tacosanonymous, to gaming in Tango Gameworks employee shares pictures from the Xbox studio’s final day

The shareholders aren’t making enough money until every worker’s dreams are crushed.


Not even then. I think the thing that’s easy to forget about shareholders is they’re not doing this because they’re evil and get off on watching people suffer. They’re doing it because their own personal inadequacies are so vast that the only way they can cope with life is by trying to fill that enormous emotional hole with money. As a result, even when every other person on the planet has been crushed and ground into paste, and just one person with this mindset finally owns everything… it still won’t be enough for them. They will still be left with that unfillable emotional hole. They will still be empty inside.

leave_it_blank, to games in Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition trophies emerge, suggesting a release soon

I started to play a year ago, but dropped it pretty fast. Though I really liked it.

If they put in the effort and implement a good save game system and proper mouse/keyboard controls, they can have my money!

morganth, to games in Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition trophies emerge, suggesting a release soon

Yes please! It’s a brilliant game and I will happily buy an updated version.

Kelly, to games in Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition trophies emerge, suggesting a release soon

I’m still waiting.

TurboHarbinger, to games in Star Wars Outlaws can be finished in 30 hours, says creative director

With ubisoft bloat, everything is possible

priapus, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage

It already doesn’t have PC crossplay, why not just disable console crossplay, or use the same input based matchmaking other games use, with gyro as an added input? Disabling a superior input is incredibly stupid and will lower the skill ceiling of the game, which is already going to be lower than on PC.


I’ve never messed with gyro aiming, is it really superior? I might have to give it a try in something if that’s the case.


IMO it is definitely very superior. If you practice enough you can get pretty close to the precision and speed of a mouse for small movements.


Interesting I wouldn’t have thought and now I will definitely check it out. Thanks for the answer.


What’s a good gyro aim game? I’ve only used it in the new Zelda games (which admittedly was really nice to aim with)


I mostly play on a Steam Deck, which lets you use it on most games by emulating a mouse. I played through GTA5 and some other shooters with it. On switch, the others I know of are Splatoon 2 and Overwatch 2 (I think)




It’s so good you don’t even notice you’re using it. But when it’s not available it hits hard.


If strong aim assist is present then that can outperform gyro, but that also can outperform a lot of mouse users to the point that even PC lobbies have mouse users abandoning mouse for aim assist supported inputs. So it depends on the level of aim assist. But, with aim assist removed from the equation gyro is better than joysticks and is surprisingly usable against mouse players despite the absence of auto aiming.

Kolanaki, avatar

It’s superior if you have the option to adjust the sensitivity. In most games that don’t have a sensitivity setting, it’s way too sensitive, so unless you can hold your hands perfectly still your aim is gonna be fucked.

And since most games don’t have any sensitivity settings for the gyro, I rarely use it.


That does make sense. I’ve mainly used gyro on PC, where Steam Input lets you change the sensitivity per game.


its good on controller but I mainly game on steam deck and I hate it on steam deck. too heavy and hard to get the sweet spot of avoiding accidental input and not having too high or too low sensitivity. I need a steam controller 2.

but yeah you can do stuff like fast/coarse move with stick and slow/precision with gyro and do compound movement of both at the same time, for example tilting against the stick if you overshoot or with the stick if the aim comes short, or adding up or down hairline adjustment on gyro while doing just right or left on the stick. weird at first but I can do it better than mouse aim on controllers with good implementaion.


Competitive FPS games on consoles. Like, what more can be said? Everything after that will be questionable. Whatever they do will be wrong and right, simultaneously.

VerseAndVermin, to games in Star Wars Outlaws can be finished in 30 hours, says creative director

If it can be done in the goaled 25, that would be great. Ubisoft has a history of making their games take way too much time for my liking. It all starts to overstay its welcome.

altima_neo, avatar

Yeah, they become formulaic and repetitive


“Welcome to Mos Eisley. Climb this tower and push a button to discover important waypoints in the city.”

DaseinPickle, to games in Star Wars Outlaws can be finished in 30 hours, says creative director

Too bad it’s made by Ubisoft.

Gradually_Adjusting, to games in Star Wars Outlaws can be finished in 30 hours, says creative director avatar

I am reclaiming my time.

vulgarcynic, to games in Phil Spencer says Xbox’s aim with COD is to give players choice, not ‘do slimy platform things’ avatar

Phil’s out of the circle of trust. Don’t believe a single thing from his mouth.

Zehzin, to games in Phil Spencer says Xbox’s aim with COD is to give players choice, not ‘do slimy platform things’ avatar

Microsoft says it won’t do slimy things, hopes everyone forgets their entire history


They just want to Reach Out, Hug and Smother. What’s so horrible about that?

CarbonatedPastaSauce, to games in Phil Spencer says Xbox’s aim with COD is to give players choice, not ‘do slimy platform things’

Slimy things like introducing p2w skins in DMZ, ending the best fps run I’ve had with friends in years?


tal, avatar

I haven’t played multiplayer FPSes for a long time.

But last time I was playing 'em, multiplayer FPSes were a dime-a-dozen. Like, if one does something I don’t like, it has to be the easiest genre to hop over to another on.

Has this changed, the field gotten smaller?


Sure there are plenty of good FPS games all the time. Me and my friends are in our early to late 40’s so it’s hard for us to get anything together for long periods of time since we all have Real Life™ going on. But every once in a while a game just hits, and DMZ had everyone in my clan hyped and we all played together regularly for a few months. It was truly awesome and just like the old days when we played Quake and Tribes together.

Then they started spitting out p2w shit and it just sucked the wind out of everyone’s sails.

Kolanaki, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage avatar

I can’t believe Xbox doesn’t have gyros at this point. Even Nintendo has gyros in their controllers. I haven’t had an Xbox since the 360, so this is actually a surprise to me.


Even Nintendo has gyros in their controllers

Nintendo have had gyros in their controllers since 2006 with the release of the Wii. Basically right there with Sony (Nov 11th vs Nov 19th 2006)


Nintendo has had gyros since the NES. I swear it made a difference when we moved tge controller around!

ryo, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage

This is so weird, pretty sure CoD has had support for that for years now and it’s full cross play no matter what input you use.

Serinus, to games in Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage

With Gyroscope aiming you use the stick for large, broad movements, but for small adjustments you move the controller itself. It’s new as of about 2016ish.

The explanation and video here is good.…/aiming-with-sticks-so-yesterday-gyro…

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