
RichardHorizon, to games in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Isn't 300 GB After All

Well, I mean, i ain’t gonna play it anyways

MrScottyTay, to games in Astro Bot Will Get Free Post-Launch DLC

Can’t wait for this game. The other one was so good and this is everything I’ve wanted since then. This news just makes me more excited.

Eggyhead, to games in Astro Bot Will Get Free Post-Launch DLC

VR mode! (Yes I know it’s a lost cause, but I’m going to say it anyway.)

@Dindonmasker@sh.itjust.works avatar

I mean they are trying to add value to the psvr2 with a PC module so why not take a VR game, make it flatscreen then add VR back in after.

@HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Tetris Effect: Connected

Renacles, to games in [IGN] Destiny 2: The Final Shape Review (9/10)

It’s wild to me how Destiny can deliver so little and still get reception like this.


I’m pretty biased as a destiny fan. But not sure what you mean. Their dlc constantly has a ton to do. Story varies depending on the expansion. But for the most part people aren’t complaining about how much you get in it.

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

I guess you’re new? Once they deleted the content I paid for, I dropped it like a hot potato and never went back. Don’t care if they brought it back or not, the fact that they pulled that at all is enough to lose everything from me.

Honestly the idea of Destiny 1 was amazing. Then it came out and Destiny 1 was only okay. It was obviously chopped to pieces that were later sold back as DLC, and honestly the only good one was Taken King.

Then Destiny 2 came out and had a more cohesive, if mostly forgettable story line, but after finishing it (“The Red War” story) the game quickly fell apart. Red War already had some questionable choices, like killing The Speaker offscreen, but I thought the mission aboard the World Ender or whatever, the part where you had to run and stay in the shadows because it was close to Sol was pretty cool. But then they killed the Awoken Queen for no reason, we killed her brother, and they killed off fan favorite Cayde-6 instead of killing someone nobody cared about like Ikora. And I guess the guy we killed just decided to not die? And then the Queen somehow returned like Palpatine? Whatever. Aside from Red War and Forsaken I didn’t care about the story of Destiny 2, and it didn’t really matter.

Can you even go to Titan anymore? Actually, I don’t care.

Bungie was a great company, but the company it is now is not the same, mostly because many of its original members are gone. And because of that, I expect Marathon (honestly kind of a disgrace to the original to even call it that) to fail miserably and it absolutely deserves to.

For reference, I bought D1 and all its expansions as they were released, not as a bundle. And I bought D2 and its expansions as they released and not as a bundle until they made D2 free to play. Then the only expansion I got was Shadowkeep, and I feel like that was wasted potential. I really liked the designs of the Hive, but the story surrounding them sucked.


I’m definitely not new. I get the game has had highs and lows. But honestly the vaulting of stuff didn’t bother me too much. Not making excuses for them I understand it’s important to people. But as a long time fan I wasn’t playing it regularly and liked that the game world evolved over time. Also I’m definitely not trying to convince you one way or another I just think a majority of the fans that like destiny today just legitimately enjoy the game and all the new stuff they’ve added. I feel that the expansions have added meaningful gameplay changes and additions but that the story quality has been all over the place.


they bought back Titan recently with a seasonal expansion with lots of underwater stuff and a story with the giant serpant that lives in the methane sea.

But when the season ended I think they took it away again.




Every expansion is basically the same package, a 4 to 6 hour story with bad to ok writing and a ton of padding + a new location with some repetitive activities and a raid.

That’s not 50$ worth of content, you could almost get a new game for that amount. Hell, Shadow of the Erdtree is 10$ less.


I honestly think the amount of content would be fine if it was fresh, but Destiny gameplay has largely stayed the same since Forsaken. The game has simply grown stale and arguably gotten even worse because instead of letting players experiment Bungie pretty much dictates every season how you should play.


And they keep charging more as well, dungeons are not even part of the seasons anymore.

tacosanonymous, to pcgaming in Dragon Age: The Veilguard Doesn't Need To Be Baldur's Gate 3, It Needs To Be Golden Era BioWare - IGN

I somehow expect we’ll get neither.

@halykthered@lemmy.ml avatar

I can’t wait for the day one dlc that will allow wizards to cast fireball, warriors to equip swords, and will let rogues use stealth.


Day 0 DLC will be “Garb of the Veil guard” and it will be a handful of average looking outfits that you will remove the moment you reach a vendor who sells something +1 better. It will be included in the preorder.

Day 1 DLC will be a side quest that is billed as delving deeper into a companions backstory and integral to the main plot. What it will actually be will be half a dozen mild conversations and 2 fights that will never be mentioned again.

@halykthered@lemmy.ml avatar

And the conversation that unlocks that day 1 DLC will be available in the base game, but you won’t be able to progress until you buy the DLC.

Defaced, to pcgaming in Dragon Age: The Veilguard Doesn't Need To Be Baldur's Gate 3, It Needs To Be Golden Era BioWare - IGN

It doesn’t need to go back to any era, it just needs to be good. I swear the Bioware hatred over the years could be some kind of case study for the mentally unstable. Everyone got butt-hurt over mass effect 3 and never let Bioware live it down.

They’ve made one absolute shit game in Anthem, and yes I like Andromeda and love inquisition, and all of a sudden they’re the worst company alive. Bungie has had more fuck ups than Bioware and they get a pass every time.

Blizzard literally harasses women to the point of taking their own lives and they get a pass because “muh WoW is too valuable!”. Still pissed no one is in jail for that bullshit, that woman’s family needs some form of justice and it won’t ever happen.

Who cares if it’s not like baldurs gate 3? If it’s good then just enjoy the damn game, that’s what it is, a video game.

@Dud@lemmy.world avatar

I too love Inquisition, some of the best characters Bioware put together.

uninvitedguest, to pcgaming in Dragon Age: The Veilguard Doesn't Need To Be Baldur's Gate 3, It Needs To Be Golden Era BioWare - IGN
@uninvitedguest@lemmy.ca avatar

Wtf is Veilguard? What happened to Dread Wolf? Same same?

Edit: Shame on me. First line in the article.


Afaik they just changed the name. Dread Wolf was the working title but they like veilguard better for release.

sunzu, to pcgaming in The Elder Scrolls 6 Teaser Is Now 6 Years Old — and Even Todd Howard Paused to Say, ‘Oh Wow That Has Been a While’ - IGN

By the time this one lands, is there going to be anyone left to buy it?

Bethesda and Todd lost so much good will since Skyrim days.

Yokozuna, (edited )

People will still clamor for it. I don’t think it will ever come close to matching the magic of the previous titles. What made those great was that we didn’t have anything remotely close and it was always on the cusp of something groundbreaking. No one was expecting skyrim, it had a short advertisement cycle - people got hyped - and then it dropped and opened people’s minds up to what a modern RPG should resemble.

The formula is old and beaten into the ground for how Bethesda games work. They need STRONG writing and world building along with breaking from their typical structure of designing the game.

People are expecting Skryim 2.0 in where it completely blows you out of the water and I don’t think we’ll get that. Personally I think we’ll get a graphically polished game, with great writing and music, and sub par execution of basically everything else. Let’s hope I’m wrong on that last bit.


You say that as if Skyrim was revolutionary, but I never saw it as anything other than an evolution over Oblivion (and in some ways, a step backwards from Morrowind).


Agreed. I’d say Skyrim’s only real innovation where RPGs are concerned was its accessibility. Thats why it’s become such a staple of online culture, because anyone could pick it up and play it, so pretty much everyone did.

@Coskii@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Good God I wish they’d bring back the morrowind cave systems. Each one hand crafted, sprawling with secrets abound. I recall spelunking in that game within a single cave for multiple hours, which felt like an in game week spent searching every nook and cranny. It was amazing to finally get out of and back into the sunshine.

Oblivion caves and dungeons for the most part felt like cookie cutter nonsense, and while the Skyrim caves and dungeons felt better, the quick loop to the beginning was a persistent theme and really took away from the immersion. There were at least a handful of complex cave systems.


Considering how terrible the writing is on Starfield, I’m not sure Bethesda has it in them anymore. The quests are often incredibly boring, and the worldbuilding itself is a bit meh. Same with the books you find; they cheaped out and used public domain materials for the most part, and the books that do have in house content are… not great. What I liked about Oblivion and Skyrim was that the books you could find really helped to “fill out” the world, but in Starfield they’re just either uninteresting or plain bad – like those fucking cringy joke books

VaultBoyNewVegas, to pcgaming in Dragon Age: The Veilguard Doesn't Need To Be Baldur's Gate 3, It Needs To Be Golden Era BioWare - IGN

This game is so fucked. It won’t be golden age bioware because that stopped being a thing over a decade ago and its a bit rich ign playing into the “bioware is dead” bs when they rated inquisition as their game of the year when it released. Personally I’m cautiously optimistic as I’ve enjoyed every bioware game I’ve played in some form and I’ve played all but anthem and balders gate. Andromeda had flaws yet I still had fun and inquisition I enjoyed a lot more than 2.

RightHandOfIkaros, to games in [IGN] Black Myth: Wukong – Hands-On With an Impressive First 2 Hours. Bringing a bit of speed to the soulslike genre.

They’re praising the game after they wrote that negative piece about the developer? They can’t make up their mind, can they?

Tattorack, to games in Black Myth: Wukong – Hands-On With an Impressive First 2 Hours
@Tattorack@lemmy.world avatar

Hmm… One other post said it was rather lacklustre.

hal_5700X, to pcgaming in The Elder Scrolls 6 Teaser Is Now 6 Years Old — and Even Todd Howard Paused to Say, ‘Oh Wow That Has Been a While’ - IGN

Fallout 76 is also 6 years old…crazy that.

newthrowaway20, to games in As Starfield Steam Reviews Plunge to ‘Mostly Negative,’ Todd Howard Responds to Paid Mods Backlash (Confirmed plans to look again at Bethesda’s pricing for Creations content.)
Tronn4, to games in As Starfield Steam Reviews Plunge to ‘Mostly Negative,’ Todd Howard Responds to Paid Mods Backlash (Confirmed plans to look again at Bethesda’s pricing for Creations content.)

Blah blah blah. The paid dlc is staying. Bethesda started this with that horse armor bullshit in elder scrolls 4 but all you players that paid for it only kept showing them there was a market


Absolutely. The ROI on most DLC is more than enough incentive to keep doing it. The problem is when they have lost the plot and horse armor had no script, so the goalpost is over the horizon.

Tod looked at the backlash and the revenue gained, he gave lip service because horse armor disillusioned his understanding of a delusional market demand.


People really don’t understand how many players there are who just don’t care about this stuff. They get none of the gamer rage, they don’t check reddit or lemmy, they’re not watching Twitter to see what the game journos are pissed about. DLC and MTX make buckets of money, even when compared to the profits from most full games, and they’re magnitudes cheaper and easier to develop. They’re not going away as long as they’re bought and they’re going to be bought, I guarantee it. It’s not even a bad thing, per se, as long as the player feels they’ve gotten their money’s worth.

If anyone is looking to return gaming to a pre-“horse armor” state where big DLCs were the only option, you are looking for a fantasy that will never, ever happen. I’ve seen the numbers for some of the orgs I’ve worked for and it’s hilariously skewed toward that stuff. The real answer is to pivot to different games. Embrace indies and games that don’t have MTX. You’re never gonna get the AAAs back in the bottle.


This is the true reality. We can all bitch and moan, stomp our feet and proclaim we’ll never buy another game published by whatever company.

There are still literally millions of people ready and more than willing to buy the brand new game from that company. People on Reddit, and especially Lemmy, are insignificant drops in a massive ocean of consumers.

hoshikarakitaridia, to games in As Starfield Steam Reviews Plunge to ‘Mostly Negative,’ Todd Howard Responds to Paid Mods Backlash (Confirmed plans to look again at Bethesda’s pricing for Creations content.)
@hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.world avatar

confirming the developers will take a look at it

I can tell you with 99.9% certainty the developers did and do not give a duck about this or might even be opposed to the pricing model.

Why would you rope them in? It’s not like Ben from level design personally specified the price of the missions. Why even involve them? If that’s PR that makes it so much worse for me if they are trying to blame different departments internally. What a clusterfuck, I’m sorry for the humble low level employee who are being mangled in this mess. You are not the reason this is shit, but your bosses bosses made you part of this clown fiesta.


fwiw the quote is singular developer. They mean the developer of the game, Bethesda, will take a look and reevaluate. Nowhere are they suggesting Bethesda will involve literal software engineers in a dispute about $7 content. That would be insane, as you suggest.

@hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe I got that wrong then…


the term developer is highly overloaded. in the games industry it can either mean “the company producing the game” or “an individual software developer working on a game.” i think more often it is used in the first sense, especially in reporting.

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