Doom, to world in A Russian court has sentenced a U.S. soldier to nearly 4 years in prison

Damn we’ll see him on the front in a few weeks


It didn’t end well for another idiot:


That dipshit went to fight for the conservative Russians who eventually mistook him for a spy and tortured him to death. Goddamn. What a story.

ShittyBeatlesFCPres, to world in A Russian court has sentenced a U.S. soldier to nearly 4 years in prison

Black’s conviction has presented another challenge for U.S. authorities already working to gain the release of several Americans in Russian jails on what the White House says are spurious charges.

Does it? He isn’t a political prisoner. It sounds like he’s a horny, apparently violent dumbass who secretly went to Russia against military rules (and common sense) and then did crimes.


The “did crimes” is on russians word, so worth basically nothing. Even guilty pleas tend to come from torture, not guilt.

The rest seems pretty accurate.


Current Sympathy level: Otto Warmbier.

(Dumbass, fucked around on dangerous soil, found out.)

liam070, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream.

Exploiting human suffering for profit. We will all burn with a smile on our faces and a semi-cold water for the price of a small car in our hands.

dudeami0, avatar

Semi-cold? That’s extra, you’ll be lucky to afford it. The affordable water been sitting out on the pavement for a few weeks.


All companies that plan to have dynamic pricing, please let me know.

I’ve already stopped going to Wendy’s; I’d love to add you to the list of places never to patron again.


if you hsve a list I would love it if you cpuld share it with me

SnotFlickerman, avatar

You can just assume it is every US company because it is.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

CEOs talk to each other about this kind of shit and plan together.

Just like how “AI” has been shoved into fucking everything by everyone even though it is useless and makes a lot of people upset.

Expect all of them to do it so you don’t have a choice and they all did it to “stay competitive with each other.”

Making sure there isn’t another option is one hundred percent part of industry plans.

Just like how trying to replace fast food workers with automation and touch screens has been in the works since the 80’s at least. The tech is just finally cheap enough is all.


They actually use consultants like McKinley, who are the coordinating force behind a lot of the obviously self-destructive decisions companies are making in lockstep


I have no actual list outside my head.

atm, Wendy’s because of their plan for dynamic pricing based on how busy they are, and ‘my local KFC’, because in 2017 I had to wait 50 minutes for my order (for 2), and they gave away the last of something I ordered to someone who came in like half an hour later, and they weren’t going to be making more. (that and KFC is way over priced for their standard menu if you aren’t getting some kind of ‘deal’)


I love how reality manages to combine the most comically exploitative parts of cyberpunk fiction with literally none of the intense, vibrant, or interesting parts. It’s just a dull, gray, sexless, post-industrial dystopia with ugly cars, chronic obesity, and fentanyl addiction. And now surge pricing.

RootBeerGuy, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels avatar

This is news? I have seen those labels here in Sweden a lot already. Just no idea if they do those scummy on the fly price changes.

SorteKanin, avatar

I’m quite sure such on the fly price changes are illegal. At least here in Denmark.

altima_neo, avatar

Best Buy has them too, here in the US. Its nothing new. This analyst making these comments about the price increases is just full of shit and trying to get his name out there or something.

RootBeerGuy, avatar

Checks out with being an analyst I guess.

FatLegTed, avatar

You mean an anal ist?


Same here in New Zealand. Had them around for a while but never heard about flexible prices like this (other than items on sale of course)

sndmn, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

It seems like they want people to shoplift.

BCsven, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

Loblaws has had this for a while, we no longer shop thete, but it was frustrating because an item would fluctuate in price depending in what day you went. No way to budget for random pricing

blindsight, (edited )

To be fair to Loblaws, I’ve never seen them change prices with these mid-day, so they’re not engaged in “surge pricing” that I’ve heard of. (I haven’t been to Loblaws since the start of the boycott, but I don’t expect it’s changed.)

But I do wonder about the legality of that; right now, if the price at the till doesn’t match the item price, you get the first one free and the rest at the marked price (up to $10 items; above that it’s $10 off the marked price for the first item). But my impression is that policy is from Loblaws signing some sort of grocery code ages ago when scanners came in, essentially to assure consumers that they wouldn’t be scammed by scanners ringing up items at higher prices than advertised. I don’t think that is legally mandated.

So, then, what happens if the price changes between when you put it in your cart and when you arrive at the till? Anyone engaging in surge pricing where the timing isn’t clearly marked in advance is going to get into a lot of trouble with consumer backlash, at the very least, but I hope it’s illegal, too.


Separate point, but are beehaw now not defederated from the world? When did this happen?


Beehaw never defederated with Most notably, Beehaw defederated from which is one of the main reasons I’m happy to stay here. If Beehaw moves away from Lemmy, I’ll definitely need to find another instance that’s defederated with


Ah interesting. Appreciate the clarification. Not seen much from Beehaw in a while. has a higher percentage of questionable users for sure.


I would think the price changes happen overnight. With their system each RFID type price label can be flipped when the push the pricing to the register system.

I’m sure the old way was a deterrwnt in changeing prices because they had to call staff in to swap labels. Now it is computerized, so on a whim they can adjust.

We had an oat drink we liked one day 4.99 go back to grab another the next day 7.99. Few days later 3.50…we said screw this company and just got it at Walmart where price was consitent every time.


Yeah, fair. It’s frustrating when prices fluctuate; I’m lucky that we don’t have many “must have” items on our shipping lists, and I’m very price sensitive, so I just don’t buy things that are expensive. And I only used to go to Superstore at most weekly, so I’d never have noticed daily fluctuations.

smeg, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

Isn’t the real use case just so they don’t have to waste staff time changing labels manually when stock changes or moves?

RootBeerGuy, avatar

Why not both? (Until the laws are catching up)


I offer you a third option: at least one Lidl in Croatia uses blinking tags for stuff they really want you to look at.

Sometime soon we’re gonna have to invent a spam filter for real life. Hey, maybe that’s the use case that the Vision guys at Apple have been looking for?


Tbh Apple Vision pro was probably designed to add more visual spam, not reduce it…


I really wish there were any even remotely credible way to disagree with that statement.

Kichae, (edited )

This way they can spend more time rearranging the store so nobody knows where anything is, in turn making us walk past a bunch of stuff we don’t need in an effort to try and induce an impulse purchase!



A bit of that, but hopefully if they piss off too many people they’ll just go elsewhere

h3ndrik, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

They’re already widely adopted in supermarkets here (Germany).


That would also explain why Aldi in the UK also has these while other stores don’t.

h3ndrik, (edited )

Seems the two German supermarket chains really like to have the same infrastructure everywhere. Everywhere I go the Aldis look exactly the same. They have slightly different products depending on the country. But the price tags, interior, … is basically the same. Okay and we don’t have “Flaschenpfand” everywhere… (deposit on the plastic bottles and the machines where you can return bottles.) I bet all of this makes it a lot easier for their techs and management. And it could also explain why they sometimes redo a store that still looks fine and fit it with the latest shenanigans.

And as an aside: I’ve shopped in the first Aldi store ever. It’s not far from where I live.

Evil_Shrubbery, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

Yes, this is regularly seen throughout Europe for years.

You can buy such tags in bulk from China, they are very cheap at any scale really (and their use isn’t limited to just pricing).

But yes, I think some EU countries already have laws preventing price changes throughout the day or (to some extend) price differences between eg countryside and cities.
I think there should be an EU directive for this tho.


Also, because they are so cheap they just throw them out when the battery is empty instead of replacing the battery. It’s great for the environment! /s

braydenzeplin, to world in A Russian court has sentenced a U.S. soldier to nearly 4 years in prison

What a pity

tvbusy, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

If the price I saw when I picked an item is different to what I pay at the counter, I’ll never be back at that place again, even if it means I’m paying less.


If that happens, I will force a 1000x refund, per instance.

sleepybisexual, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

Maybe this would make it comparable to the overproced convenience shops round the block

BeardedGingerWonder, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

Aaah aaaaaaaaah aaaAaaaah aaaaaaaaah aaaAaaaah fuck this shit, fuck it all fuck it fuck it fuck it.


Hint: stores are flammable

myliltoehurts, to technology in A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels

I get the convenience part so the staff doesn’t have to go around do it by hand, but it just seems infeasible to do it for the other examples mentioned.

E.g. you go in, pick up item listed for $10, finish shopping in 20 mins, item now costs $15 at till… probably leave it (so now the staff has to re-shelf it) and start shopping at a place that is not trying to scam you.

For the other example, if there are a few packs of something expiring and they reduce the price for all the items on the shelf, everyone will just take the ones which have a reasonable shelf life left leaving the expiring ones.

Both of these just seem stupid.


Easy legislative fix. If the price is changed after the customer picked it up but before they checkout, store must refund item 1000x.

snooggums, to politics in Couples say they can't get married because of this government program's outdated rules avatar

To save a click: It is a federal disability program that doesn’t literally keep them from getting married, but the loss on benefits that would come from being married is keeping people from getting married.

nkat2112, avatar

You are noble. Thank you.

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