
EmptyRadar, to gaming in Twitch Sensation Only Up! Removed From Steam So Dev Can Find ‘Peace Of Mind And Healing’

Why not just sell the game? Secure the bag and the peace of mind at the same time

WarmSoda, to gaming in Apple Wants Its New iPhone To Be Your Next Gaming Device

I’m sure Apple wants a lot of things


Except to pay a corporate tax.

CookieJarObserver, to PCGaming in Unity Bosses Sold Stock Ahead Of Scummy Dev Fees Announcement
@CookieJarObserver@sh.itjust.works avatar

Isn’t that called Markt Manipulation?


No, insider trading. Which it may or may not even be.

partyseven, to gaming in Apple Wants Its New iPhone To Be Your Next Gaming Device

When I can get a 1TB iPhone, a controller, and the cable to plug it into my telly, all for £500, then we can talk about it.

kirklennon, to PCGaming in Unity Bosses Sold Stock Ahead Of Scummy Dev Fees Announcement

I have no doubt that this guy is scummy, but this is a total nothingburger. He sold, for him, a tiny number of shares on a day where the stock was slightly above where it had been averaging, but even right now it’s still up for the month. Moreover, the expectation of every executive at Unity must naturally be that they expect to make more money with this new plan. Some developers and gamers may be mad, but Wall Street should be happy and the stock price should go up.

Phrased another way: he sold stock a few days before announcing a plan to increase company profits.


Typically there's some kind of plan where they have to announce sale of shares well in advance or a 'trading window' when they can buy/sell shares freely.

Insinuations of insider trading are going off too little info so far. That said it's not a good look for any of those people and I'd guess the FTC will investigate them.

Gordon_Freeman, to PCGaming in Unity Bosses Sold Stock Ahead Of Scummy Dev Fees Announcement
@Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

Remember, John Riccitiello is the guy who said people should be charged $1 every time they wanted to reload their weapons in Battlefield

tonamel, to PCGaming in Unity Bosses Sold Stock Ahead Of Scummy Dev Fees Announcement

The guy has 3.2 million shares in Unity. If he was expecting the stock to tank, he probably would have sold a little more than 0.06% of his shares.

Mereo, to games in Tomb Raider 1, 2 and 3 getting remasters early next year

When I hear remaster, I now hear Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition.

underisk, to games in Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Does anyone even install these mods or do they just exist for people to get outraged at?


Mostly the outrage.

@Rottcodd@kbin.social avatar

I would imagine a bare handful of people install them.

There's some number of people who are so angry and stupid that the mere sight of something like an option to choose pronouns fills them with blind, seething rage, so for them, mods like this are essentially QOL improvements.

More's the pity...

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

option to choose pronouns fills them with blind, seething rage

Yeah I was there when BATTLETECH (still dunno why its name has to be so LOUD :P ) launched. Every hatefool was raging about it, apropos of anything or nothing. Try to talk about any part of it and it's "OH YOU MEAN FUCKING PRONOUNWARRIOR?!?!" and a bunch of incoherent senseless bile. There's a sizeable group of people who deeply love being offended, and it's not us (queerfolk/LGBTQIA+/QUILTBAG/GSM/whatever). Like, I'm neck-deep in queer over here and every time I play a game with a pronoun selector at the beginning I promptly forget about it but oohhhh nooo, not these bellends. They somehow think a button at the beginning of the game that matters like three times ever has entirely DESTROYED videogames with LIES and FALLACIES 🙄

They'd be a joke and an insignificant oddity if they didn't deliberately make messes of everything else (say, going to MWLL/other games, ranting about "pronounwarrior," pretty sure some critters got teamkilled over it...) for no good reason.

@Rottcodd@kbin.social avatar

They'd be a joke and an insignificant oddity if they didn't deliberately make messes of everything else

My opinion exactly.

In ways, I actually feel sorry for them. In the first place, it has to suck just to be that angry and spiteful, but underneath that, it must really suck to feel so powerless and desperate and insecure that something as trivial and irrelevant as pronouns can send you into a compensatory rage.

My pity is greatly diminished by the fact that they're toxic assholes who try to force the world to accommodate their own failures though.


Wait, Battletech? The turn based one? From 2018?

That’s amusing. I played that a couple months ago. I don’t recall ever selecting a pronoun, but I’m sure I did and then just moved on like a normal person.

woelkchen, to games in Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Wait, the mod removed the option to set a gender in the character editor? Why don’t these people just make a male character and be done with it?

@darq@kbin.social avatar

Because it's not actually about the pronouns. These people aren't actually angry about pronouns.

They're angry about trans and non-binary people. They're angry that people are growing to accept these people, who they do not think should be accepted. They are angry that a group they don't think is normal, is being accepted as normal.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think it’s even about that, they’re angry because the want to be angry. The why doesn’t matter, if the current right wing outrage du-jour had been… I dunno, left handed people rather than trans people, you’d see all the same people working themselves into a screaming tantrum if a game or movie had a left handed person in it.

TheAgeOfSuperboredom, to games in Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I’m fine with it too!

Nexus Mods has had some controversy in the past but they seem generally solid.

Kolanaki, to games in Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

They finally give you something that controls how people refer to you in their games, and dipshits wanna remove it? This is as close as you’re going to get to having characters refer to you as a choice you’ve taken other than Codsworth and Vasco having like 1000 generic names recorded to use.


I mean, I sorta get it. Identity politics are political and often divisive, and some people don't want it in their escapism.
It's not a perfect analogy, but if a role-playing game had a mandatory character-selection choice to choose if my character was pro-choice or pro-life, I could see myself mildly resenting it.

@darq@kbin.social avatar

Not really a good example. A more apt example is if these people were getting angry that the character creator allowed a player to create a woman, or a person of colour. The game offering you a choice of pronouns is not asking you for a political opinion, it's literally just an option to create a type of character that these people don't think should exist.

And that's the crux of it, they aren't angry about pronouns, they're angry about trans and non-binary people becoming normalised.


I dunno, being a man, woman, or black person isn't political. Trans, non-binary, etc is, and normalizing it is political, regardless of if it's right or wrong. I think that you're correct and that it seems like something done as ammunition in the Culture War; normalizing identity politics rather than a design decision done out of a necessity to improve the quality of the game apart from that.

My earlier analogy was about having a pro-life/pro-choice option forced on you, but I guess to make it more accurate it would be more like the game just telling you that you're pro-life as part of your character settings? Because it's not just putting the politics in the game, it's taking a strong side. Again, rightly or wrongly, I can see why some people would resent that in their escapism.


Fuck off forever

@darq@kbin.social avatar

I dunno, being a man, woman, or black person isn't political.

I agree, they should not be, but people still try and make them political.

Trans, non-binary, etc is

No. Absolutely not. Trans people and non-binary people are types of people who exist. Exactly the same as men, women, people of colour, and so forth. They are no more or less political than those other types of people. People still make them political, but that's exactly the same thing as with other groups.

My earlier analogy was about having a pro-life/pro-choice option forced on you, but I guess to make it more accurate it would be more like the game just telling you that you're pro-life as part of your character settings? Because it's not just putting the politics in the game, it's taking a strong side. Again, rightly or wrongly, I can see why some people would reset that in their escapism.

You are mistaken. There is no political opinion here. None is being asked for, and none is being assigned. The character creator having additional options is just allowing players to make trans or non-binary characters. This isn't asking you for a political opinion, it's simply adding options to create more types of characters.

Which is why the bigots are upset. Because they don't think those types of characters should be allowed to be made.


Whether or not it should be, isn't LGBT issues political/controversial?

@darq@kbin.social avatar

As are women and people of colour, and their inclusion in media. These are all demographics of people. There is no difference.


There's no difference between a movie casting a woman/black man as the main character, compared to casting a trans person?

@darq@kbin.social avatar

No, there is no difference.

Your previous comments implied that there was a difference in type between the inclusion of women or people of colour, and the inclusion of trans of non-binary people.

There is a difference in magnitude of the controversy. But not a difference in type. Something can be more or less controversial, but it's still the same type of controversy.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Whether or not it should be, isn’t LGBT issues political/controversial?

Simply acknowledging LGBT exist

  1. isn’t political
  2. helps make it less political

I guess my existence is “political” then, I guess I can’t exist in a space without having something “forced” on people.

We were male/female, now we’re women/men/other, that’s it. It’s a personal matter that we go through and we want to simply exist. That’s only “political” when your dealing with people who actively want to harm our rights. I cannot stress enough that these people shouldn’t be treated with respect as if they’re not trying to destroy people for a simple personal choice.


Aside from you being transphobic, you should realize that the people complaining about pronouns are also the people who complain about the "replaced white people" and "female leaders" in the game. So I guess black people and women are also political, by your logic?

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

being a man, woman, or black person isn't political

Being a woman isn't political... until I do it? Kinda seems like there's no actually valid (sound? I forget the terminology) argument for how our existence is a problem, nor for how supporting or acknowledging our existence is a problem.

I don't actually quite understand what you're on about but it kinda seems like you're arguing that allowing people to play characters that don't match your preferences exactly is some kind of forced political thing and that's kinda horsecrap, y'know?

Anyway I'm gonna go exist at that bigot up there now. Byeee ö/

@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

I dunno, being a man, woman, or black person isn't political. Trans, non-binary, etc is, and normalizing it is political, regardless of if it's right or wrong.

Women and black people getting the right to vote and be treated equally has always been "political" you fucking jackass.


The best bigots are the ones that tell on themselves, dontcha think?

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I wouldn’t. I mean, I hate Nazis but I don’t mind a game where I can choose to play as one (so long as the context makes sense like it’s a multiplayer WW2 game or Diso Elysium). It’s a fuckin’ choice. If you don’t like one of the options: Choose a different one.


Terrible analogy. It's just turning the binary male / female into non binary body types & pronouns to be more inclusive for those who fall outside the norm on the spectrum of things.


We can’t be far from text-to-speech tweaking a ton of voice acting. Might have to pronounce or IPA your custom name, to get an AI voice to nail it… but maybe it’s better-off being wrong. There’s disarming verisimilitude in schmaltzy NPCs confidently fumbling your character’s name. Or if some characters heard it, but haven’t seen it, and you catch some mutter ‘so that’s how it’s spelled.’

Whether that name is Paarthurnax, Heloise, or Ng.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I am just picturing the orc noble who uses words incorrectly/mispronounces shit. Forgot what those are called, but they have similar characters in most of their games. In Starfield, they even called him “Dumbrosky.” Dumb Bro ski.




As someone with a generic name, fuck you!

TheObserver, to games in Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@TheObserver@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Tbh I don’t even know why the option even exists. I have 2 days worth of playtime and not once does it go on about pronouns or anything like that. So to me the menu seems completely pointless. If i can recall i also don’t think the NPCs have even referred to me as male or he/him. Maybe Bethesda added it last minute or something to try to appeal to a larger group of people idk. I’m just enjoying my spaceship man.


I’m not super far in, but I have heard it. The first time I remember hearing it is in the opening act when Lin is telling Barrett about you. Also when Sam talks to the marshal about you in Akila City. I suppose there are only so many opportunities for other characters to talk about you while you’re standing right there, but it does pop up, so it’s nice to have the option for those moments.


Do people really care what gender the MC is? I just role play as whatever gender the character is.

If I’m playing Tomb Raider, I am Laura Croft. If I play GTA, I’m CJ or Trevor or whatever. If I’m given a choice, I’ll sometimes look up if the gender matters (e.g. in Mount and Blade it can impact relations), and otherwise just pick randomly. When there’s a character creation screen, I usually randomize it a few times and get into the game.

I wouldn’t mind role playing as a gay or trans person, though I’d be a little worried about the content because I’m not looking for anything with relationships, I want to wreck monsters and solve puzzles.

@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

Depends on if the character's supposed to be a self insert. In a game with deep customization you may be trying to make yourself, and not playing as Lara Croft or Geralt, so being able to choose your pronouns helps immersion, and immersion's a big deal to many players who'll take it anywhere they can get it in a game, whether it's pronouns, or being able to see your torso and feet when you look down.

@people_are_cute@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It was most likely a Marketing/management decision, just a checkbox to fill to show people they “care”.


Or, maybe, inclusivity is never a bad thing, regardless of your personal level of cynicism. Hate the world all you want, but there are people out there that appreciate and deserve things like this.


Ahh the old “they did the right thing for the wrong reason” argument. Maybe, just maybe, somebody at the company did actually care?


When you meet Sam & Cora they'll refer to you by your pronoun while they talk about you.
The whole thing is just to make the character generation non binary, that's it. I don't see why this is such a big deal for some people. I'm a cis male, I select a masculine body type and go with he / him, or maybe they / them, and be done with it. It does nothing but help others feel more included.

@TheObserver@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ohhhh. Wow i never noticed that tbh. I was so focused on trying to win sarah over. Never met a more picky person in my life. Now she resides on europa because she bitches every time i steal or a innocent sounding dialog option makes her mad. Sam is cool every ounce and a while he says something about me stealing but it’s not as annoying. I’ve yet to come across cora. I spend so much time in the ship builder.


You might've missed their initial dialog in the lodge, which happened in that garden area. You can find her typically in the basement where she has her room and she will be on board of your ship if you assign Sam onto it. The kids in Starfield are actually pretty cute and wholesome, unlike the literal spawns of Satan from Skyrim.

@TheObserver@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ohhh that kid! I completely ignored that little stinker. I remember her trying to con me out of 50 creds for books. I’m too greedy for that i got ships to build.


You probably would have noticed it if they used the wrong pronouns. Which is why the option exists…

transigence, to games in Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@transigence@kbin.social avatar

Removing the mod is imposing a political viewpoint, and it's also completely performative. Why should NexusMods care if the mod exists? Everybody mods their games at their own consent.

No non-conforming people were protected by this move.

@genoxidedev1@kbin.social avatar

Rejecting bigotry is not supposed to be a political viewpoint.

Addendum: "YourContentSucks" just went through my profile and downvoted everything lol what a cuck A2: Actually now that I think of it the username does kind of check out

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

Rejecting gender ideology isn't bigotry. Also, like I said, nobody installs mods they don't want. It literally affects zero people who don't want it to affect them.

@darq@kbin.social avatar

Rejecting gender ideology isn't bigotry.

Referring to a demographic as an ideology generally is bigotry, though.

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

Okay, but nobody has done that.

@darq@kbin.social avatar

"Gender ideology" is doing exactly that.

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

Referring to gender ideology as gender ideology is putting a tidy label to a set of ideas, and makes no reference to any people whatsoever.

@darq@kbin.social avatar

No, sorry, I'm not willing to play your stupid little word game where you try to semantically differentiate a demographic from the "ideology" that that demographic meaningfully exists and should have the right to pursue happiness in society.

The set of ideas that you refer to includes the ideas that transgender people exist as transgender, and non-binary people exist as non-binary.

@JBloodthorn@kbin.social avatar

The only choice involved in being trans is the choice to let everyone else know (or not). They are a demographic, not an ideology.

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

The concept of "trans" is part of gender ideology. They are people with an identity disorder. Conceptualizing them as "trans" can only exist if you subscribe to the concept of gender in the first place, and gender only exists as an abstraction in the minds of gender ideologues (and people who don't know any better, who have been duped by gender ideologues).

@JBloodthorn@kbin.social avatar

False. Like, completely and totally wrong. The science is clear, and you are on the side opposite of it. There are experts on one side, and you on the other. It is amazing just how many incorrect statements you are barfing out.

@Jimbo@yiffit.net avatar

You yourself just did

@genoxidedev1@kbin.social avatar

How come you're only defending the people putting this hateful shit on there? You aren't impressing anybody on here by "seeing both sides" if you're only seeing the modders side.

Nexus removed a mod that may be (and has obviously been, because otherwise nobody would be making posts about it) perceived as hateful by others and you're over here defending the modders that put that shit on there because "it's political" from Nexus to take the obviously political mod down.

On the other hand you're probably the type preaching about "Well Twitter is allowed to encourage hate speech on their site because it's their website and they're allowed to do whatever they want, you don't have to use it if you feel attacked by that", but Nexus is not? Nexus' site-wide rules don't count because they're "pushing leftist agenda" by removing mods that were never allowed there to begin with?

"Why should NexusMods care if the mods exist?" why do you care so much if it doesn't exist any longer? If you feel that attacked by the removal of an anti-pronouns mod you can just make a new one yourself or download it from somewhere else. Or just not give a fuck/be happy like every other normal functioning human being.

Would you care as much as to reply to this post, if they had instead instead removed a mod that added pronouns to a game? Would that not be imposing political views as well then? Or would you just not care because you care more about making non-binary people feel excluded rather than included?

You're not making a point here. We are making this network a place that is inclusive to people all over the gender spectrum. Defending those that do not, is not making a point.

I do not care to read any more of your replies as your points are easily dismantled even by someone that's as stupid as I am.
If you do reply, just say yes or no to the following question, that I had posed earlier: Would you care this much if they had removed a mod that added pronouns to a game?
Try to think as hard as you can, I do not want to read any excuse for either answer. Just imagine yourself in that situation and tell me.

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

It's not hateful shit, and I'm not trying to "see both sides," either. I have no quarter for gender ideologues. However, I do think that any person or business (that doesn't have any kind of monopoly status over critical services) has the freedom to refuse to serve anyone they want for any reason they want, so GN is free to take down whatever they want and they don't really owe any of us an explanation.
And, really, I'm not defending the people who made the mod and put it up. They don't really need a defense. I'm just pointing out that the removal of it makes GN either petty activists, or scared of the left.
Obviously gender ideologues perceive it as hateful, but so what? Gender ideologues perceive literally anything they disagree with, no matter how slightly as hateful. It's their entire brand. Would GN host mods for a game if the game itself was "hateful?" Absolutely not. And if a mod whose only function is to remove the ability to arbitrarily select your pronouns is hateful, then why isn't every single game which is supported on GN that does not offer that functionality considered hateful and have all support for it removed? The answer is simple: GN are petty activists and this is performative.
My views on Twitter (et al) haven't changed even after its ownership changed hands from someone who I don't like to someone who I don't like a little bit less. Not that it's on-topic, but I think platforms like Twitter need to decide if they are publishers or platforms and then play by the rules set forth for those that they decided to be, no mixing and matching. §230 of Title 47 needs an overhaul.
I really don't care that much about the mod and this event, in part because I can't afford the game nor the hardware needed to run it. But, I do have opinions on gender ideology and the behavior of public-facing organizations with respect to gender ideology.
I'll reiterate my point: GN are petty activists (or afraid of the left).
Yes, I would care the exact same amount. It's crummy behavior, no matter where it comes from. I can exist in the presence of ideas I don't agree with. I don't have the urge to stamp out, by fiat or coercion, every trace of any belief that differs from mine.

@userflairoptional@lemmynsfw.com avatar

What is a “gender ideologue”?

@genoxidedev1@kbin.social avatar

Tldr, wanted yes/no, fuck off kindly.


Nexus mods has no responsibility to host an asshole’s dickery on their servers.

No one was benefited by your comment.

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

True, but the act does show everybody that they are political activists. Either that, or they're afraid of the left. Either way, it's worth pointing out. It carves out a space for competition.


It’s not political activitism to be a half decent human being.

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

Removing the mod doesn't make Nexus decent human beings. It makes them petty activists who can't bear the thought of the existence of people who don't subscribe to the same ideology as they do.


Lmao, bruh we already know you’re an asshole, you don’t have to explicitly say you put your ideology above treating people with dignity and respect, we got it.


Meanwhile, you're a petty commenter who can't bear the thought of the existence of people who host their own website with their own rules.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

Please google the “paradox of intolerance.”


This has literally nothing to do with politics

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

It's literally gender ideology politics. Outside of that, there is zero reason to take down the mod. It harms nobody. It doesn't even violate their own TOS.


Gender ideology isn’t a political stance, wtf are you talking about?

This is the equivalent of me making a mod that removes all black people and calling it a political statement.

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

Gender ideology is literally sexual politics. The inclusion of the ability to select your pronouns (as opposed to what, I don't know, them being fixed according to the sex of the generated character?) is sexual politics. Modding that choice out is sexual politics. Removing the mod is sexual politics. Every action taken by all parties in this story is sexual politics.


Sexual Politics - the principles determining the relationship of the sexes; relations between the sexes regarded in terms of power.

Now, tell me where removing the options for pronouns in a video game fits within that definition.

Apparently you can just add “politics” to the end of anything to try and justify discrimination. My mod that removes all black people from the game is just “race politics”, so it’s okay!

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

All of gender ideology is sexual politics. It's an attack on the conceptual model of the sexes as they are intuitively understood — an attempt to hijack the language that is used to describe the sexes in an attempt to push gender ideology into the mainstream.


I’m sorry man, I wish I could help you. But this… I think you’re in a bit too deep.

Nobody is “hijacking” anything, and nobody is forcefully pushing ideologies on anyone. It’s as simple as groups of people wanting to be treated just as well as anyone else - it’s not any more complicated than that.

I hope eventually you find your way out of this.


Someone posted the section it violates further up in the thread.


It does:

Content that may be generally construed as provocative, divisive, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class. We tolerate content related to real world issues and events as long as the appropriate tag ("Real World Issues") is used and the content is handled in a tasteful, respectful, and non-inflammatory manner. Users who do not wish to see such content should make use of our content blocking feature.

And it is their platform, that's why they care. They can dictate what is and isn't allowed there.



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  • DarkThoughts,

    Sure, but the question was why they care, and in this case it very much is justified.


    No non-conforming people were protected by this move.

    By taking this down, NexusMods communicated that they care about non-conforming people far more than if they had just said it. They are creating an environment where bigotry is removed rather than accepted. Nobody is saying you can’t be a bigot in private with your game, we are saying if you’re going to be a bigot we don’t want you to do it here with us because we care about the people you are excluding/hurting.

    @TipRing@kbin.social avatar

    Because the mod itself is intended as a form of political grandstanding. So that bigots can download it thousands of times and then hold it up and say 'look how many people are modding the woke out of BG3' in an attempt to discourage inclusive content in other titles.

    @transigence@kbin.social avatar

    Well, sure. Lots of people don't want woke garbage in their games. When it tops the download list the number of people who reject gender ideology is revealed. That's the real problem with it. It scares the shit out of the left because it breaks the illusion of social acceptance the left fights so ferociously to maintain by force and fiat.

    @darq@kbin.social avatar

    Well, sure. Lots of people don't want woke garbage in their games.

    "Woke garbage" being things like "the existence of a type of people I think should not exist".

    @transigence@kbin.social avatar

    Again, with the "existence" thing. Obviously people exist, but arbitrary pronouns are woke garbage.

    @darq@kbin.social avatar

    Yes. Existence.

    Trans people exist. Non-binary people exist. And they exist in ways that people refer to as "woke garbage".


    They're not arbitrary.

    @transigence@kbin.social avatar

    When you decide at your choosing what they are, instead of by a deterministic set of conditions, they are, by definition, arbitrary. That's what arbitrary means. It means you choose them.


    Here's the thing: They are chosen by a deterministic set of conditions. Just because you don't understand what those conditions are does not make the terms arbitrary.

    Also, that's not what "arbitrary" means, either. For somebody who seems to be so uptight about the definitions of words, you sure do invent a lot of your own definitions.

    @transigence@kbin.social avatar

    No, they are chosen by "I identify as..." and then they make their choice. That is literally arbitrary. I don't know how you have been using the word, but you could look it up in a dictionary to see how people have historically used the word.


    they are chosen by "I identify as..."

    So you acknowledge that there are deterministic sets of conditions after all. Great, we're making progress!


    based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system

    It's not random choice or personal whim. There is a reason and a system. Again, just because you lack the understanding does not mean the rest of the world is as riddled with brain worms as you are.

    @transigence@kbin.social avatar

    Yeah, the system is "I feel this way (today)," or "I feel that way (today)." This ends in "does free will exist," which I don't want to end up at.


    Not how it works. Clearly you've never actually met a trans person and actually had a conversation with them and tried to understand their life, have you?

    @transigence@kbin.social avatar

    There are a couple of "trans" people in my life. They have one sex but feel as though they are the other sex. I feel sorry for them the discord they feel in their identity, but beyond that I really don't give a shit. One of them works with me and the other slices my lunchmeat at the deli. I don't press them about anything, and I don't talk about it. I actually use their preferred pronouns because I respect them both as individuals, but internally, I believe they are both men who think they feel like women. I'm not even convinced they actually feel like women. I think they've been lied to scummy activists all throughout their public education.
    Gender is made-up bullshit.


    I feel sorry for them the discord they feel in their identity, but beyond that I really don't give a shit

    I feel sorry for the trans people in your life. They deserve better.

    @transigence@kbin.social avatar

    If I feel like eating pizza today, that desire comes from deterministic conditions. Me choosing to have pizza is still an arbitrary choice. If I had a cheeseburger instead of pizza because it's cheeseburger day, even if I want pizza, that's deterministic. You could argue that the schedule is arbitrary, and that's fair, but deciding for yourself what pronouns you are going to have used in your regard regardless of your sex is arbitrary.


    You know gender and sex aren't the same thing, right?

    Who am I kidding, of course you know. You just don't care about the difference, because reality is meaningless to you.

    @transigence@kbin.social avatar

    I understand better than gender ideologues the difference between sex and gender, and unlike both the left and the right, I meticulously never use them interchangeably.


    Oh lawdy, we've got an enlightened centrist on our hands, don't we?

    @TipRing@kbin.social avatar

    Interesting that bigots are so insecure in their bigotry that they require it to be externally validated. How pitiful.

    @transigence@kbin.social avatar

    The insecurity is on the part of the people trying to modify the language in society by fiat when it doesn't get adopted organically.

    @snooggums@kbin.social avatar

    Like black people trying to get racists to stop using the N-word, right?

    @all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

    I can understand that having pronouns or nonbinary or trans characters in games can be a bit of a culture shock. As a culture we're beginning to grow more overall accepting of these people that have been here all along, but never felt comfortable to "be a seen part of society" out of fear. The same sort of thing happened, or is still happening, with homosexuality, though that's further along the acceptance curve than trans/nonbinary.

    Eventually it won't be so obviously "woke garbage" that sticks out to you as something noticeable and startling, and it'll be just another feature of the game like anything else, just another NPC like any other, but that one gets called "they" instead of him or her. It takes time for it all to become normalized and not be something you raise eyebrows at and feel upset by. You may always wonder sometimes what gender someone is identifying as when it may not be obvious, but it will become easier to simply ask them, or be okay with not knowing, it's okay to not know.

    I'm not going to pretend that mentally working through these things isn't a part of this whole process, but trying to somehow fight back against it by calling it all garbage and refusing to extend the hand to understand where it's all coming from is... inappropriate, we all need to get along, we all live on this planet together and the only way to make it the best it can be is to try and understand each other.

    Sure, you may have a point in there about desiring a platform where people can upload any mod they like, and that could totally be a thing, Nexus Mods doesn't want that to be their thing, specifically, and whether you're okay with that or not is your perspective, and I'm okay with that, but you should try and understand why Nexus is taking that stance. Nonbinary and trans people are on the back foot, culturally, so it's clear that many places will take a stand to hard defend their representation because they're so far behind the "biological genders" and could use a helping hand.



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    @all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

    I didn't say that understanding and agreement are the same. What I wanted was for that user to understand where the other side was coming from, and acknowledge that, and if they still had a different opinion, then okay, but I just wanted to try and explain the side I'm on in a less directly hostile way than the other commenters are.

    You make some logical points, I won't go into my opinion since it already seems clear, hope you have a nice night, genuinely, people should be able to discuss this stuff maturely.

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Hi, woke garbage here. Very trans. Enby too. Just sitting here existing at you. Existing so hard, it probably hurts you just knowing about it. I hope it does, 'cause you're a prick and you deserve it ^.^


    If ‘trans people exist’ is a political viewpoint, it’s the kind that only monsters disagree with.

    Some questions have a right answer.


    Bigroty is not a political opinion. It’s just hate.


    Bigotry is a political opinion, but the idea that all political opinions deserve identical respect is really dumb.

    Some people’s ideas are bad, actually. It is fine and good to tell them where to shove it.

    The kneejerk demand for “civility” confuses polite responses for appropriate responses. Some people are monsters. Some people need to hear, “fuck off.” That is the correct attitude for a worrying number of online interactions, and if moderators won’t step up and proactively remove the bigoted propagandist time-vampires who deserve it, the least they can do is stay out of the way. ‘What you chose to say is fucking awful’ cannot possibly be more of a personal attack than being told ‘everyone like you is inherently broken.’

    people_are_cute, to games in Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
    @people_are_cute@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    This is all fine and well, but am I the only one a bit concerned about how NexusMods is practically a monopoly in the modding scene? Why does literally every modder have to use a rate-limiting host as a platform, especially when Github exists?

    @derin@lemmy.beru.co avatar

    I mean, github does exist. It looks like people just prefer platforms with a pre-existing community.


    Steam workshop exists as well, for games that support it.

    @ahornsirup@artemis.camp avatar

    That's even worse though. Plenty of games (e.g. Stellaris and RimWorld) are also available on platforms like GOG or, ugh, Epic. But if you want to use mods and you bought the game on any platform other than Steam it's fuck you.


    Even if you buy Terraria off of steam, you can use steam mods. Sounds like a per-game problem, rather than a steam problem.


    steamworkshopdownloader.io never gotten this to work myself but I put the least amount of effort in as possible. There may be others as well but I remember when I did my research a couple years ago that it was a real trudge and almost not worth it.


    That went so well until your proposed alternative was Microsoft.


    At least github is easier than the shit that is nexusmods

    Also there are alternatives

    Gitlab… sourceforge…

    Ive downloaded a lot of mods from sourceforge over the years


    Yeah, an alternative using git would be good probably, but maybe don’t use github. Preferably though, it’d be agnostic and just target some git repo anywhere. It’d pull from a description file for the page to ensure a uniform appearance preferably, and it’d show and manage versions from some uniformly named folder on the repo.

    @people_are_cute@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I know what Microsoft’s general reputation is, but it’s undeniable that GitHub has only seen improvements since Microsoft acquired it.


    since Microsoft acquired it.




    They have not changed.


    Natural monopoly. Nobody else offers as good of an experience. The closest is ModDB and their UX is stuck in the mid 2000s.


    I don’t think that term really applies here. It’s not like the barrier to entry for a webservice hosting game modification data is all that high. It’s very different from the railway, waterworks and power grid markets.

    Also there are at least the competitors Loverslab, Curseforge, ModMD and Modrinth from the top of my head.


    Well, for one thing, Nexus gives modders a share of ad revenue. Under a different name, I have a mod that’s a backend requirement for a big, popular mod, and that nets me a reliable few bucks a month.

    That said, a good portion of the modding community also exists on Gamebanana. If you want BotW, ToTK or Source engine mods, GB is the go-to.


    There’s stuff like Curseforge, but it’s only for some games, mostly Minecraft. The problem, if someone considers it a problem, is really that communities for games generally centralize around one site for their mods for the most part, and Nexus has garnered a lot of trust and therefore has more pull/inertia for communities working those things out.

    As for Github, I believe the vast majority of mods have Github pages, but Github itself doesn’t really have a UI suited for mod downloaders, and no real incentive to implement one. So sites like Nexus and Curseforge are still a necessity.



    Starfield mods (a few) on Curseforge currently


    Nice! Personally I don’t have any particular issue with Nexus, but it’s always nice to see diversity. Monopolies are pretty much never good for end users.


    My only issue with Nexus is that I have to create a login to download mods there. I don’t want to sign in to websites just to DL something. Curseforge is good for Minecraft mods and doesn’t hassle me with a login prompt


    That’s fair.


    In Curseforge we trust


    Not really sure curseforge is better. Its another of those sites with an sketchy bloaty overwolf launcher that makes you jump through hoops to load mods onto a server.

    It’s concerningly hard to avoid overwolf in modding


    I hope that was snarky because CF has really gone downhill.


    It’s like I didn’t think it could get worse but it just kept getting worse and worse lol.


    Yeah no question Curseforge ain’t great and if you want to get a modpack as opposed to a singular mod you get kind of screwed by the launcher.

    Thing is, the alternatives tend to suck more. Plus my point was that Nexus ain’t alone.


    There’s also steam workshop. Neither are shining examples of a free modding community. I think nexus mods starting out better and slowly enshittified but I don’t know the extent of it.


    There’s also the Thunder store!


    Their rate-limiting isn’t bad at all, their integration into everything is excellent, and for games without much of a community Vortex is often the only mod manager. Their API isn’t closed down, so Mod Organiser can integrate with Nexus just as well, and they probably would also do it with other mod sites if those ever bothered to set up a version check etc. API. They have an excellent search function.

    In short: They provide a good service. Like the most annoying part about Nexus as a freeloader is the five or what seconds wait before your mod manager picks up the download.

    And, no, their rate limiting really isn’t bad. 1.5MB/s for people with adblock, 3MB/s for people without. How often do you download gigabytes worth of mods it’s not like they’re bullying you into a subscription.

    @people_are_cute@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    But any rate-limit is worse than no rate-limit. GitHub exists and can provide the same features in a better manner with no limits whatsoever.

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