Burn_The_Right, to politics in Republican Congresswoman to Force Vote to Arrest And Put Merrick Garland On Trial

I wonder if Garland regrets waiting two years before prosecuting the top Republican insurrectionist. He’ll never stop being a conservative, but maybe he’ll stop being a Republican.

AFKBRBChocolate, to politics in Republican Congresswoman to Force Vote to Arrest And Put Merrick Garland On Trial

Strange that the article doesn’t mention that, since Biden claimed executive privilege, Garland can’t turn the audio over.

TransplantedSconie, (edited )

Well, they seem focused on the absurdity of this whole thing. And of course, it’s a Florida-woman trying to out batshit crazy everyone else.

I just read a little bit about her and she’s basically a female George Santos. i.e lied about almost every aspect of her life to become a representative.



Funny how I knew it was Anna Paulina Luna just from that description. She’s a nutjob.


Over MTG and Boebert???


Sarah Palin was really a trend setter for congesional Republican women.


To be fair, the description included “Florida-woman” so that alone disqualified those other two nutjobs.


Not necessarily in terms of sheer craziness, but the lying about every part of her background is pretty identifying.


Are we sure she isn’t George Santos?

billiam0202, to politics in Republican Congresswoman to Force Vote to Arrest And Put Merrick Garland On Trial

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember hearing once that even if this were to happen, Congress can’t hold him longer than the end of this Congressional term.

More political grandstanding from the party that is bereft of any ideals beyond give the rich more money and worship Trump.

dodgy_bagel, to politics in Republican Congresswoman to Force Vote to Arrest And Put Merrick Garland On Trial

So Congress has one man, with a particular set of skills, tasked with apprehending targets and bringing them to the House floor.

Sounds like a movie idea.

Nougat, to politics in Republican Congresswoman to Force Vote to Arrest And Put Merrick Garland On Trial

Cool, cool, cool - Jim Jordan, too, right?

some_guy, to politics in Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion

Is that what a lumpy piece of shit looks like? Beautiful with wounds? We must be using different thesauruses.

Rottcodd, (edited ) to politics in Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion


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  • zigmus64,

    That’s why he loves Putin so much!!! They have the same first name!!!


    The guy you’re responding to deleted their comment, leaving yours without context…and now I’m confused just trying to piece it together.


    Aw damnit… I hate when that happens…

    He had a funny one basically saying that if he did show us his shirtless chest, we’d get to see how closely he resembled Baron Harkonnen.


    Curiously enough, I didn’t delete it. I was just scanning back through my posts when I saw “deleted by creator” on one of them, and since I know I haven’t deleted anything, I came to see what that was all about.

    There’s an option to undelete, so I did that, though unfortunately that means that yours is now the post without context. Sorry. 😅



    Oh, wait.

    DMBFFF, to politics in Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion avatar

    Stormy might have seen him without his shirt.


    I mean, she did

    TokenBoomer, to politics in Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion

    I have to laugh, to stop myself from crying 😭

    todd_bonzalez, to politics in Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion

    We need to bait him into rallying in a liberal city. We could all show up and pretend to take him seriously and just wait for him to say something insane like this.

    Then we could just yes-man him into doing embarrassing stuff. Hell yeah Mr. President, show us your beautiful wounded body. Take that shirt off. Do us a little dance. Jump up and down or something. C’mon, do a little fat man dance.


    He had a rally in Philly today


    @todd_bonzalez @jeffw Didn’t he rally in/near New York? Also it’s not the same, but he also hosts fundraisers in CA often.

    Orbituary, avatar

    Outside of the cities, California is conservative af


    @Orbituary he went to San Francisco … to raise money from tech people (this was somewhat recent)

    Orbituary, avatar

    That’s doesn’t preclude what I said.


    America First, you gotta do the truffle shuffle.

    TheReturnOfPEB, to politics in Ex-Trump Official Makes Stunning Revelation: Trump Talked About Executing People At Several WH Meetings…/Killing_of_Abdulrahman_al-Awla…

    What a president can do to the least of us they will do to the rest of us.


    Who was with his terrorist father in Yemen at the time. This isn’t exactly murder most foul.


    Because his dad was part of al qaeda the kid deserved to die? That’s totally not fucked up at all


    It’s not about deserving it. His dad took him to a war zone while he was working for a non state military. Not everything is personal or even about the person who gets killed in a warzone. Soldiers call it rolling the dice for a reason. The bomb on the roadside goes off. Does it hit the humvee with the gun crew, or the cargo truck carrying refugees? Nobody knows until it happens. One is seen as a normal part of war and the other as something despicable. But the difference is less than a second. Nobody woke up that day and said, “today we’re going to kill that kid”.


    You don’t think the US military has the capabilities to know exactly who and what they’re striking?


    Not like that. Satellites still can’t see inside of hard cover. Hollywood really oversells how much the military can see and undersells how much explosions hurt.

    gamermanh, avatar

    Who was with his terrorist father in Yemen at the time

    According to the United States government, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki’s father, Anwar al-Awlaki, was a leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.[2] Anwar al-Awlaki was killed by a CIA drone strike several days before his son’s death.[3]


    You could try not being disingenuous and read a couple more sentences.

    the target of the October 14, 2011, airstrike was Ibrahim al-Banna, an Egyptian believed to be a senior operative in al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.[7] Another U.S. administration official speaking on condition of anonymity described Abdulrahman al-Awlaki as a bystander who was “in the wrong place at the wrong time”, stating that “the U.S. government did not know that Mr. Awlaki’s son was there” before the airstrike was ordered.[

    He was there because his father brought him there. Nobody was aiming for him.

    gamermanh, avatar

    You could try not being disingenuous

    Right back atcha.

    What you said:

    Who was with his terrorist father in Yemen at the time

    Which is blatantly untrue


    Oh for shit’s sake taking refuge in semantics when you know damn well the word could mean either thing is ridiculous. I’m not going to waste ten comments explaining the exact meaning of the word “time” in this specific case while you just keep throwing No True Scotsman at it.

    gamermanh, avatar

    the word could mean either thing

    it can literally only mean the one thing. His father had been dead for days, you claimed otherwise as thought it justified what happened.

    No True Scotsman at it.

    Showing how intelligent you are with random fallacy name dropping.


    Lmao. No.


    He was a US citizen.

    The military should not be drone striking its own citizens, no matter what they’re suspected of. He had the right to a trial.


    Actually, joining an enemy military strips you of your citizenship. But even then, it’s not a stable area. You can’t just ring up the Yemeni police to go arrest them and the NYPD is going to laugh at you. So you call on the guys who can reach the area. Problem, they’re the military and this is a war. So even without the first sentence we’re back to using a missile instead of the police because nobody is going to commit suicide for this and we’re not going to let them operate freely on the notion that we’re not allowed to fight that particular enemy.

    Which is why joining an enemy military is an automatic loss of citizenship.


    When did Al-Qaeda become a military? It’s a terrorist organization.

    And when did it become a war. Congress hasn’t declared a war since World War 2. Legally, all of killing in the Middle East has been done under the guise of military policing actions.

    Are we going to drone strike proud boy leaders now? They did try to overthrow the US government a few years ago. Oh wait, they just got slaps on the wrist.

    So do we only blow up US citizens and deny them their rights when it would be difficult to get them? I guess the FBI can stop spending so much money on training agents to apprehend suspects, if they’re running or have already fled the country, we’ll just assassinate them because that’s way easier and safer.

    The fact that this guy, regardless of what he did, was assassinated on the orders of a US president, and nothing happened, should be deeply disturbing. You don’t have rights if someone can just blow you up from out of nowhere for any reason. You just have privileges that can be revoked at any time.

    He had the right to a trial. Not a privilege to have one, a right. An attempt to apprehend him should have at least been made.


    Nobody said you had to be connected to a geographic state to be a military.

    An AUMF is a declaration of war. Read the War Powers Act. The Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war. It does not require Congress to use a set of magic words.

    The proud boys are fucking infants in comparison to Al Qaeda, they’re also well within reach of law enforcement agents. But if you want to know for real, check out the times governors have deployed the National Guard for an armed stand off. There is absolutely a military remedy to a domestic insurrection in US law. We do try to avoid that but if someone really pushed it they would take the leash off the military.

    This is also a far cry from FBI agents working with police in developing countries. This isn’t trying to figure out which Argentinian cop would tip off the arrest target. This is the Yemeni militia laughing at the FBI agents while letting AQ know there are Americans around to be captured.

    Again. Nobody is going to commit suicide to provide you with a trial if you are actively making war against the US. Nor have they ever been required to because that is an insane imposition to the defense of the country. Reducing this to a manhunt ended for the sake of convenience is a straw man. You’d have a point if this happened somewhere like India. But it didn’t. And we’re under no obligation to let the enemy keep operating on the hope they travel to the wrong country.


    Remember this 8 year old girl who was killed?

    rc__buggy, to politics in ‘Joe McCarthy Was Right’: Ex-Trump Official Praises McCarthyism At Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference

    Holy shit. McCarthy was a junkie and a crippling drunk who’s vices ultimately killed him.

    He wasn’t “right”, he never found a single Soviet agent. He was probably a self-loathing homosexual who rode the lavender scare to bolster his horrible, HORRIBLE polling numbers and it bit him in the ass eventually.

    THIS is who they are lionizing now?

    CharlesDarwin, avatar

    Ann Coulter wrote an entire book trying to “set the record straight”, if I recall.

    CharlesDarwin, to politics in ‘Joe McCarthy Was Right’: Ex-Trump Official Praises McCarthyism At Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference avatar

    The right has felt they had to “suffer” for decades now by having to be quiet about things like: McCarthy, Nixon, Pinochet, slavery, and on and on. They cannot wait to be able to jam a counter-narrative down the throats of everyone, most especially your kids in government schools run the “right” way. If some of this gives them a permission structure for some violence, all the better in their view.

    NeptuneOrbit, to politics in Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion

    I don’t believe in the anti christ. But if I did.


    Well I’m no expert on Christianity, but apparently this theology graduate here agrees with you:…


    In particular, Jesus showing off his wounds was the big evidence it was him and he had come back from the dead. He isn’t just being weird in front of religious people. He is selling himself as the new messiah.


    He is selling himself as the new messiah.

    Aka being weird in front of religious people.


    Yes but in a very specific way.

    roguetrick, to politics in Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion

    He had to jump in front of those dangerous hamberders to save Jesus.

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