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Get an USB-c to aux adapter for phones without aux connector.


I didn’t even know that. Thanks for the info. But I guess an adapter is cheap. A phone on the other hand not.

Am I the only one who doesn't really care about graphics?

As video games develop more and more over the years, companies have been making them more and more realistic-looking. I can guess this is related to expectations, but am I the only one who doesn’t care about graphics? We could be using the same processing power to store worlds that have as much exploration potential as the...


A game can only give you so many hours before it becomes boring. Sandbox games aside, most are done after 100 to 200 hours. More content wouldn’t really revive them as you already know the gameplay loop.

Graphics isn’t as important as art style, however I’d rather play a game with realistic graphics but lack of distinguishing art direction, than one with art direction but overall being too basic with their graphics. Graphics is a huge part of immersion to me.

I play a lot of indie games with poor graphics. Best example Minecraft, but when I can install higher resolution textures, realistic lighting and animated foliage, it is eye candy. I can just stand there and look at the beautiful world and relax. I do need zero gameplay at this point and am still entertained.

Gameplay is overrated, give me pretty graphics. Be it realistic or not.


Microsoft bought Mojang after a few years.


I think it’s just a temporary thing. Suits love nothing more than forcing people into their own wallet garden. Sony will notice less people pay for PS+ and then will turn back to exclusives. Maybe it’s also only temporary, to hook people on Sony games and then reach again. I’d love to see it a permanent thing though.


The vast majority of Nintendo customers doesn’t care about graphics and will happily buy a new 80€ controller every year. They are pretty resistant to negative elements, as they are very depending on Nintendo for delivering that special feeling no other on the market gives them. I don’t even blame them on that, it sadly just is a self absorbing construct. Nintendo doesn’t have to improve if fans buy 20 years old emulator ports for 80 bucks and the fans won’t stop buying it because it’s Nintendo, their childhood. I have a Switch myself and love the innovative controls and also am guilty to pay for a year of NSO premium just to play that one game on emulator. Sure I could’ve hacked my switch, but on the other hand it’s time investment to do so and I can’t bother.


I usually try myself and if I can’t progress a quest, I carefully read the wiki to the point on where I’m currently stuck. I never do that for bosses unless it’s a gimmick fight. Like anybody remember that giant, you could ONLY beat by picking up a sword, on a corpse, behind a pile of stuff, in the very same boss battle arena and then quickly equip it mid fight? Something like this sounds neat on paper, but plays horrible if you have people not knowing this fine detail.


to believe it to be fact

Where does this part come from? Or do you talk about self proclaimed empaths?


“Fuck you” seams to be about the right reply to MultiVersus studio.


Discord. I hate that premium costs so much and all the ads they put in place to sell useless junk features.

Google maps. So open street maps but with reviews like maps has. A few days ago people suggested apps, but they lack reviews. I disagree that they are useless.


Yeah this is the biggest issue.


It’s about a quick glance on a location and reading some reviews quickly. There is a workaround with open street maps integrating google reviews but it’s again relying on google at this point.


It would grow. Just to have the ability would be nice. A lot of people also would start to write reviews to be the first etc. We got to start somewhere, same as with the Fediverse. We could even combine it.


Alternative messenger exist, I should’ve been more precise. At this point an alternative would require at least the same features than discord, to get people away from it. I don’t see that happen.


I think is a bit strange that Steam is so adamant on that. Sure in total every game of an inherited account might be a lot, but most are old games they sell for 5 bucks or less. How many of these old games would’ve been bought again from the new owner? I have little time for old games or old media, so it would be like getting grandpa Joes old book collection. It’s not worthless but the emotional value is probably higher than the real use. Steam gets 30% of every game sold, seams enough to cover account forwarding.


Don’t post accounts or keys online. Bots are a million times faster in soaking this data up, it’s guaranteed no human who could deserve it, will get it. Make a post, pick some one at random and direct message them. Still a chance for multi accounting but less than just posting it online.


How can someone with this big memory holes want to become president? Oh well, yeah, Olaf Scholz, oh. I’ll shut up.


I better don’t dream of pony ever. I mean that would be horrible cute.


Sadly indie games more and more scratch on the 45€ mark and it sucks.


I don’t support a company that decided to increase price instead of reducing it. Also PS games are expensive. Then there was also non available and you had to put yourself on a year long waiting list, when at then end I said “nah, I don’t need it”. It’s Sony’s own fault I don’t have a PS5 yet.


No it’s not. PlayStation costs money if you want to go online, PC not. PlayStation games are a lot more expensive than on PC and you lose access to your gamed with every new generation unless you want to store your old console. Also generally PC sales are much deeper then on the controlled PlayStation store. To believe your console is cheaper is really not true.


Why should the PC not have a blu-ray drive, it has all the freedom a console lacks. But I don’t remember the last time I needed one, because I can get just a few month old games for 5 bucks. So I didn’t even bother buying a drive. I buy games for 45 bucks while on console they cost 80 and more, on release day.

Yeah add the cost for the week PC on top, another reason why PC is cheaper, as you’ll likely need a PC regardless.

Not playing online would be the only reason why PS is cheaper and if you buy no games and only lend them from others. Price of PlayStation plus PS+ gets you a good PC if you use it for 5+ years, which most do.


If everyone is allowed to drive, you also have the incapable ones. The people able to drive properly aren’t important and you don’t notice them, only those that are dangerous. In other countries they are forced to walk or use public transport. This starts with harder to acquire license and ends with infrastructure.


Asus would do good in hiring a real lawyer. Parents accept, kid uses router, data collected of child, illegal. So easy to rip them a new one.


Even the church knows no one cares anymore. That’s the time we live in now.


The buyers remorse game. Just give them a tiny bit more money and then a bit more and another, then the game will release, eventually, maybe, hopefully. Please release the game, we spend so much money on it. Here, take more money, we hope that helps. What, you need more? Okay, next quarter. We can’t stop spending now guys or the money was all wasted.


True, sunken cost is the correct terminology. That’s what I mean.


So like every regular day waking up, but this time with the million dollar chance.


I’m just incredible lucky


My name is Bond, James Bond.

SomeGuy69, (edited )

Their wet dream to bring online service costs to PC


Because most other cars have become too similar and round.

SomeGuy69, (edited )

The horror if all the OF thots would’ve swarmed the portal after this incident.

Edit fixed typo


Yeah, you’re correct.


All big games will have this from now on. Same as with microtransactions, very few have non anymore.

Next will be: “Watch X more ads, to speed up the grind”

SomeGuy69, (edited )

Would you say all games with mtx are trash? No one stops the suits from picking an amazing game and force ads into them, same with mtx.


The ability to speak doesn’t mean you’re intelligent.


Sure, put it on the pile of other big titty pictures no one will ever look at twice.


Kudos for even making it til the end. I just noticed half way in, I might as well watch paint dry instead or play something else.


They didn’t react because of Helldivers 2, it’s because of their upcoming PlayStation to PC ports, who will feature enforced PSN linkage and they now noticed, “oh fuck, so many people won’t like it and this will cost us sales”, right now only Helldivers player were angry and boycotting, soon it will be every possible Steam customer, who has to decided pro or against getting a mandatory PSN account, for stuff like Ghost of Tsushima and more.


Which GoogleMaps alternative has user reviews? I downloaded organic maps suggested here and there are no reviews. When I’m in a new town I need to know where I can and where I shouldn’t eat, shop or stay. At least there are some icons on organic maps, but that’s it.


Not when you’re new in an unknown city. In my local city the ratings still make sense, I compared it with my own experience, so why would that change drastically elsewhere? It’s often the only option you have, visiting every website individually is too time consuming and doesn’t tell you anything about the service either. I bet even you look at reviews. It’s easy to say their are faked but there is no non faked alternative.


I bet you can wash this version in direct sunlight.


I got a hit hung up on the headline take. Risk yes, but differently.

Games could use more risk, but making games is expensive and you just need a few bad risky ideas to tank it. Sometimes bad timing is enough, but that’s another topic. Before I’d go big risk though, I’d involve the community via early access. Every single successful early access game I own has been successful because of them listening to the players.

I’d go as far and say, before EA there should be some public alpha, until the game is beta ready for EA. Because a lot of people don’t realize, even the EA games we see, have been in development for 2-3 years already and that’s valuable time and money.

For a few indie games however, I’ve noticed they take too much time in the public alpha and they miss the jump into selling their game via EA beta. Happened to me for example with Cosmoteer and maybe Beyond all Reason (if they don’t hurry up with their EA release asap!).

You could argue, them never releasing the game out of EA, could be another issue, but thankful the good EA games do release for the most part. While the risk for the consumer is pretty low, as long as the base of the game is already decent. I mean if you buy 3 indie games for 25 bucks and one fails, you still have 2 great games, while a single bad AAA title offsets you 75 to 100 bucks easily, without any guarantees the expensive game is good.

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