Zehzin, to games in Phil Spencer says Xbox’s aim with COD is to give players choice, not ‘do slimy platform things’ avatar

Microsoft says it won’t do slimy things, hopes everyone forgets their entire history


They just want to Reach Out, Hug and Smother. What’s so horrible about that?

CarbonatedPastaSauce, to games in Phil Spencer says Xbox’s aim with COD is to give players choice, not ‘do slimy platform things’

Slimy things like introducing p2w skins in DMZ, ending the best fps run I’ve had with friends in years?


tal, avatar

I haven’t played multiplayer FPSes for a long time.

But last time I was playing 'em, multiplayer FPSes were a dime-a-dozen. Like, if one does something I don’t like, it has to be the easiest genre to hop over to another on.

Has this changed, the field gotten smaller?


Sure there are plenty of good FPS games all the time. Me and my friends are in our early to late 40’s so it’s hard for us to get anything together for long periods of time since we all have Real Life™ going on. But every once in a while a game just hits, and DMZ had everyone in my clan hyped and we all played together regularly for a few months. It was truly awesome and just like the old days when we played Quake and Tribes together.

Then they started spitting out p2w shit and it just sucked the wind out of everyone’s sails.

Kolanaki, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage avatar

I can’t believe Xbox doesn’t have gyros at this point. Even Nintendo has gyros in their controllers. I haven’t had an Xbox since the 360, so this is actually a surprise to me.


Even Nintendo has gyros in their controllers

Nintendo have had gyros in their controllers since 2006 with the release of the Wii. Basically right there with Sony (Nov 11th vs Nov 19th 2006)


Nintendo has had gyros since the NES. I swear it made a difference when we moved tge controller around!

ryo, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage

This is so weird, pretty sure CoD has had support for that for years now and it’s full cross play no matter what input you use.

Serinus, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage

With Gyroscope aiming you use the stick for large, broad movements, but for small adjustments you move the controller itself. It’s new as of about 2016ish.

The explanation and video here is good.…/aiming-with-sticks-so-yesterday-gyro…

blindbunny, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage

Guess they need to disable mice and trackballs now


You already can’t use those on these systems though


I thought mice and trackballs worked on PlayStation and Xbox?


I believe they work on the main console interface, but the majority of games don’t implement support, especially FPS games due to the advantage they offer.

rsh, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage

Are Xbox players paste-eaters or something?

Tash, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage avatar

Gyro support on XInput has been on PC gamers wishlist for awhile.

XInput is a solid standard (especially if you look at the state of gaming in the pre 2000’s) but it is in need of an update…

Dagnet, to pcgaming in Capcom says players gave its first $70 game ‘a moderate reception’ | VGC

As a huge fan of dragons dogma 1 I have to say DD2 wasn’t worth 70$, maybe 35

Corigan, to games in Capcom says players gave its first $70 game ‘a moderate reception’. Dragon’s Dogma 2 has sold over three million copies since its release in March.

I probably would have bought it already if it wasn’t for the price, the difficulty deleting your one save slot to try all classes and the micro transactions on fast travel.

2 out of 3 of those are bad publisher decisions /greed. You have to wonder if the loss of customers is worth the higher cost and micro transactions.

Kolanaki, avatar

the difficulty deleting your one save slot to try all classes

Did they change how it works from the first game where you could just switch your class at literally any time at the inn? 🤔

Micro transactions on fast travel

That’s optional. The things you use for FT are also sold at the in-game shops using the in-game currency. You just also have the option to spend real money and get them without grinding.

The only real issue with the MTX is that they literally dropped it into the game the day of launch. Even review copies didn’t have it, so it was a bit misleading. But it’s done the same way as RE4’s.

Macaroni_ninja, avatar

I will always disagree with the “its optional” reasoning.

In this case they are technically selling a shortcut to their own game. This means the game either have some boring and straight up tedious mechanics on purpose, to annoy people or its shit. In both cases its a bad game design and people who will buy the fast travel MTX would want to skip certain parts of the gameplay - in this case backtracking or travelling in general.

I am a huge fan of the first game, but repeating the fast travel shenanigans on purpose, after so many years of feedback from fans is just corporate greed 101.

After the announcement I thought DD2 will be a day 1 purchase, but Im glad I waited and from the looks of it I will continue to wait for a few more years for a complete edition for 20 USD or just not play it at all.

juice702, to games in Capcom says players gave its first $70 game ‘a moderate reception’. Dragon’s Dogma 2 has sold over three million copies since its release in March.

From what I’ve read about this, it doesn’t sound like a $70 game at all. I’ll wait til it hits $40-50.


I’ll wait till it’s like $5-10.


I’ll wait till it’s like $0.99-4.99.

YarHarSuperstar, avatar

I’ll wait til it’s $-5.00.

NOT_RICK, avatar

I’m prepared to wait til the heat death of the universe

Sanctus, to pcgaming in Capcom says players gave its first $70 game ‘a moderate reception’ | VGC avatar

Didn’t this have mtx quests?

Coskii, to pcgaming in Capcom says players gave its first $70 game ‘a moderate reception’ | VGC avatar

There were ‘sales’ on the game before it even launched, putting it back down to less than $60. Units sold doesn’t really seem like a useful metric from that standpoint.

Empricorn, to games in ‘We love you, we miss you, we hate money’: Indie publisher supports closed studios with SGF billboard

Sounds like they just hate runaway late-stage capitalism…


Did they stutter?



TSG_Asmodeus, to games in ‘We love you, we miss you, we hate money’: Indie publisher supports closed studios with SGF billboard avatar

I was in the industry for just shy of 20 years, and it hit me seeing that list just how many studios are missing from it.

It was nice though to see New Blood do this, and I honestly don’t expect them to run one with all of the studios because frankly that would take hours to show.

I don’t think I’ll ever go back to games, but know that the people who make games: QA, design, art, etc, are leaving in droves, which is for the best. Microsoft is struggling to hire people in Vancouver. Why? They’ve lowered pay for many positions, fired almost anyone with over 2 years of experience there, and hire part time. A friend of mine was offered a Lead position… For 14 months.

If they don’t believe in the games they’re making, neither should you.

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