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Fuck yeah Uytae Lee for president


But also kudos to Ravi Kahlon for actually listening to good ideas, he’s a gem in this provincial government


getting down voted for expressing your perspective.

How do you know this is the case? Maybe there are other reasons to downvote?


People definitely downvote on things they don’t agree with.

This is different from downvoting because someone expressed their perspective.

villasv, (edited )

So pie charts are the newest trend for dietary guides? I won’t miss the bullshit of the food pyramid but kinda surprised that it’s gone

Edit: I wasn’t expecting pyramid fans out there lol really don’t understand the downvotes


That’s great news, thanks for sharing!


Amusingly the first reply in this post to self-identify is a non-vegan explaining why they’re not vegan.

This joke has always been silly but nowadays it’s ironically reversed

villasv, (edited )

Hell yes they should. Every city should. And expand labour laws to force companies to pay for some of it that would otherwise be coming out of worker paychecks. Make companies share the burden of sprawling development and car dependency. When companies decide to put their offices in Richmond and selectively hire people who commute from North Vancouver, it ruins transportation and the planet for everyone.


Of course, but you can’t fight everyone.

Clearly some can, and it’s a group large enough to make it to the headline

villasv, (edited )

This might actually lead to housing prices dropping significantly.

This has been scarcely fulfilled promise so far, looks like this prediction has been a bit overestimated. I would very much welcome it but wouldn’t bet on it.


It’s not good enough.

This is a bit subjective, but not unfair.

Trudeau and his government are moving us backwards in climate change action.

Hmm, well, small steps forward is still forward movement.


It’s understandable that this person has this much influence, even though it’s not an elected position. But I do agree that the PBO tone and positioning is very worrying. There’s clearly some agenda in there and the man felt he had something to gain in this biased report. 100% influence peddling, though this is usually hard to prove.


Decent article but senseless headline. Nobody ever positioned mandatory service as a method to make Canadians love their country…

Poilievre Wants to Axe the Tax. Could Foreign Tariffs Change His Tune? (

If an election were held tomorrow, all signs point to a resounding Conservative victory. The latest projections from 338Canada show the Conservatives with a commanding lead and a projected 220 seats in the Commons, well past the 170 required to form a majority government....


I appreciate the Tyee squeezing every possible angle against this but…

trading partners take the threat of climate change seriously and use carbon tariffs to punish other countries they see as free riders

The US and they would be happy to see the carbon tax go away, so they don’t have “communism” nearby, and we know that “trading partner” for Canada means mostly the US. The odds of Canada getting sanctioned for backtracking a 1 yr old tax is negligible.

This is addressed in the article (A greening American leviathan), but I won’t be holding my breath. Even it carbon tariffs has bipartisan appeal for now, let’s see what happens when the time comes.

Canadian Home Prices "Need" To Be High To Pay For Retirements: PM - Better Dwelling (

Canadian real estate prices have surged in almost every market, with a typical home price doubling in many regions. A median household in major cities like Toronto and Vancouver would need to save over 20 years for just the down payment, more than 3x the historic average. Seems absurd? The outlandish scenario was apparently a...


Because he knows conservatives are coming, and this is yet another futile attempt to cater to these devils before election

villasv, (edited )

I’d say that would be fine in theory, if “retain its value” meant that housing would follow very closely but tailing local inflation. That won’t happen though. As long as “housing needs to retain its value” ideology runs the country, housing will be viewed as an investment and scarcity will cause it to push inflation upwards. Even trying really hard to quell these prices it might beat inflation, and even if it were a success it would take decades of nominal-growth with negative-real-returns to bring those prices to parity with incomes.

So no, even if “technically maybe?” the answer is still no.


I think the plausible circumstance is them selling and moving out of Canada

Or moving to SK


keeping returns below inflation will divert investors from the real estate market over time.

There are multiple types of Real Estate investors. We want to attract investors who build, who finance land development, infill, retrofits and so on. These will keep coming because the goal is to sell the labor of construction, and that can still be profitable. We don’t want to attract land speculators or rent-seekers, these provide little value to the market.

They will HODL however if not presented with exit strategy. If they are allowed time to divest and exit - they will IMO

Investors (i.e. institutional/professionals, not amateurs) don’t hold on to investments because they lack an exit strategy. It’s the exact opposite. Investors get rid of assets as soon as there’s enough information to say a loss is likely.

I know that the biggest chunk of real estate “investors” are amateur shops, people hoarding homes as their retirement plan, and these might hold on despite bad performance yeah. This happens all over the world because in most markets Real Estate is a bad investment, yet people are addicted to it.

But in any case, I was discussing the outcomes under the hypothesis that home prices are following inflation, so the hypothesis includes the assumption that there’s enough market transactions to put those prices under control.


The thesis is so obvious, probably true for any country at any point in history.


The original thesis is moot anyway. Anything politicians decide is political by nature…? How would it not be?

villasv, (edited )

The title is a good starting point lol


I forced myself to watch this garbage because I think it’s important to know the talking points of the opposition. I’ve gathered the worst moments - spoiler, it’s the whole video.

That dream has faded

The Canadian dream has become a nightmare

This dream has become a fantasy

It is nearly impossible to buy a home in Canada

Who wants to spend 2 million dollars on a home like this? When you can get a mansion in Austin for the same amount?

Each application for an apartment is met with hundreds of competing applications

Rents continue to rise uncontrollably and will do so for years to come

All of this is compounded by the inability of the government to help

Many would argue [dumb shit]

Citizens who owns homes are often against development as it would lower the value of the properties

A part of the reason taxes and red tape continues to increase is the government is growing faster than the population.

The final nail for housing affordability? Foreign investment.

Money laundering is just as easy as ever

Canadians spend more on gas than any other G7 country [ and the whole section on carbon tax is so disingenuous ]

In most contries, such a deal would most likely be stopped or delayed

To startup a bank is nearly impossible in Canada

The US has low levels of market concentration [lmao]

7% of Canadians go out of the border

The US is much more dynamic

The way the video ends on a hopeful note for Poilievre winning, this is obviously propaganda.


I think it does match the content because the whole video is disingenuous and sensationalist.


why people do videos like this and think that Poilievre is going to be able to “fix” all this.

Poilievre doesn’t have to come with solutions. If you look at the wave of right-wing election winners across the globe since the 10’s, the one thing in common is that they tune the voters into “things can’t keep going on this direction!” mode, and by presenting themselves as the ones bringing change, they funnel all the misguided fears and hopes.

In fact, I was surprised this video even got to explicitly advocate for the “smaller government” bullshit, because that’s veering into solutionizing a bit. But then again, it’s the oldest conservative talking point after trampling minorities so the audience will eat it like hot cake.

if it’s propaganda it’s just about sowing doubt.

100%, the whole video screams anti-Trudeau propaganda

villasv, (edited )

Lmao yes, and the rest of the video is “big corporations and foreign investors are screwing us over”, then hints at electing the party most likely to cater to the wishes of those with big pockets.

villasv, (edited )

unstated: because government has abandoned social responsibility

Oh that is very much stated

so I hope the guy who explicitly shits on the government having any social responsibility wins

100% that’s the tone of the video, cognitive dissonance to the max. It’s amazing how immediately following the talking point about red tape and government intervention causing high prices on everything, they pivot to the case that the government should have stopped Rogers and Shaw merger.


Pass legislation requiring publishers that sell or license video games or that sell related features and assets for said games to do the following once they end support for said games: leave their games in a functional state, and remove any mandatory connections to the publisher or affiliated parties necessary for said games to function;

How enforceable is this legislation in face of games that simply cannot function without multiplayer? The developers of a game similar to Among Us would be forced to update the game with bots to be compliant?

I signed the petition but can’t say I’m hopeful the Parliament will write good legislation on this…


they need to open the code enough for fans to keep the game functional

That makes sense. Another commenter pointed out that even for defunct MMORPGs people were able to spin up their own servers to keep the game alive. If companies are forced to provide something to help that, it’s already a win.

I’m not hopeful Canada would be able to pass legislation forcing companies to open source things, though. Maybe if this was the EU lol our track record of fighting tech companies hasn’t been pretty.


fans wouldn’t have to implement their own (which they did for those two games)

Wow, TIL. People are amazing.

Convoy leader Pat King heads to trial (

One of the most polarizing figures to gain notoriety during what became known as the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa more than two years ago will stand trial Monday, signalling the tail end of criminal proceedings that have dogged hundreds of individuals who participated in the historic protest....


that’d probably set a precedence for the justice system to be used to deter politically motivated protests

You need not waste your empathy with this guy because there’s ample precedence already, including earlier rulings for other members of the Convoy. His sentencing even on maximum penalty would change nothing on the already precarious position of righteous civil disobedience for reasonable causes.


developers are getting desperate

no one is buying condos anymore

This is some YouTuber clickbaity bullshit way to phrase it, can’t take these posts seriously

Amazon Prime's NHL deal breaches cable TV's last line of defence: live sports (

For years, cable TV has bled viewers and subscribers to streaming giants like Netflix, Apple and Amazon. Now, those same companies are vying to stream live sports, one of the last lines of defence when it comes to audiences paying big bucks for traditional cable packages....


How is this breaching the last line of defence if the first thing to note is that AppleTV and Netflix had already done so


The leagues won’t survive if paywalls go up. Watching your team “for free” via OTA broadcast TV is how they got so big in the first place.

These franchises have local monopolies. There’s no substitute, no competition, so there’s little risk of “not surviving”. Countries that are serious about soccer (EU/LatAm) will have several teams per city and each team will take part in a dozen independent leagues, but if you move to Canada each city has this one Hockey/Soccer team that matters, and the one league that matter is the NHL/MLS.


Yeah, we are definitely starting from different assumptions. I don’t see people pivoting their life-long passions often enough I guess.

villasv, (edited )

CBC’s headline (“Canadian economy grew 0.2% in February”) is factual - though I’d prefer if they just said GDP instead of “economy”

“Canada’s economy is losing momentum” is an unqualified statement so it can’t be factual - it doesn’t mention the measurement, aggregation bucket or the comparison baseline. It’s falsifiable but still quite subjective, because if you measure at a quarter-level analysts called it “decent”. Their opening paragraph is more objective than the headline:

The Canadian economy lost momentum in February as it grew at a slower pace than both analyst expectations and Statistics Canada’s previous prediction

And if you yank out the unnecessary subjective addition:

The Canadian economy grew in February at a slower pace than both analyst expectations and Statistics Canada’s previous prediction

You can see how that would have made a more factual but less dramatic headline

Canada’s economy grew in February less than predictions


It’s a fucked up system because students depend on having jobs in the first place…

Pierre Poilievre Wants a Carbon Tax Election | The Walrus (

REMEMBER BREXIT? That time a Conservative Party directed widespread voter frustration at a single easy scapegoat, smothered the public with misinformation, and were rewarded with their biggest electoral victory in decades? Something similar is happening today in Canada....


I honestly would have let the Liberals get away with not implementing the Carbon Tax if bringing it in would become the turning point for Conservatives to win the next election. But it’s hard to really say this with any certainty, these morons would have found something else to latch on. Capital Gains, Immigration, CCP, fucking dental care even.


at all costs

is the only way forward

who’s saying this tho


What a braindead headline to just say that the GDP per capita did not meet a projection based on the 10y average

The report highlights that Canada’s real GDP grew 1.1 per cent in 2023, the slowest pace – excluding the COVID-19-related shock in 2020 – since 2016.

Which is not great but not devastating news anyway? Kind of expected for an economy that barely went by without a major recession and is still struggling with high inflation.


What incentive do people like me have to save, when inflation and cost of living are on the trajectory that they’re currently on? […] And in 5 years, that saved money will be worth less than it is today.

Saving shouldn’t mean hoarding money, it should mean investing. You should be able to find some cheap index funds out there that will help you beat inflation.

villasv, (edited )

If we’re prioritizing these skills, it doesn’t seem to be reflected in the labour market.

How do you know, though? To say so shouldn’t we compare that statistic before/after the addition of immigration programs for trades? Also, the more useful statistic should be the absolute numbers of workers, no? Otherwise you’ll might obfuscate the fact that immigration program is working with other concurrent effects (like getting more Canadian trades-people workers as well via immigration from other provinces or investing in more trades-oriented education and career befits etc)


So all that you have is the an absence of evidence whether the trades-focused immigration program is having an effect or not… “Revitalizing” was not the initial thesis.

villasv, (edited )

I guess. But when assessing the PM tenure, I’m more concerned whether the political landscape was good enough to pass good legislation or not, regardless of who proposes/pushes the most for it. Otherwise I’d end up just assigning almost everything good the Liberals did right as an NDP win (which may be fair but it’s not useful when discussing PMs).

But I see the Liberals as important articulators the NDP can only negotiate with when the Liberals leadership has the social capital to side with progressives. I think they did a good job managing the average Canadian voter-base for a decade, before the pendulum swing inevitably going back to retrogrades.


pension boost from 1/4 to 1/3

Oh hell yeah, the CCP changes have been good. Great list!


[long awaited change that affects the richest 0.1%] ‘last thing the Canadian economy needs,’ say [representatives for the 0.1%]



Decent social welfare sustained by a fair tax system is exactly the reason a few “brains” I know (high skilled tech immigrants) ended up picking Canada over the US. (also, guns)

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