
millie, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3 Is One Of 2023's Best Games, Don't Turn It Into A Weapon

Kotaku out here dutifully defending the status quo. Maybe these complex, top-heavy, primarily commercially motivated hierarchies aren’t a good environment for the development of decent games. If those top people have a vision and a passion for their art, it’ll show. If they don’t and all they care about is money while throwing figurative scraps of creative freedom and control to their actual development and art teams, that’ll show too.

What Larian did right, more than anything else, is retain artistic integrity. They didn’t hold back to stuff anything behind a paywall or try to figure out how to design their game to appeal to whales. They had something they wanted to make, a franchise they wanted to do proper justice, and they knocked the ball out of the park.

Not because it’s perfect, because it isn’t, but because it is incredibly clear that they didn’t sell out their artistic integrity. It couldn’t have been made if they had.

That, I think, is what some development studios are worried about. Ultimately though, that’s a good thing. It offers the potential of changing the nature of the business to one that’s less about Skinner boxes and more about creating an enjoyable and maybe even profound experience.

Please do use Baldur’s Gate 3 as a weapon to cut money grubbing corporate filth out of the industry.


It’s the same bullshit as return2office, management has its interests which include armies of fungible resources they can track effectively via closure velocity.

It’s why big organizations are less efficient but they’re what we have because of marketing inertia (people assume big companies produce better product).

zik, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3 Is One Of 2023's Best Games, Don't Turn It Into A Weapon

I mean one studio makes a great game and a bunch of other studios make shitty games… then gamers like the game which is better and want more games to be like that. Traditionally that’s called market forces, not a weapon.

HawlSera, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3 Is One Of 2023's Best Games, Don't Turn It Into A Weapon

Kotaku been smoking that pack since day one

heimy, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3 Is One Of 2023's Best Games, Don't Turn It Into A Weapon

I really love Baldur gate 3. It’s awesome

shakesbeare, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3 Is One Of 2023's Best Games, Don't Turn It Into A Weapon
@shakesbeare@beehaw.org avatar

My issue with all of this is thus, and the article touched on it a bit:

Gamers don’t give a shit if games are buggy. Actually, we only really want it to be a baseline level of playable. And even then, we’ll probably suffer through a lot. What we want is a fun game.

In fact, I don’t actually think most of us give a particular shit about micro transactions or battle passes other than that they tend to be accompanied by games that are abjectly less fun without them. I wouldn’t have batter an eye if baldurs gate has a cosmetic store because what I want has nothing to do with that.

I want to play games that are fun. That’s the bottom line. Baldurs gate is incredible because it’s good. I would have paid more for it than I did. I would have suffered through micro transactions and battle passes if I had to. Because I don’t give a shit about that.

I’m just tired of games releasing and not being fun.

shiveyarbles, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3 Is One Of 2023's Best Games, Don't Turn It Into A Weapon

Use it like a BFG, we need to focus on quality games… not hamster wheels with micro transactions and battle passes.


Triple A devs: Help, we don’t want to make good games, we want to make casinos!

drailin, (edited ) to gaming in This New Pokémon From Scarlet And Violet’s DLC Has A Messed-Up Backstory
@drailin@kbin.social avatar

Should be an alt-evo for sinistea imo. The convergent pokemon evolution idea works for some pokécological niches, but for a spirit inhabiting tea vessels, it seems oddly specific for two distinct species.

NightAuthor, to gaming in Final Fantasy XVI Suffers From Its Superficial Handling Of Slavery

That’s how we treat it in America….

atomicfox, to gaming in Final Fantasy XVI Suffers From Its Superficial Handling Of Slavery

Do we have to make everything political now? Can’t we just enjoy the game?

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

Art is “political.” It’s not being “made political” if the game brings up a heavy topic and then blinks. The game made itself “political” by making slavery an element of the world.


Your presence here on Lemmy is political


Judging by the replies: yes and no, respectively. No fun allowed, there's offense to be taken!

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

If you don’t want to engage with political issues, don’t bring up political topics. Using oppression for flavor text instead of confronting it as a major issue in your story is tacky. Star Wars suffers from the same problem.


I don't know how a Final Fantasy game of all things is not going to be political. I don't think I have played a single one that wasn't profoundly political. They are always dealing with war, oppression, exploitation, power struggles and often use metaphors for other issues.

The beloved Final Fantasy 7 is blatant with its environmentalist and anti-corporate themes. All the Ivalice games (FF12, FFT and Vagrant Story) pretty much breathe politics, and while I didn't go too far into Final Fantasy 14, that also seemed pretty political.

@ram@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve not played enough of the other FF games since 7 to say with certainty, but FF7,12,14, and 15 were extremely explicit political dramas. That was their entire plots

NuPNuA, to gaming in Final Fantasy XVI Suffers From Its Superficial Handling Of Slavery

I admit, not having a PS5 I haven’t played FFXVI yet, but sometimes these things are world building around a more personal story which is what I understand the game to be from other people talking about it, just because something features in a world, doesn’t mean it needs to be further explored if that’s not the story that’s been written. Just because thats am element that interests Kotaku writers more due to there nationality and politics, doesn’t mean it was the story the writers set out to tell.

stopthatgirl7, (edited )
@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

Thing is, and I haven’t played it either, but I know this from conversations I’ve seen about it, your character is a slave. Or, rather, is from the caste of people that is enslaved because they have magic. That means it’s something that can’t just be background, because it quite literally influences how everyone in the world interacts with Clive.

There was a really good Jimquisition on how being a “bearer” is treated in the world, and how SE just kind of overdid it with a lack of subtlety (jump to about the 4 minute mark to start, because there’s a lot of faff at the beginning before the video starts talking about the game). https://youtu.be/sgjqXTvHaLk?si=9EQqqsA4x2HEOmqc


Yeah, I did see Steph Stirling’s video and I do get the arguments, but personally I don’t agree that just because it’s an element in the world building and the backstory of the main character it has to be a driving element of the plot.

Look at it like X-Men, being feared and hunted by humanity is sort of X-Men lore, but it isn’t the driving force of every story. Sometimes they’re just off having adventures in space or whatever.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

See, this is why I wish this game wasn’t currently PS5 exclusive and had come out on PC like they originally planned. I can’t say what story it seems like they wanted to tell just because unless I want to watch someone else play it, I can’t know. I couldn’t even read much of the article because I didn’t want to get too far into spoiler territory. It’s very frustrating because this seems like an interesting discussion to be had.


Then maybe we who haven’t played the game shouldn’t be having opinions on some aspects of it, because context matters and we lack context on the whole plot.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

Where have I said a strong opinion on it other than pointing out art is political?! I’ve done a “yeah, but” and that’s it. 🤨


I didn’t say you had a strong opinion either. In any case, having any sort of slavery present in a “medieval-esque” game doesn’t sound too weird to me. From the promotional material it seems like the game is about fights between countries and some eikons/primals/titans and the characters channel the fight of those primals though them?

The whole concept of primals is linked to slavery by the very simple notion that once the character is touched by their mana, it becomes a slave to them. This is how it has worked in all the FF games I have played.

IDK, complaining about the game having aspects of slavery but not addressing them seems a weak complaint to me when probably the game was never about the thing, the thing just being a setting. And I’m not against the thing being just a minor setting, not every game must either make t their focus or make it not exist.

Again, I have not played through it so I’m not gonna say if their implementation is correct or not. All I’m gonna say is that Americans really focus so god damn much in the slavery topic, it’s like unless it’s properly addressed it’s some kind of taboo in media.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

You sat there and said I shouldn’t have an opinion because I haven’t played, when you haven’t played either but get to have a strong opinion on it plus eye roll at Americans. My only opinion is, “eh, seems like they whiffed it instead of going into what they introduced,” and that’s based on a review I saw by a Brit. 🤨


I have not played through it so I’m not gonna say if their implementation is correct or not

you haven’t played either but get to have a strong opinion



While I personally have no opinions on FFXVI, I find that such a consumeristic stance, that the only valid way to form an opinion is by (buying and) playing/watching/using it themselves. Because if so, how can anyone be meaningfully opposed to a product or a piece of media? Seems a little strange if even people who are critical of something are supposed to buy it.

Sure they may have no firsthand impressions, but they might make their minds from a variety of reviews, critiques and discussions around it.


Your character is not a slave. (Spoilers limited to promotional materials) Player character is the oldest son of the ruler of one of the major countries in the game world, so a prince. Ability to wield (very specific) magic is quickly explained that some of the nobles of that family can do. He somewhat is a slave at some point, but this is a very brief story moment (tbf at the very beginning, you meet your character as a slave before he goes into childhood memory where he is a prince). When relevant, NPCs do interact with character as with slave, but its rarely relevant. So it is very much a background theme, even if a major one.


That’s why the phrasing was “from the caste of people” in the clarification. It was just a cultural difference: his home treated him as honorable and other cultures don’t.

When he is briefly enslaved, it wasn’t because they mistook him for being the kind of person you get to do that to, it’s because he was that kind of person and simply hadn’t been treated that way before.


his home treated him as honorable and other cultures don’t

Not the point of the story, when NPCs get to know who the character is theirs opinion changes

it wasn’t because they mistook him for being the kind of person you get to do that to

That is actually almost what happened. If he was not a mage, that story point would change little.

The “mages are slaves” thing is more akin to FF6’s “there is no magic in this world”, like it is a somewhat big deal that Terra is mage, but game doesn’t spend much time there since it is not a point.

Draedron, to gaming in Final Fantasy XVI Suffers From Its Superficial Handling Of Slavery

Unlike OP I have played the game and have to say I diaagree completely with the article. You see the deeper implications of the slavery wherever you go. Sure the violence is the biggest factor but so many side quests show the emotional toll the slavery has on the people. Even just walking in those areas is gut wrenching. I dont know how a final fantasy could portray it better. It is hard to handle already.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

Unlike OP

…why are you bringing me into this?

@dreadgoat@kbin.social avatar

You post a lot. I see your name come up non-stop. That is great! It is really appreciated. I'm certainly not doing that work.

You also post quite a bit of inflammatory clickbait without having any personal knowledge to back it up. That's a bit confounding. At the bare minimum, you need to be prepared to accept criticism for that.

I can personally say this is the second time you've posted a FF16 ragebait article and gotten offended when prodded about the fact that you yourself haven't even played it. Why are you spreading information that you don't even have the ability to evaluate?

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

I post things I think people can talk about, even if I can’t actively take part in it. That’s it.

And if you don’t like what I post, you are more than welcome to block me - I actively encourage people blocking folks they don’t like. Please, feel free.

@dreadgoat@kbin.social avatar

I've already said that I appreciate your efforts. I'm not going to block you, your work is valuable. I'm just explaining that you ARE going to be criticized for what you choose to post, and you shouldn't act surprised. If you really don't care about whether or not the stories you are propagating have merit, then just ignore anyone who pushes you on it. Consider attacks on "OP" to be the original author of the article, not you.

Or, be more selective about what you post, if the approval matters to you. Consider it constructive feedback.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

Please block me. I’d block you (actually, I will anyway), but blocking on kbin is busted and means you would still see and be able to comment on my posts. Hopefully they’ll fix that.



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  • esperkin39, to gaming in Final Fantasy XVI Suffers From Its Superficial Handling Of Slavery

    Frankly, YoshiP’s comments have only ever made me feel like he’s some out-of-touch edgelord, so this doesn’t surprise me.

    I avoid his stuff like the plague since he feels diversity (apparently slavery as well, lol) is nothing more than window dressing as opposed to a fact of life & history.

    Enjoy the disappointing sales Square! I know you lost at least one Final Fantasy fan with this clown at the helm.

    @stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

    I feel like the “disappointing sales” are more on SE than anything else, though. Like, they decided to only release on PS5 despite initially saying it would be PS5 and PC (and I’m just going to be charitable and ignore YoshiP telling someone asking about the PC release to just get a PS5, when PS5s were still damn near impossible to get in Japan), and even though PS5s had a really small install base (especially here in Japan - PS5s have recently become readily available, and even then, stock is limited - the electronics store near me is so completely out of stock of the digital version that they took down the display for that version and only have the disc drive version for sale).

    I feel like SE has been making a lot of missteps lately.

    And I’m not even going to touch the mess that is YoshiP’s reasoning for why his fantasy Europe was so dang un-melanated. That is a whole other issue. I’m just gonna say that as a non-white American living in Japan, a lot of folks in Japan have a very limited view of what an 欧米人 (European and American) is.

    Luella, to gaming in Final Fantasy XVI Suffers From Its Superficial Handling Of Slavery
    @Luella@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Kotaku has been releasing quality write-ups on FFXVI since launch, and from most of the spaces I have seen them shared, Kotaku has only received hate for sharing many of the same sentiments I have regarding this game.

    stopthatgirl7, (edited )
    @stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

    People are still hanging on to silly gamergate-era hate of Kotaku and get angry just seeing the name, and will go out of their way to argue why anything Kotaku says must be stupid and wrong. It’s wild.

    The few times I post a Kotaku article, regardless of what it’s about, far too many folks just completely lose it screaming “click bait!” or completely blow off any points they might be making.

    I was talking with a friend of mine who played the whole game last night, and they completely agreed with the idea that FF16 really had issues with how they handled slavery.

    But oh wait, I forgot I can’t have an opinion because I didn’t play the game myself, as someone in here told me.

    @Luella@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    And people have said it to me too, but move the goalpost to requiring completion to critique. I stopped playing because it wasn’t enjoyable for me, and trust that I would hate it more if I had to deal with it longer than I did.

    moral_imperative, to gaming in Final Fantasy XVI Suffers From Its Superficial Handling Of Slavery

    The quest where you help the girl find her “pet” and you find out at the end that it’s a bearer who was petrified is super fucked up. The whole time you think this girl is talking about a dog or cat. It really hits home how normalized treating bearers as less than is in this world.

    OP couldn’t be more wrong.

    peter, to gaming in Twitch Sensation Only Up! Removed From Steam So Dev Can Find ‘Peace Of Mind And Healing’
    @peter@feddit.uk avatar

    I bet there are tons of games on steam that have stolen assets and shitty mechanics that inexperienced developers put up expecting only a few people to play

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