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The capital gains debate has turned dramatic and mysterious (www.cbc.ca)

Given his political leanings, it probably shouldn’t be surprising that Poilievre has chosen to oppose the Liberal tax changes. Back in 2004, the Conservative leader seems to have been in favour of eliminating capital gains taxes entirely (the Conservative party platform that year called for a “reduction”)....


Polievre - We’ve got a plan you guys! And it’s better than thise damn Libs! And it’s great and will definitely benefit everyone! Well…no we haven’t published it. Well…no, you can’t see it beforehand. We just need you to blindly vote us in and then we’ll definitely not immediately stab you plebs, I mean middle class voters, in the back.


This would genuinely be an incredible change for a jurisdiction in Canada to move to some form of PR.

In before the PR naysayers start arguing about which system is best; they’re ALL better than FPTP, people


So a child groomer, huh. Projection yet again.


Good. Hold every one of these public officials accountable to the most stringent interpretation of the law. That’s what Canadians deserve.


Typical CPC behaviour since the party merger / Harper era:

  1. Blame the other guy and get into power based on outrage instead of actually having any policy;
  2. Make life worse for the poors by cutting public services;
  3. Lower taxes for corporations and the wealthy;
  4. Steal as much as possible via hiring all your buddies as “consultants” for shit that doesn’t need any consulting or have any consequences;
  5. Get fired because the same fucking chuds who voted you in are finally wising up;
  6. Start blaming the other guys about all the problems you just created;
  7. Repeat ad nauseum.

Unions standing up for the people again. Fucking awesome. Solidarity.


Take Back Alberta is the worst of all Albertans. Fuck off with your backwater religious nonsense.

But also, thank goodness that you’re so transparent and open about your rampant stupidity. That’s helpful.

Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill (www.racket.news)

I got in some hot water a while back for admitting I was relatively unconcerned with Republican villainy these days compared to other worries. This Canada Online Harms Act, whose details I missed earlier (apologies to Public and Yuri Bezmenov!), perfectly embodies the kind of thing that keeps me up at night now....


Double dog dare you no take-backsies!

Do you recognize how immature you sound? Or are you oblivious to that part of reality too?


David Rosenberg preaching doom? Well we should definitely listen, because he’s accurately predicted 912 of the last 3 recessions.

This dude is the ultimate broken record.


Man, I wouldn’t “give” them that point at all. The backtracking IS the scheme. They implement whatever completely shit ideological policy that’s their flavour of the day, and UNLESS the populace reacts strongly, they say “welp, everyone must be in favour because no one screamed loud enough”.

It’s a fucking horseshit dirty way of implementing public policy and it’s absolutely exhausting because they are doing it EVERYWHERE.


Your UCP government, where the cruelty is the point.


Whaaaaaat. The CPC is taking their talking points from billionaires and corporate lobbyists and lying to Canadians either directly or indirectly in order to manipulate voter support?

SURELY this has never been done by the CPC before!


Any politician who publically admits they were wrong and they’re trying to re-educate themselves on divisive topics is worth another look.

Say what you want about Farkas (I haven’t ever really been a fan) but he does seem to love this city.


Just so it’s not lost on anyone why they were arrested:

“We as American Jews will not be used, we will not be complicit and we will not be silent. Judaism is a beautiful, thousands-year-old tradition, and Israel is a 76-year-old colonial apartheid state,” Morgan Bassichis, an organizer with Jewish Voice for Peace, told the crowd.

“This is the Passover that we take our exodus from Zionism. Not in our name. Let Gaza live.”


Just like they fixed it for us the last time, yep!


LOL, they’re not going to reduce your taxes, silly plebe


It would be really nice if the PostMedia group would get a little bit more subtle about the fact Corporate Canada is balls-deep in their ass on the regular.


End the capital-gains exemption for principal residences. It’s even more untouchable than OAS. It’s also more economically harmful and inequitable.

It pumps up housing prices and pushes more and more national wealth into housing. It’s dumb economics, plus the tax break only goes to the two-thirds of families who own a home. And the richer you are, and the more home you own, the bigger the tax break. It adds up to a hyper-regressive policy to make Canada less productive.

Eh, I’m going to punt this one because it’s an asset that most people want to own, but housing is a necessity as well.*

I’m going to counter with:

  • no non-human ownership of single family homes, no trusts, no corps, no foundations, etc.
  • no interest cost deductions against rental income for landlords
  • 50% of rental payments can be deducted against income for renters

That way one perk of personal, principal home ownership is still there, but at the same time fucking landlords can piss right off, and renters get a major tax-reducing benefit to boost net income for what are usually lower income earners too.

As policy it’s incomplete, but I think as ideas it at least will level the playing field a little bit.

*Edit: Okay how about this: a lifetime principal residence capital gains exemption of…I dunno, $500k? Just thinking about the regressive comment where wealthier folks own bigger and more expensive homes, and this would target those hogs and leave the vast majority of normal Canadians untouched. And maybe incentivize people to not own a goddamn ugly-ass cookie-cutter McMansion, leading to a teensy bit more densification. Or at least leave more greenspace on a standard lot.


“Billionaire Nepo Baby Sitting on Massive Unrealized Capital Gain Windfall Upset He Will Pay Fair Taxes”

There, I fixed it for you.

Alberta tables law to prevent federal 'manipulation' of municipalities (www.cbc.ca)

The Alberta government has introduced legislation that would require provincial entities such as universities, school boards and municipalities to get approval before making any funding deals with Ottawa. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says the legislation would ensure federal funding is aligned with provincial priorities.


More absolutely shit, unnecessarily argumentative policy from an absolutely shit, unnecessarily argumentative asshole of a premier.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

The most provable cause of inflation is the increase in talking about expectations of inflation.

In simpler language: Once we / the media starts talking about how we should expect inflation, corporations take that as permission to raise prices.


Better hike up your bootstraps, fuckos. This is what corporate bankruptcy processes are for.


Did we all forget about this literal golden idol that Republicans had been worshipping at CPAC?

Fuck Trump

Republican Admits Impeachment Probe Hasn't Found Any Crime by Joe Biden

Representative Don Bacon, a Nebraska Republican, told NBC News’ Kristen Welker on Sunday that according to lawyers hired by Congress, “at this point, there’s not a specific crime that’s been committed” by President Joe Biden in the impeachment probe against him.


I think people are getting angry because they don’t see your sarcastic “cOuLd NoT FiNd aNy CrImEs” clearly enough


The problem is it didn’t happen suddenly 😭

Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation (www.lgbtqnation.com)

In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human...


See: improvements in Alaska (of all places) for details

Woman seeks tougher penalty for Calgary police officer's sexual misconduct (calgaryherald.com)

If a health care worker did something like this, they would be facing discipline from their professional college and would face massive ramifications. If I, as a consulting professional, send unprofessional messages to a client and they contacted my boss, I would be out of a job instantly. 20 hours pay forfeiture is a joke in my...


Agreed - start using the pension as collateral and all of a sudden I bet the cops get a LOT better, and a hell of a lot more vocal about getting rid of the shitty ones.


Please stop calling the idiot a murderer.

Who, Kyle Rittenhouse the scared little boy who murdered two people? Nah, I think I’ll keep calling him what he is, but you keep on living in your fantasy world down there in the States where gunning down people in the streets and schools is a normal every day thing.

The growing effort behind the Recall Gondek campaign — and who's involved (www.cbc.ca)

A citizen’s effort to recall Calgary’s mayor is facing increased political scrutiny after a document began circulating on social media this week suggesting the endeavour is being supported by a group with the stated aim of putting more conservatives on city council....


I hope this fuckin turd goes broke. Conservatives need to get a hobby that isn’t just harassing other people. What a loser.

Obligatory of course it’s the Christo-facists at Take Back Alberta.


Whaaaaat, the former lobbyist is still shilling for corporate interests? How could we have predicted this!


I don’t understand why profiting from fees isn’t illegal?

Isn’t the purpose (and insinuation) of charging fees supposed to be a direct offset of a specific cost?

Goddamn corporate assholes.


I just feel sad for a person who’s obviously got such strong opinions, but lacks the character or intelligence to put forward a plan to fix these things.

Reminds me of when my kids were younger and they would cry whenever something happened they didn’t understand that they thought was unfair.

Watch out for flying fees: WestJet hikes checked-bag cost, Flair adds credit card fee (www.cbc.ca)

Here’s the good news: Airfares have declined in Canada. The bad news? You might wind up paying more in added fees. WestJet, along with several U.S. airlines, recently hiked its checked-bag charges. And Flair Airlines has a new fee: a charge for paying for your flight with a credit card.


Fuck these cowards for not building THEIR costs into a legitimate selling price. Credit card fees are your expense of being in business, not mine.

Unless you’re ready to accept payment by cash or cheques, fuck right off with that noise.


It’s truly a miserable fact of life that we somehow elected these childish buffoons that just can’t help but say stupid things at every possible opportunity.


What would a constitutional crisis entail, and what would it take to get right of the notwithstanding clause?


God these losers need a hobby that isn’t quite as reprehensible. Go learn to make a cabinet or do some cross-stitch or something you useless conservative fucks.


Phuckboy Pierre is a giant asshole and a homophobe? Yeah we knew that already, but always good to see him getting called out for it.


UCP politians paying their buddies but bucks and hiding information from the Albertans they supposedly serve. What else is news. Fuck those cowards; every UCP voter can go to hell.

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