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Seems like the usual person / bot who used to post these garbage articles got blocked by too many people and saw their votes decrease, so they made a new account.

vintageballs, (edited )

We haven’t opened up any coal plants in the last 10 years. Only have been closing them down consistently. Go somewhere else with your populist misinformation please.

Edit: also, I’ve been to Chile. 20 million inhabitants (1/4 of Germany) Is hardly “tiny”. And on all those endless bus rides through the Andes and vast windy places, I’ve maybe seen 10 wind turbines total. Similar for solar. Electric vehicles and corresponding infrastructure basically don’t exist. So kindly don’t shit on a country that actually conducts meaningful changes while elevating your own, which evidently does much less.


The more important meaning in this context, imo, is the first one. Unlike solar, wind, hydroelectric power etc., nuclear energy is fossil in the sense that it uses a finite resource which cannot be replenished.

vintageballs, (edited )

The reason for not reopening nuclear power plants is not “irrational fear”, although that might be the reason for closing them in the first place, depending on your point of view. Reopening them is plain impossible in a realistic timeframe. Since the closure was something that had been decided many years ago, all of the plants that have been closed already are past their service limit and would have to be renovated / serviced before reactivating them, which is a lengthy process (5+ years). Additionally, some plants that were still open actually were used past their safety limits solely because Russia started a war and reduced our access to natural gas, which was meant to be a kind of intermediary (I know, far from ideal), but there is no feasible way of extending their use any further.

In any case, we are not building more fossil capacity. The only kind of power generation that is being built up is renewable. Nuclear is no renewable source, the fuel is finite. Also, I wonder: what is Chile planning to do with their spent fuel rods? They are proving to be quite the problem for us, Google “Endlager Asse” for some sobering information.

The expansion of coal mines is heavily contested here, we had lengthy and sometimes violent protests at the sites which were unfortunately quelled by police. Again, though - no coal plants were opened or even reopened. All of our coal plants have their end of life decided already and will be closed within the next few years.

I don’t know your linked sources (never heard of the site) and am not in the mood for checking their correctness or comparability, so I’m not going to argue about them.

But, pretending that my country matters that much more regarding our emissions is a little dishonest. As a country, we make up less than 2% of Global emissions, with that figure shrinking rapidly (as your sources confirm, we are reducing per-capita and also total emissions year by year). I agree that saving the world from climate change depends on collective action, but kindly shit on countries that don’t take said action and have a much larger impact on the planet (especially per capita), like, say, China, which has been building quite the amount of coal plants in the last few years or the US, which has insane per capita emissions and heavy opposition to any green technology.


Well this discovery is about super capacitors and not batteries.


Immich all the way. It is very similar to Google photos in terms of UI and features and is being actively developed. You can create shared albums with unlimited contributors and also share an album by its link.

I have used Nextcloud before, but the feature set (even of the memories addon, which is supposed to be better than the default photos app) is severely lacking and Nextcloud is incredibly slow compared to immich.


Yes, I’ve been using them extensively. AFAIK you can’t change a private album to shared, but have to create it as a shared album from the beginning.

‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank (

What followed was a wave of shooting and arson attacks across 11 Palestinian villages in which a dozen homes and more than 100 cars were torched, thousands of animals were slaughtered, four people were shot dead and scores of others were seriously wounded.


Don’t excuse terrorists with fancy words like “freedom fighters”


“a backstage incident involving a female crew member”

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which organizes the annual event, taking place this year in Malmo, Sweden, said police were investigating the incident involving the singer Joost Klein and that it would not be appropriate for him to participate.


It was two weeks though.

Edit: nevermind, OP says two weeks, article says march. My bad.


Which version of raspberry pi?

Assuming it’s a 4, you could probably use LibreELEC. There is a plugin for moonlight game streaming.

Kodi, a very popular and highly extensible Media Center which acts as the GUI of LibreELEC, can play just about any media. Airplay seems to be supported as well.

There is a plugin for Netflix, however note that you will be limited to 720p since you can’t use widevine levels above l3.


This account keeps spamming low quality articles by “newsline paper”, seems like an ad campaign to me.


Seems AI generated.

I’m not the first person to note this:


Slightly off-topic, but what happened to the left astronaut in the picture? Looks like he hasn’t slept in a month

vintageballs, (edited )

Conveniently left out of the not at all biased article: the congress was canceled because it explicitly broke the conditions under which it was allowed to be held. They aired the live stream of a hate speaker who is banned from political appearances in Germany, because he has broken hate speech laws in the past.

The organizers were explicitly warned against airing this speaker and ignored it - can’t act surprised when the congress is cancelled.


I assume you are referring to Ghassan Abu-Sittah, although I can’t find anything tying him to the University of Glasgow.

The person whose video message triggered the ban of the event, however, was Salman Abu Sitta. Different person.


What browser and ad blocker are you using that you’re getting ads and autoplay isn’t blocked?


While it does not answer your question directly (sorry), my suggestion would be to just use Firefox for everything. Setting up PWAs in Firefox requires a small amount of preparation work, but once the extension and runtime are installed it’s all pretty smooth.


I am not advocating for the “alternatives” (i.e. Instagram and the likes), however I think banning a Chinese PSYOP indoctrinating a whole generation with far-right ideas can only be positive for society. Hopefully the EU does something similar.

Is osmand normally terrible?

I just tried osmand. It took forever to locate me and then the map would freeze for minutes, then the blue arrow would finally jump to my location. It seems useless for real time navigation, is that normal? Google maps works fine on the phone (Android) so it’s not the hardware. Is there maybe some setting I haven’t found?...


Not a solution, just a suggestion: in my experience, Organic Maps is the far superior Open Street Maps navigation application on Android.


Environmentally friendly.

Apart from the waste products that have to be stored away for millions of years.


What a garbage source.

Better one, since for once, RAiR isn’t just wildly making shit up:…/zurich-steps-up-security-jewish-sit…


What measures would you propose the rest of the world to take?


Can’t speak for other countries, but Germany explicitly warns about the danger of sexual violence: Ausländer, insbesondere allein oder in kleinen Gruppen reisende Frauen, sind vereinzelt von gewaltsamen, auch sexuellen Übergriffen betroffen, auch in Touristenzentren. Dazu werden teilweise Drogen oder K.-o.-Tropfen über Getränke verabreicht.

“Foreigners, especially women traveling alone or in small groups, are occasionally affected by violent, including sexual, attacks, including in tourist centers. Drugs or knockout drops are sometimes administered through drinks.”


It’s not like Hamas isn’t doing so as well. That “actually” in your comment is wildly out of place.


What a stupid and historically blind take. Don’t make excuses for Nazism and especially don’t reduce the path to it to hunger.

Mexicans turn out in droves to 'protect democracy' ahead of elections | Reuters (

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -Huge crowds filled Mexico City’s main square on Sunday in support of the nation’s electoral authority, accusing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of trying to weaken the body ahead of a presidential election in June....


The comment you replied to is still there:


Might be a federation issue, it still shows on my instance. Nevermind then.


An all-encompassing assistant will probably be a ways off. But LLM-based tools that can process visual inputs are already available to the general customer, e.g. LLava.


Mistral can be easily run on a 4090. I think you mean Mixtral.


Yeah sure, exclusive deals excluding even those who pre-ordered games on other platforms are “not bad”.

Taking games (looking at you, Fall Guys) which were available on other platforms for years off those platforms to make them exclusive after the fact is “not bad”.

Adding restrictive anti cheat measures to games which worked perfectly on Linux before is “not bad”.

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