
gofsckyourself, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

Counterpoint: idiots who never question things they want to hear are tearing America apart.


It’s really hard to educate 80% of the public.


Especially when a right wing pet protect for about 50 years now has been dismantling public education to churn out soft brained, frightened voters primed to be republicans.

Linkerbaan, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

The Biden government is straight up denying their support for a Genocide as if they are CCP China.

Only consume government propaganda everyone!


I think they’re talking about who won the last election and whether covid vaccines are harmful, but ok … Can’t even start to address the Israel lobby until fptp voting and the ec are abolished

Get your priorities and timelines straight.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Denying and facilitating a brutal Genocide is a bit more extreme than saying they’re turning the frogs gay.

I’d say the Genocide thing has priority.


This would matter more if the other party didn’t outright cheer for and support that genocide.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

You commend hypocrisy?


You realize this kind of response just makes people ask if our “democracy” is even worth defending at this point. If discussions about supporting genocide “don’t matter” then it’s already over. We lost.


until fptp voting and the ec are abolished

Biden and establishment democrats will never allow this. I really wish people would stop saying this as if it’s some kind of viable solution. It has no more chance of becoming reality than medicare for all with the current power structures in place. They either need to change or we need a different approach.

Asafum, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart


Check my comment history, it’s 50/50 extreme self loathing and bitching about propaganda lol

samus12345, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar
ohlaph, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

By design.

Simon, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

Shouldn’t have made propaganda legal then, fuckers.

@ArtVandelay@lemmy.world avatar

I guess you can’t put the blame on that on one individual person, but if you could it would be Ronald fucking Reagan.

hark, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart
@hark@lemmy.world avatar

It’s the disinformation alright, but it’s the disinformation from billionaires dividing us so they can get away with all the wealth while we fight for scraps. The call is coming from inside the house.

@Dozzi92@lemmy.world avatar

This is it. I have been chastised for suggesting that many social problems are red herrings to distract us from the one true problem, that it’s us versus them. Until that problem is solved, nothing else can be.

@4grams@awful.systems avatar

it drives me nuts, I’ve got formerly lefty friends who drifted right due to disillusionment with their pet issue. one began their drift via the antivax movement, their personal grudge against the medical system has them now embracing every far right conspiracy out there. so yeah, I believe folks find what they seek, and those who are doing the pulling have figured out the exact temperature of smoke to blow up people’s asses.


That fact that people are susceptible to conspiracy theorys like flat earth shows us, the proletariat, cannot rely on reason alone.


If you can’t turn someone red, just make them a single issue voter.

Voting blue can hurt sometimes as a gun-owning Texan, but I do what I must. I didn’t always have that mentality.

4grams, (edited )
@4grams@awful.systems avatar

serious question, why does it hurt? I’m not a gun owner but I don’t see much that the left is doing that is actually endangering your rights. I do see a lot of fearmongering from the right but as far as I can tell it’s entirely bloviating. I mean, the bluest of blue areas still have extremely liberal gun laws and what I see being proposed from the left is more or less common sense reforms. Obviously there are outliers but I don’t see that agenda having much success. In fact, I have some very strong gun rights friends who are entirely and proudly progressive.

SexWithDogs, (edited )

I hang out in enough blue spaces to see the cries for renewed bans on particular styles of guns. A lot of the stuff I own in Texas would already be a felony to own in NY and Cali.

There also appears to be a variety of definitions for “common sense” gun laws, and it seems to depend largely on an individual’s locality. Universal background checks is a no-brainer, but I’d like to keep my semi-auto rifle and standard capacity mags.

Besides, everyone knows it’s actually handguns that are responsible for a vast majority of violent crimes involving firearms, which potentially makes them next up on the chopping block once the precedent is set by the first ban of a style of firearm that’s rarely used in violent gun crimes rarely in comparison.

@4grams@awful.systems avatar

Thanks for the reply. I kinda get some of the concern with the proposed bans, I do think there has been some misguided attempts. From a non-gun owner’s perspective though, I’ve never really thought they seemed fatal to the hobby, just an annoyance more or less and the sort of thing that with sane legislation would work itself out over time. I mean, I’m a car guy but I’ve made peace with the fact that we won’t see popup headlights ever again…

Same with the handgun thing, but like regulations on other things, over time effectivity will win out and sensibility may be found. Maybe I’m too hopeful though.

Appreciate the response…

DAMunzy, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

No it’s not.

/s 😉

@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, folks from Time Magazine suddenly deciding misinformation is a problem…


For all of Trump’s public life, tastemakers and intellectuals have dismissed him as a vulgarian and carnival barker, a showman with big flash and little substance. But what those critics never understood was that their disdain gave him strength. For years, he fed off the disrespect and used it to grab more tabloid headlines, to connect to common people. Now he has upended the leadership of both major political parties and effectively shifted the political direction of the international order. He will soon command history’s most lethal military, along with economic levers that can change the lives of billions. And the people he has to thank are those he calls “the forgotten,” millions of American voters who get paid by the hour in shoes that will never touch these carpets—working folk, regular Janes and Joes, the dots in the distance.

And that’s not even touching its hagiographies of various Evangelical ministers from Billy Graham (1954, 1993, 1996, 2007) and Jimmy Swaggart and Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker (both in the glorious year of 1987). An assortment of nine Catholic Bishops scored nine covers (the last in 1966), and of course eight Popes have worn the red frame more thirty-three times. And then there’s the straight-up pandering Jesus-y editions.

Today it’s going to be “Has misinformation gone too far?!” and tomorrow its going to be Inside the Uranium Underworld: Dark Secrets, Dirty Bombs and another excuse to march to war.

skozzii, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

People have a desire to be correct in their beliefs, and they have found comfort in disinformation instead of having to change or reflect on dated world views.

They aren’t being tricked, they actively seek and embrace the disinformation.

turkishdelight, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

My popcorn is ready.

hesusingthespiritbomb, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

The irony of this being posted on Lemmy.


you could have just said “the internet” and the point would still apply

PoliticallyIncorrect, (edited ) to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart
@PoliticallyIncorrect@lemmy.world avatar

Supposing America it’s a democracy it’s enough disinformation… LMAO…


The majority of people are against funding a genocide yet we’re full tilt killing woman and children with Made In America weapons. We are not a democracy. Just an illusion of choice.

Deceptichum, to world in Food Airdrops Are Falling Short in Gaza
@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

It took over 1,500 flights a day to supply West Berlin during the blockade and that’s with a comparable sized population who weren’t being murdered every day.

A few air drops will never be sufficient.


There is no comparison of the load of a C130 and a WWII era plane. Still, it’s not enough, though. A lot of empty stomachs

@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

It took over 1,500 flights a day to supply West Berlin during the blockade and that’s with a comparable sized population who weren’t being murdered every day.

Two million people took ~4,500 tons a day. The C-54 carried 10 tons, meaning that it only required 450 flights per day. Comments like yours are based on the older C-37 and / or the Easter Push where the Allies did a maximum effort run just to flex on the Soviets.

In 2024 a C-130 Hercules has a max payload of 21 tons, over double the C-54, meaning that required flights would potentially be reduced to 225.

Then you have to consider that Operation Vittles was also delivering COAL, something that the citizens of Gaza probably don’t need.

200 flights a day would do it but that still doesn’t excuse Israel for preventing aid via land routes.


Berlin was an airlift operation, not an air drop. They landed the aircraft at several airports, and directly offloaded cargo to trucks.

AFAIK, Gaza has no operational airports, which greatly complicates the logistics of an airlift mission on the scale of Berlin.

If we are considering this sort of mission, we’re looking at sealift, not airlift. Our historical precedence will be the Mulberry harbors set up to support the Normandy invasion.


Gaza does not have any operational airports, since Israel bombed the control tower at Yasser Arafat airport in 2001 and bulldozed the runway in 2002.


It’s not meant to be sufficient, it is meant to make Biden look like he’s doing something other than merely prolonging the slaughter by sending arms to Israel.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

Of course, and we need to call that out at every chance.


Gotta call it out at every chance to delegitimize Biden so Trump wins and starts another insurrection.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

You’re right, everyone should accept shit because there’s worse. Fuck ever trying for something better.


In the bipartisan system, voting anything anything other than Democrat is voting for fascism.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

In reality, excusing genocide is fascism.


You want a genocide? See what happens if Glorious Leader takes power again. He’ll turn Gaza into the world’s biggest parking lot in two weeks.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s already happening under Biden champ!


The US isn’t the one ethnically cleansing Palestinians. Biden isn’t responsible for Israel’s actions.

@Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works avatar

Biden is responsible for shielding their actions from consequences, there is no difference at that point.


But Trump is Putin’s puppet and Putin supports Hamas.

Why would Trump go against the wishes of Putin? Unless…




it is meant to make Biden look like he’s doing something other than merely prolonging the slaughter by sending arms to Israel.

How does sending arms to Israel prolong the war? It should rather speed up its resolution, I would think?


Yep! It is an election year, after all.


That was USA’s ally. They weren’t being supplied out of goodwill.

popcap200, to world in Food Airdrops Are Falling Short in Gaza

At least the US pier headed for Gaza is making progress.


Fuck the pier.

Imagine someone was setting your house on fire and another guy named Joe was handing him cash and oil to keep setting fire to your house. Joe told him to stop as he handed the guy more oil, but he didn’t so Joe promised to install a hose in the front lawn of your house that should be ready in about 3 months to help put out some of the fire.

The US needs to stop supplying and protecting Israel first and foremost. Anything else is PR.


Bro, some people just can’t stay on topic.

They always have to resort to some bullshit analogy, lol.


The pier is just more theater like these air drops. In 2 months when the pier is ready for use, thousands will have already died of starvation.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Well yeah when you think it’s imaginary it’s theatric.

The aid really is rolling in though. The mass starvation has not happened.

It’s weird that when Hamas went on and did October 7th they didn’t have enough food stored up to feed everyone for as long as Hamas leaders planned to hide underground during the resultant seige.

Plenty of rocket launchers, though.

Keeponstalin, (edited )


Hunger is most acute in northern Gaza, which has been isolated by Israeli forces and has suffered long cutoffs of food supplies. At least 20 people have died from malnutrition and dehydration at the north’s Kamal Adwan and Shifa hospitals, according to the Health Ministry. At the Emirati Hospital in Rafah, 16 premature babies have died of malnutrition-related causes over the past five weeks, one of the senior doctors told The Associated Press.

According to the Health Ministry in Gaza, at least 23 children and four adults have died of malnutrition and dehydration at hospitals in northern Gaza. The World Health Organization has warned of an “explosion” in child deaths if aid doesn’t reach people immediately.

For two million hungry Gazans, most days bring a difficult search for something to eat. The war, including Israel’s bombardment and siege, has choked food imports and destroyed agriculture, and nearly the entire population of Gaza relies on scant humanitarian aid to eat.

Over 64% of people in Gaza were food insecure before this latest Massacre due to the Blockade.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Yes North Gaza has the worst hunger crisis. That was Hamas’s stronghold. Sounds like poor planning for siege warfare but then all the Hamas muckety mucks went and made it out through the tunnels didn’t they? Only left their people behind. If I were prosecuting the war I would have told people to evacuate from North Gaza five months ago and then would go door to door to make sure everyone was gone. Troops might get jumpy though sneaking around alleyways, definitely not safe, probably should have evacuated. Might have, too, if Hamas wasn’t there telling everyone it was just a hoax and to instead all have big family gatherings right on top of the tunnels and then turn off their phones.

You see a story like “whole families wiped out” and that’s it. You are looking for someone to immediately blame and it’s super easy to blame the people that sent the bomb. Next time, take a deep breath and think about it for a few seconds maybe you’ll start asking yourself actually relevant questions to figure or who actually wants those people to be killed and who actually just wants the killing to stop.

Keeponstalin, (edited )

Totally, it’s not like Israel has been deliberately targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure. Including ‘safe zones,’ many times without any warning.

According to the sources who spoke to +972 and Local Call, the targets in Gaza that have been struck by Israeli aircraft can be divided roughly into four categories. The first is “tactical targets,” which include standard military targets such as armed militant cells, weapon warehouses, rocket launchers, anti-tank missile launchers, launch pits, mortar bombs, military headquarters, observation posts, and so on.

The second is “underground targets” — mainly tunnels that Hamas has dug under Gaza’s neighborhoods, including under civilian homes. Aerial strikes on these targets could lead to the collapse of the homes above or near the tunnels.

The third is “power targets,” which includes high-rises and residential towers in the heart of cities, and public buildings such as universities, banks, and government offices. The idea behind hitting such targets, say three intelligence sources who were involved in planning or conducting strikes on power targets in the past, is that a deliberate attack on Palestinian society will exert “civil pressure” on Hamas.

The final category consists of “family homes” or “operatives’ homes.” The stated purpose of these attacks is to destroy private residences in order to assassinate a single resident suspected of being a Hamas or Islamic Jihad operative. However, in the current war, Palestinian testimonies assert that some of the families that were killed did not include any operatives from these organizations.

In the early stages of the current war, the Israeli army appears to have given particular attention to the third and fourth categories of targets. According to statements on Oct. 11 by the IDF Spokesperson, during the first five days of fighting, half of the targets bombed — 1,329 out of a total 2,687 — were deemed power targets.

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly"

  • Yoav Gallant Minister of Defense
nutsack, to world in Food Airdrops Are Falling Short in Gaza

isrsel won’t let aid get in by land


Doesn’t Gaza have a border with Egypt?


technically this is a border between egypt and israel, and israel will be in control of it


Oh, didn’t know that.


The Palestinian territories are parts of Israel


Then bomb Israeli military and governing installations as a proper response to committing genocide?


I don’t know if that’s a good idea but I like the sentiment


That would be a terrible mistake.


Why? It worked pretty well against the Serbians.


Simply because NATO would lose only ally in the middle east.


So it is preferable for NATO to have an associate that will bomb babies, snipe kids, level hospitals, kill old people for fun, occupy and grab land by force (a total opposite of “defensive pact”) on a continent of the world where NATO countries have no land nor a plausible place as a so called defensive organization. Israel isn’t in NATO and even has no relation to NATO except if you count NATO as combined exploitative effort of the western countries on other continents.


Don’t forget how supporting Israel is literally why Osama Bin Laden carried out the 9/11 attacks.

Supporting Israel only benefits Israelis. The rest of the world loses billions of dollars every year because of israel’s occupation.

The only solution is for them to leave. These problems will not get solved otherwise.


The fact he mentioned it as a reason does not mean he was correct.

If I murder a family and say I did it because earth rotates around the sun, would you blame rotating earth for my actions?


It is preferable to have relationships with a country that is the only reason why terrorists groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas. Houthis, etc. and Iran don’t have nuclear weapons. I think that’s quite a good thing. Or would you like to live in the middle of a nuclear war?


What exactly has Israel done for NATO besides make it the target of terrorist attacks?

Israel is an albatross. We need to drop it like a bad habit.


Removed like dozens of Iranian people who were in high positions and directly responsible for their nuclear development: …usip.org/…/timeline-israeli-attacks-iran

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