Rapidcreek, to politics in Trump gag order partially lifted in hush money case ahead of first presidential debate

And the juror doxxing will commence in 3… 2… 1…


I hate that overused 3, 2, 1 meme.

solidgrue, avatar

12 doxxing secrets jurors HATE

Zoomboingding, avatar

Jurors HATE this one weird trick!

Varyk, (edited ) to politics in Trump gag order partially lifted in hush money case ahead of first presidential debate

So Trump can attack witnesses that testified against him, but he can’t attack jurors because the judge left that in place?

Why lift any part of the ban?

He kept most of it in place, why lift any part of it?


Article says he lifted the part on the jurors, which seems dangerous?


The article seems to contradict itself.

You are right, it says that the part on the jurors was lifted, but then a few paragraphs later it says:

“While he lifted that piece of the gag order, the judge ruled that a prohibition on disclosing juror information will remain in effect until further notice.”

So if that’s correct then it’s only the witness that the ban has been lifted on.

But why is the article saying two different things about the jurors?

And why the heck would any part of the gag order be lifted at all?



Thanks for pointing that out. You exposed me as a half reader of crappily written articles!


I had to read it like six times before I concluded that there was something wrong with the article and not my reading comprehension.

Maybe a third party will come along and help both of us out.

TransplantedSconie, to politics in Trump gag order partially lifted in hush money case ahead of first presidential debate

Blows my mind how much they bend over for this scumbag.


But I recall reading that the DAs office was in favor of a partial lifting of the order. There is no reason to keep the order in place for witnesses, for example.

Trump’s lawyers wanted a full cancellation of the order and as far as I can tell the DA’s side got everything it asked for and Trump’s side only got the things the DA agreed to.


There is no reason to keep the order in place for witnesses, for example.

I’d argue there is plenty of reason to keep it in place for witnesses until all appeals have played out…


As I understand it, though, the point of the gag order was to prevent the witnesses from being intimidated before their testimony. The trial is over, and there will be no more testimony. So a gag order on them is no longer necessary to protect the integrity of the trial process.


The trial is over, and there will be no more testimony

I see - I assumed wrongly they would need to testify again in a retrial if an appeal was won.

Wasn’t there also talk of declaring a mistrial at some point? Would they testify again in that case?


Not only that - he's got many other criminal counts still pending. The potential witnesses to those crimes are paying close attention to how much protection these witnesses get in the wake of their testimony.

Lift this gag order, Trump goes on a rampage, witnesses get an increased level of threats or, god forbid, actual violence - that is a chilling effect on witnesses in all of Trump's other cases, and to a lesser extent, for witnesses in any future cases involving any defendant.


It’s not this judge’s job to police those cases, though. The other judges can apply whatever orders they need in order to protect the integrity of the trials they oversee. But this trial is over.


Like Judge Cannon, right?


Judge Cannon has the ability to protect her case through orders like this. But it seems all she wants to do is protect her little Donnie-kins from that meanie Jack Smith…

Zorsith, avatar

Not to mention retaliation; I would fear for my life if I was a witness and my name was made public for this case, ever.


Not only that, it sends a message to witnesses in ongoing cases that they will never be safe.


a gag order on them is no longer necessary to protect the integrity of the trial process.

But still necessary to minimize the risk of his crazed cult following violently targeting the witnesses he continues to demonize.

Upholding that protection is ESPECIALLY important when it comes to a widely viewed event such as a presidential debate.


The fear (a rational fear, I think) is that if they didn’t, they’d potentially have an armed rebellion to deal with. Yea, it’s shitty for this asshat to get gift after fucking gift but if there was any appearance of him being targeted he’d never fucking shut up about it.

I’m done with their bullshit and I feel, for democracy’s sake, we should just seize all the family assets to discourage future ass hattery and deal with the consequences now… but I also do appreciate my relatives not living in a war zone.


If the rule of law leads terrorists to attack institutions, then we need to stop those terrorists with force. We should not bend over backwards to avoid angering the terrorists.


I think you’re being too black and white. The purpose of all this society shit isn’t to have laws that are justly applied - it’s to (ideally, late stage capitalism is fucking is here) provide the best life we can to as many people as we can. Being murdered, robbed or a bundle of other things fucking sucks so we use the law to guarantee (again, suckinh at this right now) safety and stability.

If someone did a little asshattery I don’t want to start a civil war - as a parallel, if someone runs a red light and we could either let them go unpunished or start a high speed chase, I’m going to favor the former. There is a line somewhere, there is some amount of petty treason someone could commit and some quantity of armed fanatics backing them where I’d say “we should just not risk it.”

Basically, sometimes it’s optimal to be non-confrontational even if it feels shitty.


Nah, fuck that noise. I don’t want to start a civil war, either, but I’ll be more than happy to end one. You’re conceding ground to effective terrorism.

homesweethomeMrL, to politics in House ethics panel probing Reps. Ronny Jackson and Wesley Hunt over use of campaign money on private club dues

You mean Dreaded Rear Admiral Doctor Ronny Jackson, drug pimp to the orange and famous who notably went on at great length, presumably unprompted, to wax poetic about how healthy and mentally fit his demented 350lb incontinent odiferous charge was? Who drunkenly crashed a government car and drunkenly assaulted a female subordinate and was known far and wide as a complete fucking screaming asshole to work for?

That Ronny Jackson? You’re saying the House has evidence he used campaign money for his ridiculously expensive private club fees and possibly other unethical things? Noooooo! Say it ain’t so, Ronny JaQ!

Rapidcreek, to politics in House ethics panel probing Reps. Ronny Jackson and Wesley Hunt over use of campaign money on private club dues

And Ronny Johnson should be subjected to regular drug testing, too!


And Ronny Jackson


You missed the joke harder than trump missed remembering his name properly.

ma11en, (edited ) to lgbtq_plus in Gilead’s twice-yearly shot to prevent HIV succeeds in late-stage trial, found 100% effective

I misread the title and thought they attempted a new medicine every 6 months!

Spacehooks, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates

It’s soooo low! buy buy buy!

/s don’t buy people.

scaredoftrumpwinning, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates

TIL Trump’s media is still in business. I’m surprised it lasted this long. I guess there’s stupid people in every field.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

There is no shortage of stupid people. Explains why a tool like donnie even had that ridiculous game show given to him, and also how he managed to win the Electoral College and slither into office.

Treczoks, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates

There will always be stocks for gullible people. I remember when they IPO’d the national telecommunication company in my country. You were practically bombarded with ads from all sides to buy shares. My stance was that if they have to peddle the stock to the public that way, they probably did not find sufficient interest in professional circles for a reason.

The stock was then IPO’d at about €15 and shot up to over €100 in a few months. My coworker was quite thankful later that I frequently reminded him that the overall evaluation of the company only supported a value of about €10 per share. He sold at €100. It peaked at €102, and then fell down to €12 or €13. Over the last 30 years, it managed to slowly climb to €22 now, with no more significant peaks.

CharlesDarwin, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates avatar

Gosh, that’s so sad.

Atelopus-zeteki, avatar

So sad. Well, anyway. How's the evolution thing working out for ya? Seems pretty popular conceptually.

eran_morad, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates


satanmat, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates

The stock market is a voting machine not a weighing machine….

I’m amazed that any investor is buying for the long term. People buying are only propping up trump. There are no fundamentals it has only ever lost money.

So yeah some people speculate on it. Or to prop him up

Run Away!!!


Different take:

In other words, Buffett specialized in finding “undervalued” issues on the market. Such opportunities arise occasionally, he says, because in the short run the stock market acts like a “voting machine” (reflecting all kinds of irrational attitudes and expectations), while functioning in the long run more like a “weighing machine” (reflecting a firm’s true value).

Either way, DJT is a shorting opportunity.

randon31415, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates

Ya, the Ruble is falling against the dollar again, so of course this happens.

some_guy, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates

I keep checking about once per week. I saw this earlier today and felt pretty great about it. I feel bad for the rubes who lost their savings, but I can’t be responsible for their inability to spot a con.


I don’t feel bad for them. They’re supporting a rapist convicted felon and traitor.

Zerlyna, to politics in DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates avatar


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