InternetUser2012, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case

someone found out

steal_your_face, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case avatar

I thought I read the speaker is the house was going to try something to get him off.


And if he can’t, Boebert will, in a movie theater

some_guy, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case

At least there’s one bit of good news from scotus today.

gAlienLifeform, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case avatar

“We think this particular minion has reached the end of his usefulness, so here’s one satisfying but ultimately very small victory to distract you from the gutting of anti-bribery laws, industry regulations, protections for unhoused people against arbitrary arrests, etc.”

AbidanYre, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case
cabron_offsets, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case

lol. Get fukt.

homesweethomeMrL, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case

Can i get a Riker trombone image please

Old_Jimmy_Twodicks, avatar
negativenull, avatar



Much obliged!

downpunxx, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha get rekt fuckstick happy friday

Varyk, to politics in Supreme Court rejects bid by former Trump aide Steve Bannon to avoid jail in contempt case

So funny.

Have fun in jail, asshole

ikidd, avatar

I doubt his asshole will be having fun at all.


One can only hope his is a cautionary tale for privileged others who think they’re above the law.

CptOblivius, to politics in Supreme Court delivers blow to power of federal agencies, overturning 40-year-old precedent

F Trump and his stupid ass appointees.


you can say fuck

Thteven, avatar

We’ll see what the supreme court has to say about that.


Unfortunately, it looks like there’s great risk of another four years of orange joy.

rbesfe, to politics in Supreme Court delivers blow to power of federal agencies, overturning 40-year-old precedent

Maybe American legislators should pass some fucking laws instead of relying on the decisions of 9 unelected judges. They had decades to codify chevron into law, but they didn’t. Womp womp.


As long as Republicans hold any amount of power in any branch of government, absolutely nothing can get passed. They need to be purged from government first.


Legislating? Not when Republicans have a hold on the house, or the Senate.

Bluefalcon, to politics in Supreme Court delivers blow to power of federal agencies, overturning 40-year-old precedent

The death of humanity will not be a bomb but a flick of the pen.


Or the bang of a gavel


It’ll most likely be both

chuckleslord, to politics in Supreme Court delivers blow to power of federal agencies, overturning 40-year-old precedent


TransplantedSconie, to politics in Supreme Court delivers blow to power of federal agencies, overturning 40-year-old precedent

Now those salmon fishermen (who didn’t even have to pay the $700 fee to monitor their amount they catch that this lawsuit was about) can decimate their fishing spot and subject all of us to unsafe workplaces, dumping of chemicals into water supplies and pollution of the air we breathe.


This is so far beyond salmon fishing. This is going to weaken every executive agency we have severely. Congress is broken and they’re never going to give piecemeal explicit authority to these agencies for comprehensive work. The EPA, the FTC, the FCC, the SEC, the ATF. They’re all damaged and weakened by today’s ruling and thus so is our environment, our economy, our utilities, and our regulations. This was the conservative wet dream ruling above almost any other this session. This was the Dobbs-style meat thrown to the educated, more lawful evil Republicans.

Please vote, so we can nominate justices to the Supreme Court. Please help us add another Sotomayor or Jackson instead of an Alito, Thomas, or at this rate, Cannon. Not feeling hopeful right now, but I have to ask.


Every election for the rest of our lives is the most important election of our lives. Don’t ever forget what has been done. Vote like your life and the world depend on it because frankly, they do. If you want another generation to grow up even close to the same quality of life we’ve had, it is critical to recognize that one party has been actively rolling back protective legislation over and over again against the better interest of the people of thos country and the world. Its absolutely disgusting.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

Every election for the rest of our lives is the most important election of our lives.

I agree but it’s getting fucking exhausting.

negativenull, avatar
UltraGiGaGigantic, (edited )

Given the urgency of our predicament, wouldn’t you say it would be wise to use every tool at our disposal to maintain our democracy?

What if we tried using a voting system that wasn’t first past the post voting? That way, more then 2 political parties would be viable and there would be no spoiler effect.

Imagine several other people on that debate stage. Then it wouldn’t be such a knife in the gut to see a poor performance coming from Joe biden. There would be other people to back. Other people to compete for the office. Other people to not let trump get away with his bullshit.

How we vote is controlled at the state level, we dont need to wait for federal reform! In fact some states have already passed electoral reform.

Here is an example of what Ranked Choice voting can do for us all:…


Everyone here wants ranked choice. It’s just not simple to pass. I do highly recommend that those who are able should push for a ballot initiative in their state and/or campaign for the issue. Do you have any links or resources for those who might be looking to get engaged further in those state-level efforts?


Made up example.

The FAA was only legally allowed to regulate propeller based airplanes under 50 feet! The law never specified newer larger planes, or new technology like jet engines or helicopters! They didn’t even exist when the law was made! None of their saftey rules apply to these vehicles!


It’s going to be a real spectacle watching what happens to these agencies. This is going to open the floodgates for SCOTUS cases. They’re gonna be mighty busy dismantling it all next year.


Boeing got a boner


You just know they’re going to have lawyers combing over every single word in the relevant laws so they can squeak past the common meaning into an area of ambiguity and say fuck you to the FAA.

tiefling, to politics in Trump gag order partially lifted in hush money case ahead of first presidential debate

Hopefully this is just the judge giving him more rope to hang himself with

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