
mintiefresh, to games in TIME.com's 10 Best Video Games of 2023

Wish Street Fighter 6 made the list. I know fighting games aren’t in style but SF6 was such a great entry into the fight game genre.


I liked fighting games, mostly MK but the newer ones give me the ick. They’re not as fun, is SF a standout or just good in that role?

PeachMan, to games in TIME.com's 10 Best Video Games of 2023
@PeachMan@lemmy.world avatar

Number 1 is Alan Wake 2? Really? I mean, I hear it’s a good game, but…

@iturnedintoanewt@lemm.ee avatar

So far I’m into story-driven games, and I’m loving it.

minibyte, to games in Time's The 10 Best Video Games of 2023

As someone just getting back into gaming, I’d like some Lemming’s top 10 of the year – which would be more helpful than Time’s.


In no particular order, here are some games that came out this year that have really stuck with me:

Hi-Fi Rush

Zelda: TOTK

Mario Wonder

Dungeons of Aether

Remnant 2

And a bonus shoutout to Warhammer 40k Darktide for getting a ground-up rework to the class system. To anyone who wrote this game off previously, it’s worth another shot.

@nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

Good idea I might make a post or query the community on how they would want to do it.


Do you want top 10 released this year, or top 10 people played this year?

If you’re just getting back into gaming, you probably missed a bunch of gems that are still totally worth playing today.

When I got back into gaming, I remember really liking /r/patientgamers essential gaming list (Google spreadsheet), which has a bunch of great older games. Perhaps we could do something like that, but limit it to more recent games (say, 5 years or current gen only?). And put that next to a top ten from the current year.


Thanks for the spreadsheet, that’s clutch! Also, great ideas.

DODOKING38, to games in TIME.com's 10 Best Video Games of 2023

Playing dredge right now and it’s boring maybe it’s just not for me, but it feels like a mini game from another game that was expanded, like a family guy cutaway became a full episode

lonerangers1, to politics in 6 in 10 Americans Doubt Biden's Mental Capability: Poll

3rd paragraph of the “article”

By the same token, nearly 6 in 10 also say they lack confidence in the mental capability of former President Donald Trump, the 77-year-old Republican front-runner.

This article is verbatim from the AP news site also.

from the ap article, apnews.com/…/biden-state-of-union-mental-capacity…

The poll of 1,102 adults was conducted Feb. 22-26, 2024, using a sample drawn from NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.

these polls are shit.

alilbee, to politics in Young Progressive Activists Lay Out Demands For Biden

Demands? What a collaborative and productive attitude that will surely build bridges and cooperation! You don’t even have the leverage to make demands. This loaded gun is pointed at both of you, and one side taking that as an opportunity to make demands is just scummy, to be honest. The Biden administration has not been some kind of progressive revolution, but it would be foolish to suggest that he has not compromised with the left.

@Fern@lemmy.world avatar

Biden is funding and supporting a genocide. Pushing him is in fact productive.


Push him, fine. Convince him. Advise him. Let’s be clear though: progressives are in no position to make demands. We don’t have the power or the leverage. It’s foolish to make demands and set expectations for ourselves that are just entirely unrealistic. Biden’s first term was positively impacted by progressives doing meaningful work and building bridges. Right now, we are a coalition. That means compromises and allyship should be our North star.

@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

What progressives need to do is come up with a long term strategy to get more political and cultural influence. Then maybe in a few decades we can finally achieve some of our goals.


Exactly! I’m not anti-progressive, and consider myself one. It’s just not pragmatic or honest with ourselves to act as if we have any leverage to make demands. As a coalition, democrats can be strong, but all factions involved will need to give and take. Progressives, look at what you have earned from this admin. Compare it to the Clinton era, or the Obama era. Work with your allies and let’s use our collective power to achieve more on the things we agree on collectively, and negotiate on the things we don’t.


My position: Genocide is unacceptable.

DNC position: Unlimited free weapons to Israel, veto all the ceasefires, spread the worst of Israeli propaganda.

It seems negotiations have broken down :(


Darn, guess the conservatives will get in and… propose turning Gaza into a parking lot for the new Jerusalem mega church. You want your ends achieved with Gaza? You want actual progress made and not just moral soap boxes to stand on? Then consider which avenue available to you actually gets closer to that end: negotiating with democrats to harshen Biden’s stance on Israel (which I heartily endorse and is already happening) or to try to somehow work around/with the GOP? Or do you have some secret third avenue for magically handing progressives more political power than they’ve ever had to do something about it? That’s reality. Feel free to sit it out for your ethics, but that’s a choice too, with impacts for Gaza, the entire middle east, and the rest of the world.


I’m doing the pragmatic thing: trying to pressure the Biden administration to change course on Gaza, because if he stays on his current course then a Trump victory is assured.

You are doing the desperate, ineffective thing: Voter shaming. Its counter-productive and you should stop, you are only hurting your cause.

And let’s be real, this presidential election does not matter much to the Palestinians. If the current blockade stays in place there will be mass death from starvation. The next 6 months are critical for the survival of the Gazan people, it is cowardly and unethical to keep your mouth shut for political reasons.


I’m not shaming you trying to get your vote. Your vote is yours to strategically use as you see fit. I’m just trying to make you see your best and most pragmatic option. If you’re not interested, all good with me. Fact of the matter is, you can withhold your vote, vote for Biden, vote for Trump, or vote for another option. Only one of those options has the chance to make improvements for Gaza, assuming they’re still standing by then, as you say. A lot of people make “sitting out” to not be a choice, but it is one, and if Trump wins, Gaza and the idea of a Palestinian state are toast for the rest of our lives. I’ll be voting for Biden, and pressuring/negotiating for Gaza in the meantime. Nobody is asking you to sit down and shut up along the way.

givesomefucks, to politics in Young Progressive Activists Lay Out Demands For Biden

“This is a literal roadmap to how you build trust and energy among our generation in a critical election year,” said Michele Weindling, political director of the Sunrise Movement, which advocates for action on climate change. “Let us help you, dude.”

This is the problem with the DNC…

People are trying to tell them what works, but instead the DNC just keeps sticking their heads in the sand and saying we don’t have a choice we have to vote Biden…

The people who put the time in for this are still willing to vote Biden.

They’re just realistic enough to know it might not be enough and are practically begging Biden to do the bare minimum

@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly this and why I keep trying to ring the alarm here but get called a Russian bot for pointing out obvious shortcomings of the Biden campaign.


Reminds me of Salem witch trials, where medicine women were sentenced to death for not being able to cure sick people and when they did try to help and people didn’t listen, they were blamed for their prediction coming true.

It’s just Boomer logic, if you tell them what they don’t want to hear or don’t understand, they get belligerent.

It’s not just that it’s a normal part of aging, it’s that they were exposed to lots of leaded car exhaust and that effects the same part of our brain. The part that handles critical thinking.

Without that ability people just get angry when challenged. It’s not unique to trumpers, it’s everyone in that age group and it will keep getting worse as they keep getting older.

They’re not capable of running shit anymore, but they’re also not capable of realizing that.


many of those that have been derisively commenting on and downvoting your posts have their heads so far up the ass of the political machine, I am not sure they are ever going to see daylight.

I don’t always agree with your position, but your commentary is 100% valid. the DNC has no right to the votes in my household and for decades they have only gotten them because, in this rigged 2 party system, they are the least worst option in a general election. we are demanding the fucking bare minimum from the Democratic party and its still like pulling teeth from an alligator. national ranked choice voting cant some fast enough.

Mammal, to politics in Young Progressive Activists Lay Out Demands For Biden
@Mammal@lemmy.world avatar

Awwww… isn’t that cute? They really believe they have any kind of leverage, and that they aren’t going to vote Blue No Matter Who no matter what the Dems do.

It’s like watching puppies just before getting being murdered by an IDF sniper.

@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

And yet…

“Youth are not thinking about this as Biden vs. Trump,” says Elise Joshi, the executive director of Gen-Z for Change. “They’re thinking about whether their issues are being met or dealt with." Joshi and her fellow organizers say that Biden and the Democrats must earn their support. “They need to be worried that this generation is not going to show up,” she says.

Did they forget what the Trump years were like? Or were they all too young to pay attention and their parents never said anything? Maybe they just don’t have enough life experience to understand the importance relative to past elections. Not to mention that in the US we don’t teach them history in any useful, interesting way, so most new voters have insufficient context for what’s going on right now. Or maybe they’re the type that would prefer not to pull the trolley lever.


Getting Trump would be worse than Biden so if they’re logical they will Vote Blue No Matter Who… but fuck your position is pathetically apathetic. We can make a ruckus and demand change because we know that if Biden agrees to our demands it increases the chances he’ll win the election.

This would normally be part of the primary process but we didn’t get one of those.

@Mammal@lemmy.world avatar

What, exactly, will Trump do differently from Biden when it comes to the US-supported genocide? More weapons? More money? More political cover?

Consider: As long as Biden is president Dems aren’t going to get behind stopping the genocide.

So no. When it comes to stopping Israel’s genocide: Trump is an improvement because then at least maybe there will be some change from the Democrats.

I’m not apathetic - I’m realistically describing the situation.


Are you just trolling?

Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. Trump tried to ban muslim immigrants full stop. Trump has cozied up to evangelicals and those fucks are scary. Trump thinks wind turbines are ugly and supports expanding fossil fuel dependency. Trump stuffed the Supreme Court to overturn Roe and he’s supporting a national abortion ban.

Trump is worse.

@Mammal@lemmy.world avatar

If Biden disagreed with the decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem - why didn’t he move it back to Tel Aviv?

Everything else you listed has no bearing on added support for Israel. Also: Israel oppresses Muslims harsher than anything Trump has proposed, and they actively court evangelicals in the US.

Has Biden done anything to discourage that?

Roe v Wade, Energy policy, SCOTUS … it’s irrelevant when compared to supporting genocide.

homesweethomeMrL, to politics in Young Progressive Activists Lay Out Demands For Biden

Yeah good for you Young Progressive Activists for getting out there and engaging and all that. Good job.

Understand, though, that your demands will be weaponized by trumps shit handlers. And it’s not as effective as actually working within the party. But y’know.

It is not possible to change some things in time. Right, like, you’re not able to change the electoral college, or FPTP, or the de facto two-party system, or Biden as the top of the ticket in six months.

So when the olds are all “OMG don’t help trump win!!” It’s because we did this eight years ago and ended up in the most horrific turd-circus hell with a fucked up supreme court and every disastrous decision possible.

Biden’s not progressive enough, yeah, no shit. But actively damaging the prospects for a second Biden term is insane. Like, when people tell you not to point a loaded gun at yourself? Like that. Really bad.

So, take that to heart. There’s a time to change the party platform, and - more importantly - a better way. It’s not loud or exciting, no news articles will come out of it, but it is the actual thing you say you want.

@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

Want my vote? Earn my vote. We’re asking Biden to do the bare minimum. Don’t blame the voters, blame the candidate whose job it is to earn those votes.

@knightly@pawb.social avatar

I get shit for it every time I say this.

I don’t vote “against” candidates, I vote “for” them. If a candidate wants my vote, they can act like it, otherwise I’ll be content to let the rest of my state vote blue like always.

Yelling at me isn’t going to change anything, but liberals keep acting like I live in a swing state and their futures depend on shaming me into supporting their half of our pro-genocide, one-party state.

Needless to say, I’m not having it.


Fair enough. Your pure vote will never be sullied by the dark truths of party politics. Put it in a special glass case on the shelf. Think of it fondly as you enjoy the consequences.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Let me be clear: if all you’re going to do is tell people to shut up, and tell people how to behave, you can shut up for all the “effectiveness” you’re having.

Climate change is the greatest existential threat to our time. Literally everything a rational person might be concerned with will be exacerbated by it.

This isn’t about party politics. It’s about kids and grandkids fucking surviving. Biden and most boomers don’t give a fuck because they won’t live long enough to see the effects.


Understand that I agree with the sentiment. Ok? I’ve been watching this burn down and railing about it for decades. No disagreement that we’re killing the planet and we need drastic changes to oil and gas and meat and water protections and so on. So let’s get that straight.

What I’m telling the “Young Progressive Activists” is that they’re wasting their time and helping trump, which is the exact opposite of what they want.

So yeah, I’m telling them how they’re behaving isn’t going to work for them. How could anyone possibly know that? Because, again, as we’ve all said 100 times now - so go ahead and fucking listen to it this time - we see this Every. Time. We’ve seen it for decades. Talk to the Nader people. The Mondale people. Talk to the anti-Reagan anarchists. You think it’s new? How could anyone possibly NOT know that this happens every time? Well, sometimes it’s because they’d have been too young to know it.

It’s not Democratic party politics? Well then that’s exactly the point. You think Biden’s not going far enough. We agree. we thought Obama didn’t go far enough, we thought Clinton didn’t go far enough, and that’s all we’ve had. And those were huge wins. Every other administration has been pro-planetary-death in the extreme. They fucking went to war for oil for fuck’s sake, and those are the people these “Young Progressive Activists” are helping.

So yeah, this behavior is predictable, and it will fail. You don’t wanna know that? You wanna fuck up again and elect another republiQan, that’s what you’ll do then. What a great fucking idea.

Look, we were all stubborn idiots who held to the clear and obvious fact that we were right too. Somehow, despite the fact that we were clearly and obviously right this entire time (I mean, here we are, yeah?) we ended up with this shitshow of a political landscape.

So, what am I saying we shouldn’t challenge the DNC? Oh hell no. “The Democratic firing squad is a circle” is a very old trope. But the DNC isn’t the republiQan party - the DNC can be engaged with and changed by working with it. Go to meetings and make resolutions and so on. Why aren’t “Young Progressive Activists” doing that? Why aren’t they doing the thing that works?

Why. Aren’t they doing. The thing that works.

Whatever reason you decide on isn’t a good one. I know why I didn’t go to meetings and run for things and change people’s legislation that way. Because it was boring. Really - like, really boring. And it took time away from fun things. That’s why. It’s a terrible reason.

And that’s why this is so annoying. This isn’t going to change shit. Yay they’re in the news for twenty seconds. And they’re giving ammunition to trump. Hoo-rah. Best part yet, they’re angry and won’t listen. Fuck. Who isn’t.

If you want a detailed map of political change that works outside one of the two parties, you’re in for an even longer haul and a higher mountain than you can even imagine. That’s what you’re saying. So. Here - good luck. I hope you succeed.

@scroll_responsibly@lemmy.sdf.org avatar
  1. Genocide is bad.
  2. Opposing genocide is always good; anyone who tries to prevent you from or talk you out of opposing genocide is tacitly or explicitly supporting genocide.
  3. Criticizing our leaders for things that they do wrong (like supporting a genocide) is always good; anyone who says otherwise or tries to convince you to not criticize our leaders is anti-democratic.
  4. Biden shouldn’t sacrifice our democracy to actively support a genocide.

No disagreement with the sentiments. Absolutely agree.

But that’s not what this is. This is an ephemeral news story. That’s all. That’s all it will ever be.

Lasting change doesn’t come from waving signs and yelling in the street for an afternoon. Lasting change comes from engaging with the party by helping elect the people you want.

Bullet points of true facts are excellent things. And they will get killed in November without organization. You think this is organized? Well then, watch as it gets killed. Because it ain’t. Organized. It’s as organized as a meme. watch it scroll by. Whooosh there it goes. Oh and now here’s a new republiQan administration to make everything 1000% worse. Huh that didn’t work somehow. Boy it’s a FUCKING MYSTERY.

@bartolomeo@suppo.fi avatar
Ekybio, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart
@Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

Conservatives never have facts and reason on their side, so they just drop them and stop caring for reality.

Speaking the truth and being right-wing are always mutually exclusive!


Not just the right.


Yeah but mostly.


Kinda irrelevant though. The Democratic party is our only real opportunity to defeat the Republican party. If the behavior of establishment Democrats, the ones who control the party, is knee capping our ability to do that it must be addressed.


Well yeah I totally agree there, I’m not a love it or leave it type. We should hold the people we support to the highest standard and be openly critical of issues, hypocrisy, and injustice. But it is mostly the other guys doing those three things be a pretty wide margin :P

@knightly@pawb.social avatar

Liberals too, yeah.

Rational people don’t go into politics.


People that believe in liberty have to go into politics if we are to maintain any of our liberty. Get your propaganda out of here.


I believe in Liberty above all else. I also believe you cannot be moral and a politician, and that voting is an immoral act.

I sympathize with your view, but cannot buy in to it

@knightly@pawb.social avatar

Liberty to what and for whom?


For everyone. I give no fucks who you are, live your life as you see fit.

@knightly@pawb.social avatar

That’s not Liberty, that’s not even Anarchism.

What you’re describing is the Law of the Jungle.


Always easy to tell when people are commenting in bad faith.

@knightly@pawb.social avatar

Right? Saying they’re for “Liberty” without offering a clue as to what they mean by such a vague term.

knightly, (edited )
@knightly@pawb.social avatar

“People that believe in liberty”

Like I said, rational people don’t go into politics.

Liberty is not an obtainable goal but an ideal, defined as “the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views”.

This idealistic principle is fundamentally incompatible with Democratic Society, because my liberty to breathe clean air is an oppressive restriction to those who want the liberty to pollute it and vice versa.

Any political idealist who promises to support “liberty” without clarification should be treated with suspicion, as that sort of rhetoric is only useful for distracting from more specific policy goals.


Eh, there’s a difference between believing in liberty, and believing in all the liberty.

@knightly@pawb.social avatar

Hence, the need for clarification. “Liberty” is a meaningless buzzword unless the person using it is specific about whose liberty to do what.


I dunno, I think it’s pretty clear that it’s basic freedoms within the law. Words like Libertarian takes over after that, going into dismantling a lot of the existing laws.

It’s all over the writings around the founding of our country, at any rate, so it’s not going anywhere no matter how much people fuck around with it.

@knightly@pawb.social avatar

Seems to me like the founders had a very specific kind of liberty in mind and a very narrow fraction of the population it would apply to…


Pretty much, yea. Things like that are why we have an amendment process though.

@knightly@pawb.social avatar

Sure, but the amendment process is predicated upon broad agreement between the dominant political parties and hasn’t been used in 30 years, for an amendment about congressional salaries that took over 200 years to be ratified.

As justice delayed is justice denied, I don’t think we can rely on constitutional amendments as sufficient. It took almost 200 years to finally ban poll taxes despite this country’s constant rhetoric about liberty and justice being for all.


I don’t think justice was much in the founder’s minds as much as self-determination. The two are not the same at all. Justice is a more recent value.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Wasn’t it shown that e.g. Russia is targeting our side just as heavily?


The left don’t fall for it as easily and they don’t spread it as virulently, and when they do it’s for what? Policies that generally benefit and are agreed on by enormous majorities of real people.


Did I miss the left not falling for Hunter Biden’s laptop was not genuine? Or maybe the Steele dossier? Or maybe cloth masks will protect us from Covid?


The cloth masks were supposed to be a simple thing society could all agree to do for a while until better, medically proven masks were readily available. While they probably provide a benefit by reducing transmission, even if only by a small amount, they certainly don’t hurt. This was all that was available at a time of overflowing hospitals, supply shortages, and rapidly increasing infection rates.

Republicans, a club of mostly white guys who have publicly declared themselves the nemesis of science, immediately embraced obviously false claims arriving in their AOL email inboxes that the masks were actually harmful and that by wearing them, they were endorsing an impending government takeover by a new world order run by black antifa Jews… or some shit, I mean Jesus fuck you guys will believe anything. So anyway, those same Republicans loudly shouted “oppression” and to this day they won’t stop talking about it even though the rest of the world can’t stop thinking about just how batshit crazy these people went in the early days of the pandemic.

Entire international medical community : “While we really prefer if you would just stay home for a bit and cut down on social gatherings, we know you’re still going to go out. But if you could please at least wear this. It’s cheap, readily available, and we’re desperate to do anything to slow this thing down. We think they probably help in certain circumstances like if you’re infected but don’t know it yet. If we all work together and exercise basic precau…”

Republicans: “This is literal slavery. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late to church.”


Now do Hunter Biden not being a political figure so who gives a shit about some laptop when what you’re really concerned with is the porn on it.

Or do the Steele Dossier always being presented as political oppo research to which anyone has reasonable suspicion of Trump having a boner for Putin as demonstrated by his actions.


I have not seen a single actual real left-leaning person who gives even half of a shit about Hunter’s laptop, I think the most I heard about the Steele dossier was basically “we should look into that and see if it’s legitimate or not,” and cloth masks were never supposed to be a COVID killer, just a reasonable step to reduce transmission, much like the masks surgeons wear in surgery, and they remain even today a reasonable step to reduce airborne pathogens.

Did you just pop in from Bizarro-world?

edit: To be clear, we on the left do fall for misinformation and are coerced effectively constantly, but you chose terrible cases of this as examples.


Seems like maybe you missed the press about the Biden laptop being Russian disinformation, or the President himself calling it that during the debate?


The fact that the NY Post’s Twitter account was suspended, and Twitter did not allow the link to the article shared on the platform even via DMs. While FB deamplified the news may have had an effect on the election. So obviously some left leaning individuals cared about it very much and wanted the news about it shut down prior to the election.


Conflating the actions of “left-leaning” politicians and political agents with left-leaning voters is disingenuous. I’m sure those up to their ears in the muck care about what’s happening in the swamp; those of us on dry land only care about what leaves the swamp, not most of what happens in it. I have real-world conversations about politics with people frequently; I have never once heard the laptop come up in these real-world conversations with left-leaning friends and colleagues as anything more than footnote. I’m sure mileage varies, I won’t claim to speak for everyone, but personally I doubt my experience in this regard is uncommon.


How’s that ceasefire deal coming lol?


What about whataboutism?


Disinformation comes from both sides. Don’t let yourself be propagandized into defending a political party to the death.


The vast majority of Republicans believe things that are factually untrue.

The same doesn’t apply to any other political demographic in the US. There is significantly more right wing grift out there than lib grift cuz libs are probably more intelligent.

Literally every single right wing commentator out there used to be a lib until they realized Republicans were dumber so it was easier to dupe them out of their money.


And Biden will get you that ceasefire any day now…

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

I’m also seeing the entire Democratic party aside from Tlaib saying there’s no Genocide of going on. What do you make of that?

General_Effort, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

When routine bites hard and ambitions are low

And resentment rides high but emotions won’t grow

And we’re changing our ways, taking different roads

Then disinformation will tear us apart again

knobbysideup, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart
@knobbysideup@sh.itjust.works avatar

For it to work, people first need to be uneducated and indoctrinated. That’s the real issue.


This is simply not true, and this kind of belief–that misinformation only works on “other people”–is part of the problem.

verdantbanana, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

sounds right

the current regime in power here in the US is pushing out propaganda that stretches the truth such as the one proclaiming our economy is the envy of the world at accelerated rates


Have you seen the world’s economy at the moment?


I see most other countries with reliable public transportation meaning they were not impacted by inflation costs of vehicles and insurance. I see most other countries with socialized healthcare meaning they were not impacted by inflation costs of health insurance, premiums, co-pays and healthcare in general. I see most other countries have much better protections for renters which makes home ownership less of a necessity and therefore less impacted by inflation there.

Newsflash, people don’t look at the GDP and go “Oh my life is great!”

TengoHipo, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

It’s usually feelings over facts. Or I just love when they tell you to Google it. Then you do and prove them wrong and then they tell you that’s the wrong site lol Republicans really made the uneducated loud and annoying.


My dad was trying to tell me that the COVID vaccine is dangerous, so he googled it, sent me a blog with the Google link in it, then got upset when I found that the source that blogger used said “those who are able to be vaccinated help those who cannot be vaccinated.” This was all because of my and my wife’s request to get the vaccine to meet our 3 month old.

He didn’t like that I did actual research on his partisan blog to prove him wrong.

MushuChupacabra, to politics in Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart
@MushuChupacabra@lemmy.world avatar

Right wing disinformation is tearing America apart.


Both sides have pretty bad disinformation going on. Left is just more polished about it, I’m guessing because their demographic is on average much more educated. Right wing stuff you can at least immediately see right through.

Israel coverage from the main stream left has been stunning


LOL there’s always a both sideser in here. I have this conversation with my brother weekly. He seems to think that the next time will convince me.


I mean the right is obviously much worse, straight up lies vs careful omission. Not trying to defend that since it kinda goes without saying around here.

For this tho when one of the fastest/widest margin bills to pass congress this past year is blocking foreign tech media because it might influence elections, while our domestic tech companies have already been proven to do that over and over for the past few elections it just shows neither side actually cares about misinformation, just controlling it for themselves


It’s specifically that they don’t want the Chinese government to have access to the data. They don’t care a bit about privacy though.


One side is backed by fiction and one side is backed by US intelligence? And where is this ‘proof’ domestic tech companies illegally influence American elections? Let’s see it bub.


And where is this ‘proof’ domestic tech companies illegally influence American elections?

God it’s impossible to keep up with people who are obsessed with defending the problems within the Democratic party. Is this not what happened in the 2016 general election now? I can’t keep up with the shifting narratives used to excuse the failures of establishment Democrats.


The other day some one was bitching about the Steele dossier. I guess if the only evidence of impropriety from the democrats is opposition research from 2016 then that’s actually not bad.


Sure, be scared of the tech bogeymen forever then. If I recall all three branches of your government were repub for half a turn and you’re still getting ass fucked.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Here’s a video explaining why your brother is right www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVy_a9u8CeQ


And there’s the “here’s a YouTube video that explains EVERYTHING” guy, right on schedule

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

No problem. Since the youtube video does indeed explain everything.

I could link you the Manufacturing Consent book too but that seems rather long for your simple question.


Since the youtube video does indeed explain everything.

No it doesn’t.

I could link you the Manufacturing Consent book too but that seems rather long for your simple question.

Nobody asked a question, dipshit

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Is that the sound of a liberal that can’t explain why his government refuses to call the Genocide israel commits a Genocide?


And that is the sound of someone going ad hominem when they feel insecure.

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

if you could explain it, why didn't you?


And redirecting too! Wow, you’re managed to hit several of the bad faith talking points that conservatives use.

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

i just got here. tone it down.

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

>bad faith talking points that conservatives use.

this is pigeonholing


Because Linker and you both have a history of willful stupidity

Which you of course know because you’ve been told this many times

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

your characterization of other users doesn't absolve you for having to defend your position.


Yeah, actually, it does

Disingenuous pricks like you don’t actually listen when points are made, so instead we point out that you’re acting in bad faith and laugh while downvoting.

You should know this by now it happens to you guys all the time

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

i can't downvote on mastodon. you're tilting at windmills.


You really cant read, can you?

so instead we (meaning not you) … laugh while downvoting

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

your syntax was ambiguous. it's not my fault you didn't construct it clearly. there is certainly a problem with literacy in this thread, though.


your syntax was ambiguous

Keep stretching for the fault to be on me and not your bsrelt-functioning brain, surely someone will believe it eventually.

there is certainly a problem with literacy in this thread, though.

Yeah, you and that other guy both seem completely incapable of basic English in about the same ways. Interesting, that is

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

it's not a stretch.

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar


i think the lady doth protest too much.

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

your accusation of bad faith is, itself bad faith.

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

>Yeah, actually, it does

no, it doesn't. a claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. when someone is asked to support their position, and they instead attack the person asking, no one should believe their claim.


a claim made without evidence

Good thing I didn’t make a claim, then. You said I had to defend my position when I do not, that’s all that I said.

when someone is asked to support their position, and they instead attack the person asking, no one should believe their claim.

I agree. Unless said person has a history of participating in bad faith, like yourself.

You can add user notes to people on Lemmy, I have one for you and am quite familiar with your complete lack of basic conversational skills thanks to it.

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

your accusation of bad faith is, itself, bad faith

@bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

>You can add user notes to people on Lemmy,

you can do that on mastodon, but it's not a core feature of lemmy. are you using the paid, proprietary client for a free software, federated protocol platform?



are you using the paid, proprietary client for a free software, federated protocol platform?

First: there’s more than one paid app

Second: No, I didn’t pay for the app I’m using

Third: Entirely irrelevant to the discussion, as usual

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Can’t respond to that one because you know I’m right. Quick pivot.


My last message and I am disengaging from you since neither you nor any of this are worth my effort. You can’t point at someone and say “see, you don’t have the answers to everything therefore I win, checkmate, home run, idiot”. If you had a real point to make, you’d have done so long ago. Instead, you’re just slinging a bunch of turds around and then pat yourself on the back for a job well done. I’m here to tell you that you have failed to convinced a single person of anything you said. Further, you may not actually believe anything you say and only say it in an attempt to feel better than others. Both of these things are very unhealthy and are something that you should resolve for your own health and safety.


@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Is that the sound of a liberal that can’t explain why his government refuses to call the Genocide israel commits a Genocide?

Long comment zero content. You have proven my point


No, it’s the sound of me pointing out that you can try to spread this garbage everywhere but none of us are falling for it

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Oops can’t explain that question of course. Gotta keep dodging it.


No, I literally answered your stupid question, keep up.

Basic reading comprehension is fucking hard for you, init?

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

I couldn’t read you explaining why the Democrats are supporting a Genocide.


That’s because I didn’t.

Because I’m not going to.

Because you’re a bad faith dipshit who won’t listen to basic fact and everyone here knows it

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Oh cool so you can’t explain why both sides aren’t the same but still deny it.


but still deny it.

Putting words in my mouth doesn’t make you correct.

Stay mad though it’s funny as fuck


Leftists aren’t liberals and liberals aren’t leftists. Everyone knows both parties are bad. One is worse though.


LOL like I’m going to watch some rando’s favorite youtube video.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Lol lmao


See, the problem can’t be capitalism because to do away with that would change things. And change scares me. So, I want to conserve what we have now. But, don’t call me a conservative. /s


Name one leftist show on a main stream channel.


Your comment literally started with “both sides”… Just ZERO self awareness.


Disinformation from establishment Democrats is enabling the Republican party. We can hate Republicans all we like but establishment Democrats are trying to walk this tightrope between fascism and worker empowerment. Every time they lose their balance they shift to the right. We will be unable to defeat the Republican party until we root out the corruption of the Democratic party.


Democrats are not leftists

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