Track_Shovel, to lemmyshitpost in Stuck

This image has levels and I am for it.

Rot in hell, Rothbard.


Woof. Yeah, I googled the guy and what a massive wheel of capitalistic dick brie.

I’m not American or up on social sciences/economic thinking, so I wasn’t aware of the hot trash he produced

themeatbridge, to lemmyshitpost in Expertise

And next on Fox News, we will hear from the experts both sides of the issue, the researchers and the internet jackass.


“the jackass researchers and the internet expert”

FlyingSquid, to lemmyshitpost in Altered Carbon avatar

People say you come back. Reincarnation. Do you think so? Well, it doesn’t seem mathematically possible to me, man. Uh, 'course at one time what we had on the earth was six people, you know. I avoid “two” because it’s controversial but six… most people agree, “fuck, yeah, we had six at one time.” Six people, six souls… cool. They died, souls went back to the place; six new people souls- still six souls. Now we have four billion people… claiming to have souls. Someone is printing up souls… and it lowers their value, you know.

– George Carlin

skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


  • Loading...
  • intensely_human,

    Bring me sugar water


    Explains a lot about some people


    But about the souls of all the bacteria 🦠

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Maybe they get reincarnated into other bacteria?


    No central nervous system, they probably don’t have souls.


    The universe opposite to this is a worse place than this and contains googolplex souls wanting to get here.


    There’s no particular reason to think souls and reincarnation would follow the normal flow of time. If you can be reincarnated in a different place from where you lived, why not a different time? Maybe you could be reincarnated as anyone who had ever lived, or anyone ever will live. Taken to the extreme, there could be just one soul and we’re all reincarnations of each other. It’s all woo, so why not?


    Reminds me of the short story “The Egg” by Andy Weir (same guy who wrote The Martian and Project Hail Mary (which is an amazing book, btw)).

    I recommend the egg. It’s a quick read.


    Never seen double parentheses like that outside of algebraic expressions.


    [Laughs in Scheme]

    Vespair, to lemmyshitpost in oh snap.

    Snapping half the life forms also snaps half of the world’s gut bacteria. If we removed half of the gut bacteria from those who weren’t snapped, that would be removing 75% of the universe’s gut bacteria, not 50%.


    Not if 50% of the gut bacteria of the people who got snapped just like fell to the ground, or got stuck to that dusty shit.


    Why assume that though? The Infinity Gauntlet isn’t a Monkey’s Paw, it reads beyond the words and answers the intent of the wielder. So much so, in fact, that it even includes subconscious thoughts and feelings as part of its interpretation. I see often these ideas predicated on the Gauntlet working on Monkey Paw logic despite that being clearly and specifically not how it operates within canon.


    I mean, does it erase 50% of all life, or just roughly 50%?


    50% of what Thanos considers life since it was powered by his will. Since he seemed to imply that nature (plants and animals) where not part of this it’s safe to assume it was sapient life only.


    Makes you wonder what happened to fetuses. I think it’s fair to assume Thanos isn’t pro-life

    samus12345, avatar

    He was worried about limited resources, so I would assume that non-sapient fauna would be included.

    Da_Boom, avatar

    Except animals definitely were - remember endgame, Barton went into the office looked out the window to a small garden and found birds had appeared. Very indicative that the snap included animals


    That’s just government propaganda to make you think that birds are real and not drones.


    Do we know if Thanos believed in life at conception or birth? Does someone with a donated organ count as one life, two or zero since they wouldn’t be alive without the organ. If I only ate one foot, or how about one toe, does that make me a cannibal?

    samus12345, avatar

    Yeah, the Gauntlet wouldn’t leave anything that can’t survive on its own, like gut bacteria, nor remove anything that’s needed for the proper functioning of another lifeform. It’s why there weren’t any fetuses falling to the ground after the pregnant women vanished.

    I would assume that conjoined twins would be a both-or-neither situation, since removing one would leave a gaping wound in the other even if they could have survived independently with surgery,


    Thanos does not believe that life begins at conception confirmed.

    samus12345, avatar

    It kinda sidesteps the whole thing, since the standard is life that is dependent on other life to survive is not counted separately. Like the conjoined twins thing I mentioned.


    You just can’t reconcile Thanos being pro-life and pro-half of all life.

    samus12345, avatar

    Just like with someone who is pro-death penalty, Thanos cannot claim to be pro-life when he murdered half of the universe.


    He is so pro-life he horseshoes to killing half of life out of compassion for life and his desire for life to prosper.

    samus12345, avatar

    Which is, of course, just a bullshit justification. Reality-altering power, and your solution is to kill people? Not create more resources, or make it so living things require less resources? He’s an unimaginative idiot.

    altima_neo, avatar

    Yeah, we gotta remember the gauntlet includes the mind stone and the soul stone. Things smarter than just simply granting wishes, as you said.


    That’s what the dust was.


    Wait. If that is how it happened that means when half the population came back they all came back with 0% of their gut bacteria. Holy shit that would be horrible. The population doubles overnight and every single person and animal has the worse runs of their life. Meanwhile they can’t get the nutritional needs no matter how much food they eat. Spend the next few months while their family cries as they wither away surrounded by food.


    No, the desired effects was to undo Thanos’s snap, not double the human population. This means that all of the gut bacteria got unsnapped exactly the same as everyone else


    Imagine the famine if the next day the world population doubled. Considering that the agricultural production was also reduced


    Now this is good Infinity Gauntlet critique! This is a legit problem that honestly should have been tackled in the comics


    If I remember correctly, it only took a short time to undo the snap in the comics, none of this 5 years later stuff

    Vespair, (edited )

    Yeah you’re correct, my bad. In the films, however.

    edit: I guess they kind of tackle the issue, although they for some reason seemed to focus more on where these people go rather than how to handle the sudden resource strain


    Don’t worry, the litter of bodies from people that were on planes or high speed trains, or on ships will provide nutrients for the starving masses.
    Then suicides and murders as people return to find their loved ones remarried or dead because they committed suicide, should also provide another nutritional bump in the following weeks.
    Then the following World War should deal with everyone else.

    Transporter_Room_3, avatar

    This is one of the many reasons why I say Tony Stark is a bigger villain to the universe than Thanos.

    A sudden LACK of mouths is much more favorable than suddenly DOUBLING them.

    I order to keep his family alive, he just brings them all back, many years out of place in a universe completely and totally unprepared for their arrival. Not to mention all the people who died AFTER the snap, as a direct result of the snap, will still be dead.

    Tony stark is supposed to be smart. So he should know the consequences of his action, and completely disregards it.

    And the series pretends he did the universe a favor.

    Fuck Tony stark.


    Ok another one. What if the snap happened in late 2019 and suddenly there are billions of people who all need to be vaccinated at once?


    So many fecal transplants performed and probiotics sold.

    nyahlathotep, to 196 in Capitalistic Hellscapes Do Not Rule avatar

    "Summer Camp"

    • Single Day
    • 3 Hours
    • Just learn to be a wage slave
    • All indoors, except presumably when you go out with an ipad to take orders from fucks in their car

    I’m failing to see the camp here.


    I wonder at what point in those three hours do they try to indoctrinate your child to think being gay is a moral failing.


    Every Chic-fil-A I’ve been to has had at least one person working there who dropped a Gucci bag out of their mouth when speaking. This company really confuses me.


    wait, 12pm is midday, not midnight?
    That makes no sense at all.


    AM is ante meridian and PM is post meridian. It’s referenced to the prime meridian through Greenwich UK. If the sun is to the east of the line (ie. Before noon where it is vertical) it’s before (ante) the meridian. If it’s after (post) noon it’s after the meridian. It’s all outdated but that’s how time works.


    12 pm isn’t past noon, it’s noon.
    12 am is past noon just as much as it is before noon.
    So for 12 o’clock, choosing am or pm is arbitrary convention.
    So it would make more sense to reverse them, to get a consistant row that starts with 1:
    1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, 7 am, 8 am, 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 12 am, 1 pm , 2 pm , 3 pm , 4 pm , 5 pm , 6 pm , 7 pm , 8 pm , 9 pm , 10 pm , 11 pm , 12 pm


    Away and don’t talk pish. Ok, 12pm sounds a bit odd, but it would be even more odd to say 12.05pm, 12.59pm then jump to 1am


    Except that you don’t just use it for whole hours. 12.01 is clearly post meridian, so it has to be PM if you wanna keep the meaning. With your example 12 am and 12.01 pm would either be one minute apart or you’d have to drop the whole meaning of am and pm, which would just make it an entirely arbitrary construct that’s even more difficult to understand.

    On the other hand, as a European I’m quite happy with 24h time keeping. This whole am-pm system is quite unnecessary.


    Not to defend 12hr time because it’s dumb as a bag of bricks, but 12:45pm is definitely past noon and having the time go from 12:00am to 12:01pm would be way too silly. Also, you can think of the moment between 11:59:59.999999~ as just before noon and 12:00:00.0000000001 as the first fraction of a second after noon if it helps.

    itslilith, avatar

    The US loves systems of measurement that make no sense


    I’m failing to see the camp here.

    Oh, it’s more of a concentration camp than your traditional summer camp.


    Day camp is a thing that lots of places do, but still 3 hours seems a tad short. It’s usually a week. And not to mention it’s usually not so tied to a place of work.

    Maggoty, to lgbtq_plus in TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women

    Heat emissions.

    From a picture.

    Hold on there’s a ringing in my ears… Yeah yeah that’s my bullshit alarm going off.


    The heat emission is the smoke they’re trying to blow up my ass.

    iAvicenna, avatar

    as in how hot the person in the picture is?


    Lmao can’t be hotter than the CEO!


    Could be analysing 4 band imagery with an NIR layer. But then that usually comes from satellite imagery so it would make identifying gender challenging. I’d struggle with just a grainy image of the top of someone’s head, even if I knew how warm it was.

    VeganCheesecake, avatar

    Well, Big Shaq told us all that Man’s not hot.

    bobs_monkey, to lemmyshitpost in Stuck

    It’s a cylinder


    The cylinder must not be harmed

    manucode, avatar

    A small cylinder (5.1in length, ~4.5in girth)


    A soup can?

    manucode, avatar

    I don’t think you can stick a soup can into a Mini M&M’s tube.


    What’s the difference between Jam and Jelly? You can’t jelly your dick into a mini M&Ms tube


    Maybe mini M&Ms tubes are bigger than I remember (it’s been years since I’ve seen one), but I’m pretty sure you couldn’t jam a dick into one of them either. Not without injury, anyway.


    Speak for yourself


    You wouldn’t want to have a drink with any of them!


    It’s not a small cylinder, it’s an average cylinder.


    Like a penguin?

    Seasoned_Greetings, to lemmyshitpost in Elder scrolls

    Simplifying the most recent scroll bar feels like a huge step backwards to me. It really is the epitome of modern tech needlessly boiling down to its basic visual aspects to emulate a “clean” environment for the users.

    Give me back my scroll bar texture damnit


    This. Holy shit is it frustrating to click a pixel wide scroll bar that is on the edge between two monitors. It’s even worse when they disappear.


    Not just scrollbars. Buttons, input fields, etc.

    Dammit I sometimes have to search for elements I can interact with. Back in the day it was self explaining.


    I recently had a complaint with a website:

    “Users are having trouble scrolling!”

    My response:

    “Are they using the scroll wheel/directly scrolling with the touchpad, or using the scroll bar?”

    They were, of course, using the scroll bar. I am now somehow responsible for design choices made at the level of the browser, because browsers have decided that the scroll bar should be nigh impossible to use. Yippee.

    captain_aggravated, avatar

    What really chuffs my spuds is when the application decides they want to provide their own UI rather than using the system default.


    UIs get worse all the time, very frustrating. Who needs contrast, right? I have good eyes and know exactly where to look. My mother? Holy shit no chance.


    Not necessarily for visibility but when i work I NEED FUCKING BORDERS FOR MY FUCKING BRAIN TO KEEP FUCKING STRUCTURE AND NOT EVERYTHING FADING OUT INTO …yeah thanks i lost the thread again

    starman2112, avatar

    Seriously fuck Wikipedia’s desktop redesign, I regret that I donated before the change


    In case you weren’t aware, there are extensions that you can use to restore the older (better) UIs. Here are a couple:

    There are probably some for other browsers as well. I don’t use them though. I instead wrote myself a tampermonkey script to change it:

    <span style="color:#323232;">if (!'useskin')) {
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">  var new_url = window.location.protocol
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">      + "//" + window.location.hostname
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">      + window.location.pathname;
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">  if ( == "") {
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    new_url = new_url + "?useskin=monobook";
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">  } else {
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">    new_url = new_url + + "&useskin=monobook";
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">  }
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">  new_url = new_url + window.location.hash;
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">  window.location.replace(new_url);
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">}

    You can compare the available wikipedia styles on this page to see which one you like best:…

    starman2112, avatar

    Yeah, and I do that, I just don’t think I should have to. I should be able to open the website on a fresh install and not get nauseous using it.


    At least on the bright side, people are becoming much more aware of accessibility. I’d argue that old sites were accessible mainly on accident due to most being restricted to fairly straightforward CSS and HTML. The advent of Javascript was a dark time…


    I don’t think it was a pure accident as some non-accessible designs would still be possible with those limitations. IIRC scroll bars were taken from the OS back then, so if the OS didn’t have accessible design, it wouldn’t be a thing for the websites either.


    It’s really depressing how often I have to turn off CSS entirely just to view a webpage. I could of course always go into the inspector and turn off the bad CSS, but Gecko-based browsers fortunately have “View -> Page Style -> No Style” which is must easier and faster.

    And seriously, whoever invented the font-weight CSS property can burn in hell. Ditto for whoever decided that we should only be allowed to read light grey text on slightly lighter grey background.


    Browsers have an accessibility check for contrast for this reason. More devs / designers should use it.

    SpaceCowboy, avatar

    Its the epitome of technology that as it improves some things become obsolete.

    Pretty much every mouse has a scroll wheel on them now. I very seldom click on a scroll bar now. So the design has changed with that consideration in mind.


    It’s a design choice, not a question of obsolescence. If it were, we’d be talking about their decision on removing the scroll bar, not changing it.

    At the very least the style change could have been optional.

    SpaceCowboy, avatar

    There is still a need to indicate progress when scrolling even with a mouse wheel. So scroll bars are designed with that in mind. And there is still occasion that you may want to use it to brag the bar to a specific part of a page. But this is fairly rare, because how do you know what part of a page you want to go to before you’ve seen it?

    Currently on my Firefox there is indeed no scrollbar displayed. If I use my mouse wheel a thin version appears to indicate progress while scrolling. If I move my mouse to the edge of the screen a wider version appears which is easier to interface with on the rare occasion I want to do that. This is an optimal interface given the hardware I have available.

    On a phone or table the scrollbar will not be interacted with my clicking on it. It only appears to indicate progress.

    The old scrollbar design is obsolete. Doesn’t make any sense on touchscreens and is a waste of screen space on desktops since people have scroll wheels now.

    Obsolete doesn’t mean it no longer works, a horse and carriage still functions after all. Obsolete simply means there’s more optimal options available because of improvements in technology. The scrollbar on Firefox right now is more optimal because of newer technology. The scrollbars pictured are obsolete no matter how much nostalgia you might feel for them.

    Seasoned_Greetings, (edited )

    My friend, obsolescence as a concept can apply to a functional necessity. Obsolescence doesn’t apply to a design choice like a texture on a window element.

    If your entire point is that scroll bars aren’t necessary anymore, fine. If you’re going to type up a long winded response as to why scroll bars shouldn’t have the little lines on them anymore, you’re just being pedantic.

    SpaceCowboy, avatar

    I’ve explained to you the decision making process that’s used when changing UI elements. If you’re so dedicated to being a curmudgeon to learn about why technology changes, that’s your decision.


    What I’m telling you is that it’s literally a visual element. I already said, it could be optional. Professing it as some sort of inevitably of ui change is just as stubborn.

    Frankly, you’re coming off quite hostile about what is literally a texture. Equating this whole line of reasoning to “this is why technology changes” feels like grandstanding to justify defending an obscure ui decision for no other reason than you just prefer it.

    Which by itself is fine. You’re allowed to prefer modern design ui. It starts getting ridiculous when you decide to tell other people why their preferences are wrong.

    SpaceCowboy, avatar

    Frankly, you’re coming off quite hostile about what is literally a texture.

    So it’s acceptable for you to call me a pedant, but I’m crossing the line when I say you’re being a curmudgeon? Ok.

    What I’m telling you is that it’s literally a visual element. I already said, it could be optional.

    It could be, but maintaining multiple designs isn’t free. To keep them all involves additional QA and bugfixes for every release and designing an interface to allow a selecting different designs. There’s a cost to this, and why bother? As you say it’s literally a texture, not a big deal. What’s your justification for a development team to put time and effort to maintain some old designs that are no longer optimal?

    And this is a microcosm of all interactions with technology. Some people simply don’t like change, even when there’s good reason for the changes. Every technological improvement no matter how big or small comes with reactions similar to yours. It’s best not to impede technological improvements to please curmudgeons, because there’s no pleasing them. You can decide to be angry over every minor improvement in technology, but that’s just deciding to be angry for petty reasons. It’s best to try to understand technological changes rather than always being angry over them.

    I mean you’re still upset over a change in the look of scrollbar, even after the reasons for the changes were explained. There are much bigger changes in technology coming, not sure how you’re going to handle it if a scrollbar change bothers you.


    This conversation is really stupid. You win, the march of technology advances endlessly and changes will be made.

    The beginning of this thread was a small vent that didn’t mean anything on a meme. Way to completely overblow your response there, captain verbose.

    So it’s acceptable for you to call me a pedant

    And lastly, yes.

    Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

    You are being the literal dictionary definition of pedantic. If I had known you were going to write several paragraphs over how a visual preference is irrelevant because of technological advances, I wouldn’t have engaged you.

    On that note, I’m done engaging you. You beat me, I’ll eventually shrivel and die preferring something you don’t agree with. I hope this incredibly unnecessary conversation gives you satisfaction, and thanks again for wasting my time to tell me that my preference doesn’t matter.


    TimeNaan, to lemmyshitpost in Stuck

    A wave od horror washing over me as I realize these idiots can afford a Cybertruck while I can only have an old beater.


    wealth and stupidity come hand in hand in many, many cases.

    I think this is partially because in order to make a lot of money in most cases you have to fuck someone else over and never have it occur to you thats what you’re doing. Like if you find out you can buy t-shirts for €1, then you go to your neighbor and tell them they can have a t-shirt for the low price of €30 (and manage not to feel bad about that) you’re a successful businessman and a pilliar of the community.


    And if you can get someone to even do the part of finding the $1 t-shirts for another $1 instead of you doing any work, you are a job creator.


    And then another person to do the selling for $2 of profit they can have

    TurtleJoe, avatar

    Cyber truck buyers are Elon worshipping tech bros, which means that they think they are smarter and better than everybody else. This leads to acts of hubris like the above picture, which are obviously very stupid and easy to see coming, but these types of people think, “I am very smart and know exactly what I am doing at all times. This will be fine, because I am doing it.”


    Why don’t you buy a Cybertruck on a loan and pay monthly installments? Better yet, put it on your credit card and push the debt into the future.

    Oh, maybe because you’re not nuts. Drive that old beater until it dies.

    KingThrillgore, avatar

    Your old beater will last longer in the rain

    PenisWenisGenius, to lemmyshitpost in Now, if it was a Pixel...

    Apple tankies: That’s because iPhone has superior security features making them entirely theft proof.

    Google tankies: LOOOL it’s cuz apple sux!!!1

    Everyone else: can I take a moment of your time to spread the good word of Arch Linux? I use Arch btw.


    I used arch btw until i switched to nixos fr. Kind of like a splinter group, a cult if you would. Less aur. More flakes. Still mostly unusable.

    Vuraniute, avatar

    nixos would be 10x better if flakes had actual documentation and not jack shit with a generous amount of nothing


    Since I switched just a month or two ago yesterday was flakes-figuring-out-day for me. It’s terrible in the sense, that the first thing I had to do was actually figure out what flakes even do and what is it you can use them for. The guides didn’t help a lot because they assumed I alreary knew that. I think I understand now, but there is an offchance I got it compeletly wrong and that bothers me.

    Vuraniute, avatar

    I feel the same. I don’t understand what they do but every guide expects me to.


    To be fair… Flakes are still marked as an experimental feature, so they are telling you it probably won’t be documented and the interface could change. But yes, given how widely adopted they are in the community, it’s definitely time to document them better and ideally make it the default for new setups.


    I love how you frame Arch as the default which isn’t wrong but there are also Ubuntu nerds out there like me 🤓


    Imagine if there were ten different types of annoying preachy vegans

    That’s how irritating you are 😂


    I’m not preachy. Ubuntu isn’t for everyone, I get it


    You still had to bring it up didn’t you?


    No, but I did because I can


    Because nobody else talks to you 😂


    Dude I love club penguin


    Don’t bring up Linux in every post challenge (impossible)

    Kolanaki, to lemmyshitpost in Overthrow a Government and Install a Puppet Dictator? The CIA will do it for Bananas! avatar

    “Let’s put LSD in this small town’s drinking water and see what happens.”

    “What scientific purpose would this have?”

    “It would be funny.”

    “Good point. Operation Midnight Climax approved.”


    Don’t threaten me with a good time


    Being unknowingly dosed with an unknown psychedelic is NOT a good time.


    I can’t find the part about spiking a small town’s drinking water in that article.


    Thanks. That sure is messed up.


    It’s also kind of a fringe theory.…/1951_Pont-Saint-Esprit_mass_po…

    The attribution of the poisoning to the CIA in Albarelli’s book has been roundly criticized. Historian Steven Kaplan, author of an earlier book about the events, said that this would be “clinically incoherent: LSD takes effects in just a few hours, whereas the inhabitants showed symptoms only after 36 hours or more. Furthermore, LSD does not cause the digestive ailments or the vegetative effects described by the townspeople.”

    To be clear: I have no reason to believe that the CIA circa 1951 wouldn’t or couldn’t pull this kind of stunt, just that the evidence that they in fact did is pretty shaky.


    Thanks for the update.


    I’m all for keeping the CIA accountable, but you’re conflating two things there.

    ShunkW, to lemmyshitpost in Send a message! Use a digital pipe bomb!

    Someone who isn’t me has successfully submitted the entire Bee movie script over 350k times to various snitch websites related to reproductive health or gender affirming care. 👀


    That haas to be getting easier to filter out, why not use ai to make fake stories about awful people


    I mean maybe you’re right. I honestly hadn’t thought about that cuz I was getting 200s. But that doesn’t mean they weren’t immediately dumping the content. For no reason at all, do you know of any locally hosted ruby on rails gems that can use generative AI?


    If you’re in RoR land, there’s always the Faker gem to get you started. Or keep it simple - find lists of names on Wikipedia or something, shuffle and combine.


    I hadn’t thought that some bad actor could use faker that way. I hope no one does. But I’m glad there’s some recommendation out there, cuz I’ve definitely used it for tests and realize it could achieve the same result


    Works great for db:seed, too


    I have no idea what that last little bit means

    astraeus, avatar

    If you parse out random words from the bee movie to fill in the fields and change IPs every few minutes, gonna be tough


    First/Given Name: Ya

    Middle Name: Like

    Last Name/Surname: Jazz

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    oh no. 👁 👁

    Snowcano, to 196 in Mood rule

    “I will burn my own house to the ground if I think there’s a chance you’ll get caught in the flames.”


    Very much my energy


    The trick is that you don’t actually need to be willing to burn down your house, you just have to make other people believe that you would.


    Oh I didn’t stutter with the title; I’m mad as a hatter

    Hootz, to 196 in Rule ⛳

    Golf = The game of the bourgeoisie Mini Golf = The game of the proletariat


    Mini-golf is also… just so much more entertaining and fun.

    Kalkaline, avatar

    Well yeah because you don’t have to wear the stupid pants and shoes, you can but you don’t have to


    Misses the golf cart though


    Usually has ice cream instead, which is objectively better.


    Golf isn’t the problem, it’s golf courses

    If you took any random forest or mountain and put a cup at one end then just said go things would be fine

    (I know foot traffic is bad, it’s better than bulldozing the whole thing)


    You’ve basically just described golf’s superior cousin: disc golf

    ILikeBoobies, (edited )

    I was being traditionalist to golf

    nifty, (edited ) avatar

    False! Mini golf is the game of the savant and the cultural elite 🧐

    Edit doubly so if it’s at night and there are glowing things involved


    Disc golf - the game of the revolutionary


    I like the driving range and I like mini golf but it’s the middle game I can’t be bothered with playing.

    So I nail 120 balls at the driving range then play a round of mini golf.

    A_Random_Idiot, to lemmyshitpost in He's got a point

    No no, you see. Its okay and normal to destroy your body for other peoples profit.

    The problem here is you enjoying yourself and experience happiness. Personal happiness is a sin in capitalism, because it might lead to thoughts of improving your situation, and thats the last thing anyone wants. Just think of what it could do to the shareholders!

    /s because I know some dim bulb will take this seriously otherwise.


    It might be a joke but you are on point…


    its on point, but if I dont /s then someone will come in and think I’m actually arguing in favor of ruining your body for capitalism.

    cause every time I’ve ever made a super obvious post, I always get some dimbulb response without the /s


    No no, you see. Its okay and normal to destroy your body for the glorious state.

    The problem here is you enjoying yourself and experience happiness. Personal happiness is a sin in communism, because it might lead to thoughts of freedom and self-improvement, and thats the last thing the government wants. Just think of what it could do to the production!

    /s because I know capitalism sucks, but communism sucks as well.


    commulism is when the government do stuff


    Weird how your ‘communism’ always seems identical to capitalism, and literally every critique applies to both.

    Almost like you don’t actually know what communism is and have created an entirely fictional external scapegoat to feel like the horror you labor in and perpetuate is morally good, or something.

    This isn’t to defend the USSR, plenty of problems, but, like, you never bothered to learn what any of those actually were. Also, ussr≠all communism, some, including the USSR’s official position for the entirety of its existence, would argue that they weren’t communist at all.

    Not that you care to use any crotical tjinking or curiosity to scratch the surface of the ideas you were told and discover myriad (mostly still shitty, but way more interesting and exciting) worlds beneath.


    I mean, you can still go to former communist countries and see what older people look like. Like in Hungary older people don’t smile much. They learned that if you smile too much it might be suspicious and you could be investigated by the police. Why are you smiling? Do you have access to black market luxuries?


    Completely ignoring literally everything I said.

    Where is this communist youre arguing with? Are they in the room with us now?


    This entire thread is about communism? The parent post is a critique of it? The word is mentioned in every post on the thread?


    Read what I wrote, or why even reply to me?

    All of it, please.

    Cowbee, avatar

    That’s hilariously wrong, lmao. The majority of people in nearly every post-soviet state wants Communism back, and this number is

    You don’t have to like Communism or the USSR, but please don’t make things up now, lmao. It’s cringe red-scare fanfiction.

    Cowbee, avatar

    Why would any government oppose people’s thoughts of freedom and self-improvement, when that’s specifically the goal of Communism to encourage, as opposed to Capitalism?


    Because Communist governments see any opposition to communism as a threat to their power, so they do not tolerate dissidence even if they claim to tolerate dissidence. It’s just another example of the paradox of tolerance.

    Cowbee, avatar

    How is freedom and self-improvement “opposition to Communism?” Do you have the slightest idea what you’re talking about?


    It might not be opposition to communism the way Marx envisioned it, but it is absolutely opposition to communism the way communist governments have envisioned it

    Cowbee, avatar



    Look up East Germany for one of the milder examples.

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