politicalcustard, to technology in Amazon Ditches 'Just Walk Out' Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores

People in India were watching people checkout?! Poorly paid workers watching Westerners consume… this is so grim.

Time to dust off those guillotines.

drwho, avatar

If folks haven’t yet, what’s it going to take?

luciole, to technology in Google Paid How Much to Be the Default Search Engine? avatar

Yet, in a redacted copy of an internal email chain released on Friday, Jim Kolotouros, the vice president of Android Platform Partnerships, wrote: “Chrome exists to serve Google search, and if it cannot do that because it is regulated to be set by the user, the value of users using Chrome goes to almost zero (for me).”

So Chrome’s whole point is bringing users to Google Search… and Google Search’s whole point is Google Ads. I’m Glad I use Firefox.


Cut the snake by the head.

Problem solved.

In the last update of firefox google was redefaulted as search engine. Wonder if such roll out costs extra?


Was it anything else before?


I dont know if the last update was any bigger update, but at least several updates before my engine was not changed.


I have no damn idea as I see Firefox as a Platform.

abhibeckert, (edited )

Dunno about “the last update” or the current state in each region but as far as I know the default search engine in FireFox has varied over the years and has always depended what country you’re in.

Baidu, Yandex and Yahoo are / have been the default in some countries. They made Bing the default for “1%” of users in a bunch of major countries recently to test the waters (and didn’t take it further than that).

Google blocks traffic from Chinese IP addresses as a protest against censorship there, so nobody has Google as the default in that country.


And what does that make Android’s whole point? 😉

WhatIsThePointAnyway, to politics in Pharma Exec Will Testify About Ozempic's Absurd Price Tag After Pressure From Bernie Sanders

I wish he had been president back in 2016. Things would have been so much better.

FenrirIII, avatar

Sadly, not really. Most Democrats and all Republicans would have pushed back on his progressive policies. I don’t know which policies may have squeaked through, but it wouldn’t be enough.

shadearg, avatar

This is the reality I came to. The establishment would have pulled out all the stops, guaranteed. If Bernie couldn’t take North Carolina, he certainly could not take Congress. Facts.


It would’ve still been a lot better than what Trump did.


Imagine how much differently the pandemic would have played out with Bernie at the helm. He wouldn’t have thrown away the existing pandemic response plan that the Obama administration had left behind. He wouldn’t have delayed the response to the emerging pandemic because it was primarily hitting areas governed by a different political party. He wouldn’t have had the federal government seizing PPE equipment from states and businesses in order to redistribute it where it would do him the most good politically.

Millions of people would be alive today if Trump hadn’t been in charge when the pandemic hit.

darkphotonstudio, to technology in Amazon Ditches 'Just Walk Out' Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores

Amazon used the high tech process of having low paid cashiers that are hidden in another country. Amazon sucks so much.

jarfil, (edited )

Just following in the steps of US founding father, Thomas Jefferson:

Dumbwaiters at Monticello

techwizrd, to politics in Congress Just Made It Basically Impossible to Track Taylor Swift’s Private Jet

Unfortunately, this will also make aviation safety analysis more difficult for us.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

The plane crash we don’t hear about is one we don’t worry about. Good news for the aviation industry.

megopie, to technology in You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds

Honestly I don’t think it’s just Google, DDG has been getting worse as well, not quite as bad as Google but still similar issues where the thing I’m looking for is buried under spam sites built to a generic standard with shitty content but spectacular search engine optimization.

And pumping out sites and pages like that is optimal in the current market as it is the best way to get clicks, as supposed to investing in skilled writing, investigation and research.

The problem is that the major search engines have all kind of sat on their behinds about this and actively sold these bad websites assistance in gaming their search engine. The search engines would have to rebuild their search functions to find signs of bad sites and deprioritize them in the list, not just show things that seem relevant. They’ll probably never do this because then they’d hurt the part of their business that is helping shitty sites game the engine.


as supposed to

Not to be that guy, but it’s “as opposed to”. Hope this helps in the future!


I say supposed here in place of opposed as “ supposed” implies “a correct course of action”, rather than “an alternative but opposite course of action.”


But the way it fits into the sentence doesn’t match that use case. It does perfectly match the use case for the phrase “as opposed to”.

Gaywallet, avatar

As an FYI, opposed does not necessarily mean opposite, it can and often means in contrast to or in conflict with. Shades of gray, but either word works fine here.

melmi, avatar

“as opposed to” is an idiom that just means “in contrast”. You’re creating a contrast between what they’re actually doing as opposed to what they’re supposed to be doing. “As supposed to” doesn’t work as a preposition and doesn’t actually create a contrast on its own.


In the mid aughts every time Google updated their ranking, and results shuffled it was called the “Google dance”. We sorely need a major Google dance.


It’s AI-generated content. Someone is just telling the AI to generate content that will capture X search term. Like free google ads, except instead of configuring target keywords in a system designed to do that, they’re bridging the gap with content designed to capture search traffic.

Because of AI, this is flattened again to a simple config. You could have an adwords-like interface where you’re configuring target keywords and phrases, and then you just click “run” and you have a pile of content designed to connect the dots you configured. Here’s a keyword, here’s a URl. When people search this keyword I want them to end up at this URL. Write me an article that will meet both those criteria.

Maybe this AI shit is like the warp drive in the three-body problem: it feeds off a space filled with well-organized information, but when it’s used, it pollutes that environment with bullshit, rendering future use of that information ecosystem less valuable.

algorithmae, to technology in 224 Injured After Glitchy Diabetes App Drains Insulin Pump Batteries

That’s horrifying. Why would a potential life-threatening device be controlled by a smartphone app? What functions could possibly not be handled on the pump itself and need to be offloaded? What FDA crook was paid off to allow such a stupid thing to hit the market?

souljah06, avatar


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  • catch22, (edited ) avatar

    The problem with this logic is the manufactures have no control over the iPhone update. The article didn’t go into exactly what happened, but it could have been that the device worked fine at launch, but then Apple released an update which caused an issue in the app. Even if it didn’t happen this way I could definitely see it happening. Using an app for critical life sustaining medical devices is like playing Russian Roulette, an update from Google or Apple can put you in the hospital, or worse.


    You need an incredibly robust quality management system to even achieve certification (allowing you to place on the market) when creating systems which include life support function, or functions which potentially could kill a user. All potential changes both within and outside of the manufacturers’ control MUST be assessed and constantly monitored so such issues CANNOT arise.

    No one should be able to legally place an unsafe app on the market, or legally perform changes to the app without the necessary checks and balances.

    Medical device approvals in most countries are definitely not the wild west. Although they are not perfect.


    Why does it need a connection to another device in the first place though? Silicon is tiny and cheap; all the logic, sensing, and scheduling could be done inside the pump.

    vox, avatar

    interacting with a pump sounds kinda awkward tho, i totally see why some people would prefer some sort of remote control, e.g. an app


    I can see the utility, but there should be at least some critical operability in case the phone or app doesn’t work for whatever reason, to help avoid injuries like these


    The same reason you don’t carry a camera, a music player, a phone, etc as separate devices in your pocket. Because it’s wildly inconvenient and super frustrating to swap between them. For diabetics in this case, you generally have two separate companies making the pump and the glucose monitor. So at that point you are carrying a phone around, a monitor for your glucose levels, and a controller for your pump. That’s three devices that you need to keep charged and on your person at all times. Not to mention they are generally not slim and sleek and easy to pocket.

    The ability to swap between these from a single device and the mental offload that brings can’t be overstated.

    That being said, people that use medical services on their phones should not do OS upgrades until they are notified by their makers to be verified and working and should be heavily tested before any updates go out.

    CaptainKickass, to politics in Rumor That Donald Trump Is Launching His Own Crypto Inspires Countless Scams

    You mean “in addition to” his crypto scam?

    mozz, (edited ) to politics in Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread avatar

    Just gonna leave this here -- the recent fatality rate in humans is about 30%. There are a tiny number of data points but the point is, it looks to be more deadly than Covid was by quite a lot. And clickbaity news about the 2022 dolphin case aside, it's clearly everywhere, and able to jump to new mammal species readily.

    Since it first arose, H5N1 has been identified in a range of species including mink, dolphins, grizzly bears, foxes, and a polar bear.

    It’s been especially devastating for marine mammals; in Argentina, bird flu killed 17,400 southern elephant seal pups, roughly 96 percent of all young born in 2023, researchers estimated.

    Maybe I am missing something but assertion that the current public health risk is low seems to be based on more or less nothing. Why is the risk low? People are still working among animals some of whom are definitely infected, every day, in messy conditions. The consequences once it figures out how to spread person-to-person will be somewhere from moderate to apocalyptic, and what we're doing right now is clearly just half-measures to delay that happening by a little bit. Why is that low risk?


    What matters more for public health risk is virility, and mortality tends to have a negative correlation with virility. In simpler terms, the more deadly it is the worse it is at spreading. It’s not a hard rule but is true more often than not, though I don’t know any details about avian flu. I assume if the CDC has determined the public health risk is low that it’s probably because it’s not particularly virile.

    mozz, avatar


    Do you mean transmissibility? I get what you mean, but I've never heard this word used this way. (Virulence is, more or less, the non-fatal version of mortality -- how much damage the disease does -- so not that.)

    Be that as it may, once the disease is established in a new species it tends to get less harmful because of exactly what you're talking about -- but plenty of diseases through history have been in the short run both fast-spreading and deadly, especially right after they jump into a new population. Which is exactly what H5N1 is doing right now (on all three counts).


    One of the reasons how deadly it is correlates to lower spreading is just how quickly deadly things kill.

    If something like the original SARS had a 7 day infectious window before killing you things would have been very different.

    I’d be interested to know how quickly it incapacitates humans, and how long you’re infectious for.

    Edit: changed infectious window, accidentally used a incubation period by mistake.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    Maybe I am missing something but assertion that the current public health risk is low seems to be based on more or less nothing.

    That paragraph kind of reminds me of this…


    We could use a new Black Death to lower real estate and rent prices.

    Riccosuave, avatar

    I am going to assume you don’t really understand what it would mean if there was a pandemic with a 10-50% case fatality rate in the modern global economy where it would be on every single continent on earth in a matter of days. I can assure you that housing prices would be the last fucking thing on your mind.


    It was a sardonic comment.

    Yes, obviously the end of the world as we know it would be /extremely/ bad.


    the world as I know it is a bit shit tbh


    Yeah, but when the old world dies without a new one being born, we’ll all yearn for the days of ‘a bit shit’.

    Riccosuave, avatar

    It was a sardonic comment.

    Fair enough, and thank you for clarifying. I was really hoping that was the case.


    The risk is low because we have not yet detected a variant with the mutations needed to facilitate human to human spread. If we do it will jump from low to extreme very quickly.

    mozz, avatar

    "It is okay! The fire is only in the building next door along with the 10-15 others it spread to. Once we've detected it in our building, the risk won't be low anymore, of course."

    (Edit: Actually, once it's spreading inside our building the risk won't be low -- we've already detected it in our building a couple of times, but it didn't spread so it's fine.)

    UNIX84, to technology in You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds

    It’s kind of terrible now. Since late 2023, when I go to search technical specs of hardware, I am presented with a view that looks like browsing an online shopping catalog. It’s weird and unwanted. For personal use, I went back to DDG.

    Rocketpoweredgorilla, to technology in Project Ghostbusters: Facebook Accused of Using Your Phone to Wiretap Snapchat avatar

    Things like this are why I think the whole Facebook “encrypted messaging” thing is just a scam to try and look like they respect your privacy. It doesn’t matter if you have the best encryption out there if the doors are wide open for them on either end and they’re keylogging everything you do.


    If you don’t hold the keys, your data may as well not be encrypted.

    breadsmasher, to politics in Rumor That Donald Trump Is Launching His Own Crypto Inspires Countless Scams avatar

    “Rumour of scam inspires scams”


    Nighed, to technology in Amazon Ditches 'Just Walk Out' Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores avatar

    Haha, so it was never AI? Just an Indian person getting annoyed at the people trying all kinds of weird tricks to see if they could defeat the ‘AI’ 🤣


    AI stands for “Absent Indian”.

    lichtmetzger, to technology in You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds

    It’s gotten so hard to find authentic, useful results that people have started adding the word “Reddit” to search terms

    I have definitely done that multiple times.


    Kagi search. 100 free ones then subscription plan, but it gives good search results like google back in 2010

    raoul, to technology in Google Paid How Much to Be the Default Search Engine?

    The report, shared with The Register, estimates that Google’s payout accounts for 14% to 16% of Apple’s annual operating profits [in 2021].

    What?!? That’s huge

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