, so much surface level “BuT CaLoRiEs iN CalOriEs OuT” combined with outright denial and doubt of empirical evidence.

humans are a mess. yes, sometimes skipping morning meals can have an effect on the rest of your day and you eat more later. why are we so quick to doubt that?

spujb, (edited )

Edit: My apologies, it’s in the subtitle line cut out of context like this. I think this is the egregious fault of the publisher more than the author, probably some SEO BS, because again this was obviously not the intent of that sentence.

My browser’s reader mode cut out that subtitle line, hence my original comment:

Bad reading of the author’s intent and you ignore the immediately preceding sentence which provides context for your cherry picked quote:

The researchers identified great heterogeneity in the prevalence between countries and also diverse risk factors, from dietary to behavioral.

The intent of that paragraph is to highlight the diversity of risk factors, not to give the most prevalent ones.

When you ask a text to do something it didn’t ever even pretend to want to do, of course you are going to come away disappointed. Media literacy. < Publisher accountability.

spujb, (edited )

Already done, it’s about the same.

Obesity affects ∼20% of U.S. youth, with severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] ≥120th of the 95th percentile and/or ≥35 kg/m2) at record high prevalence.

Oops this source only counted obesity and not overweight as the original post does. It’s actually ~33%; you were correct.


plenty of functions are centuries old, including the one that tells us the shortest distance between two points is a straight line; you’ll need to provide more information if you’re gonna convince anyone of anything 💁‍♀️


hot damn my apologies my reader view cut out the subtitle. somehow i doubt that was the author’s intent though. i would blame the publisher for this because that’s a really poor manipulation of the text.


Heads up for other confused readers, that subheading…

“According to new research, skipping breakfast or excessive screen time are risk factors for developing obesity…”

Is egregiously cut out of context, I am guessing by the publishing site. In context, that quote is meant to hilight the wide variety of risk factors for obesity, not to suggest that those are the most common or significant.

I wish there was a way to reach out to correct this error but I couldn’t find one.


you may end up eating more later in the day.



Here you encounter the difference between personal anecdote and statistical averages in risk factors :)

Risk factors don’t mean you, personally are doing something wrong, risk factors just help identify patterns that inform action in health care where it is needed


also see this comment about that out of context quote:



General trends should only be applied by trained professionals, such as physicians or dietitians, who can do so with the necessary care and attention. Unless you are a doctor, you’re right that it’s hard! In fact you shouldn’t do it at all.

It is important for people to understand this concept, because it seems to be commonly overlooked. The average person should not create a diet or fitness plan based solely on data like what is discussed in this article. Rather, it is far more healthy to defer to professionals and their recommendations in the form of interpretation of that data for guidance rather than attempting to interpret this information on your own.


i have my disagreements with this community’s mod team but i do appreciate this step.

i fucking hate biden too, but i blocked that account long ago because they clearly were here to troll and do nothing else. anyone who wants to pick up the perceived “torch” and do what they were doing in good faith this time is more than welcome in my book. i really welcome diversity of posts when the person behind it isn’t clearly getting a kick out of the rage they stir up.


careful haha i’m with you for most of this thread but this comment dives into an argument that weakens your position i think.

i didn’t block that account because of the number of negative biden posts. personally i blocked them because they kept being abusive to people in the comments in a way that they clearly enjoyed, aka trolling. (i don’t think personally i ever even noticed the biden thing, just that they were mean a lot.) i think it’s enough to ban them for abusing the platform in a way that is contra to the average user having a constructive experience (and then admitting to the means of it)—you don’t really need to stoop to counting Biden’s “slips” as that is just opening yourself for more dissent

cheers ☕️☀️


making a self fulfilling prophecy like “if i get banned it’s because of ‘pro genocide users’” and not taking accountability for your own actions is a very trump circa 2019-20 thing to do

heads up lol


don’t feed the trolls 😜❤️ this is precisely the response they wanted


i agree, jordanlund is opening themselves up for extra scrutiny with this.

spam and displaying signs of getting off on angering users (trolling) is absolutely a valid and nonpartisan reason for a ban. but as soon as the mods start citing actual politics (outside of clear examples of misinfo, which is not in play here) it gets dicey and accusations of bias pile up fast, which is exactly what we are seeing play out right in these comments.


i see this often and have ambiguous feelings.

on the one hand yes, this illustrates a huge shift in paradigm of the degree to which laborers are woefully undercompensated in a trend toward a massive wealth gap favoring the wealthy.

on the other, it sort of implies a “good old days” ideal which is utterly unrealistic. as though somehow before 1971 laborers were fairly treated, and if we could “just get back” to that point, everything would be fine.

oppression under capital has existed for centuries, not decades. the implication that Nixon or Reagan are the root of absolutely all of current economic suffering, while enjoyable and tasty to say, is patently untrue.

this graph and that one website are often presented as raw evidence, but the reader is left to draw their own conclusions as to wtf this all means for policy.

best case, the reader gets a “fuck Reagan and the capitalist conservative party” vibe.

worst case, you get totally led astray into thinking that bringing back the gold standard is going to fix every problem with wealth inequality and white supremacy in america or something.


notably, no one who says that is making anywhere near minimum wage


it’s because of all the minimum wage hikes which definitely did happen



i ain’t reading all that, i’m busy putting a timetable on another man’s freedom

—lemmy white moderates


…uh! assuming you aren’t joking, genuinely very glad you are here to learn this!

very important thing that happened not that long ago lol. :)


i am so lost lol. take care as well ✌️💗


liberals often are them


for sure :) nevertheless this user has mentioned living in Louisiana in the past (its edited now but said so more directly when i wrote this) and i see them discussing US politics quite frequently, so that is the context i am working with

if i didn’t have that context i’d be less confused bc for sure i’d assume it was a non american person. none of that excuses being so mean about it either way. ah well 😅


but it doesn’t do anything!!! all it does is inconvenience the average person!! concepts such as solidarity and collective messaging are meaningless to me (i choose to ignore them)! you should go and protest in front of lawmakers’ homes quietly where i can safely choose to ignore you instead!!!


spujb, (edited )

by all means continue to defend your right to an assholic behavior to those who have politely informed you how that behavior is hurtful

i will not stop you because it makes you look like a really good person

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