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Exciting New Trailer Released For Gex Trilogy | Retro Gaming News 24/7 (www.retronews.com)

A new trailer for the Gex Trilogy has been released, featuring all three console games developed by Crystal Dynamics. The collection includes Gex, Gex: Enter the Gecko, and Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko, starring the anthropomorphic gecko protagonist. Pre-orders are set to begin in autumn 2024 with availability on Nintendo Switch,...


This is going to be worse than watching Howie Mandel’s TokToks. Uhh, check please?


Reminds me of dinner with Scarlett Johansen, woof!


Never drink the water at Michael Sheen’s house.


This is worse than taking a cab with Lady Gaga!


This is worse than breakfast at Paul Rudd’s apartment.


Never have the mushrooms at Chris Pratt’s Christmas party.


This is so hilarious.


Thanks for this OP, everyone I’ve shared this with has gotten a kick out of it. It’s such a big, goofy hat. That paired with that smirk on her face is too perfect.


Because installing a different operating system than the one that came pre installed is a non zero amount of effort.


Ooh, does Linux have good open source video editing? I remember back in the day that was tricky. (Or I am misremembering.)


Gods, I miss Windows 7 UI. I really dislike the push for everything to be flat nowadays. Aero, my beloved!


I am ready to integrate with Open AI’s API develop an LLM.


If I knew how to “sudo” on Windows then requiring admin wouldn’t be so bad.

Dev of cancelled Life By You game shares some information, including just two weeks notice of cancellation after being given the thumbs-up a few weeks prior (www.linkedin.com)

I cannot share specific numbers, but I can say that we had an internal metric we were aiming for that had been approved, and that we exceeded that number by a significant portion. We also got a thumbs up a few weeks before launch.


This would destroy me if this happened to me. The publisher thinks lowly enough of the team and product that they won’t launch it, but not so lowly that they don’t release the IP (perhaps even at a price) to the developers.


I imagine the amount of people using sponsorblock specifically are much smaller.


Of course, I was only saying few people used sponsor block compared to (any) general ad blocker.


I recently heard the song is about two snipers trying to shoot each other. (No idea of it is true.)


Now you have DevOps but everyone just calls it Ops.


They’re talking about a different set of time travel rules. Time travel is fictional so it doesn’t need to be logical.


The build passed on my machine. … Oh wait, my COVID bug fix didn’t make it into main. Uh oh.


what if u killed Julius Caesar

Then the NCR would take over. Can’t you see that they’re just as bad?? Nevermind the slaves.


I love ACNH’s style where people are cartoony, but furniture is more detailed.


Many for-profit companies do this as well.


I’m surprised people would expect them to behave differently. Do they expect Proton to not comply with lawful warrants?


Any excess profits not reinvested are paid as dividends to share holders. However, if you’re reinvesting that money from dividends into buying more shares then there’s no difference between the two. Think of it like this. If I’m a company and I have a dollar, I can either invest it in the company and make my value go up by a dollar or give my share holders a dollar. Of course, in the inverse situation, the share.holder can just sell a dollar worth of stock and the situation is the same.

So there really isn’t too much of a difference between the two.


I think saying it was acceptable is a stretch. I agree it was certainly more commonplace and more acceptable than now, but it was still criticized a good bit.


It’s a glitchy, unpolished game that, while being fun and having amazing dialogue, did not necessarily deserve GOTY.


In Act 1 there is a downed bridge. I had something like a scroll of fly and it wouldn’t let me cross.


Inventory management was horrible. Party management was horrible (but I’ve heard they improved it a bit). Camera management was horrible around areas with multiple floors, especially when they weren’t flat. (The othon fight in particular was awful.) I encountered a few soft locks with enemies sort of teleporting to the shadow realm or some shit and getting stuck inside the illusory door in the hag’s den. Specific graphics settings would get unset every time I opened the game. Stuff like a bug preventing tons of Minthara’s dialogue not being in the game. They fixed that, which is great, but there’s just so many little things like this all over the place. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when people say it’s polished. It’s fun and I enjoy it, but it’s certainly not polished.

Also, putting a character (Gale) behind a skill check is insane.


Thanks, I’ll find some different parts then. Voting with my dollar, and all.


The motherboard I already own because it was bundled with my graphics card, but it’s still sitting in the box ready to be used. So it’s not part of my current build but it’s “free” (or at least a sunk cost lol).

(My current build uses a Rampage III Extreme if you want to feel nostalgic.)


I’m surprised it took them this long.


I’ve seen younger folks begin to overly censor stuff because platforms like TikTok supposedly limit your account’s reach for seemingly minor offenses. This is why you see stuff like “seggs” and “unalive” so often. No idea how often it happens, but that’s just my thoughts on it.


LMBO God bless, how are the children?


It’s been going on for as long as I can remember on TikTok and I started using TikTok during the lockdowns in 2020, so that checks out.


Hmmm, but since when? Could still be sus lol


ES6 will have a voiced main character.


Idk, having only played Oblivion and Skyrim, I feel like (generally speaking) the simplifications in Skyrim were for the better. Take custom spells for example. Only a few spells really even made sense to make and it was better to make them in very specific ways. It’s not like the games are super difficult. Fucking around with spells and more complex enchantments was cool but too easy to cheese.

Oh, and the leveling. Holy fuck what an over complicated mess. Where you could accidentally over level but also under level. Insane. Good riddance.

Complex systems are not inherently good. They’re good if they provide meaningful choices and are fun to use. But ES has always been about the story and exploration more so anyways (in my opinion).


I don’t think the announcement implies anything. Truly. It’s just them trying to get shareholders happy about hype.


Honestly, after playing some of Paradox’s Grand Strategy games I prefer those. It’s not a fair comparison since they’re so wildly different though. I love Crusader Kings 3. The way you’re playing a very specific person as opposed to your empire in an abstract sense is very fascinating to me.


I think it means like someone in the CIA. It might be more specific though.


Day camp is a thing that lots of places do, but still 3 hours seems a tad short. It’s usually a week. And not to mention it’s usually not so tied to a place of work.


I hated the stacks. Idk why, but it was always confusing how big they should be. When they can’t stack it makes more sense to me. How many troops do I need? As many as I can fit.

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