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It’s been delisted because a remaster is happening. It was leaked recently. So if you don’t get playing it now then you still can in future.


Good for you. Does not change that the game will still be playable in some form either for those who already own it or those who want to play it in future. But this is Lemmy so your crusade of course gets upvoted when you’ve provided fuck all to the conversation.


Look at ops post and comment history. They post articles that only ever paint Palestine or hamas in a negative light, never any articles about settlers in the west bank or the killing of journalists by the IDF. Op has taken a side and is pushing an agenda.


Hardly. My recent comments have all been about things other than gaza. My last comment was calling out a double standard and the one before that criticised both hamas and Israeli government. If you’re going to chat shit then fucking look properly.


Would be nice to see a new entry. I’ve been dying to see Apollo learn the truth about Trucy since finishing the second Apollo game.

Kamala Harris: Hamas Committed Horrific Acts of Sexual Violence on Oct. 7. We Will Not Be Silent (

U.S. Vice President’s remarks come amid allegations from Israel’s critics that claims of sexual and gender-based violence were either fabricated or exaggerated in order to provide justification for its military response in Gaza...


Oh there’s definitely people ignoring the sexual violence committed in Israeli prisons against Palestinians.


This game is so fucked. It won’t be golden age bioware because that stopped being a thing over a decade ago and its a bit rich ign playing into the “bioware is dead” bs when they rated inquisition as their game of the year when it released. Personally I’m cautiously optimistic as I’ve enjoyed every bioware game I’ve played in some form and I’ve played all but anthem and balders gate. Andromeda had flaws yet I still had fun and inquisition I enjoyed a lot more than 2.


I’m the dude who’s playing a dude who’s disguised as another dude.


Playing through ff7 rebirth and was trying to finish a dragon age origins play through I’ve had going on since 2022. I’ve had rebirth since launch but I’ve only really had a chance to play it from last week as I’ve been ill most of the year until recently. Also have dragons dogma 2 which I haven’t played much for the same reason.

I didn't know where else to ask rule (

How do you shave your balls? Every time I’ve tried with my trimmer it pinches and tears my sack and I’m too traumatized to try it again unless there’s a full proof bloodless method. Usually I just pluck as many as I can tolerate while I’m sitting around watching YouTube or somethin. But it’s such a pain (literally)....


My brother did it once and ended up in hospital because he got a infection from a wound. Swore to never do it again and he complained for weeks of being in pain.


I usually don’t but there’s a cafe in my town that does a fry that includes chips. I’ve also seen it commonly done when I’ve been on holiday abroad at cafes/restaurants ran by brits


Nope. I’d still have to buy games somehow and I’m fucked if I’m paying a tenner less for second hand because Nintendo games rarely drop in price. Also not paying full price. If anything I’d buy a hacked switch and pirate the games.


Yup. I tend to like Annapurna published games.


Good for you mate. I have about 20 and I hardly ever play the damn thing. There hasn’t been enough exclusives on it that has made buying it worthwhile and I don’t play handheld ever so I just buy multiplat on pc or ps5.


I’m sure the fact that Nintendo systems sell well with families and has been massively cheaper than a ps5/Xbox series x plus been available for much longer and there’s been very little stock problems unlike the ps5 has nothing to do with why its one of the top selling systems… Comments like yours always read like propaganda as they never mention other factors than games.


I’m pansexual, penis doesn’t matter to me at all.


Spartan men where also known to be regularly fucking each other. It was seen as a way of bonding between men when training.


There’s a PS2 game literally called a dog’s life where you play as a dog.


Yup. I don’t understand how some people are looking at a characters ass more than what else is on the screen and I’m a horny pansexual.


Thanks for saying what I would. When I commented on a post calling it out the fucking last time I got dog piled and downvoted. I’m a fucking queer guy, this shits hurtful and it’s fucking infuriating that it’s us that get shit when we’re the fucking ones being insulted.


The f word for queer people but with ness on the end. I’d quote the word but it gets automatically censored and the last time I tried quoting I was fucking criticized because morons thought I did it myself.


Us queers love dolly parton. Whoever wrote that had no fucking clue what they’d unleash.


I had the same thing on another comment when I quoted the pope and I got downvoted because morons thought I self censored instead of the instance doing it.


Could be bugs bunny and Taz time busters. I Had that game as a kid and I remember a wooden mallet in it.


I had the same feeling. I love love love the first LiS but this just seems like they’re out of ideas, plus there was no Chloe in the trailer so does that mean they went with the bay ending?? Plus the trying to prevent someone’s death never ended well the first time Max did it.


I liked true colours but there’s fuck all chance I’ll buy anything deck nine make after the company culture came to light. I’m queer and I’m disgusted at a company that boasts about how inclusive it is to then have senior management use nazi symbols and act homophobic. Ironically I went off don’t knod as well and it turns out they’re a better company. If and it’s a big if I play this it’ll be on the seven seas.


Doubt it’ll be game pass day one. Game pass only includes ea play basic tier which doesn’t include big new releases. You’d be better getting ea play pro for a month and unsubbing if you don’t want to play full price to play it at release.


I’m sure it’s just a complete coincidence then that republicans fought against marriage equality and adoption for same sex couples.


By that logic I should be happy that Saudi Arabia executes women as Saudi Arabians would likely think I’m sinful at best and deserve executing at worst. See how fucking stupid that is?


If he did the shit he did on a puppy, y’all would be saying he’s a future serial killer.


Yep. I don’t buy that Lemmy is leftwing, it might have some leftwing users but I still see victim blaming shit here, war crime denials and I’m fucking done with the “enabling trump” bs. This fucking place is no better than Reddit despite how holier than thou some users are.

Berin, to ffxiv avatar

Dawntrail Media Tour Discussion: The Media-Tour Embargo has been lifted

Let's discuss the news here!



I still need to finish endwalker but I’m really looking forward to this especially the cyberpunkish location. Fuck knows how that’ll be explained but I’m looking forward to finding out.


You’d have a point except this march takes place every year and every year there’s an outbreak of violence around the temple mount. Also there are Israeli Arabs (born and raised in Israel ) who funnily enough are Israeli citizens and have fuck all to do with Iran.


Not as complicated as the bs you’re trying to push.


I never gave out passwords for my accounts that I paid for no one is getting access to shit I pay for because if something goes wrong and the account is banned then I’ve pissed money down the drain.


In the books yen uses magic to hide her hunchback and ugliness. Geralt being a Witcher and therefore trained/experienced to analyse magic in front of him quickly sees through the illusion. If the show had the character look uglier to begin with then that’s probably a result of adapting the books. I haven’t watched the show as I don’t really like adaptations. Btw it’s not just Yen that uses magic to hide ugliness either, almost all other sorceresses do as well in the books including Triss.


Lucky you op. I’ve had nurses put suppositories and enemas up the backside as well as a gastroentoligist stick a finger up there.

I’m only 27 but I’ve bowel disease.


Chronic disease so I’ll have to live with it.


I’ve known all year that the game I was most looking forward to was the new trails. Sad/disappointing that were halfway through the year and I can honestly say that there’s almost nothing already announced that excites me, I was hoping to see something that would excite me but alas that wont be the case. And I do play indies as well as bigger budget games and I’m not depressed or mentally unwell (I’ve had people armchair diagnose me on Reddit for not being interested in games before)

What should I understand about Guardians of the Galaxy as someone who's never watched any of the movies but I'm playing the game right now?

So I am playing the game because it was free on my PlayStation plus premium and I got a reward on my PlayStation app for playing it. I’ve kind of gotten into Guardians of the Galaxy now but I went into the game basically blind. I knew who Rocket Raccoon was and Groot but that was about it. So I do understand that Rocket...


The game is separate to the movies. There’s nothing to need to know before hand. Plus the movies are based on comics anyway and didn’t require prior knowledge to watch them, the game is also based on the comic characters. The origins of the characters in the game differ somewhat to the movies as well so there isn’t any benefit or advantage you’re missing by not having seen the movies.


Telltale is actually around again under a different name. They made the expanse episodic game and it felt the same as their older stuff.

No Gaza ceasefire until Israel war aims achieved, Netanyahu says (

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted there will be no permanent ceasefire in Gaza until Hamas’s military and governing capabilities are destroyed and all hostages are released. His statement comes after US President Joe Biden announced Israel had proposed a three-stage plan to Hamas aimed at reaching a...


Fucking read that. Netanyahu isn’t fucking interested in the hostages, only with wanton destruction of Palestine. When the fuck are you people going to open your fucking eyes?? Does all of the civilian population of Gaza need to be fucking wiped out before you people will admit that what’s fucking happening is unacceptable.


Nor agency. Not with Trump’s hand up their arse.


Israel has actually rejected this “deal” already despite Hamas being in favor. Biden can fuck off and so can the hundreds of his sycophants on Lemmy. Before I get accused of supporting trump. I don’t and I can’t vote in your bs election anyway so shove that where the fucking sun don’t shine.


I look for sneaky and if there’s isn’t one try to create a sneaky route, fuck that up and alert everyone then kill all enemies. First time I played Human Revolution I took the tranq gun and went through vents. Came out of the vents and got seen straight away and then had to use a tranq gun with everyone swarming at me. I do the same shit in dishonored too, try to be stealthy, usually fuck it up at first then go on a killing spree. Ironically I love stealth games and I’ve been playing them for years and have found memories of Splinter Cell and MGS.


My dumbass did it twice. I got burnt by soul hackers 2 and SMT V on switch.

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