downpunxx, to 196 in Onedrive Rule

protip: when set to "all files available offline" it does both. you're welcome.

smiletolerantly, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

This is hilarious, but also: how could anyone develop such a tool and not at least test it out on their own images? Someone with a public persona no less! Boggles my mind.


I mean, I bet they did, but you can’t test it with all the photos ever taken of you. Someone probably tried dozens of photos to get this result. Which, to be clear, I admire.


It looks like it’s the photo from her tweet


I would assume it was taken just for this tweet so all the testing would have been completed by that time.


Well - in this case it’s the photo she posted herself, to announce the app.




They did, they know it doesn’t work, but they are already too far down in the money hole. Gotta grift and bullshit and spread bigotry until they make back the money.

Edit: Some words


High-drama coming-out party.


Does she have a public persona? Who is this person?


The false result is from some unrelated gender detection tool that has nothing to do with the app. Nothing here indicates the actual app makes the same error.

The post is basically saying “this thing doesn’t work because I tried something else and it didn’t work”.


Of course regardless it doesn’t work also because it just doesn’t work.


I’m sure the app doesn’t work reliably, and the idea is stupid. But this post doesn’t show that, it shows that some unrelated tool doesn’t work.



Maggoty, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

Heat emissions.

From a picture.

Hold on there’s a ringing in my ears… Yeah yeah that’s my bullshit alarm going off.


The heat emission is the smoke they’re trying to blow up my ass.

iAvicenna, avatar

as in how hot the person in the picture is?


Lmao can’t be hotter than the CEO!


Could be analysing 4 band imagery with an NIR layer. But then that usually comes from satellite imagery so it would make identifying gender challenging. I’d struggle with just a grainy image of the top of someone’s head, even if I knew how warm it was.

VeganCheesecake, avatar

Well, Big Shaq told us all that Man’s not hot.

Mouselemming, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

Personally I think a lot of TERFs became that way because they get misgendered a lot (by other humans mostly) especially when they dress butch. (She’s not dressing butch here, and ftr I would have guessed female.)

They have decided it’s transwomen who are at fault because their existence opens people’s minds to the idea that a person’s chromosomes might not match their clothing. People are just trying to address them as they’re presenting.

The real problem is that there’s still societal stigma attached to being misgendered. And still more societal stigma attached to being trans. Which they’re internalizing, and then making worse, instead of working to recast it as a simple error in judgement by the person using the wrong pronoun.

The ones who are really at fault are those who for generations have purposely misgendered other people as a slur meant to wound. Who’ve cast femininity as weak and masculinity as ugly. Especially now when they should know better. They make it worse for those of us who might make an honest mistake or even just want a polite way to ask. If every first conversation started with telling each other one’s pronouns, and every reference to an unintroduced person used they/them, you’d be able to ask without seeming to cast doubt on who they are.

And the other problem is the imbalances of power and privilege attached to gender in general of course. It would hit a lot different if a person’s gender wasn’t treated like a big part of who they are and where they stand in humanity.

Tldr: TERFs aren’t just mad about being misgendered as men, (wrong but at least higher status) they’re mostly mad about being misgendered as trans (wrong and lower status).

Stick, 🚲, “Trans did this!”


I assumed most terfs were cis het gender conforming people. Is there data showing that one way or another?

ImADifferentBird, avatar

Most are, yeah. IIRC, cis lesbians are the demographic most likely out of anyone to support trans rights outside of trans people themselves, by a large margin.


Cis yes, and I’m not sure about the rest. But saying they get mistaken for trans wasn’t meant to imply they’re mostly lesbian either. (Although I did stumble into a TERFy lesbian discussion on Reddit once back in the day and that’s probably where I heard the part about more when looking butch.)

As a cis het nonterfy feminist old woman who sometimes wears dresses but never makeup, and a buzzcut, I don’t care when someone mistakes my gender or sexuality. But that’s probably because I yeeted a lot of my fucks along with my uterus many years ago.


Interestingly, my first conversation with a teenager (I wasn’t related to) in about 15 years began with asking about pronouns. It’s very painless and easy to normalize as long as you don’t have a reactionary person nearby.

Also, the kids are alright.


Exactly! Even if you’re meeting an adult and you aren’t sure, and you don’t want to make it so obvious that you’re not sure (in case they’d be offended) you can start by introducing yourself by name and pronouns. If they only give their name, and it’s not gendered, you can then ask what pronouns they prefer and at worst you come off as “weird and woke” and you know what to think of them as well as what pronouns to use.


Tldr: TERFs aren’t just mad about being misgendered as men, (wrong but at least higher status) they’re mostly mad about being misgendered as trans (wrong and lower status).

Eh, TERFs in particular really lean on three things: “men bad/dangerous/evil/predators”, “women good, but need protected from predation” and “you can’t change which one you are, if you think you can it’s either mental illness or a ploy.”

It’s why they focus so heavily on trans women (and generally ignore trans men), especially trans women in spaces that are traditionally women-only. It’s why their language around the topic is so heavily drenched in the notion that trans women are “men in dresses” who are dressing up like that to get access to women’s spaces - the whole presumption is that trans women are sexual predators in costume to get access to prey in more vulnerable situations.

KISSmyOSFeddit, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

Maybe her transphobia is just an attempt to pass better?


Ah straight out of the Dictatorship Surviour’s Guide for Middle Management playbook.


I kinda want to use it to see if I pass as a cis woman with short hair, but then again is my ego really prepared to be misgendered by some shitass app!?

Also, too, fuck TERFS 🖕

belllllla, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

F4M] Available for hookup, sexting and FaceTime 💦🌬️🌊🌊🍉🍉both in blowjob, anal doggy style and more🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉 TELEGM:Mialisa100 Number:+1 480-696-8297

nick, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

So because she didn’t check herself, you might say she wrecked herself.



BestBouclettes, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

They can always tell!

halfapage, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women


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    It uses the phone’s built in chakra detector

    nifty, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women avatar

    As funny as it is, I don’t think people should be uploading their images to this app. Maybe it’s hilariously wrong because it’s trying to data mine?


    Yup if you give information to a company it’s now theirs. The old adage about being the product if you’re not paying no longer applies. Now you are the product even if you’re paying.

    Oszilloraptor, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

    Half of my images are around 50% confidence that I look like I’m a man

    All other images lead to 98% confidence in me beeing a women.

    All of my test-pics were made pre-HRT, and while my style makes it obvious that I don’t identify as masculine (or am GNC+Gay) my face (unfortunately) screams was a pre-HRT AMAB.

    That AI is totally shit


    They said it includes heat emissions. Which is impossible without an IR camera that everyone totally has. I love it when bullshit tech charlatans tell on themselves.

    ClockworkOtter, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

    I wonder if the AI is detecting that the photo is taken from further away and below eye level which is more likely for a photo of a man, rather than looking at her facial characteristics?


    Yeah, this is a valid point, if this is the exact case or not I don’t know, but a lot of people don’t realize a lot of the weird biases that can appear in the training data.

    Like that AI trained to detect ig a mole was cancer or not. A lot of the training data that was cancer had rulers in them. So the AI learned rulers are cancerous.

    I could easily see something stupid like angle the picture was taken from being something the AI erroniously assumed to be useful for determining biological sex in this case.


    It’s possible to manipulate an image in a way that the original and the new one are indistinguishable to the human eye, but the AI model gives completely different results.

    Like this helpful graphic I found

    Or… edit the HTML…


    You think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and lie?

    Taleya, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

    Ah bless, they’ve automated it now.

    bluewing, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

    We are all Trans Women on this blessed day.

    qjkxbmwvz, (edited ) to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

    According to the screenshot, it doesn’t even call her a trans woman, it calls her a man. Presumably because man and woman are the only options on her little TERF world.

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