Custoslibera, to 196 in George Takei's Based Voting Take [Rule}

This would all be resolved if America just changed first past the post voting.


Or if the debates weren’t managed by a private entity owned by the other two parties.

Canada has first past the post voting, and 3 active parties. My province has first pas the post and has 4 major parties (with a 5th one that is close but can’t get a representative in). I’ll agree that ranked voting at least would be a lot better.


And it’s a disaster in Canada. The only reason the Conservatives ever take power up there is because of the giant vote split between NDP and the Liberals. Look how the conservatives are heavy favorites to win their next election despite every poll showing them with less than the combined votes of the Liberals and NDP:…/Opinion_polling_for_the_45th_C…


I mean you assume that a significant number of NDP voters would vote for the libs if they weren’t there (or maybe vice-versa). I’m really not sure of that.


Yes I definitely assume that. Maybe not every single person since who knows what goes on in people’s heads, but generally we should expect the voters for the two left of center parties to prefer the other left of center one to the right wing one. Particularly since presumably if there was a single party representing those voters it would probably be somewhere in between them ideology-wise.


Sorry for the late reply, the lack of a red envelope makes me not notice replies.

People on election day have to decide if they go voting at all. This is a big deal, it’s what most of the campaign in the ridding is focusing on changing (you want to make sure all of your voters go vote, that is top priority in an election).

Having a party that is a bad fit for you is demotivating and likely­ to reduce turnout. That is what I mean by “likely to vote”. It’s not the right wing option that people will go for. It’s the comfort of staying home and not bothering to vote for a “lib” if you’re a progressive, or for a “commie” if you’re a lib. For some people, the NDP is already too far right…

So yeah, some of the support of the NDP would transfer over to the liberal party, but definitely not all. And that’s not to mention all of the crazy people who can go from NDP to tories at the drop of a hat (voters have shallower roots than the base, or have irrational hatred of specific politicians or parties) or who would just vote Bloq Québécois or something else.

carp4lemmy, to splatoon in [Fan Art] Almost Christmas

Wow! Just a week away! Can you believe it?

Haha, love it, very adorable! Nice art! ^^

Diabolo96, to lemmyshitpost in Intrusive thoughts

Yep, that’s a stolen car.

Still, to lemmyshitpost in Intrusive thoughts avatar

and this is why those plastic nonsense should be bollards


Not every single one, that would be too expensive, make it the next to last so their confidence is high.

uriel238, to 196 in union rule avatar

This may be me being neurodivergent and dumb, but I’m not seeing the associative link between the breach-load grape-shot cartridge (short range, anti-infantry) and the states rights civil war myth.

Am I missing something?


I think the implications is that we aim this at people who say that.

glizzyguzzler, avatar

It worked to win the war, it’s gotta work now!

mesamunefire, to linux in I've started building a TUI for Lemmy

Something like rtv would be great!

MonkderZweite, to linux in I've started building a TUI for Lemmy

One reason more to stop with the silly text-in-image posts. There’s a text-only post option, you know guys? Lemmy is not Instagram.

isotope, to linux in I've started building a TUI for Lemmy

Looks good! You might want to join forces with

Secret300, to linux in I've started building a TUI for Lemmy

Finally a Lemmy client for Linux mobile

dalekcaan, to 196 in Nice, so that's the limit [Rule]

So 69.8 should be fine, right?


For slightly over 50% of healthy adults.

InFerNo, to 196 in Mothman [Rule]

Moth man could have jumped at the flashlight so not sure if it was the best idea but glad it worked out

buycurious, to lemmyshitpost in She's got a bright future ahead of her... on OF

Lady: “[What’s the difference] Between me and a mosquito?”

Man: “I don’t know, what’s the difference between you and a mosquito?”

Lady: “When you smack me, I don’t stop sucking.”

For those that stay on silent/keep their volume low or off.

tacosanonymous, to 196 in Translated Rule

I am quite sure I have cancer meow.

bfg9k, to 196 in Translated Rule

Could the bible be recreated entirely in emoji? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔



Diabolo96, to lemmyshitpost in "this food is fire man"
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