Clanket, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

This thing is on the Irish radio every day since they opened it. Great idea, and sounds like people are having fun.

irreticent, avatar

people are having fun

*were having fun

SomeGuy69, (edited ) to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

The horror if all the OF thots would’ve swarmed the portal after this incident.

Edit fixed typo


this incidence.

‘incident’, right?


Yeah, you’re correct.

Duamerthrax, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

It’s New York. What did they think would happen?


Well, that was one of the instances of abuse of the portal. Another was a mooning, and yet another was a man showing NYC citizens pictures of 9/11 over the portal.

I assume they never thought that so many people would start being a punk-ass because they think the magical screen makes them safe from all persecution like the one at home. It is trained behavior.


think the magical screen makes them safe from all persecution

People do this shit face to face all the time. It’s only easier to record like this. Same with the internet. It didn’t make people into assholes. It just made it easier to record.


The busy main streets of NYC and Dublin certainly have seen some great and terrible things, but these recordings were all published by nearby peers and not the company. There isn’t much incentive for breaking indecent exposure laws even with the screen, but you can’t pretend it was ever so common.


Do they think NY is censored from 9/11 like China from Tieneman Square?

Or just they think its going to bother anyone?


I think it was one of those things like “This is what happened the last time you talked shit overseas” statement. In which case, that dude might be on a no-fly list now.

hanrahan, avatar

Or Australia and the recent church stabbings. NZ and the Christchurch thing, plenty of counties have shit banned beside China.


I’m pretty sure that New Yorkers knows what 9/11 looks like. I think people dramatically overestimate how much Americans care about stuff like this.


Can’t blame them for thinking that, we built a monument for 2,996 people and then waged a war over it that killed 100,000, not including a lot of our own.


It’s legal to be topless in New York. She didn’t commit a crime or anything.


But not Dublin! Those catholic bastards…

I’m a catholic, but I’m just addicted to cats.


I too love drinking cathol


8 out of 10?


It’s legal to be topless in NYC as long as it’s not for “sexual reasons” (whatever that means)— so this particular case might be something of a legal debate… but I don’t see any cop bothering to arrest her for it. Shockingly, they don’t care.


She’d just argue that it’s “art” probably…


Yeah, you’d be surprised about how much that wouldn’t fly with the NYPD. I watch Matthew Silver run into the Union Sq. Whole Foods in a Speedo in a legit performance art piece.

The cops had little respect for that.

I did, tho. After he managed to escape, we met up after and smoked a spliff. Then I made it to class at Parsons.

That guy was very interesting to know while I was an undergrad at design school.


I suck at art!


Not sex, pure marketing


Do you think those two things are separate?

What year do you think this is? 1830 whatever?


? lmao


Did I mention legality? I don’t find topless necessarily rude the same way I don’t find hands to be rude, but if someone gave me the middle finger, that changes things.

Whenever I’ve been in NYC, there’s always someone desperately trying to be seen.

zerog_bandit, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

New Yorkers and Dubliners are supposed to come between breasts, not have breasts come between them.

argh_another_username, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

And that’s why we can’t have nice things.

Retrograde, avatar

I can’t believe people were subjected to boobs, unbelievable


they’re gonna need therapy




And he also made false teeth


Addict insane


Desensitisation therapy of course


Exactly, bigots are the reason we can’t have nice things.


For a very short moment there were two nice things though 🤔

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

Of course something this genuinely cool is going to be misused. Of course.


I don’t see how this is misuse, some people are just terrified of sex and nudity.


It just happened to be Ireland, one of the only super Catholic countries left.


And the US of A the future far right theocracy.

chakan2, avatar

I wouldn’t say terrified. There’s these things called dignity and respect. NYC gave up on those a long time ago.


Yeah, terrified is a bit much. This guy experiences more a mix of repression and shame.


someone showed their boobs 😔 a dark day for humanity indeed

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar


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    the other stuff isn’t too wild either.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar


    whoreticulture, (edited )

    Why was this taken down? It was actually useful. He said “read the fucking article I’m not talking about onlyfans”. This is extremely over moderated. Just get rid of the Nazis and let us have swears.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Yeah this has been happening to me as well…


    The mods here suck donkey balls




    Did you mean:

    WhatIsThePointAnyway, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    I’m sure this was killed by bitchy socially conservative sheltering types who freak out about anything that doesn’t fit in their small minded view of morality.


    Lemmy is full of those people too, there’s a whole thread of them angry that openI might allow NSFW content.


    God forbid people have concerns about ethics.

    WhatIsThePointAnyway, (edited )

    No one forces you to stare at the girl. People see offensive shit every day all over, but society doesn’t conform to all offenses equally, does it? Why is your ethics enforceable, but other people’s aren’t? Why does she have less right to practice her ethical choice to expose her body (assuming by your answer you would have offense)? Why is it more ethical to have others right to view taken away than for you to simply turn your head away? Ethics is very subjective, especially when there is no direct harm to either party.


    Are we talking about the same thing? I replied to someone taking about OpenAI, not porn in general. The creation of porn without the consent of the people fed into the program is nothing short of an ethical nightmare, even in cases where said people are pornstars. You’re painting me as a repressive for shit I didn’t even say.

    WhatIsThePointAnyway, (edited )

    It looks like you were responding to my comment

    “I’m sure this was killed by bitchy socially conservative sheltering types who freak out about anything that doesn’t fit in their small minded view of morality.”

    That’s how it showed up. If you were responding to a different comment, my bad, please disregard my comment. Sometimes the line system in Lemmy is a tad hard to follow.

    Edit: realize I misread the line scheme and you weren’t responding to me. Sorry.


    It is against the law. That means that society, as a whole, has decided that this is immoral.

    No one forces you to stare at the girl

    So that means that its morally okay to kill everyone who looks at me (“No one forces then to look at me!”)?

    Why is your ethics enforceable, but other people’s aren’t?

    Because ethics are only enforcable through laws and the laws currently enforce “my” ethics in that regard.

    Why does she have less right to practice her ethical choice to expose her body (assuming by your answer you would have offense)?

    Whether that is morally right is an ethical question but would you say the same about a minor (exposing themselves)?

    Ethics is very subjective

    Exactly, so what is the issue with the company having moral concerns about it and shutting it down?


    Because seeing a nipple is on par with murder. Not to mention society makes all sorts of terrible shit ethical, like billionaires bribing politicians to subvert the will of the people. My point was ethics is a subjective defense at best. Especially when no harm is perpetrated on either party and nipples being required to be covered was not an ethical standard most of human history. Murder would cause harm to the murdered party. Nipple viewing would only harm a child because they have been taught that nipples are “supposed” to be hidden like a dirty secret. Even though all mammals suckle from them in early life. It’s absolutely silly to make a bare chest being exposed such a big “ethical” deal and people should be questioning this like I did. It only exists due to the puritanical religious idealism pushed on society. It has no basis in reality as a detriment to society.


    One question: Would you say the same about getting completely naked in public?


    Oh, they must remember the threads discussing finding child pornography in the image generation model training data.


    Doesn’t necessarily have to do with conservatism. Not everyone wants to be randomly flashed without consent.


    Oh the terrors of non-consensual nipples entering your line of sight. The beach must be horrifying for you, unless only women’s nipples require “consent” to be exposed. Social conservatism is the entire reason breasts have to be hidden like dirty sexualized secrets to begin with. It’s silly.


    You do not have my consent to display your eyebrows today.


    Yes a fair comparison.

    flying_sheep, avatar

    Seems like you grew up in a very puritanical place.

    Nudity is objectively neutral.

    Senseless, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    What kind of journalism is that? Not even a picture of those “big apples” so the reader can judge for himself.


    Mmm I wish I had more hands …so I could give more thunbs down!!


    Not sure what you’re talking about, but it seems to work.


    She called them potatoes, not apples.


    tmz seem to have come up with apples. BTW I’d prefer apples to potatoes, but that’s just me.

    Shelbyeileen, avatar

    She said homegrown potatoes, because she was flashing people in Ireland.

    sebinspace, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    Ava Louise, for those interested.


    So clearly her plan is working


    Tbf she had to take credit for it, it’s not like most OF models would be recognized in public. Hell, most internet celebrities would go relatively unnoticed in public.


    I heard somewhere that only the Top 2% of OF-“models” make 80% of all the revenue and the rest hardly make enough to pay for a meal a day.


    Have a friend that does it. According to her, it’s nothing to pay your bills with, but if you just want some extra cash to get yourself something nice, it works a treat.


    Ava Louise, the woman who had gluteal implants and now has an ass so big that she can’t fit into regular seats or clothing. Humans are fucking weird.


    i mean, it’s cool we have science to provide that to the people who want it imo


    its really not. Someone like that needs mental help, not to be indulged


    I don’t see what the issue is, it’s her body, she can do what she wants with it.


    Its mental illness. Its not going to benifit her.


    If it makes her happy and isn’t hurting anyone else why do you care?


    If it makes “Hitler” happy and isn’t hurting “not-Jews” else why do you care?

    These kinds of whataboutism is how bad things happen from well-intentioned but ultimately bad things end up happening.

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


    I don’t know why I’m bothering to feed the troll, but here goes…

    Hurting “no one” and hurting “not Jews” are two very different things, you do realize?

    Guy says “She’s not hurting anyone”. And your response is “Hitler wasn’t hurting anyone…except the Jews” as though that’s somehow an equivalent rebuttal? What the absolute fuck is wrong with your fucking brain?


    Extreme examples bring to light why whataboutism is so prevalent. Find a better answer than “public nudity never hurt no one” … is not the correct answer.


    This response is so dumb, reading it has actually managed to make me measurably stupider.


    Cigarettes, Alcohol, Gambling, Porn, Birdwatching, Hiking, Video Games, Blogging, Youtubing, Racing…

    Absolutely all of these things can be enjoyed, abused, and everything in between. All of them can lead to problems and/or can be part of a fulfilling and happy life.

    You are approaching this with “She’s sick and she did this, disgusting” rather than “she’s sick and this is a symptom of that, what a shame”

    Unless you are this harsh to people who have problems with the other things I mentioned and more, then you should evaluate why this specifically bothers you, it may speak to a preconception you have from a place of privilege.


    Yes but this is obviously a mental illness. Plastic surgery can be great, but when abused like this its feeding a mental illness.


    I didn’t disagree, I pointed out that you’re approaching this with contempt rather than empathy.

    You’re right, but you’re not showing the world you’re right, you’re just showing the world you’re mean.


    That’s fine, I doubt she considered what StupidBrotherInLaw thought anyway.

    Justas, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    Meanwhile, Vilnius-Lublin portal is working with no incidents.

    Ludrol, avatar

    it’s fun to wander around the old town and stumble upon the portal and see people waving at you from the other side.

    ArdMacha, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    Why not just leave it be, no-one is being hurt

    aodhsishaj, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    For those curious, here’s from the other side.


    Not the view people are going to be hoping for…




    Very different perspective indeed. The OP article is sensational and refers to the "chaos" that ensure.

    Toplessness is legal in New York, but I don't think flashing would be. Not sure about the laws in Dublin.

    This was obviously a business move to draw fans to the OF site. The better article didn't publicize the woman's name.


    Yeah, it’s the same dummy that licked an airplane seat during covid.

    CarbonIceDragon, avatar

    Ah, sounds like someone going for the herostratus approach to fame

    st33lb0ne, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It


    thehatfox, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

    There was a similar thing done as an art installation between London and New York called the Telectroscope in 2008. Apparently it was the site of a few marriage proposals.

    Look how far we’ve come…


    I bet some people flashed that one and such too, but I could find no indication that it was shut down because of that.

    It feels like society has backslid tremendously on some freedoms in the past 15 years, particularly where it comes to prudishness.

    These days we even have otherwise progressive people jumping on the prude bandwagon along with hyper religious controlling anti feminists and it just makes for such strange bedfellows.

    BenchpressMuyDebil, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

    Sometimes I wish I was born as a merino wool farmer in 13 century Spain


    …and you’ve been recruited into the Crusades. God speed holly warrior, may you strike the infidels down.

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