
FlyingSquid, to world in A Rare Win for Free Speech? The Stanford Internet Observatory Closes
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

@Old_Geezer, this is the second time you have posted an article that is not a news article. Matt Taibbi’s opinion columns are not news. If I find one more rule violation, you will be banned.

girlfreddy, to world in A Rare Win for Free Speech? The Stanford Internet Observatory Closes
@girlfreddy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yes the win is illusionary. One only need run down the list of supporters, like Jim Jordan, to know that the loss of the SIO is not good.

Here is a longer article about it … platformer.news/stanford-internet-observatory-shu…

dogsnest, to canada in Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill
@dogsnest@lemmy.world avatar

“offence motivated by hatred,” in theory any non-criminal offense, as tiny as littering, committed with hateful intent;


When are these “journalists” (iow, “any twat with an opinion”) going to present a “news story without EXTREME HYPERBOLE”?

How can these “racket.news” clowns even pretend to “have a scoop”?

tl;dr - article written by 9th grade master debater.

@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Why don’t you go and debate Matt then? For you young folks that don’t get it — The devil is always in the details. That’s why the law needs to be explicit and not open to loose interpretation. I’m worried about the bill because its intent is not child protection. Think a little deeper. Matt is a distinguished investigative reporter.

@dogsnest@lemmy.world avatar

My apologies for hurting your feelings.

Extend my apologies to Matt as you’re thinking deeper.

@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Extend my apologies to Matt as you’re thinking deeper.

I dare you to debate him, but you know you’d lose. I just get so tired of drive by comments like yours, that are posted with so little thought.


Double dog dare you no take-backsies!

Do you recognize how immature you sound? Or are you oblivious to that part of reality too?

@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

Do you recognize how immature you sound? Or are you oblivious to that part of reality too?

Hey kid, you’re the one who mentioned his debating skill.

@dogsnest@lemmy.world avatar

Are you 15?


The thing is, Canada already has an established (and repeatedly courg-challenged) legal framework for hate speech and hate crimes. These terms are already clearly defined, and laws are free and even supposed to reference other established legislation and legal precedent rather than republish parts of the criminal code over and over again.

So no, the law does not need to be a capsule full of explicit definitions of things that are already well defined in law. It merely needs to make direct reference to those definitions and other relevant legislation.

And based off of those established legislation

“offence motivated by hatred,” in theory any non-criminal offense, as tiny as littering, committed with hateful intent;

is a bizarre twisting of things. The author is either ignorant of Canadian hate laws, while still choosing to report on them, or engaging in purposeful FUD for some reason.

@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

is a bizarre twisting of things. The author is either ignorant of Canadian hate laws, while still choosing to report on them, or engaging in purposeful FUD for some reason.

Well, if hate is defined in Canadian Law, let’s stop making more laws about supposed harms. People need to be responsible for themselves and not have a nanny government telling us what is right. This is getting so ridiculous! Society takes generations to adapt to new customs.

This law is about the government regulating thought and speech. Not my government!


Hate to break it to you, buddy, but Canada has never embraced completely free speech, even with the caveat of yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theatre. You might be thinking of laws and a constitution originating a little farther south.


It’s the old geezers that don’t get it. Your irrelevance is nigh.

marathon, (edited )
@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s the old geezers that don’t get it. Your irrelevance is nigh.

What don’t I get?


Should have known you’d be a debate bro.


When are these “journalists” (iow, “any twat with an opinion”) going to present a “news story without EXTREME HYPERBOLE”?

When the hyperbole stops getting them attention (which is likely to be never).

Max_P, to canada in Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Genuine political dissent would become logistically impossible, and virtual mob rule a certainty.

There’s a major difference between political dissent and hate speech.

You can say: “I don’t think transgender people should be allowed to choose which bathroom they go to”, that just makes you a shitty person with no compassion. But if you say “If I see a trans women in the mens bathroom I’ll beat them up out of there”, that is very clearly hate speech and threats of violence.

It’s not like it’s hard to treat people with basic respect. You can disagree without resorting to hateful comments and threats and name calling. If you don’t see the hate speech problem you’re probably part of the problem because surprise, it’s only conservatives you see online constantly spewing FUD and hate speech.

@marathon@lemmy.ca avatar

it’s only conservatives you see online constantly spewing FUD and hate speech.

That is complete nonsense — Both sides spew it. Extremism of any sort is evil. It happens on the left and the right.

FunderPants, to canada in Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill

I’m still waiting for the Jordan Petersons of the world to be rounded up and hauled off to the compelled speech gulags after the last round of hysterical free speech panic.

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