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Someone must have explained to him what those words mean.


Reason why conservatives should never, ever be permitted to run a nation.


The only people who give even a tiny fuck what Elon thinks are dipshit conservatives and slow-acting investors. Like other conservative cockroaches, this planet would be dramatically improved by his absence.


Conservatives will rally to outlaw it in the U.S. in 3… 2…


Why do conservatives insist on being evil pieces of shit? Why do they work so hard to cause harm to innocent, vulnerable people who were just minding their own goddamned business?

Conservatives are consistently incapable of empathy, unable to engage in any interaction in good faith, and seem incapable of the most basic human decency. I cannot see any reason they should be permitted to continue to endanger humanity. Yet, here we are. Tolerating the existence of those who are working as hard as they can to kill and oppress everyone around them. They don’t hide it. They celebrate it.

Nothing good in all of human history has ever come from conservatism, yet we continue to politely pretend it is in some way a legitimate political position. It is not. It is not normal to be a conservative. It is simply an excuse to justify causing harm to others. That is the only purpose of identifying as a conservative; false legitimacy for one’s inability to be a decent human.

There is no place in a modern culture for harmful, hate-based ideologies like conservatism. It should be rejected outright wherever it is seen. Conservatives should not be tolerated any more than any other hate group. It is unethical to do business or keep relationships with such trash.


Just in time for the illegitimate SCOTUS to reverse Obergefell v. Hodges. The conservatives are tightening the noose on the normal people, one vulnerable group at a time.


Are you implying there is a Republican representative who would vote to codify gay marriage?


Israel is thinking they can start any war they want because the U.S. will make sure they win. Netanyahu has repeatedly shown that the U.S. will do whatever he demands.


Why should they stop? They have the full U.S. M.I.C. to back them in whatever bullshit they want to do. If they can commit genocide with U.S. backing, then of course they can start wars with neighbors too.

We need to end our bizarre, expensive one-sided relationship with Israel. We get absolutely nothing out of it except headaches.


They’ll probably just delay pressing it until it’s too late. Hey! Maybe they can get Merrick Garland to be in charge of the button!

Netanyahu: US promised to lift hold on ammunition, weapons (jpost.com)

The United States is expected to lift its hold on the shipment of ammunition and weapons designated for the IDF, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Office said on Tuesday, just one day after the Israeli leader accused the Biden administration of preventing the delivery of those arms....


…supporting Israel gives the US a stronghold in the middle east…

This is a common misunderstanding. The U.S. gains absolutely no localized advantages in maintaining a relationship with Israel. We have no unique military positions or irreplacable business relationships with Israel. None. If anything, our support of Israel strains our much more profitable relationships with their muslim neighbors in the region.

The reason we are married to Israel is AIPAC money. AIPAC will shift support from Biden to Trump the very moment Biden stops supporting Israel or its genocide. AIPAC money is diverse and global. They are kingmakers right now. The game Biden is playing is related to AIPAC and their allies.


Agreed. However, I think being highly motivated by ethnic or religious ideology is a bigger factor on the far-right, whereas money is the primary motivator for the neo-liberal Dems like Biden. There may be a little ideology at play for Biden, but ideology-driven foreign policy seems more likely from a GOP politician. Of course, I think money talks loudest for both camps.

We need a viable progressive party.


If that’s true, then even conservatives won’t go to them.


That dipshit went to fight for the conservative Russians who eventually mistook him for a spy and tortured him to death. Goddamn. What a story.


The Dems did fuck up, just not exactly as you describe. The Dems elected a neoliberal who appointed a conservative Attorney General. He did exactly what you’d expect a conservative AG to do and paved the way for Trump to return to power.


You have been permanently banned from c/Conservative.


Merrick Garland is a conservative. He did exactly what the world knew he would do when the neoliberal president appointed him.


Not sure if you’re a conservative or just lazy.


I do, but I don’t represent most folks on the left.


if Trump wins the next election I’m getting the fuck off this carnival ride.

Where will you go that will allow you to stay?

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

Throughout all of human history, the only treatment for a plague of conservatism has been direct violence. Pacifism has never cured conservatism.

It’s unfortunate that the normal people must walk on egg-shells when discussing the cure for a disease while the diseaae itself publicly calls for extermination of the normal people. If the normal people are to survive this, we must prepare and train together. That means discussing this issue and how to solve it. Unfortunately, there has never been a peaceful solution to this problem. Violence has always been required.

If you have an alternative treatment for this disease, please feel free to share it. Otherwise, why insult those of us who are willing and able to address this problem?

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

Slaughtering neighbors may not yet be appropriate, but the appropriate time to discuss our defenses, train and prep is right now. Avoiding or discouraging the discussion is counterproductive and only assists those who are champing at the bit to slaughter us first.

Why should conservatives be permitted to openly discuss oppressing and killing the normal people yet the normal people be disallowed from discussing our defense?


It’s orange sherbert. That toilet paper tube was always a messy, sticky disappointment.

If it was actually ice cream, I would agree with you, though!


Lucky you, these toilet paper tubes only came in one flavor… Orange sherbert.


I feel dirty admitting this, but this time I’m on the side of disinformation. More lives will be saved by saving our nation from the fascists. This time, I won’t be trying to talk any sense into them. I want them to ignore the science and distrust medicine.

Our nation’s most vulnerable groups as well as our planet’s normal (non-conservative) people are on the verge of being permanently oppressed and/or exterminated. If stepping aside and allowing the oppressors to kill themselves will prevent that outcome, then we need to grow a spine and do exactly that. Let’s encourage them to shrink their voting base while voting is still relevant.


Can I have your vaccine, since you don’t want it? Also, can you please let your friends know that Bill Gates made this one too? I think it has 6G trackers in it this time.


The thing about fascists is, they will kill and oppress more of us than a poorly managed disease. And it will be permanent.


We can thank conservatives for making sure as many gays died as possible during the AIDS epidemic. I remember them openly celebrating that “God’s Will” was being enacted on earth as Reagan worked hard to stop any research, education or prevention from taking place.

Conservatives are a vulgar, sadistic, demented kind of evil. There is no place in a modern society for hate-based ideologies like conservatism.

“Complete Dehumanization”: Israel Killed Over 800 Palestinians in 11 Days (truthout.org)

From June 1 to June 11, Israeli forces killed over 800 Palestinians and wounded over 2,400 as they carried out bombardments and raids across Gaza, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported. This is an average of over 72 Palestinians killed each day at the hands of Israeli forces....

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

Where did you hear this from?

Reuters, BBC, AP Newswire, NYT, CNN, NBC, NPR, ABC, MSN, Yahoo, Sports Illustrated, Cat Fancy, the extremely Jewish deli at the corner, and every reputable news source on planet earth is reporting this.

Where are you hearing your news? Did they also try to sell you horse paste, colloidal silver elixir and survival powder?

Your comments are a textbook illustration of how every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Never in history has a conservative entered a discussion in good faith. Never.

(Here comes the fake “bUt i’M NoT a CoNsErVaTiVe! cHeCkMaTe dUmMy!” in 3…2…)

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

You have offered no defense, which is consistent with the amount of effort and honesty you’ve put into this entire exchange.

What do you hope to accomplish here on Lemmy, by the way? Serious question. Based on your comment history, your whole account seems dedicated to spreading Israel/Palestine misinformation. I freely admit to being dedicated to calling out the bullshit of conservatives (as I am doing now), but you seem to be pretending to just be a regular user who happens to post almost exclusively in defense of Israel. Suspicious is too light a word to describe the nature of your dedication to defending Israel here on Lemmy. And I say this as a Jew myself.

ata lo khakam maspik kdey laavod bmosad. Может быть, вы работаете на кого-то другого, да? Ou peut-être que j’ai mal compris et que vous aimez juste trop boire Molson.

Why scientists fear a second Trump term, and what they are doing about it: Several federal agencies are working to safeguard research, including climate science, from future political meddling. (wapo.st)

The Washington Post has recently started asking people to register in order to access gift links. You can put in a completely made-up email address, as there is no verification of the email address.


Conservatism and science do not mix.


Unfortunately, conservationism and conservatism are not related at all, despite their similar sounding names. Environmental conservationism has always been a progressive ideal, while killing animals and destroying the environment has always been a conservative ideal.


There has never been a peaceful cure for conservatism. Historically, when conservatism has infected a population, the cure has always been a violent one. Pacifism has never worked against conservatives. Failure to enact the cure early on will result in endless oppression and murder by the right.

The U.S. is also being taken over this time. There is no one coming to save anyone. The time for the normal people to defend against conservatives is right now, not after they have their permanent win-condition. If we do not act now, they will kill and oppress the normal people just as they always have in the past.


In the past, moderate conservatives would pretend to be disgusted by fascists so they could attract some of the normal people to vote for them. Now, moderate conservatives are revealing that they are OK with fascism. They are even starting to openly embrace it.

Moderate conservatives don’t feel the need to attract the normal vote anymore. With this strategy of teaming up with open fascists, moderate conservatives can relax and just be themselves as they embrace their oppressive instincts.

Unchecked conservatism always devolves into deadly oppression. Always.


And, as they have always done throughout history, when the time comes, those same moderates will shift their support toward fascism and oppression. Moderate conservatives of every nation have always reliably shifted toward fascism or oppression in the past. Always. There is no reason to think this time will be different.


Good. It sure would be nice to see a company held accountable for enshittifying so thoroughly.


Damn kids. No one wants to fly anymore.


Who said anything about people? We’re talking about conservatives (AKA racist, homophobic, misogynist bigots).


If he did nothing, he could be ousted and the conservatism would get even worse. We are at the edge of complete fascist domination in the EU and the US. Desperate times call for bold moves. He made the smart play, given that doing nothing will almost certainly result in a far right take-over.

U.S. company found liable of financing Colombian paramilitary death squad to advance its interests (www.latintimes.com)

A U.S. jury in Miami has ruled that Chiquita Brands International is liable for financing the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a paramilitary death squad designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. during Colombia’s civil war....


They should.be banned from doing business in the U.S. This non-punishment from the court is encouragement to continue killing.

Why on earth would they even consider changing? The court has made murdering innocent people an extremely profitable business model.

Burn_The_Right, (edited )

And he’s not going to drink any goddamned Raktajino!


They’re invading an innocent country and raping, torturing and butchering innocent families? Nah, both sides aren’t the same.

India’s Modi elected as leader of coalition and set to form new government (apnews.com)

NEW DELHI (AP) — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday was formally elected leader of the National Democratic Alliance coalition, which won the most seats in the national election after his political party failed to win a majority on its own....


There has never been a peaceful cure for conservative fascism. Conservatism is a global plague that is long ovedue for a cure.

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