Drusas, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

What a bitch, ruining it for everyone.


Different places have different laws, news at 11.


That doesn't change that what she did was a dick move.




I personally wouldn’t call it a “dick” move…


Meh, prudes ruined the fun. There ain’t nothing wrong with some titties

homesweethomeMrL, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

Is there a public website with the two sides of the portal viewable?


Not anymore.


Damn. Now we’ll never get to see boobs on the internet.

Allonzee, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

Greed is the most destructive human impulse, but prudishness still wins handily in the fucking annoying category.

Oh no, boobs, those things pretty much everyone likes, the horror!


The average person has one boob and one testicle.


Slightly less than one boob and one testicle. Just like the average person has slightly less than two legs.


IDK, there’s slightly more women than men, it may skew the results


and women who have had mastectomies.


That’s kinda my point. Mastectomies would bring the average down but more women brings it back up. Too lazy to Google but is global # of women who have had mastectomies more or fewer than # of “excess” women (over men)


Well are we just equalizing based on boob number, or are we also equalizing based on average boob size? Because some men also have boobs due to hormonal imbalance, and that’s even more if we decide to count like, fat induced moobs for whatever reason. The hormonal imbalances at least would probably bring the average back in favor of slightly more than one boob. If we’ve equalized it to boob size then we’d probably all have like small A cups or something.


The average person has slightly more than one skeleton inside of them


What about fat guys? Does that up the average?

samus12345, avatar

No, those are moobs.

GnomeKat, avatar

Some of us have 2 boobs and 2 testicals :)


And some have 0 boobs and 0 testicles. Gender affirming care probably evens out

MeDuViNoX, avatar

Won’t someone think of the ovaries!?


I was thinking about this in terms of limbs, and wondering, since pregnant women have more than 4 limbs, wouldn’t the average number of limbs be greater than 4?

There are probably considerably more pregnant women than people missing limbs, but then again, the women only have additional limbs for 9 months.


Glad to know I’m driving that leg median up !

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I dunno. My buddy Kyle has like 10 legs. 9 of them are prosthetic, but they all count.


What about stilts?

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I’ll have to ask Kyle. I consider him my authority on what’s a leg.


he has a leg up on everybody else


You must be pulling my legs


That’s not true! I got two it’s just that one is really big!

dumbass, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

You know what? That took waaaayyyy longer than I thought it would to happen.

sloppy_diffuser, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

We do not know who else may be watching.


otp, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

I have to wonder if people being jerks under anonymity is not because of the anonymity itself, but because of the lack of consequences.

The people messing around aren’t anonymous, but it’s not like anyone can do anything to them from that far away

Isthisreddit, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

I swear you lemmiers are disappointing me. No one posting source for this lady and her boobs that shutdown a trans-atlantic portal?

If this were reddit, someone might have posted source of this daring lady.

I’m will to bet 4chan has all her leaked OF stuff posted already


I braved going on to Yahoo and it says her name is Ava Louise.


Damn. She’s plastic. :(


Maybe people here have actually seen real boobs and not that excited about pictures of someone else’s.

Tends to happen as you grow up and get into actual relationships with women.


Get off your high horse - I’m covered in women and I still love seeing boobs (in person, digital, analog, in my dreams…)

NSNTT -never say no to tits

KingThrillgore, avatar

You know what I did see over the portal in a video a friend shared on our group chat? Someone mocking 9/11 in Dublin. Nothing upsets New Yorkers worse.

Irish have experience at banter. They had to put up with England for all eternity. Also, they’re drunk.

Senseless, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

What kind of journalism is that? Not even a picture of those “big apples” so the reader can judge for himself.


Mmm I wish I had more hands …so I could give more thunbs down!!


Not sure what you’re talking about, but it seems to work.


She called them potatoes, not apples.


tmz seem to have come up with apples. BTW I’d prefer apples to potatoes, but that’s just me.

Shelbyeileen, avatar

She said homegrown potatoes, because she was flashing people in Ireland.

Daft_ish, (edited ) to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

The juxtaposition of reenacting this whole thing with primates would be so absurd.

glouriousgouda, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

This reads like a National Lampoons film. Were the Griswold’s present?

Duamerthrax, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

It’s New York. What did they think would happen?


Well, that was one of the instances of abuse of the portal. Another was a mooning, and yet another was a man showing NYC citizens pictures of 9/11 over the portal.

I assume they never thought that so many people would start being a punk-ass because they think the magical screen makes them safe from all persecution like the one at home. It is trained behavior.


think the magical screen makes them safe from all persecution

People do this shit face to face all the time. It’s only easier to record like this. Same with the internet. It didn’t make people into assholes. It just made it easier to record.


The busy main streets of NYC and Dublin certainly have seen some great and terrible things, but these recordings were all published by nearby peers and not the company. There isn’t much incentive for breaking indecent exposure laws even with the screen, but you can’t pretend it was ever so common.


Do they think NY is censored from 9/11 like China from Tieneman Square?

Or just they think its going to bother anyone?


I think it was one of those things like “This is what happened the last time you talked shit overseas” statement. In which case, that dude might be on a no-fly list now.

hanrahan, avatar

Or Australia and the recent church stabbings. NZ and the Christchurch thing, plenty of counties have shit banned beside China.


I’m pretty sure that New Yorkers knows what 9/11 looks like. I think people dramatically overestimate how much Americans care about stuff like this.


Can’t blame them for thinking that, we built a monument for 2,996 people and then waged a war over it that killed 100,000, not including a lot of our own.


It’s legal to be topless in New York. She didn’t commit a crime or anything.


But not Dublin! Those catholic bastards…

I’m a catholic, but I’m just addicted to cats.


I too love drinking cathol


8 out of 10?


It’s legal to be topless in NYC as long as it’s not for “sexual reasons” (whatever that means)— so this particular case might be something of a legal debate… but I don’t see any cop bothering to arrest her for it. Shockingly, they don’t care.


She’d just argue that it’s “art” probably…


Yeah, you’d be surprised about how much that wouldn’t fly with the NYPD. I watch Matthew Silver run into the Union Sq. Whole Foods in a Speedo in a legit performance art piece.

The cops had little respect for that.

I did, tho. After he managed to escape, we met up after and smoked a spliff. Then I made it to class at Parsons.

That guy was very interesting to know while I was an undergrad at design school.


I suck at art!


Not sex, pure marketing


Do you think those two things are separate?

What year do you think this is? 1830 whatever?


? lmao


Did I mention legality? I don’t find topless necessarily rude the same way I don’t find hands to be rude, but if someone gave me the middle finger, that changes things.

Whenever I’ve been in NYC, there’s always someone desperately trying to be seen.

buzz86us, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

Oh so that is what that was… I walked by it several times

Stalinwolf, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

Ava Louise, for those curious. Her/her tits are… not really my thing… Like a Bratz doll with Thanksgiving turkeys stuffed into her chest.

Wilshire, avatar

That’s a very accurate description.


But she sure lacks attention.

daltotron, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It

You know this kinda makes me think that it would’ve been funnier if they connected two cities that hate each other more than just like, dublin and new york, which I can’t really think of as ever having had beef. Maybe NYC and chicago, or something. You can’t really put something like this in texas or LA because nobody fuckin walks anywhere, unless maybe you put it in like long beach or like some random part of Austin or something. Seattle? Does Seattle have beef with anywhere? On the other side, could we connect Dublin with like, London or something? Maybe some city in northern Ireland?


Something like outside Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park, and they’d probably be destroyed in minutes…


That’d be fuckin awesome though, imagine the chaos you could just ambiently cause, especially if you made it out of like, bulletproof glass and concrete, and maybe included some self-cleaning mechanism, or set the camera back from the glass a ways, so people couldn’t obfuscate the camera or the image. Could be the move, could be the play.


Then suddenly replace the LED screen with an actual wormhole bridge and watch the melee from afar!


Airlines hate this one weird trick


Mississippi and Bagdad

RGB3x3, (edited )

You’d just have the religious nutjobs get the thing shut down in the name of “saving the children.”

I don’t know what the Baghdad citizen would do though.

(In case this goes over people’s heads, I’m calling the Mississippians the religious nutjobs)


I fear, stones would quickly put an end to such portals.


Seattle has beef with Portland. Hippie beef. Impossible beef.

Sabata11792, avatar

Moscow and DC. What could possibly go wrong.


The thing would be shot down in secs. OH NO COMUNISTS. Ratatata skrskr


Equally likely to be shot down by Russian soldiers for spreading “western lies”

Socsa, (edited )

This would be a pretty one sided fight.

Now DC to Beijing. That would be spicy.

alcoholicorn, (edited )

I don’t think the average Chinese person is as rabidly nationalistic as Americans and Russians though.

Give me Tehran and Jacksonville. Miami and Havana. Nashville and Pyongyang.

GreatAlbatross, avatar

Belfast and Dublin would have been nice.


Dublin and Rome


Toronto and Boston would be funny as hell LOL


Miami and San Francisco would be excellent

But make both of them out of bulletproof glass

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, to world in "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It avatar

Of course something this genuinely cool is going to be misused. Of course.


I don’t see how this is misuse, some people are just terrified of sex and nudity.


It just happened to be Ireland, one of the only super Catholic countries left.


And the US of A the future far right theocracy.

chakan2, avatar

I wouldn’t say terrified. There’s these things called dignity and respect. NYC gave up on those a long time ago.


Yeah, terrified is a bit much. This guy experiences more a mix of repression and shame.


someone showed their boobs 😔 a dark day for humanity indeed

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar


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  • bort,

    the other stuff isn’t too wild either.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar


    whoreticulture, (edited )

    Why was this taken down? It was actually useful. He said “read the fucking article I’m not talking about onlyfans”. This is extremely over moderated. Just get rid of the Nazis and let us have swears.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Yeah this has been happening to me as well…


    The mods here suck donkey balls




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