
circuscritic, to politics in America Turned Against Migrant Detention Before. We Can Do It Again.

Gee. I wonder what the difference could be…

But, don’t fear. As long as the current political trends continue, something tells me America might change its mind again… shortly after the new administration is inaugurated.

disguy_ovahea, (edited ) to politics in America Turned Against Migrant Detention Before. We Can Do It Again.

Migrants are given one year to decide if they want to naturalize or move to another nation. Sanctuary cities provide free housing for a portion of that time, dependent on budget. Current immigration law leaves hosting up to individual cities, without Federal mandates for participation. Sanctuary cities are at capacity, and are using a turnstile system to allow new migrants into housing as existing migrants leave.

The obvious solution is congressional immigration reform, which would increase Federal funding and provide migrants the right to assisted stay in places other than sanctuary cities. Congress failed to pass a bill.

POTUS can control detainment or turn away migrants at the border with the power of Executive Order. He cannot pass a new budget, or immigration reform.

What should Biden do?

Turn away, detain, or nothing and overcrowd sanctuary cities with homeless migrants?


Migrants are given one year of free housing to decide if they want to naturalize or move to another nation.

Citation needed


I should have worded that differently. I’ll edit for clarity. Thank you for pointing it out.

Migrants are given one year of sanctuary to determine if they want to naturalize or move to another nation. The duration of free housing is determined by the budget of the sanctuary city.

This is great account of how NY is struggling with funding the housing they have committed to providing.


The overcrowding cost to the city may result in repeal of their “right to shelter” rule.


NY doesn’t want to kick them out on the street. They want Federal funding to support the billions spent annually on housing. That doesn’t come from POTUS. It requires congressional legislation.

MockingMoniker, to politics in America Turned Against Migrant Detention Before. We Can Do It Again.

Kind of interesting how the illegal immigrants are encouraged to break the law but that attitude is expected to not bleed into the citizens who are expected to conform to government social agenda.

@rimu@piefed.social avatar

I couldn't see it in the article so perhaps you can tell me what laws they're being encouraged to break?


Illegal immigration.

Rapidcreek, to politics in Read the Full Transcript of Joe Biden's Interview With TIME

“The Russian military has been decimated. You don’t write about that. It’s been freaking decimated.”

— President Biden or Dark Brandon


“The Russian military has been decimated. You don’t write about that. It’s been freaking decimated.”

Ha there is no way thats a quote…

Biden: No, it’s not. And by the way, I don’t know why you skip over all that’s happened in the meantime. The Russian military has been decimated. You don’t write about that. It’s been freaking decimated. Number one.


Furthermore, that text in the article links to a fact-check, which says he is right.

What Biden Said: “The Russian military has been decimated. You don’t write about that. It’s been freaking decimated.”

The Facts: This is a fair assessment, according to a Reuters report on a declassified U.S. intelligence assessment provided to Congress. The intelligence determined that Russia had 360,000 active military personnel when it invaded Ukraine in February of 2022. By December of last year, 315,000 Russian troops had been either killed or injured in the war—a reduction in troop strength by 87%.


The troop losses are actually replaceable (as tragic as that may be), but the planes, tanks, artillery, armored vehicles, and anti-air missiles are not. They have lost thousands of these and literally do not have enough parts to build more.


The troops are replaceable from a military perspective, but I don’t think their mothers hold the same opinion.


They’re not even really replaceable from a military perspective if you’re losing experienced, trained soldiers. Replacing them requires an investment in time, effort, and money.

Of course, as I understand it, Russia just replaces the bodies and doesn’t bother with the training or experience.


“Decimate” means “to reduce by one tenth,” so according to that fact check Biden was vastly understating it.


I call it octodecimation

distantsounds, to politics in Read the Full Transcript of Joe Biden's Interview With TIME

And whose fault is it that the that deal, the ceasefire for hostages has not been consummated? Is it Hamas or Israel or both?

Biden: Hamas. Hamas could end this tomorrow. Hamas could say (unintelligible) and done period. And, but, and the last offer Israel made was very generous in terms of who they’d be willing to release, what they’d give in return, et cetera. Bibi is under enormous pressure on the hostages, on the hostages, and so he’s prepared to do about anything to get the hostages back.


@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

I get it, Hamas is a terrorist organization and are not innocent by any means. But they’re straight up murdering Palestinians and boosting the recruitment rate of Hamas. Blowing people to smithereens usually does not drive them to peaceful options. Its far beyond stopping Hamas at this point. This is nothing but wreckless hate of Palestinians and ravenous hunger for their extinction. Its plain as day.


It seems to me what you (and Biden) are saying is that things have progressed to the point where Hamas (and by extension the Palestinian people) are unwilling to reach a peaceful solution.

If that’s the case, what should Israel actually do? What terms should they offer? And what if Hamas rejects those terms? Is there a solution to this problem that actually solves anything?


Obviously Israel must roll over and let itself be genocided as stated in Hamas charter



What Israel is doing to Gaza right now is, in fact, extremely wreck-full!

@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

How has nobody corrected me on that in 20 years. Thanks lol

alilbee, to politics in Read the Full Transcript of Joe Biden's Interview With TIME

It’s a good interview. I highly recommend that everyone reads it in full for themselves rather than cherry-picked quotes.


It’s good even though it is a direct transcript, including all the times he says the wrong thing and catches himself. You can tell that he knows what he is talking about, but sometimes his mouth gets out in front of his brain.

I’d love to see Trump sit down for a similar interview with Time, along with a similar transcript, where everything that comes out of his mouth is written down, verbatim. But I don’t think he has the balls for that.


Agreed. I thought the bit on “values-based” and “practicals-based” alliances was interesting. Diplomacy is overwhelmingly complex and I’m glad I’m no diplomat, for my own sanity.


We could do worse than having a lil bee representing us.


If only we listened to the bees 😔


I agree, clearly an intelligent man and a worthwhile read. His take on Ukraine is spot on.

A few of those nonsequitors seem to be related to battling a cold (eg, the comment on his voice) or referring to other aides who are perhaps moving through the room. TIME should do a better job with annotations in these cases, and not just the one time he mixed up Putin and Jinping.

Also, no journalist would ever pose some of these questions to Trump. Values based vs practical base? The man would think you were talking about baseball

dhork, to politics in ‘We Are the World Power.’ How Joe Biden Leads

Oh, which of you olds here immediately heard Springsteen belting “We Are The World” when you read that … I did.

givesomefucks, to politics in ‘We Are the World Power.’ How Joe Biden Leads

On May 20, the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court requested a war-crimes indictment for Netanyahu, his Defense Minister, and three leaders of Hamas. Four days later, in a largely symbolic move, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to halt operations in Gaza. Human Rights Watch says Israel has “imposed collective punishments on the civilian population, deprived the civilian population of objects indispensable to its survival, and used starvation of civilians as a weapon of war.”

Asked if Israeli forces have committed war crimes in Gaza, Biden says, “It’s uncertain.”

You’d have to be willfully ignorant or mentally unfit to say it’s not certain that Israel is committing war crimes in the face of indisputable evidence that not only are they committing war crimes, they’re doing it with the munitions Biden keeps giving them

I still don’t understand how him going around Congress to supply munitions wasn’t illegal considering their use was to commit a genocide.

So when Biden says

We are the world power

I don’t think it’s a good thing.

And according to the article, the percent people who agree with me is increasing.

Only 64% percent of Americans now say it’s a good thing…

Which sounds like a lot, until you remember like half of Americans are trump supporters who will never vote D. And they want us to be a “world power” for all the wrong reasons.

And 64 minus 50 doesn’t leave you with a very large number…


Only 64% percent of Americans now say it’s a good thing…

Makes sense. It’s not like it’s the American populous that’s the world power. When we speak of US interests, they are exclusively defined by a fraction of 1% of all Americans. If the rest of us benefit from US foreign policy it’s just a happy coincidence.

@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

My interests are served by feeding people and preventing violence, which is not what our government does.

But every election makes me feel less and less American so maybe I don’t count anymore.


The policy preferences of average Americans have been shown to have no statistically relevant impact on the passage of legislation. Unless you are a wealthy contributor, your opinions don’t count, and they never have.

We had a chance with Bernie and we blew it. Another chance will come, but I don’t see it on the horizon. Until then, we’re stuck in societal damage control.

tsonfeir, to politics in ‘We Are the World Power.’ How Joe Biden Leads
@tsonfeir@lemmy.world avatar

I just can’t help but laugh. It’s like he’s looking in the mirror to psych himself out. We are on the path to idiocracy. US power came from respect… but that’s slipping away from us.

@Sneptaur@pawb.social avatar

US power came from having more guns than the other guy.

So history goes.

cosmicrookie, to world in Israeli Airstrike Kills Dozens at Gaza School-Turned-Shelter
@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

This is happening so often now, that we don’t know if we’ve already read about it or if it’s a new attack.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

“Bombing a school a day keeps the Hamas away”


Can’t have a next generation of Hamas, if you don’t have a next generation.

(Taps head)


It can’t be any more obvious that the ‘human shields’ excuses have no substance and are used to justify killing and terrorizing civilians

Naich, to world in Israeli Airstrike Kills Dozens at Gaza School-Turned-Shelter
@Naich@lemmings.world avatar

Another day another war crime to be ignored.


Let’s do our best to not ignore them, spread awareness, and pressure our Representatives however we can

The No Thanks app is a great and easy way to make an individual impact

Spitzspot, to politics in Steve Bannon Prepares for Prison
@Spitzspot@lemmings.world avatar


@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar


Boddhisatva, to politics in Steve Bannon Prepares for Prison

On the brink of his prison stint, Bannon is attempting to rally an audience he calls an “army of the awakened” to sustain his anti-establishment crusade.

So he wants a “woke” army to support his crusade?

@dogsnest@lemmy.world avatar

They won’t cancel, they’ll boycott!


We are the woke they are the comatose. If they wake up they wont support him.


They should join him in prison for solidarity.


Wake up man! These woke people are nothing but trouble!

Rapidcreek, to politics in Steve Bannon Prepares for Prison

"Roaches check in…but they don’t check out.’


This reference is so old I munted it.

xc2215x, to politics in Steve Bannon Prepares for Prison

Glad he is going.

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