binaryphile, to technology in X runs ‘timeline takeover’ ad promoting anti-trans film

I'm just calling it American History X from now on.

dark_stang, to technology in X runs ‘timeline takeover’ ad promoting anti-trans film avatar

If everybody could stop using Twitter, that’d be great.


Agreed, but unfortunately too many creators rely on it and can’t uproot and leave. That’s my biggest loss, moving to other platforms, was specific creators who didn’t.


The problem is that now you’re relying on a platform that’s entirely centered around being a bastion of hate speech. You would be doing the same thing if you based yourself on 4chan or Truth Social. Every moment you stay there and drive traffic through there, you have blood on your hands

princessnorah, avatar

Bloody hell, I hate this kind of absolutism. For example, Twitter is one of the only spaces online that Sex Workers can promote their content. There was a federated alternative, Switter was the third largest Mastodon instance, but it was forced to shut down. Often these are people who are doing sex work to survive. Transgender people make up a significant proportion of that demographic, as discrimination often precludes us from formal employment.

But, according to you, those people have blood on their hands huh? People who have to sell their bodies using slurs so they can make rent…

Dr_Cog, avatar

Sounds like a disingenuous argument.

If you’re a content creator and you can leave, you should. If you can’t, well obviously you shouldn’t yet.


Why was it forced to shut down?

princessnorah, avatar

If you click the link, they still have a static page up describing everything more eloquently than i could manage at 5 in the morning.


Yeah, it sucks. But Musk has made it crystal fucking clear what he wants Twitter to be. He’s made sure to push right wing misinformation, disinformation, bigotry, transphobia, etc. He forced everyone there to see an ad about a transphobic movie from an alt-right propaganda farm. This platform is now, 100% a hate speech platform, and if you remain there, you are saying you agree and support that mission. There is no middle ground. There is no way to say you didn’t or don’t know. It’s been made very fucking clear.


Unless of course a lot of people still there agree with the message that Musk is sending and don’t see anything wrong with the content. Wouldn’t surprise me.

umbrella, avatar

and people who stay there are the ones creators cater to when they stay too.

if people come to alternatives, creators will either follow or fall into obscurity


So true. A lot of creators are actually very dependent on the accessibility of their content, but also the drama present on twitter. Mastodon takes patience not only from the creators but the users… What if they get bored before they see your content? Thats not good for business.


Wish granted.

Now they use X.

alyaza, to gaming in Kids on Roblox are hosting protests for Palestine avatar

unfortunately most of this thread is off the rails and just not salvageable whatsoever in terms of discussion, so this is going to be a lock and remove. maybe we can try this thread again down the road but for now, no.

ezchili, to gaming in Kids on Roblox are hosting protests for Palestine

Fuck, I will never be this cool

dumdum666, to gaming in Kids on Roblox are hosting protests for Palestine

As Long as there are no Hamas flags shown, the massacre on 7th October is not cheered for and they are not calling for the destruction of Israel: let them show their support for Palestinians


As long as they protest in a way that is acceptable to me.


As long as they aren’t flying terrorist flags it’s acceptable to me


Terrorist or freedom fighter. It’s a long read but if you use a finger and sound out the big words you might learn a thing or two about how the world isn’t so fucking black and white.


I’m sure these kids on Roblox are taking every nuance into account


I’m sure you definitely can rationalize for every single human on earth, you champion you. What a burden to carry.

SpaceXplorer_8042, avatar

I thought reddit was toxic.

PerogiBoi, avatar

If you read their profile they’re a troll account. Some loser in real life


You’re free to crawl back to whatever echo chamber you’re comfortable with.


Just so everyone knows, dumdum666 is an absolute crank going off on the onion.

PerogiBoi, (edited ) avatar

Sorry, it looks like you are heavily implying that the Hamas terrorist attacked that killed over 1400 Israelis in their own homes and at festivals is acceptable and it’s only a matter of perception?

Your opinion allows for absolutely zero nuance. Someone capable of empathy would see that the intentional murder of innocent civilians on EITHER SIDE of this conflict is a tragedy and morally wrong. I’m sorry that is all lost on you.


Apparently it is because if you say it bad you lose your job which is insane. Land of the free my backside

PerogiBoi, avatar

If one of my employees cheered on an attack on civilians with huge casualties they would be gone as well. From either side. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Y’all want the freedom to cheer on and encourage civilian deaths but don’t want anyone else free to call you out for it.


No we’re just criticising the fact that one side is apparently angels even though they’re murdering civilians and the other side are terrible even though they’re doing the same murdering of civilians.

irmoz, (edited )

That’s a lot of hoops to jump through for your specific approval. I’m sure they’ll work hard to impress you.

Fizz, to gaming in Kids on Roblox are hosting protests for Palestine avatar

I guess it shows how aware kids are these days and how intune with world news they are. As adults on the internet it’s normal for us to read and participate in discussions for these topics but I can’t imagine learning about this as a child.

The activism I see in the younger generations is one of the few drivers that gives me hope we will move towards a better future.


I see this kind of internet activism by children who are way too young to understand such a complex conflict as a sign for the worse… Rest assured they’re just being told what to think about it by their parents at that age

online, to technology in Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down | TechCrunch

Every time I went to sign up for their site they required that I list my Twitter account. But, I’ve never had consistent interconnected social media profiles.

Thisfox, to technology in Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down | TechCrunch

I’m mystified by why everyone wants to make a Twitter clone despite Twitter famously not being all that profitable.


I think one of the things Musk has proven is that there was a fair amount of organizational dead weight in Twitter.

If he’d made some staffing cuts, paid less for ego offices, and done it all while shutting up and not being Apartheid Boy we’d be applauding his 4d chess.


How did he prove that? I don’t know how to determine how much of Twitter’s decline is due to Musk’s public statements.

DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

The advertiser exodus is 100% a result of his policy changes and public persona. That’s just how it works, the advertisers don’t care about anything but brand awareness.

He changed policy, they left because that policy could be damaging to their brands.

But one of his policies was gutting the workforce, and despite all the dire predictions the platform has somehow still not exploded. There’s certainly a lot of reasons for that, and he’s been publicly embarrassed more than a few times, but if he’d gone in with a scalpel instead of a hatchet and not scared away the money and the tech it’s almost certain he could have made Twitter at least briefly profitable.

Twitter was losing money, but not by standards of potential and net valuation.

Put it like this.

In 2016, Twitter probably decided the US election. At the time, they had 3500 employees.

In 2021, they had 7500, and were losing less money.

Can you think of anything they did in that five year period that made you say, “Wow, that’s a good feature,” or “this community is amazing?”

Not really, right? It was the same Twitter, with double the workforce, doing not a whole lot with them.


This is what happens when an organization gets sufficiently large. And this is not necessarily a bad thing.

“Surplus” staff is very important when a new project comes and the organization needs to scale up. Instead of suddenly hiring a lot of people with no understanding of organization culture, the staff can be mobilized to work on new things without affecting existing project and structure.

There is a reason why governments around the world don’t suddenly fire their staff when it is apparent a lot of them are not working at max capacity. Redundancy is a kind of safety.

jsdz, to technology in Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down | TechCrunch

Not sure if it’s from an alternate universe or from our own future, but somewhere there is a version of this article that’s like “Today, the market for Mastodon alternatives is a crowded one to say the least. There are numerous services for consumers to try, including the open-source based Misskey, smaller startups like Pleroma, plus the Elon Musk-based product formerly known as Twitter.”


At least hopefully in that future they’re all interoperable so choosing one over another wouldn’t really be that big an issue


Except for Twitter, which burns through the last of its lifeline to bolt-on ActivityPub to the code only to not find anyone to federate with.


I mean yeah, mastodon doesn’t like Nazis

kapibara, avatar

Wait, Pleroma is also FOSS like Mastodon. Not from small startups.

TWeaK, to technology in Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down | TechCrunch

the app maxed out at 3,000 daily active users, out of 20,000 registered users.

This is smaller than many mastadon instances.

sab, avatar

Hell - the fediverse has more than 20 000 registered servers.

i_am_not_a_robot, avatar

It was invite only, not open registration, so not surprising they didn’t have many users. Although Bluesky is the same and that seems to have loads. Hmm.

I had an account but literally used it for five seconds and then largely forgot about it.


I dont get Bluesky. I dont even care for this “app” what and why? Who would use that?


Probably people who want to use it.


it feels more like twitter did, and it is more centralised and less technologically focused, so more normie-friendly.


I think it should take for someone to make a mastodon instance that just doesn’t boast about federation yet is federated for this to take off more. People say “join mastodon” or “join lemmy” but then you’re hit with a list of servers and you just give up. Contrary to something like “join” which is actually a federated instance

petrescatraian, to technology in Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down | TechCrunch

@UngodlyAudrey Guess there's another score for decentralized social media. 😁

MoogleMaestro, to technology in Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down | TechCrunch avatar

Crazy to me that they'd shut down instead of going open source and integrating with the fediverse. Doesn't even seem like a good business move as offering hosting for other companies and professional groups seems like a good market opportunity in a world where businesses even dislike Twitter.

Edit: for example, offer gitlab like service but for social media.

sab, avatar

Wouldn't even need to open source - they could have joined the fediverse as closed source, offering a platform to those people who are apparently scared away by anything with a permissive license.

Then again, these people are probably more eager to be on bluesky.

ram, avatar

Is there a part of bluesky that’s under an impermissive license?


I think the whole step to integrate with the fediverse would have taken too much time and too many resources. Seems like a massive rewrite of the codebase to me, if it wasn’t taken into account from the very start.

UrLogicFails, to technology in Pebble, the Twitter alternative previously known as T2, is shutting down | TechCrunch avatar

I remember hearing about “Pebble” for the first time about a month ago when it showed up in an article in my “all” feed (

Its name before its rebrand was already questionable as I think T2 already has strong associations with the Terminator franchise; and its new name was not any better. “Pebble” is too generic a term to get people to understand the platform’s concept and in the tech space, I think everyone would think of the wearables first.

All this to say I am zero percent surprised they went out of business. I’m only surprised it happened so shortly after their rebrand (though at this point I’m starting to think that must have been some sort of Hail Mary).


Yep, I looked it up that day for the first time and haven’t heard about it again until now, when they’re kind enough to tell us to not even bother with it.

marco, avatar

I have never heard about it until this announcement of its demise :p


I think the T2 was to insinuate that it was “Twitter 2”. I didn’t understand the rebrand, because, even though it’s been a few years, Pebble to me is still associated with the smart watch.

I actually signed up and used it a little, but I put up a funny post with a Corvette that had a wheel off sitting on wood blocks with the caption, “When Rednecks get Corvettes! 🤣” It was a stupid little joke, but my post was flagged as offensive and removed. At that point I made one more post explaining what had happened, and that I was going to be leaving the platform. I left the post up for a couple of weeks and then deleted my account. If that was considered offensive, my sarcastic self didn’t stand a chance on that platform.

I’m not surprised they didn’t get any traction.


I’m not surprised they didn’t get any traction.

Nobody would be if it was up on wood blocks.



stefenauris, avatar

Hey that’s the exact same time I heard about it! …and I’m the one who posted it. Brilliant me 🙃


I actually think conceptually “Pebble” is a great name for a social media site if you lean into the “drop a pebble in a pond and it ripples outward = even the smallest person can reach a large group of people with their message.”

At least it MEANS something, unlike whatever “X” is supposed to represent (a name so bad, it’s STILL usually followed by “formerly Twitter” whenever it’s mentioned by anyone)


Following that concept, a platform called Ripple where individual posts are called Pebbles and responses/reshares are called Waves wouldn’t be half-bad, branding-wise.

ShaunaTheDead, to technology in Foxconn and Nvidia are building 'AI factories' to accelerate self-driving cars | TechCrunch avatar

Uh oh, if Foxconn is in charge of an AI factory then we're sure to see our first AI suicide attempt in no time.


First? Didn’t a police robot roll into a pool?

Paradox, to technology in Foxconn and Nvidia are building 'AI factories' to accelerate self-driving cars | TechCrunch avatar

Can they build factories to brake too?

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