HawlSera, to lemmyshitpost in what a catch

Pretty sure this is satire


It is, but apparently lemmy is filled with people who don’t think so.


My favorite touch is that he’s 5’11".


5’11 .75 "

FlyingSquid, avatar

On Lemmy Shitpost?!

Rev3rze, to lemmyshitpost in Flying type i guess

A brick is more aerodynamic than a Wrangler. Fun fact about bricks: they’re rock types but some dedicated trainers have been known to make their bricks use the Fly move without ever using the HM.


Something something Brick Break

EdibleFriend, avatar

The Irish Pokémon trainers have been known to use rock types against English trainers.

blazera, to lemmyshitpost in Government bonds anyone?

wait til you hear about bank accounts

yamapikariya, avatar

Those pay dividend

RagingRobot, (edited )

That’s stock.

Idk why I was down voted. You get dividends from stocks and interst from bank accounts.

Definition: Dividend refers to a reward, cash or otherwise, that a company gives to its shareholders. Dividends can be issued in various forms, such as cash payment

If you have a credit union instead of a bank they may call it a dividend because you are a member of the union.


Not all stock.


Not all but some.

Definition: Dividend refers to a reward, cash or otherwise, that a company gives to its shareholders. Dividends can be issued in various forms, such as cash payment

yamapikariya, avatar

No. My checking and savings bank accounts both pay dividends on a monthly basis.


That’s interest


That’s from a credit union not a bank

yamapikariya, avatar

I dunno. On my bank statement they are titled as “Credit Dividends”

Cowbee, avatar

Interest and dividends are not the same thing.


They make their money by investing mine. In return, they provide me a safe place for my cash and financial services. Fair deal. I’m OK with that.

Having said that, fuck banks for private individuals. Go credit union, all the way. And while we’re at it, call your bank and tell them you don’t want overdraft protection. They have to turn off the NSF fees, and that’s not my opinion and it’s not negotiable. It’s law in the US.

SubArcticTundra, avatar

Just found out about credit unions. Banks, but non-profit. How did I not think of this earlier!?


My local uni has a credit union and no one uses anything else lol

SubArcticTundra, avatar

Wait, as a bank? I’m suprised your uni has one as I expected them to be quite hard to run. Wouldn’t you need to employ a couple of good economists to invest the money, keep a part liquid, etc. for you?


I’ve seen a handful of "university of [place name] credit union"s I imagine it’s a case of “we already do some financial products, might as well cut out the middle man and make it a branch of the business”

I also worked at a regional bank with about 20 locations. Out of the 120 or so employees most were tellers and branch managers, then only about a dozen were behind the desk people doing literally everything else keeping the lights on, so in terms of headcount it doesn’t take that many people to run a small bank. Hardest part is raising the capital to get a bank charter (I think that’s like 10 million dollars for a single location last I looked)

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’ve lived in several places and at least two of them (including the one I have now) had a credit union as a university thing that only people affiliated with a university can use. I have one now because my wife used to work at the university, so we qualified for them then and you get to keep them even if you no longer are affiliated.

I wish you got to keep your right to pay for a membership to the university sports complex. Seriously, if you were an employee or student, you could pay $15 a month to use the track and pool and weight room and stuff. But if you weren’t attached to the university, there is no amount you could pay to use it. They also made employees pay for parking. My wife has worked for two universities. Both of them made her pay for a university parking sticker. But, again, if she or I wanted one now, we couldn’t get one. What the fuck.


And now you learn about housing co-ops: Renting, but non-profit!

SubArcticTundra, avatar

Yes! And Community Land Trusts. I don’t know what this political position is called but I totally support it. Perhaps ‘Fairtrade Capitalism?’


Bruh, this is literally Market Socialism.

SubArcticTundra, avatar

TIL I am a Market Socialist


That’s socialism, baby!


Bank accounts, you mean the one place most people specifically do get interest, the opposite of what this post is pointing out?


Mine doesnt. I cant find the data about how many accounts do.


Wow, you really shouldn’t have your money in any accounts that aren’t giving above-inflation interest

FlyingSquid, avatar

Savings accounts get interest. Paychecks usually don’t get deposited in them and people don’t have enough left over to save much anyway.


It’s like 0.5% but my credit union has interest on checking lol

Aurenkin, to lemmyshitpost in Let π = 5

Having Pi equal five definitely does not help the world go round.


Wouldn’t it make it seem like a bigger place?


Maybe on paper if you want to look at it from that angle.


Tangentially, I like the pun, but now you’re just being obtuse.

Ilovethebomb, to lemmyshitpost in If you ever feel stupid, just remember... people like this do exist

These pranks are a great way to teach critical thinking to impressionable youth, I don’t think we give 4chan enough credit for the valuable work they do.


I don’t even think this is the fast charging prank, I think she thought it was be a cool tiktok dance shot.


Oooh! That’s a fun idea.

  • Drill a hole in the floor of an old microwave.
  • Put a camera on a stick through the hole. So you can spin it manually. -Make a tiktok video of people dancing in front of the microwave on some catchy tune. Different people every revolution of the camera, of course.
  • go viral and teach kids a valuable lesson
x4740N, avatar

People can just modify an old microwave by taking out the microwave bits and just connecting power for the lights and turntable and just have to find the correct noises online to edit in



Only if it’s plugged in while you’re opening it… Remember kids, always unplug appliances before you disassemble them.



Go learn about capacitors and why its still dangerous as fuck to mess around with the ones in a microwave even if its unplugged

Zoot, avatar

Old Tube TV as well. Honestly any of those old high voltage requiring machines are DANGEROUS. Capacitors are nuts man, and not something you should be playing around or with. The manual turn-table microwave honestly sounds like a great, safe way to troll the kids.


I have an excessively OP theater amp and repaired it myself. I let those caps chill for weeks and routinly flipped the power switch on and off to drain them. Was still scared. I’m also a bit of a pussy when it comes to electricity.


I believe the magnetron is dangerous for a time after unplugged. I may be wrong. Don’t test it.

Edit: Yep. The high voltage capacitor can give you a lethal shock even after the microwave has been unplugged for months.


Months! wow.


Aye, but that’s just another part of the learning lesson, right?

1984, avatar

If you die while learning, is it really learning… :)


it’s comments like these that get people killed.

1984, avatar

This is the scary part - it will kill you even when unplugged!


Yeah, they make about 2,000 volts to run the magnetron. Very dangerous.


Thats a great way to potentiall electrocute yourself.

Enkers, to games in Veteran Videogame Analyst: Subscription growth has flattened [in video games]

What a lukewarm take. A quick glance to the subscription video-on-demand market should be fairly informative to the future of video game subscription services.

Right now they’re still in the honeymoon phase, that is to say the “offer better value to capture a market” phase, of enshitification.

Not at all surprising he’s getting pushback.

MudMan, avatar

I mean... yeah. Turns out that having models and looking at the actual data and analyzing the market tends to land on lukewarm takes. The hot takes are for the press and the trolls.

FWIW, I don't have visibility on subscription growth at all, so I'll have to take his word for it, but none of that sounds unreasonable.... except maybe for the fact that the hype may make people make bad moves and double down in ways that are harmful. A degree of fearmongering can be useful, if only as a deterrent.


I think there are plenty of valid criticisms of the subscription model, and the reasons for those criticisms are the same as many of the reasons growth has flat lined. Labeling criticism as fear mongering seems like overly reductive spin, especially when this analyst doesn’t seem to be interested in addressing those criticisms.

It’s like saying “data shows very few people die annually from eating tide pods, therefore maybe we shouldn’t be so scared of eating tide pods.” Like, no, it’s because nearly everyone realises it’s a very bad idea that nobody dies from it.

You’ve crunched the numbers correctly, but have drawn the exact wrong conclusion.

MudMan, (edited ) avatar

There are valid criticisms, for sure. I was not in the original thread, though, so I don't know how willing to address those he is, but it's a valid point that it's not an all or nothing proposition. You can point out that subs aren't overtaking the market in gaming without implying that they should.

I'd be more interesting in debating whether subs are additive or not. I do know of anecdotal mentions of stunted sales on sub-forward releases, but I'd love to see more data about it (and what that means about revenue eventually, too).

But none of that influences the concerns on preservation one way or the other.

Honestly, I don't think you're right about the reasons growth has flatlined. I think the sub model just doesn't fit gaming best. The content just doesn't work well with the rotating carrousel of new and new-ish games most subscriptions have. I think Nintendo could be onto something, in the way Netflix was early on, in that you may be more willing to pay a fee to just have access to every single game before a certain point and from the beginning of time, but nobody is gonna figure that one out anytime soon.


Any time I see someone use the term “fear mongering” sincerely, I add a general heaping of salt to whatever they are saying. It’s often an attempt to turn the topic to the “evil motives” of the “other side” before the original debate is settled.

If there’s nothing to fear, that can be said without accusing anyone who thinks there is something to fear of trying to generate it for selfish reasons. In fact, I’d think that showing someone is fear mongering will be a greater burden than showing any particular thing they say is untrue, let alone a deliberate lie. But it gets thrown around so much lately as if it’s an argument on its own.


I’m not sure there ever was a honeymoon phase for game subscriptions. They generally still push you to buy dlc/season passes. They still segment stuff into pre-order bonuses that you don’t get in a subscription. You already have titles leaving the service.


I’m not sure there ever was a honeymoon phase for game subscriptions

Couldn’t you repeatedly get gamepass for a month for £1 or similar? Assuming they don’t offer that anymore, I think the honeymoon is over!


I did have a honeymoon phase with gamepass. Now it’s just a thing that keeps charging the monthly fee in the background but also reminds me of the list of games I’d like to try that it has each time I open it up to consider cancelling.

They’ve figured out how to make money from me having a backlog, I just realized. I might have to open it again and compare the amount I’d pay for x months vs the expected sales price to just buy all of those games where x is how many months it’ll take to clear my backlog. I don’t even have to open it to see that I should cancel, because x might be infinite. Hell, I could even just cancel it with the intent of starting back up if I manage to clear my Steam backlog if I want to lie to myself about eventually getting through my backlog.


Not really.

Video on demand works because the content is short and you need a large variety in a pay period as a consumer.

I don’t just watch one show or movie in a month, it’s several. So bundling makes sense.

It’s also fairly commoditized. I will watch what movies are available on Netflix, not like I’m extremely committed to watch a single given movie as long as the general selection is good. Maybe there’s one or two films a year I care about seeing that specific film before it rotates into a subscription service I subscribe to (and if not, meh).

For video games, it’s maybe one title a month that I really care about playing and then I only have time for that one game. But I only really care about setting aside time for that game and a lot of the other options out there you couldn’t pay me to play.

They are very different markets and a subscription model isn’t necessarily the future or even what’s most profitable for a company to offer (as Sony was recently acknowledging).


a subscription model isn’t necessarily the future or even what’s most profitable for a company to offer (as Sony was recently acknowledging).

It’s worth remembering that the goal of subscription services like gamepass is not to be the most profitable avenue. The goal is marketshare.

Microsoft lost, and Microsoft lost hard. Reportedly, the CEO wanted to exit gaming entirely after the Xbox One. They didn’t based solely on the new business plan, which was to disrupt the market. Kill the existing model by offering super low-cost subscriptions (paid for by Azure and Office 365) and become the new encumbant of a new industry where you can jack up the prices and lower the cos(and quality) over a decade trying to chase profitability.

Subscriptions are not about revenue generation as every subscription model out there lowers revenue massively. It’s about holding a larger share of the market so you can make money in other ways.


I think you’re confusing the advantages and strategies of having a subscription and the advantages and strategies of having a loss leader.

Not all subscriptions are designed to be loss leaders, and most of the benefits you see in GamePass (lower or even negative revenue in exchange for increased market share) is seen over and over with loss leaders that aren’t subscriptions.

Yes, I agree that Microsoft has adjusted strategy from a focus on winning console wars to increasing software gatekeeping across PC and now apparently even competitor consoles. And that GamePass plays a large part in that.

But it would be a mistake to assume that subscriptions in games are all going to have the same goals and focus as Microsoft with GamePass.


I would argue that there are three kinds of game subscriptions right now

  • gamepass, paid for by azure/office. goal to turn the industry into a subscription service based industry like everything else has been converted into
  • trying-to-keep-up-with-gamepass: this is ps+ (extra|premium), it exists as a failing effort to keep up with gamepass. it has to make money and thus users don’t see value in it. it either costs too much or doesn’t provide enough for the cost
  • fifa subscription

the last one has existed for a long time and doesn’t really factor into the discussions people are having today. it’s not really relevant. the other two are both a factor of each other and relevant to what we are talking about.

refreeze, avatar

Great take, I wish more would see the music industry like this as well.

I used to pay for Spotify premium then realized that I hardly added more than a handful of new things to my “library” each month. I switched to budgeting the same monthly funds towards building a local library from direct purchases and bandcamp.

It really depends on your level of consumption of new content whether a subscription service makes sense.

PiratePanPan, to 196 in rule avatar
Ledivin, to games in The Rogue Prince of Persia has been delayed to avoid being overshadowed by Hades 2

Smart. I’ve got at least a week’s worth of Hades left to play, and I literally hadn’t heard of this game. Now, I’ll probably check it out when it drops.

KoboldCoterie, avatar

I have been watching the Prince of Persia game, but I would absolutely have glazed right over its release while entranced by Hades II, so yes, I agree with you, it’s a very smart decision on their part.

(Also, can I just say, holy shit is Hades II some good value. It’s basically two games worth of content in one. More than twice the size of Hades I. Utter insanity.)

Dangdoggo, avatar

Hades 2 is exceptional. Their best game yet.


This is the team that worked on dead cells


I thought they were making Windblown?


You’re kinda both right - Dead Cells was developed by Motion Twin, who spun off a smaller team called Evil Empire to support it after release. Rogue PoP is developed by Evil Empire, while Motion Twin proper is working on Windblown.

Iron_Lynx, to lemmyshitpost in Let π = 5

To be Devil’s Advocate:
Given that the rest written in Comic Sans, it may be an early elementary school exercise, aimed at teaching kids to do multiplications. In this case, it’s tolerable and/or defensible to find a simplification for pi.

That said, making pi equal to 3 would have been more accurate for that…


That’s a dumb way of teaching and you are a dumb devils advocate for saying it. Go to H E double hockey sticks.


Even in engineering it is common to just round pi to 3 and quickly estimate whatever it is your doing.


Excuse me what? I’ve been an engineer for a decade and have never met anyone that would do that. We have calculators.


I think they mean napkin math. Like you’re in a meeting and they ask for a general idea if something will work or not

Jimbo, avatar

We all have phones with calculators, don’t really need to do napkin math anymore


Depends on the level of precision you need. If I want the volume in a 500 foot long, 3 inch pipe to roughly estimate how much supply I need to order, I wouldn’t need a calculator. It would very roughly be 90-95 ft3. (Divide 500 by 4 two times and multiple by 3)

Then I would spend 5 minutes double checking myself haha.


I suppose. I’m still internally outraged and haven’t run into such a situation before, but I accept this.


To be fair most of the situations where I’ve run into this have never involved pi, and sometimes it’s just qualitative.


That makes sense. I feel like if you’re at the point where pi is meaningfully involved, you should probably do your math.


Yeah I agree. It isn’t that hard to set up things in Excel to get a decent answer.


“About yay big.”


I feel like a proper engineer would call only going two places past the decimal “rounding pie”.


In astronomy, pi=1 or 10, depending on whether you’re trying to over or under estimate something. Because when you’re trying to estimate distances measured in millions of light years, the difference between 3 and 10 is just one or two orders of magnitude on a small number. It’s pretty common for astronomers to do napkin math by rounding every single number to the nearest zero. 91k becomes 100k for instance. Because the napkin math estimations are just trying to gauge whether some celestial event or object is a thousand light years away, ten thousand, a hundred thousand, etc… And pi becomes 10, because that’s the nearest round number.


Fermi Estimation. Where you’re dealing with something so big, you’re just interested in the magnitude.

GladiusB, avatar

I need a new maitre’d for a restaurant I am opening. How busy are you?


Not very, but I’ll require lots of pay.

GladiusB, avatar

How does 1 million a minute sound?


Ill take it!

I’ll give you the hardest 30 minutes I’ve worked in my life, and then retire.

GladiusB, avatar

So you do know how to act like a decent human. Damn. Well the restaurant closed. I guess you can just be nice for your own esteem now.


Nope. I had sold my house to move and told the kids already. Now I’m jaded I just lost out on 30 mill and we’re homeless. I’ll be an ass forever, now.

GladiusB, avatar

Well you were before. So the fam should be used to it.

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

Unless the kid is even slightly above average and finds the idea that pi equaling 5 confusing.


…if they’re above average, I think they’ll figure out the explicitly defined variable. I think the instructor is trying to make sure this problem doesn’t require a calculator and figured defining pi as 5 makes it clear that you can treat it as a whole number. 3 would be more accurate and just as easy, but meh idk that this is that great of a blunder.


You can be a smart kid and not realize that adults are lying.

I remember the Peas and the Punnett Square. Sure, mendelian genetics explains pea plant colors, but doesn’t explain dog fur colors. Just providing a footnote that more completed genetics exists would have been nice.


Or it’s from an ME. They seldom can remember the rounded value of Pi, but they’re pretty sure it’s somewhere between 3 and 4. But you probably should use 5 just to be safe…

ipha, to 196 in Pick 3 Rules

I choose pink, my favorite drink is water. More water per water!


I would be content even if it gets chilled and tastes like filtered spring water.


But water is already my favourite drink tho


Sparkling water in mine, so drinking water without having to sodastream it makes it even better!

db2, to lemmyshitpost in 🗜️🍋

Is that copy registered or is it just happy to see me?

FreshLight, to lemmyshitpost in Flying type i guess

Excuse me… BulbaSOUR ?

IndiBrony, avatar

Certainly doesn’t taste sweet I’ll tell you that much.

caboose2006, to games in Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest

“I signed a contract that forbids me from saying anything negative about this game. I am therefore contractually obligated to say nothing”


This game doesn’t ruin your entire day by playing it for even a second.


By the contract, you couldn’t say anything detrimental about the game, so such a statement would still be forbidden. Whether such a vague limitation on what a content creator can say would hold up in court is a different thing.

Artyom, to games in Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest

It must be a REALLY good game. Only the best games that were already going to get high reviews would ever resort to such a policy

henfredemars, to lemmyshitpost in Only in Settings can you find Life's true meaning

If you enjoy Settings, do I have some operating system suggestions for you!

TheCheddarCheese, avatar

you mean linux?


Windows is clearly superior. If you’ve had enough of the settings app, you can just switch to the control center!


And for the retro fans, there’s not only control center but also control center legacy!


And if that’s not enough, there is even

  • msconfig
  • gpedit.msc
  • regedit

Which one though? There are so many?

-sent from my Arch laptop

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