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There’s a difference between buying something because you need it, and buying something to signal you are part of a fascist cult - and let’s be honest, no one buys a cybertruck because it’s a good vehicle for any purpose.

Chat control vote postponed: Huge success in defense of digital privacy of correspondence! (

Today EU governments will not adopt their position on the EU regulation on “combating child sexual abuse”, the so-called chat control regulation, as planned, which would have heralded the end of private messages and secure encryption. The Belgian Council presidency postponed the vote at short notice.


That’s the current status quo. New legislation can always override old legislation. The only way to fully prevent these proposals would be to enshrine the right to encryption in a new EU treaty (which requires unanimity) and since the national governments are the ones pushing for this while the European Parliament keeps telling to fuck off, it’s not going to happen.


In my experience Software Engineers working in ML are, for the most part, also drinking their own Cool Aid, and need pushback from the rest of the company to keep them in check. So management also needs to know which smart people to listen to.

Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Addresses Studio Closures (

“The closure of any team is hard obviously on the individuals there, hard on the team,” Spencer said. "I haven’t been talking publicly about this, because right now is the time for us to focus on the team and the individuals. It’s obviously a decision that’s very hard on them, and I want to make sure through severance...


Some of them were still doing fine, just not triple the profits well.

jmcs, (edited )

pov every person that aged badly complaining about the younger generations since times immemorial.

Every single generation had senile old farts saying that about them since, at least, ancient Greece - though it’s more likely that’s going on since humans have the concept of generation. More often than not, the old farts were wrong.


That is the most… American thing I read in months. Workers complaining about half decent work conditions. As a European, being harder to get hired than to get fired was always a given to me, and I believe that’s a good thing.


In Nvidia’s case that’s actually true for long tenured employees - assuming they cash out before the bubble bursts.


The storm trooper misses, hits a structural column, ceiling collapses, red shirt dies.


They meant the feature flag should’ve stayed false until the player base was hooked on the game enough to make the pushback minimal.


So, does this mean that all felons get their right to vote back, like in working democracies? Or is this just for orange felons?


SpoilerThe “Look into my eyes and tell me if you see even the slightest glimmer of doubt” scene alone would ensure that.


That doesn’t explain why the 16-34 range is the biggest one by far and why the younger the age group the more likely they are to play online games which usually are far less respecting of players times - people with responsibilities need a pause button.


This episode was directed by Johnathan Frakes, who starred in the ENT episode, “These Are the Voyages…”

And some other minor roles.


I had never heard about him before so I decided to search his name and… Holy fuck and TIL that a sentient turd can die of septic shock.


Probably because PPAs only work on Ubuntu and there are more Linux distros and even then it meant having to build and test a package for a couple of different Ubuntu versions.


Until they drop it for flatpak as they did all NIH-driven products.


Theoretically they can, in practice it’s less than ideal. And that doesn’t solve all the other distros or the combinatory explosion of supporting several distros and versions.

Flatpaks on the other hand give you a single runtime of your choice to worry about (though they still have lots of cons too).


There’s also Konami, but last I bothered to check e-football was still a joke.


Cut it out, Mr Rafael (don’t forget to always use someone’s birth name) Cruz is a perfectly socially acceptable gigant spineless worm.


If Microsoft increases the price of Game Pass Ultimate to add Call of Duty I’m going to cancel my subscription. Just add a new tier called Game Pass for Suckers That Buy The Same Mediocre Overpriced Game Every Year and include Call of Duty on that.

Does a VPN used on a smartphone with Wi-Fi disabled (mobile data only enabled) provide any sort of protection?

I’ve never completely understood this, but I think the answer would probably be “no,” although I’m not sure. Usually when I leave the house I turn off wifi and just use mobile data (this is a habit from my pre-VPN days), although I guess I should probably just keep it on since using strange Wi-Fi with a VPN is ok (unless...


Only if you trust your VPN service more than your mobile Internet provider.

jmcs, (edited )

Between the 800 years and the Seven of Limes are two things showing that either Reno has paid a visit to the 24th century or the writers lost the plot.

The 800 years if rounded could line up with Seven of Nine’s Enterprise G.


What he’s saying is that major studios are locked playing chicken with each other, and that the industry is going to remember the 1983 crash fondly in comparison with what’s going to happen.


So a single entity is allowed to commercialize external contributions without any kind of reciprocity. Somehow it sounds worse to me than Shared Source.

If you are worried about leeches just use AGPL and call it a day.


One way of making software more fair is by allowing developers to profit. Many companies today invest resources into taking an existing project and copying the ongoing work of the project creators; afterwards, creating and maintaining a hosted version using their code. In a fair circumstance, should they benefit from using the software, they could add certain features, fix bugs and support the community of users enjoying the product. In many cases they do, but fair-code ensures that this can happen by bringing businesses to the negotiation table when it comes to commercializing software.

This is bullshit when only a set of developers are allowed to profit. Every single project with a non-commercial license I know has an exception for the company that owns the repo. At that point external contributions are not open or fair anything, it’s a company stealing labour.

Either licenses are symmetrical or they are inherently unfair, and calling it Fair is doublespeak.


So if I want to improve their software I need to pay them. Got it.


That makes it source-available (like Microsoft Windows which is available under Shared Source) not open source.


It’s mentioned a few times that Vulcans feel strong emotions but suppress them because they are afraid of losing control.


Going a bit more doylist here, when Vulcans are well written they project their own insecurities on other species and that scares them. They then do all kinds of rationalization to deal with their feelings. In one of the season 4 episodes of Enterprise there’s a small scene that covers this a bit.


Basic rights aren’t contingent on not being annoying.


Tuvok was dead. You don’t kill someone to revive another person or even two - otherwise transplant waiting lists would be much smaller


This should have been a priority pre-launch and I’m going as far as to say the game shouldn’t have launched without it. I don’t understand why Bethesda gives so little respect to modders when modders have to a large degree been the main responsible for Bethesda’s success. Doubly so in a game like Starfield whose base design seems to have been thought as a sandbox for mods.


Convective heat transfer wants a word with you.


They couldn’t have Nazis in Wolfenstein because Germany didn’t allow Nazi symbolism in videogames regardless of context before 2018. Since then you are allowed to use Nazi symbols as long as it’s clear Nazis are the bad guys.


You have no idea. I once did an open source library that became somewhat popular and shit like that made me give it away to a consulting company that will happily attach a quote to the bullshit requests.

As in my case it was a library I also got the university students demanding I do their homework for them, which is another delightful group.

jmcs, (edited )

Besides, they wasted a perfectly good plot twist that Pulaski is actually Thalassa secretly still in Ann Mulhall’s body, and that she changed names to hide the slower aging.


That’s right, they all live forever in O’Brien’s pattern buffer.


Make it a prequel and you can avoid most of those issues. Even the expensive setting can be mitigated by padding the episodes with “cheap” cloak and dagger and politics scenes.


Most stories fall into one of a few archetypes at least since the time of the Epic of Gilgamesh.


It’s like the joke about the invoice charging 0.10$ for a screw and 100$ for knowing which screw to replace.

Coding is easy. Software engineering not so much.


Even by the TOS era a single starship can scan an entire solar system in a matter of minutes, and phasers are more than strong enough to do some orbit corrections or even blow up an asteroid outright, a stray rock wouldn’t make anyone lose their sleep.


And then Kirk, Janeway, and for some reason Mirror Picard will appear on your doorstep and you’ll learn about war crimes you wouldn’t even dare to dream about.

I’m pretty sure that’s the entirety of Wesley Crusher’s job after TNG.


If you give LLMs that much latitude you are going to have your NPCs spread conspiracy theories and fascist crap left and right in your game and a PR crisis on your hands.


Don’t give Sony any ideas. But yes, studios should get two choices, either open up the server or fully refund every single cent at least to the players that played the game in the year before the shutdown was announced (just so they don’t say they don’t have to put a shitload of effort on a dead game).

The same should apply to all digital sales.


The investors are the ones forgetting that. CEOs work for the investors not for the customers.

Now, a good CEO will be able to manage upwards and throw around things like reputational damage and consumer trust to convince to keep the investors focused on the long term in order to protect the company (and the investors uhh… investment). The problem in the gaming industry is that time and time again gamers show that there’s no such thing as reputational damage with games since there are enough people building their personality around a gaming franchise that even studios with a reputation for consistently putting out mediocre unoriginal crap can count on a mountain of pre-orders.


At this point Activision could release Ray-traced rotating turd with microtransactions to get new colours for the turd, and as long as it was labeled Call of Duty it would sell at least 20 million copies.

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