sandman, to world in South Korea’s population dips below 50M

It’s only the really poor and the really wealthy that have kids these days.

The ruling class is doing a great job snuffing out the middle class.

The future will be the have’s and the have nots, again.

Wanderer, to world in South Korea’s population dips below 50M

Wish my country could manage its population like this.

All we get it more people and more expensive housing.


there are many factors than just the amount of people. A lot of housing is just empty…

MakePorkGreatAgain, to world in South Korea’s population dips below 50M

what’s North Korea’s population numbers these days?

Justas, avatar

About 26 million.

Ultragigagigantic, to world in South Korea’s population dips below 50M avatar

The 1% can make their own wage slaves

Pretzilla, to world in South Korea’s population dips below 50M

Let’s hope they can find a way to smoothly transition to a non-growth economy. The planet needs to downsize and someone needs to show the way.


The biggest problem, imo, is the fucking Chebols. I love my Samsung phone but that company is 22.4% of the South Korean economy, that’s fucking bonkers. The Chebols can dictate economic and social policies and ROK really just needs to break those fuckers up. It’ll be painful, it’ll cause a recession… but much like the famous Prussia quote “Korea is a corporation with a nation.”


On the other hand, because they’re so big they could push changes through the government that would normally take a long time in normal political process. Of course, first they must realize there is a problem and admit to themselves fundamental changes are needed that go against traditions.


This is the classic pro/con argument about authoritarianism. Dictators suck but they’re extremely effective. Democracies move slower but embrace the desires of their citizens [1].

Are the Chebols desires aligned with the needs of the citizens? Well, they effectively run the country now and it’s fucking dystopic so I feel confident saying we should get them out.

  1. Ideally, America is a great example of that going awry because (and I hope you don’t think this is too No True Scotsman-y) it isn’t effectively a democracy.

I know it’s pretty close to asking the scorpion to save the frog but they’re halfway down the river by now and we’ll see very soon what their nature is.

In any case, it’ll be a nice model for USA and EU of what their future will look like.


Dictators are generally terribly ineffective. Read the Dictator’s Handbook.


Those changes they push through are not likely to be good for workers and the general public. They push them through because they help their own profit. Them being able to do that fast is actually a negative.


I’ve worked extensively in SK marketing and analytics before, and for whatever reason Koreans by and large have accepted chaebols. most do not want them gone.

we used to have a saying at work that SK took all the worst parts of American capitalism and ran with it. the society is heavily encouraged to look up to chaebols as examples of success. Korea’s marketing heavily emphasizes materialism in an on the nose way. societal elitism in Korea is part of their culture and they make it known they’re better than you if they’re in a higher social position than you.

you can see the chaebol dream if you’ve ever consumed any Korean media before. the trope of meeting a random person who ends up being a down to earth chaebol is one of the most typical, overplayed story lines in kdramas ever. and even before that, the trope of running into a random person who ends up being some down to earth prince trying to escape royalty was super common. more people fantasize about that kind of stuff there than despise it.

all this to say the chaebols almost aren’t the problem. they’re practically a symptoms of a society who glamorizes them. it feels like how the US felt about the rich in the early 2000s.

PoliticallyIncorrect, to world in South Korea’s population dips below 50M

Feminism it’s hitting hard there, women doesn’t want to have babies anymore.


More like capitalism is hitting hard


Definitely, feminism it’s a consequence of capitalism. Usually they like to be seen as progressive left wingers but nah at the end hypergamy keep rocking.






Your post was like word soup. What do you mean?


What I mean about what exactly mate?


What does your post mean?

NOT_RICK, avatar

They said below that they think women only want to date billionaires. Lol.


I’m not saying they only want to date billionaires, I am saying generally(maybe like 95% of them) there is still a 5% which didn’t.


Shit, I must be rich then.


Based on Korean movies. Yes, I’d say more likely that is the cause.


I think it’s more that anti-feminism is hitting hard, so the women don’t want to have kids with the terrible men


Women want to have kids with billionaires the problem it’s there isn’t enough billioners to all women.


Oh, are you an incel? Lol


IDK what exactly it’s an incel mate. What do you mean?

FlyingSquid, avatar

I would suggest you make no more comments about women in this thread if you wish to remain in this community.


If you don’t want to hear comments which makes you feel uncomfortable you are free to ban me I don’t have any problem about it. Idk if you are mod or something but I don’t give a flying fuck anyway.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I am a mod, hence the M, and if you violate the community’s rules again, I will indeed ban you. If you don’t care, that’s up to you. If you wish for the rest of your comments to not be deleted, you’ll follow the rules as listed in the sidebar.


Idk which sidebar are you talking about, but anyway do whatever you want to do mate, sorry to made you feel uncomfortable.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’m not sure why you don’t know how to see a community’s sidebar, but here is the rule in question:

Since I assume you will not bother to check the terms of service, I will show those to you as well.

What you said falls under ‘discrimination.’

So unless you don’t care whether or not you’re on Lemmy at all, I would not talk about women that way again.


I recognize few usernames here. One is that guy’s, and it was the second time I ever considered blocking someone for being aggravating either here or on Reddit, lmao

I also recognize yours, and you’ve usually got great comments/posts. Seems like you’re working hard to make Lemmy lively. Thanks!

FlyingSquid, avatar

Thanks, I appreciate it! And yeah, I have a hard time recognizing usernames too.

NOT_RICK, avatar

I’ll have to let my wife know; she’s consistently made more than me through our relationship. I had her beat for 18 months at one point, I guess she sees my future earning potential 😂

Not everyone looks at relationships as wholly transactional. You get what you look for.


Take care of her, you got one of the 1%

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’ve been a house husband twice in our marriage. First when my daughter was born about 14 years ago until she was 3, and again now that she’s in online school and they require a parent to stay home and supervise. And before and after both instances, my wife made more than me.

She’s also much more highly educated than me. She has two masters degrees, I’m a college dropout. I’m pretty sure the only ‘transactional’ thing in our relationship involves things like ‘if you do the dishes, I’ll take out the trash.’


I had her beat for 18 months

Fucking hell, mate.


Tell us you've never been in a relationship with a woman without actually telling us you've never been in a relationship with a woman...


I’m married mate.


I suppose you're also a billionaire too?


Your poor wife…

Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

They are against things like mandatory military service for men only, women-only universities, women's quotas, and other things that create a noticeable disadvantage in their daily lives, in one of the most ultra-capitalist societies in the world.

You know, against things that are effective gender discrimination and that feminism advocates. But yeah, their reaction and rise can only be explained by them being terrible men, no doubt.


There are extremists to every issue. Some want women to have to do military service, and some think that a woman’s place is at home raising the children for her husband.

Some of them are going to be terrible, and those are going to be the ones that women don’t want to partner with, let alone raise children with.

Of course, my comment was in the context of the one that has since been deleted where it blamed feminism for making women not want to have kids, lol

I think the biggest factor is actually the work culture, not gender issues.



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  • _xDEADBEEF, to world in Seoul enhances infertility aid in response to 0.55 total fertility rate

    seems like they’re willing to try anything but fix their dogshit work culture

    gravitas_deficiency, to world in Seoul enhances infertility aid in response to 0.55 total fertility rate

    It baffles me that the SK government is evidently incapable of understanding that the issue is wage slavery. Everyone needs to work themselves to the bone, and every single time there’s an efficiency improvement, wages don’t go up and hours worked don’t decline, but “the economy” gets “stronger”. Which most workers don’t actually see any benefit from. So don’t be surprised that your citizens simply don’t have the energy or free time to even consider starting a family.

    You can, of course, replace “SK” with many other countries, and the paragraph still works 100%.


    Capitalism works more efficiently than politics. Politics needs a big overhaul to deal with this.


    A better strategy would be to pull back from late-stage capitalism and find some sort of equitable happy medium between that and socialism that doesn’t also destroy our ecosystem, while maintaining a (small-d) democratic form of government.


    As much as this website loves socialism I don’t ever see that being the right idea.

    Sure education, healthcare and infrastructure should be owned in by the government which exist in most capitalist countries.

    But long term its going to legally minimise working hours and UBI

    wintermute_oregon, to world in Seoul enhances infertility aid in response to 0.55 total fertility rate

    I think world wide we need a population decline to reduce global warming but you also need a population to keep a culture alive

    ViXY_DBC, (edited )

    No question the world is struggling with 9 billion people, and developed world is using excessive amount of resources.

    The rigid definition of “countries” may stand in the way of a more collaborative world though.


    Part of the problem is developing nations are playing catchup and create a lot of pollution. I wouldn’t mind spending some tax money to help them skip straight to green energy.


    Pretty sure that the current construct of nations is not well equipped to face any of global challenges.

    ripcord, avatar

    Careful. The last time I suggested that we needed fewer people in the world, I was accused of being a Eugenicist.


    Two different concepts but we can’t support a growing world population. It consumes to many resources and that causes global warming.


    Tankies consider any form of population control to be a form of eco fascism. Evangelicals feel pretty much the same.

    ripcord, avatar

    I don’t think it was tankies replying, but I could be wrong.


    Everyone can agree we need fewer people, but the discussion on how to achieve that invariably has issues


    I mean, because it’s not true.

    We have more than enough resources to feed everyone on earth. We have the land, we have the money to pay the farmers, we have the infrastructure to transport it anywhere in the world easily and quickly. The issue we’re having isn’t too many people, but a small group of people utilizing multiples of the energy they need, and dozens of multiples of the energy of the masses of the world.

    ripcord, avatar



    Wow so cool, responding to someone taking the time to point out why your eugenicist rhetoric is definitively and provably incorrect, and you just respond with memes. You’re so nonchalant.

    ripcord, avatar



    Leaders don’t really care about the culture. The current economic and financial system need growth and most growth comes from increasing population. That’s their real concern.

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