
negativenull, to politics in Trump Team Holds Breath as Stormy Daniels Returns to Stand
@negativenull@lemmy.world avatar
NegativeLookBehind, to politics in Trump Team Holds Breath as Stormy Daniels Returns to Stand
@NegativeLookBehind@lemmy.world avatar

Can they hold their breaths indefinitely? Like, just stop breathing. All of them. Forever.

TachyonTele, to politics in Trump Team Holds Breath as Stormy Daniels Returns to Stand

It’s been an hour. Is everyone ok?


No the court room still smells like he shit has pants


Hopefully not

magnetosphere, (edited ) to politics in Trump Team Holds Breath as Stormy Daniels Returns to Stand
@magnetosphere@fedia.io avatar

Why is she returning to the stand? Doesn’t she just need to testify that they had sex, and later she received hush money? That doesn’t sound like it requires two days.

To be honest, I want to know as little as possible about what went on in that hotel room. Barf.

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

She is currently being cross examined by Trump’s team. They’re trying to discredit her testimony and say she made up the encounter.

@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

Assuming she made it up, why did Trump pay her hush money for a made up story? And why didn’t he sue her for libel or slander?


Trumps lawyers get a chance to question her in order to make the jury question whether her testimony is truthful or not. They’re likely going to drag out her entire life story as a porn star to try to make her look bad.

Then the prosecution gets to redirect.

Having sat on a jury myself I can tell you that the whole process is very time consuming. Lawyers raise objections, stopping everything and requiring the judge to make a ruling. Occasionally an objection or something else can result in a sidebar where the judge & lawyers huddle to discuss details before the judge rules on something. And there are times the jury may be removed from the courtroom so some issue can be discussed/argued at length, after which the jury is brought back in and the judge then might explain why they were removed and the results of their discussion.


They’re likely going to drag out her entire life story as a porn star to try to make her look bad.

It’s gonna get cringey and gross. They’ll ask how many men she’s had sexual relationships with, how many of those were in exchange for money (conflating porn with prostitution), asking what she had to gain from speaking out, what she did with the hypothetical money, asking whether paid NDAs are illegal or even abnormal, etc. They’re gonna try to harm her character and then distract from the actual crime which was that trump used campaign funds for this and didn’t report it as such. She’s gonna get dragged through the mud like Monica Lewinsky. She’s brave for going through with this to make sure he faces some amount of accountability. It would be so easy for her to just give up rather than become targeted for speaking up. She’s far from perfect, but we should all admire her tenacity.


Is Stormy Daniels more brave than trump?

All day long. Always has been.


Probably defense cross examination

ConstableJelly, to politics in Trump Team Holds Breath as Stormy Daniels Returns to Stand

Decided to check in on things. She got a chuckle out of me from some of the quotes attributed.

Necheles asked her about the number of porn films she’s written and directed, and said, “You have a lot of experience making phony stories about sex.”

“Wow. That’s not how I would put it," Daniels replied. "The sex in the films is very much real, just like what happened to me in that room” with Trump. She added, "If that story was untrue, I would’ve written it to be a lot better.”

Asked if she’d promised people she’d be instrumental in putting Trump in jail, Daniels said, “No.” Necheles then asked her about a social media post where someone had called her a human toilet, and Daniels responded, “Exactly! Making me the best person to flush the orange turd down.” Necheles asked if that meant she’d be instrumental in getting rid of him. Daniels said it was “hyperbole.” “I’m also not a toilet,” she said.

@MrVilliam called it saying it would get cringey and gross. The “phony stories about sex” line from Necheles is awful stuff.


Damn she’s on it. I’ve heard other interviews by her on radio shows years ago and she’s definitely not a moron like these people think. I bet they didn’t expect her to use the word hyperbole lul.


The real money shot was when she said: “If I was making up my story it would have been a lot better.”


Thank you! I don’t know wth happened but that line was the whole reason I took that quote and apparently failed to get her response into my clipboard.

return2ozma, to politics in Democrats Ask Biden to Investigate Grocery Store Price-Fixing
@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

But just the other day he said…

President Biden On 30% Increase In Grocery Prices: People “Have The Money To Spend”



Dude has no idea what life is like for the majority of people he “represents”…


It’s one banana, Michael. What can it cost? $10?

@PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

Warl0k3, (edited )

That line is taken completely out of context. The full quote, pasted elsewhere in this thread, is about how people can pay these price hikes, technically, but it’s rage inducing that they keep having to, and we need to address this kind of corporate greed.


is about how people can pay these price hikes, technically,

But they can’t…


Maybe you’re fine, but lots of people aren’t. The more prices go up, the more people can’t.

Desperate people do desperate things.

Do you think you’ll feel the effects of prices or starving masses first that effect your life enough for you to care?

Because things aren’t heading in the rights direction. Republicans break too much and Dems don’t try to fix it all. Damage accumulates if we don’t make repairs faster than damage is done.

Electing Dems who try to fix the damage, gets them more votes and more like minded people in office. Half ass measures are what’s holding us back, and you need to think about whose donations ensure we keep ratcheting backwards.


I am so lost as to your message here, I’m sorry. Best guess response:

I’m well aware of the rising cost of food, and that people increasingly can’t afford it. But desperate people do desperate things, and food insecurity is about as desperate as humans can get. People find the money, usually by reprioritizing other critical needs. This is, of course, fucking insane that they have to do that. But because they are able to do that desperate reprioritizing they can continue to be bled dry by the corporations setting the prices. I’m not disagreeing about the cause or half measures, just that that quote is being used so out of context it’s straying into the territory of intentional deception.


Cool here’s the rest of it

“It really is, and it is real, but the fact is that if you take a look at what people have, they have the money to spend. It angers them and it angers me that you have to spend more. For example, the whole idea of this notion that you have… shrinkflation… It’s like 20% less for the same price, that is corporate greed. It is corporate greed and we’ve got to deal with it.”


Typical Ozma shit. Bad faith bullshit is all they know apparently.

givesomefucks, to politics in Democrats Ask Biden to Investigate Grocery Store Price-Fixing

A White House spokesperson noted that the Administration does not play a role in or comment on enforcement actions but pointed to another example of Biden’s DOJ blocking a merger that would have raised prices for lettuce and packaged salads, and also suing to address price-fixing of chicken, pork, and turkey meats

The sheer balls to say there’s nothing you can do because it’s not your job…

And then immediately demand credit for something similar?


We went over this when the last guy was in office. You don’t want politicians deciding who the FBI investigates.


Republicans abuse power so we can’t use it correctly

Not to mention you’re not addressing the part where they try and take credit



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  • givesomefucks,


    Now read the headline and remember what we’re actually talking about here…

    njm1314, (edited )

    I’m confused how you think it’s similar. Do you have some source that claims the Biden administration instructed the DOJ to block that merger?

    Cause what they are doing is pointing out how their independent DOJ has a track record of already investigating these occurances. They aren’t demanding credit for directing them to do so.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to politics in Democrats Ask Biden to Investigate Grocery Store Price-Fixing
    @Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

    So people shouldn't be upset that Biden hasn't done enough because he's not the king.

    And then Democrats in the Senate who could investigate these things ask Biden because they're incapable of it.

    So are we to assume that the entire government is incapable of dealing with this?

    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

    He has done lots. People aren’t interested in positive news. Even if grocery prices drop in half, people will say he did nothing.

    @Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

    Okay but it would be nice to know if anyone our government is capable of doing anything about this.


    They’re perfectly capable. About half just don’t want to.

    I don’t know how to convince people to vote for ourselves instead of hate. I don’t know how to get people to vote for solutions, even imperfect ones, over someone to blame.

    But if you figure it out, these are the kinds of problems we can go about solving.

    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    half is being optimistic here though

    @hark@lemmy.world avatar

    Grocery prices dropping by half would be amazing. I would be interested in learning what he has done for grocery prices and why congress feels the need to ask him to do something about it if he has supposedly done so much already.

    disguy_ovahea, (edited )

    The prices legitimately went up due to supply chain constraints during the pandemic. The problem is, they never went back down, and then continued to follow the steep inflation trends of a post-pandemic nation. That all just became additional revenue for the food industry.

    The last time a President signed an Executive Order to fix grocery prices, it blew up in Nixon’s face when it expired and prices blew well past what should have been a consistent inflation trend.

    The only way the government could successfully address it would be through congressional legislation, by either establishing a legal rate of inflation for food products, or finally breaking up the big food monopolies. There’s just no way Republicans would ever go for any of it.

    killjuden, to politics in Democrats Ask Biden to Investigate Grocery Store Price-Fixing
    cyd, to politics in Democrats Ask Biden to Investigate Grocery Store Price-Fixing

    Inflation is a macroeconomic phenomenon. It’s silly to attack grocery stores for an economy-wide rise in the price level. As if Walmart wasn’t greedy during the 2010s when inflation was quiescent, and suddenly became greedy now, just because.

    What actually caused inflation was the big spending by both Trump and Biden, not funded by tax increases. The US federal budget deficit is now over 6 percent of GDP, and is projected to keep ramping up. And the Federal Reserve has been slow to raise interest rates to sterilize various federal spending increases, like the Covid spending packages and the Inflation Reduction Act. These are classic ingredients for inflation.

    So, plenty of blame to go around, but it’s mostly in Washington, not individual companies here and there.


    What if isn’t inflation but they’re hiding behind that narrative as a reason to keep raising prices. Not saying that’s 100% what happens but we got a whole lot of companies out there claiming there’s nothing they can do about the price hikes while also reporting record profits (after adjusting for inflation). The maths ain’t mathing.


    Left to their own devices, companies want to raise prices and always have. You need a way to explain why they didn’t hike prices in the 2010s, when they were presumably just as greedy as they are now.

    Put another way, inflation is about the loss of value of money itself, not individual prices going up. That’s a matter of macroeconomics: government spending, money supply, trade, etc.


    Because people tend to notice when one price goes up. They notice much less when there are multiple excuses and many prices are going up. It’s a lot easier to refuse to buy one thing than it is to refuse to buy everything.

    We don’t have the kind of supply/demand price curve you read about in econ 101 because there are too many barriers to entry to starting any business. Once you’re established, you can either choose to race to the bottom so that both you and your competitors lose money OR you can implicitly agree to set your prices about the same as theirs. So choose, do you like more money or less money?

    Yes, it’s partly inflation. And it’s partly the PPP. But largely it’s just greed hidden behind excuses with no real threat of PR fallout.


    So your story is that when all other prices happen to go up, lots of greedy companies conspire to up their prices. But why do the initial prices start going up to kick this off? Cosmic coincidence? Or is it conspiracy embedded in conspiracy?

    In macroeconomics, the motivations of individual firms don’t matter, or at least we just assume all firm behave as self-interestedly as they can get away with. This was as true in the 2010s, when inflation was low, as today when inflation is high. What matters are things like fiscal policy, monetary policy, inflation expectations, etc. Not how greedy companies are – we can assume they always are greedy.


    You’re apparently spamming similar replies without reading what you’re replying to.


    There’s actually quite a bit of evidence that post-pandemic price fixing across multiple sectors is to blame for the “inflation” we’re seeing - one example is the energy sector and what the FTC recently reported on: thebignewsletter.com/…/an-oil-price-fixing-conspi…


    So, why didn’t all these companies collude to fix prices before? Were they virtuous before? Did their turn to the dark side just happen to coincide with a large unfunded fiscal expansion?


    Because they had unlimited money with low interest rates, which made them do mergers and acquisitions, consolidating the playing field further and further so that when the free money dried up, the market was so concentrated on the supply side, they could ratchet up prices this much. This happened in pretty much all markets, not just the US food market.


    So companies in all markets in all countries attained this market concentration at the same time, triggering this? And it just happened to coincide with a big expansion in the money supply, but the expansion in money supply had nothing to do with the inflation?


    No, they attained market concentration in enough markets in enough countries to drive the rest, and to varying but overall high degrees. What happened at the same time were the interest rate hikes.

    If a money supply hike was enough to cause this, and there were decent natural competitive restraints on price fixing, wages would have went up together with prices.


    No, interest rate hikes significantly postdated the inflation. Fed started hiking in March 2022, and by that time annualized CPI inflation rate had reached 8 percent. Average over 2021 was 4.7 percent. In any case, interest rates increases are to combat inflation, they are not a cause of inflation

    Moreover, wages did go up. US median personal income went from $35.8k in 2020 to $40.5k in 2022. Maybe it didn’t go up as much as other prices, but there’s nothing that says all prices have to rise by exactly the same amount during an inflationary episode.


    Can you use changes in monetary policy to explain why grocery store profits are higher than before? I would think that in the event of inflation stores would stabilize to profits that are roughly the same (percentage wise) as they were prior to the inflation occurring. To the best of my knowledge, this has not happened.

    This is the first article I found, and in it they don’t mention any economic policy as a major cause.


    When an economy undergoes inflation, not all prices rise by the same amount. That’s one of the reasons high inflation can be so disruptive. For example, wages (the price of labor) often rise some time after other prices, to the detriment of some wage earners.

    It’s pretty believable that grocery store chains have acquired enough market power that they’re able to pass on all their cost increases to customers, and more, thereby increasing their profit rate. But the fact that individual companies and sectors are well placed to cope with inflation doesn’t explain the economy-wide and world-wide inflation.

    We can also look at the “companies have market power” explanation using the overall labour share, which measures how much income is going to labor vs capital, economy wide. It doesn’t seem to have shifted much during the recent bout of inflation. But again, individual wage earners have seen huge disparities, including some who have been made much worse off by the inflation.


    But why are the prices of food rising faster than the costs paid by companies (this is inclusive of all costs)? The naive assumption is that if all costs were originally x and prices were 1.1x, then as costs become 1.3x, prices become 1.1*1.3x. However, their profit margins as a percentage rose. So instead of 1.1 we now have 1.4.

    Obviously the numbers used are fake, but this is why people are angry and it’s not something I’ve seen explained using economic principles that don’t involve terms like market consolidation at best or collusion at worst on any article. Rage sells so telling people their groceries cost more because there aren’t enough grocers or the grocers are collaborating is good business for newspapers as long as they can find an expert or group to make the allegations for them.


    The idea of prices going up and down by the same amount is based on an equilibrium situation. This isn’t ruled out; it could very well be that the high profits of grocery companies is transient (or “transitory” as they say). But in the short run, prices don’t move in lockstep.

    Aside from market power or collusion, there are other reasons prices could shift more quickly for some sectors than others (even as all prices are going upward). For example, does the industry rely on long term contracts or short term contracts? Is inflation hedging widely available for the goods and services in question? Is the activity more or less sensitive to interest rates?

    But these are questions about relative prices. Instead of playing a game of whack a mole, better not to set off inflation in the first place.

    AA5B, to politics in Democrats Ask Biden to Investigate Grocery Store Price-Fixing

    So the questions are collusion and abuse of a monopoly. Is that happening? Price gouging is not illegal, but competition usually limits it, if there is effective competition.

    We’ve had similar ridiculous inflation as everyone else, but this is not an area dominated by one chain. We have several major chains and Walmart is just one of them: are they all colluding? Is there some vast conspiracy? Within the confines of the new much higher prices they seem to be competing as much as before

    @NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

    They’ve always been conspiring. They just rarely get caught. It’s even easier now because they can all use the same “market pricing software”.



    Imagine defending capitalists fucking over the very customers they serve.


    When there are enough corporations to fit a boardroom table. Competition doesn’t exist.

    It’s well within reason to think that many of Executives all attend the same events, have overlapping social circles, and moved around positions between the corporations.

    All it takes is one company to get away with higher prices for the other companies follow suit.

    disguy_ovahea, to politics in Biden's Inner Circle Braces For Protests at Commencement

    Be visible, loud, and clear in your message if you’re going. Most importantly, be safe.

    Varyk, (edited ) to world in Putin Visiting Xi Underscores Limits of Pressure to Divide Russia and China

    They spend their birthdays together, scolding xi for 5 minutes every other month isn’t really going to do anything.

    Silver lining is that Russia could drag down China with it diplomatically and economically and give everyone else some breathing room.

    Cheradenine, to world in Javier Milei’s Radical Plan to Transform Argentina

    Quite long and interesting piece, unsurprisingly he comes off as an unhinged asshole.

    To meet with Milei, you have to go through the person he calls El Jefe, the boss: his sister. On the day of our interview, Karina Milei, sporting silver sequined flip-flops, guarded the door to the President’s office before allowing me in. Karina, 52, is a former tarot reader who until a few years ago was selling cakes on Instagram.

    One of Milei’s first acts as President was to change a decree barring relatives from Cabinet positions in order to appoint her General Secretary of the Presidency.


    What is wrong with selling cakes on Instagram? Her success leading the campaign that made her brother the current president in Argentina is more important imo

    Also this:

    One of Milei’s first acts as President was to change a decree barring relatives from Cabinet positions in order to appoint her General Secretary of the Presidency.

    Completely within legal means. A decree is not a law. It’s within presidential executive mandate to do or undo.


    There is nothing wrong with selling cakes obviously. Tarot car readers are grifters.


    And? Barring any opinion on it, it’s not illegal, and people have the rights to exercise their beliefs in ways that don’t impact third parties negatively, as weird at it might sound.

    Focusing on that again, instead of the achievement of pulling a win with almost no resources against a fully, decades deeply state entrenched political party through a, by any normal politics, very unpopular message of reigning spend, while being lambasted in the dirtiest campaign ever seen in Argentina, is miopic and a bit misogynistic too imo, given that she is being minimized from the beginning just by her occupation as if she cannot provide value?

    Varyk, to world in Javier Milei’s Radical Plan to Transform Argentina

    So he sounds insane, but the piece is well written. Why is everybody downvoting it?


    Freedom man bad


    Man I had forgotten about when people memed with trump saying orange man bad and now you made me remember hahaha


    He is actually lowering inflation in Argentina. That is clearly something that shows success, and clearly whoever is on the other side, ideologically, won’t like it


    Lemmy hates what Lemmy hates, facts don’t matter.

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