MonsiuerPatEBrown, (edited ) to gaming in The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’

the question developers and publishers should ask themselves is this: are we trying to make a video game to sell, or are we trying to make an onlyfans with more button clicking ?

Larian makes video games.

loops, to gaming in The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’
worfamerryman, to gaming in The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’

I’m pretty excited for this game. Luckily, I haven’t played divinity original sin 2 and it’s available on the switch. After I finish Disco Elysium and Divinity Original Sin 2 I’ll pickup a steam deck and this game.

GFGJewbacca, to gaming in The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’

This is like saying, “people need air to breathe.” The fact this is a revelation to gaming studios is deeply concerning.

I played some when it was in early access, and I’ve been absolutely loving BG3 now that it’s officially released. I haven’t felt like this about a game in a long time, and it’s probably because Larian studios treated this like Divinity Original Sin - a complete game with loving care. As I saw in another review, they didn’t make a D&D game, they just made D&D.

Butterbee, avatar

I feel like the revelation to gaming studios is not that people like a good product, it’s that Larian was allowed to make one without investors demanding it be the shittiest thing since shit sandwiches.

iltoroargento, avatar

Absolutely. I genuinely worried a bit about my group, myself as DM included, being sucked into this game or having unrealistic tabletop expectations because of how well this game has been done lol

I also saw that there are a lot of things for players and DMs to learn from this game and how, although we can’t compete with the years long process of making such a complete game (done by many, many, minds and hands and through significant man hours), tabletop GMs can definitely be inspired by such a complete work. Asessing what they can implement from it in their own game designing and seeing how the two mediums of tabletop and video game can complement each other and how they differ will definitely lead to more interesting content on the table and respect for what GMs and story designers do.

CalOtsu, avatar

I love the game, but I do miss some of the "fuck around" shenanigans you can get into with a DM who can improvise based on if someone comes up with some WAY out of left field idea of what they want to do. It's no replacement for the tabletop but there are definitely things both DMs and game designers can learn from each other here.

ArtZuron, avatar

BG3 does have a few too many “the ceiling collapses and you all die” moments for my liking, but, for the most part, I do like it. It just came out, so it’s still going to probably get some balancing patches!

There are many spells and items in the game that would be pretty good in a TT game IMO

iltoroargento, avatar

Agreed, I’m just astonished how they got the feeling of exploration/intrigue/investigation in the game down so well.

I’m taking notes on how best to bring that kind of suspense into my sessions. I’ve had players feel similarly suspenseful using Foundry Virtual Tabletop and a fog of war on a map I created, but it’s a little harder to accomplish that in person.

The improvisation is one thing and GMs definitely lend tabletop to be more creative in that way, but the suspense of not knowing what’s around the corner or behind the door is harder to relay with just description. I think the visual aspect is definitely helpful.

savvywolf, to gaming in The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’ avatar

It always felt like it wasn’t that they didn’t know this, its just that they don’t care. I’m sure they’ve done extensive research on exactly how many people they can discourage from the game without harming the income from their whales.

Exploiting vulnerable people with predatory practices in an underregulated market is almost always going to be a gold mine.

The modern model of buying AAA games is that of hostility between buyer and seller. You always feel like you’re either being scammed or complicit in something immoral.

JackbyDev, to baldurs_gate_3 in Baldur’s Gate 3’s Metacritic Score Now Tops ‘Tears Of The Kingdom’

The game still needs a lot of UX improvements to be considered perfect, but TotK did too. For everything TotK fixed from BotW it had new problems.

cordlesslamp, to games in ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K

We need to support and embrace this kind of games and studios more. They put so much love and effort into the game. But in the end, this game will probably profit as much as what Fortnite make in a couple months.

It’s always sadden me to know that even something as successful as Elden Ring, which sold 20 millions copies and made 1.2 Billion dollars, is nothing compared to what microtransactions make in games like CoD (2 Billion dollars per year) or Fortnite (over 5 Billion dollars per year).

And people complain why they “don’t make good games anymore”.

solarizde, to games in ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K avatar

Good thing is, it runs flawless on my Linux desktop too 👍 Just one of the best games I played in years. Good it payed out for larian to invest so much time into it. Maybe a good example for others that you do not need to rush a launch.

InterSynth, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3’s Statement On Microtransactions Warms The Heart avatar

Never put companies on a pedestal.
Before Larian, it was Bungie, BioWare, Rockstar, Bethesda, CD Projekt RED.

ExcessivelySalty, avatar

@InterSynth Exactly, people need to understand companies are there to make money.


stopthatgirl7, avatar

Yup. You’ll always end up disappointed when they inevitably behave just like any other company.

Raji_Lev, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3’s Statement On Microtransactions Warms The Heart avatar

The higher the pedestal you put somebody on, the further they have to fall.

LetMeEatCake, to PCGaming in Intel 14th Gen Raptor Lake Refresh In Surprise Core Count Boost

Leak / rumor is sourced off MLID. He’s absolutely garbage as a source. Worse than a pure guess.

It could very well be correct, but there’s absolutely zero credence to it based off the source.

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