Mercival, to gaming in New single planet fantasy game from Hello Games

I love how every single source emphasizes it’s “single-planet”, just because it’s by Hello Games.

Cause fantasy games with dragons are famously known to all contain interstellar travel.


I mean, we have Pathfinder which spans over an entire Star system and even beyond but still is a fantasy roleplaying game. (Same with Dungeons and Dragons)


They probably specified to emphasize that despite NMS being interstellar, this one isn’t. Since they’re known for the former, that reputation comes with the baggage of expecting a similar experience.


I think the emphasis on the “planet” is that in their usual over-ambition, Hello Games announced that they’ll be simulating a full-scale planet. It then got through the media’s broken telephone.


Cause fantasy games with dragons are famously known to all contain interstellar travel.

Well, Ultima did, so it is technically an early feature of the genre.

As an aside, I would love to see the concept of “high fantasy space opera” get more love.

Moobythegoldensock, to linux in "Linux Sucks" Sucks. Here's Why


No thanks.

1984, avatar

I won’t even watch 10 minutes. Video is really a huge time waster.


They video is way too long and he stays too long on some topics but he’s right. He doesn’t deserve the downvotes


I miss the era of 10 minute videos. Nowadays, everything is either 50 second long or 3 hours.


You can’t 2.25 (which makes it last about 33.5 mins) or something?


I typed that comment while I was on the toilet last night 7 minutes before my bedtime. So no, I can’t simply put a video into chipmunk mode and watch for an unscheduled 30 minutes. That’s longer than the actual 25 minute show my wife and I watched in bed.

Lysan, to linux in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is so buggy you can't install the OS [video]

The creator wrote in a pinned comment that they had a bad boot media. No idea what you guys are arguing about.


They just want to hate Ubuntu without facts

Oha, to linux in Linux Running on an NES?

Well… Its actually a Unix like OS like Linux but not “real” Linux. still impressive tho

NegativeLookBehind, avatar

ACTUALLY what you’re referring to is GNU like little Unix sort of like Linux but not really


ACTUALLY that is a nintendo entertainment system

Shatur, avatar

Yes, I just kept the original title of the video.

Canadian_Cabinet, to games in Prison Architect 2 - Official Announcement Trailer

Can’t say I’m excited. I remember how badly they butchered the original game when they bought it, not to mention that art style isn’t great

Goblin_Mode, to games in Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

Knowing Rockstar put off development of this game for as long as they did just so they could milk GTAO for every last penny makes me hesitant at best.

I have never been let down by a GTA campaign, but they know where the money is, I’m hesitant to believe they will give this one the attention it deserves after seeing the profits from GTAO. Or maybe I’m just pessimistic


I just wonder if they can actually figure out a way to make GTA online actually fun. Because It really isn’t a good game mode.

All of the online modes that are actually fun are all modded servers. The mental servers are awful you spawn in and get blown up instantly, how’s that fun?


GTAOnline has suffered from feature pile-on. I think there’s an official software development term for it, but I can’t remember it. It’s fun, aside from the astronomical grind and push for shark cards (but there are ways around that wink wink) Even considering that, getting into it as a new player is wild.


there’s an official software development term for it

Scope creep I think.


That’s probably the wrong term. Scope creep is when you’re working on a project and you keep adding new requirements to the design before you finish the existing ones. Your scope creeps further and further into the future. GTAO is a project that is available, and increasing scope hasn’t seemed to delay new content.

That said, I don’t know what the “correct” term would be either.


I usually think of scope creep as adding more and more work items, like this: you’re building a bridge between two buildings. During design, you find out one of the buildings has terrible foundations that should really just be replaced. Scope creep would be deciding to replace the building foundations as part of the bridge project.

It’s possible I’m not using the term correctly either though. Maybe what I’ve described instead is design creep, or something.


Maybe feature creep?


GTA5’s campaign was fairly good, but it sucks they abandoned the planned additions and shoved the assets into GTAO only. I do not care to play GTAO, but I would have liked more things to do in single player. Knowing that this is likely going to have single player solely as a pipeline into GTAO though, yeah I’m sceptical too.


I think GTAO (and RDR2-O) is pretty much unplayable with all the obvious cheaters in each session. Rockstar doesnt even care if someone runs around with a K:D of > 1000:1, ruining the game for everyone else …


Yep. I hate to say this, but they should maybe but MTX into the singleplayer game. I really don’t like the idea of it, but if it’s between that and nothing, I guess it’s better than nothing. One time purchase DLC is clearly not appealing enough to them. That said, I could totally see it ruining singleplayer so maybe that’s not the best idea…


Why does it make you hesitant? GTAV isn’t GTA6.

samus12345, avatar

RDR2 was still phenomenal after getting the GTAO money. Rockstar can still make great single-player content when they want to.


I agree. It’s just that this is the same series… Idk maybe it will kick ass, I’m just overly cynical I guess lol

samus12345, avatar

My expectation is that it will be very good, but will have no single player DLC whatsoever in lieu of GTAO2 or whatever they call it. And no, I’ve never forgiven them for doing that with V. At least this time I won’t be expecting it.


What if it doesn’t need DLC? When the concept of DLC first came out, everyone complained that devs were just releasing unfinished games and that you were obligated to buy DLC to enjoy a full experience. Now people only buy games because they’re expecting DLC?

samus12345, avatar

Because Rockstar did some good DLC for GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption. I agree that DLC isn’t a good thing if it’s carved out of the base game, but Rockstar had a good track record of making good DLC for already feature-complete games.


Unnecessarily cynical. The same series? Are Vice City, SA, and 4 considered bad games?


Did you even read my initial comment?

I explicitly said that I have never been let down by a GTA campaign. What I was saying was that RDR2 is a different series that plays by different rules. For that reason I don’t feel like it’s necessarily fair to use RDR2 as an example of how they will treat GTA with the respect the series deserves.


They’re not going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars developing a new game only to focus on GTAV online.


Counterpoint: Warzone.


They finished GTA V release in 2015, released Red Dead motherfucking Redemption II in 2018, and this will be 2025

Sounds like continuous development to me?


It’s 10 fucking years. GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas were all less than a couple years apart. They need to reuse that strategy of working in parallel and reusing the game engine for a few sequels before moving to the next generation.

I’m confident they would’ve released more games if GTA Online wasn’t such a money printer for them. For those of us that liked the single player though and didn’t touch online, it’s been a while!

AnAngryAlpaca, (edited )

The earlier GTA games where quicker to develop because the computers did not have the CPU power or RAM to support large cities, many different NPC models, detailed cars, objects or enviroments. This means levels, assests and the engines where much quicker to develop.

if you double width+height of your map, you have to fill 4x the area with meaningfull content, belivable cities, scripted events, nature, streets, shops, maybe NPS who have a daily routine to walk from one place to another.

Plus, you have to create a large amount of different(!) buildings to place around your map, because you dont want to recognize the same house, shop, park or Parking lot multiple times in the same street. On top of that is car physics, traffic simulation, cop chase behavior and now apparently NPCs interact with each other.

None of this has been done before, and getting this right and bugfree is not trivial - see cyberpunk.


It’s 10 years since last GTA. In the middle there is a little game known as Red Dead Redemption 2, which is massive and took the whole studio to make.


Yeah I played that one. Also pretty great. Hope they build another one soon. It’s already been 5 years.

Chickenstalker, to games in YouTuber Jirard (a.k.a. The Completionist) has been accused of keeping and hoarding charity donations

Why give money to 3rd parties? Simply donate directly to the orgs that you wish to support.

Carighan, avatar

Yeah, unless it’s a specific fundraiser (as in, “We match all external donations up to X”), there’s no reason not to donate directly, in particular for cases where it’s easy enough to find a charity to directly support that isn’t someone’s personal tax deduction scheme.


Because sometimes it’s nice to feel like you’re a part of a community. I get it.


Usually because it’s part of a fundraiser like this one.

raccoona_nongrata, to gaming in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic avatar


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  • SnepKayz,

    Star Citizen is its own greatest obstacle lol. Doesn’t need a shadowy cabal of all the major game studios conspiring to keep it down.

    AlexisFR, avatar

    Well it’s main competitor also collapsed on it self, maybe it’s just hard to do?

    Borat, avatar

    main competitor also collapsed on it self

    Elite Dangerous is alive and well, thank you. I still play it.

    Woodstock, to games in What the Switch 2 has to get right

    I’m so sick of click bait.


    What’s click bait about it? The whole thing is about the words you were presented with. Click bait is tricking you with something other than it said it was going to be


    “content of dubious value or interest”. So no. This is not click bait.

    I care deeply about the topic and put a lot of effort into this video. If you’re not interested, that’s not the same


    Switch 2 has to get this right. What is this? User has to click to find out. Hence, clickbait.

    Not denigrating the work you did on the video or anything like that, just trying to explain why it fits in that category.


    Well I can’t fit a whole paragraph into a title. “This” is multiple things. It you want to know what “this” is, you’ll have to watch it. If you don’t care, then simply don’t click it

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    I don’t do clickbait so you have fun with that.

    Pika, (edited )

    You are missing part of that definition the full definition is as follows

    something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest

    A clickbait does not have to have information that contains dubious value or interest, it just frequently does.

    You could make it seem less click baity by removing the question part of the title, have the title be a statement instead of something that forces the reader to have to try to answer the question.

    Please note that I’m referring exclusivley to what the title of this post is, the actual video linked seems to have a good title because it’s very clear going into it when it’s going to be about. The linked videos title is kind of clickbait but I think since it ends with rumors and speculations and it’s very clearly showing an opinionated background that is fine.

    That being said, I liked the video, thank you for it.

    gnomesaiyan, avatar

    Your grammar is atrocious.

    coffeetest, (edited ) to politics in See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance

    Biden had a bad debate night. But putting it in context, he’s had plenty of good or excellent speeches, its just that no one notices and media doesn’t care when things go well. Got to get those clicks.


    It seemed to me that Biden was just in a state of shock at how much bullshit was coming out of Trump’s mouth


    I think you are right on that. That was at least part of it. Biden’s mistake was expecting it to be a debate and not whatever that event was.


    That’s probably why they chose to go without a live audience. I don’t wanna get conspiratorial, but all this shit seems to coincidental to not be on purpose.

    randy, avatar

    @bobs_monkey @coffeetest as we're we all


    Really? You expected Trump to base his speech on facts?


    That should have been expected from Trump. Biden should have memorized statistics to counter the predictable bullshit.

    Not that memorizing stuff is important for the job but it would have been effective in the debate for viewers who just won’t fact check anything.

    Sunny, to pcgaming in ASUS Scammed Us

    Are there any brands left that is consumer friendly to buy from these days??

    ArtikBanana, (edited )

    Specifically motherboards or in general?
    I’ve heard a lot of good things about Asrock motherboards. And they’re also about the only ones without some recent controversy (for AMD CPUs).

    In general, I can personally vouch for Noctua.
    They sent me a free mounting kit for my then 7 year old CPU cooler when I switched it over to a new PC. I’ve had it for 12 years now.

    Edit: Never mind, looks like also Asrock aren’t too great.


    I can tell you bad things about a crappy Asrock AM3 board I got a decade ago


    Yeah, from what I’ve seen they weren’t great before and have switched things up in recent years.
    But I haven’t had any personal experience with their boards.


    From what I heard Asrock became a joke quality wise and got the shits about being the lowest quality mainstream manufacturer and did something about it.


    I got burned by ASRock years ago, they are literally just Asus but with less quality control


    Was it before AM4 by any chance?


    It was between 2010-2016, myself and a few of my mates tried them on a few times over the years and they crapped out every time after a couple months. Swore off them for good after that.

    exscape, avatar

    The X370 Taichi was considered one of the best boards of the generation, so I'm pretty sure they improved.
    Mine's still going strong in a friend's computer 7 years later, with a Ryzen 5600.


    I don’t have much experience with Corsair, but when one of my fans on my AIO went janky, they sent me a label and then shipped me a newer model that looks brand new.

    …it’s going in another machine, as my compy now has a D15


    I don’t think anyone hates noctua. That’s like a free bingo square, or something


    I worked with a guy that said “don’t tell me you used noctua fans on your 3d printer” I was like 😮. He really thought they were shit. He’s wrong.


    For 3D printers, they’re subpar.

    Noctua fans are typically 12v and tuned for lower speed for lower noise; in 3DP you’re generally looking for 24v fans* with the highest CFM:static pressure ratio you can get which will generally mean a louder, higher RPM fan.

    They’ll work, but you can generally get industrial fans from Delta, Sunon, etc that are a better fit for the application, often for less money.

      • 5v and 12v fans are getting more common simply because they tend to be more available. Preference for high CFM:static pressure holds true regardless.

    They’re not shit, but a lot of people don’t realize that a big reason they’re quieter is because they don’t spin as fast, therefore they’re moving less air. Noctua is typically trading cooling performance for less noise, which can also be achieved by throwing a resistor inline on a non-Noctua fan.

    That being said, their motors are higher quality and, at least in my experience, tend to last longer than cheap fans.


    'Fraid ASRock isn’t good news either


    Well damn.

    FiniteBanjo, (edited )

    I don’t vouch for anybody at all but I enjoy my Gigabyte motherboard.

    EDIT: Now that I think about it, there was an auto-update firmware vulnerability, a potential backdoor, a couple of years ago that affected most of the new models, but my Aero G x570 was not on the list.

    pacoboyd, (edited )

    Honestly, I’ve had nothing but good luck with Asrock. The few times I’ve needed at MB replacement (one was for a 2 year old board that had a known issue, Intels fault, not theirs) they just sent me a replacement board after I sent mine in.

    Its probably been 5 years since I’ve had to use thier RMA process, but I’m still putting Asrock boards in everything I build. I build for pretty much all my friend and family circle (probably 3-8 builds a year) and I don’t know of any that have had an issue so far (they would for sure come back to me for help if they did).

    Taichi is such a great enthuaist line and Steel Legend is a great mid range. I’ll always recommend them.


    Fair warning, don’t mess with the internals of the device because - as a Chinese company - their warranty is prohibitively anti-repair, but…

    OneXPlayer. Specifically the OneXFly. More ergonomic than the steam deck, far more powerful than both it and the ROG Ally, has an SD Card slot that doesn’t fry itself like the Ally, and comes with a decent warranty for what is essentially the Chinese Lamborghini of GamerDecks. Again, don’t try to fix it yourself, it works well but if anything goes wrong (I had to wipe the SSD and didn’t know how to do so without removing it physically) then you’re screwed.

    If you have big hands, just buy a Steam Deck OLED. It’s about as good as it gets for customer service to rely on Valve.


    Gigabyte Aorus maybe? Some years ago I sent in my MB that suddenly stopped working via the store I bought it from. No issues. Repaired and fully functional since.

    I sent in another one after for a very weird issue. Long story short, I think something is slightly broken with the RAM slots but since it happens “only” sometimes (depends on how hardware is plugged in; and also randomly), they could not find any problem and sent it back as “OK”. So I am only partial disappointed. Process was without friction and charge.

    The board that still currently drives my computer is asrock. Won’t buy them again because they put the cooling fan directly below the (hot) grapics card, made accessing m.2 real shitty and were missing a uefi feature I thought was standard (from gigagbyte; which graphics to use for init).

    All my boards fall in the highend category, but not the absolute top. Also, I am in the EU.


    Gigabyte has been selling motherboards with a backdoor vulnerability.

    And during the GPU shortage a couple of years back they, together with newegg, sold GPUs only bundled with PSUs, but the PSUs were so bad quality that they literally blew up, and if you tried to RMA the PSU they refused unless you sent back the GPU as well.


    They did push new firmware about 10 days later to fix that vulnerability, and that portion was easily disabled until and after the patch. I remember that coning out as I’ve only had gigabyte boards for the last 12 years in 4 PCs and they’ve been great.


    Oh, yeah, the PSUs. Forgot about them since I wouldnt buy them. As long as they do not enshittyfy their mainboards…

    As far as I remember it was partly windows fault too for loading this? I don’t have windows so I think i forgot about that too.

    psvrh, avatar

    There’s Supermicro and Tyan, but they’re…a different market.


    I’ve had good experience with EVGA both times I’ve had problems with their hardware, this year most recently. MSI is supposedly OK too, but I never had to deal with their warranty.


    Heard good about EVGA and Sapphire too. However my personal experience with MSI(laptops) have not been great. But shame about Asus as they so much more than EVGA and Sapphire as they only make Graphic Cards AFAIK.

    JustMarkov, to linux in KDE Plasma needs stability

    Plasma needs stability

    Yeah, let’s not mention Gnome breaking every peace of itself every update, along with abandoning APIs and hating QT apps. How can I use a DE, if I can almost certainly be sure that half of my extensions won’t work after another update? Or that all of my QT apps will look weird (if they’ll work at all)?
    And I don’t hate Gnome. It’s cool and stuff, but you can’t call it stable, 'cause KDE/XFCE/LXDE/[insert DE name here] will be far more stable than Gnome.


    me waiting for EventCalendar and Krunner-Symbols being updated for Plasma 6

    Luckily with Plasma it’s not as common for extensions to break.

    Spectacle8011, avatar

    Yeah, let’s not mention Gnome breaking every peace of itself every update

    This is not my experience.

    optissima, avatar

    That’s mine!


    What’s sad is the gnome team is so adamant about removing functionality to make their jobs easier.

    This means you need extensions to make gnome usable, but it ends up feeling hacked together because it is.

    I’ll never forgive the gnome team for their defense of putting the dock on the side with no option to change it or not including something like gnome tweak tools by default.

    It’s really obvious gnome died with gnome3. That’s when all the forks happened, and for good reason. The gnome3 team just listens to the wrong people.

    I’m glad we have alternatives to that pile of crap.


    Gnome is amazing.


    I’m glad you like it.

    TheGrandNagus, (edited )

    Yeah, it’s amazing. Best DE for sure. I’m sorry that it hurts your feelings or whatever, that’s unfortunate.


    If you rely on extensions when you use GNOME, that’s on you. Vanilla gnome is perfectly fine by itself if you understand the workflow. I only really want, not need, one extension and that’s pano the clipboard manager. Anything else is just extra.

    LinuxAlex, avatar

    @TeryVeneno @JustMarkov, Gnome really works good and it's stable, but the Apps Ecosystem isn't really the best. You have "limited" apps in the sense of: apps don't have so much features as the Kirigami apps for KDE. Sometimes we like an integrated terminal in apps or split screen option (like in Dolphin) and Gnome doesn't feature it from out of the box. Then you have to use extensions, which are really, really unstable 🙄 (that's just my point of view)


    That’s really interesting cause in my experience it’s been the opposite, I feel way too limited and also overwhelmed using kde apps, the plethora of gnome apps on flathub dedicated to doing one thing really well are just wonderful. And sometimes more complicated ones show up too like Design or Denaro or Planify.

    LinuxAlex, avatar

    @TeryVeneno, Yes Gnome it's more user friendly and has more macOS features. It's easier to catch up and use it (I used it for 4 years, before switching to Cinnamon, then Deepin and now KDE for another 4 years). On KDE I just like the features that Gnome doesn't provide, like: hot corners, easier switching desktops, integrated terminal in almost any app 😅, KDE admin apps (like KSysLog), SSH profile in Konsole,... It's better for daily usage. But Gnome has far better UI/UX (I have to admit) 😁


    Aside from the integrated terminal in almost any app, I think gnome has all those other features you mentioned. I do have to say KDE is definitely more customizable though. Also not sure I would say gnome has any MacOS features, the two are very different in my experience. But gnome is definitely lagging on implementation of Somme Wayland things. UI/UX is king though for me so here we are lol.


    Vanilla gnome is perfectly fine by itself if you understand the workflow.

    Well, maybe it is the DE that should be able to adapt to my workflow and not the other way around

    SpacePirate, to games in Super Mario Eclipse | Release Date Announcement Trailer (mod)

    Release date, 06/30/2024. Cease and desist date, 01/01/2024.


    Right? Hate when awesome fan projects do this. They know how litigious Nintendo is, release the mod to the public so it’s out there before it can get taken down.

    steal_your_face, avatar

    As much as I love a good anti-Nintendo circlejerk, mods for older games usually remained untouched. There’s tons and tons of mods for older Mario games that haven’t been acknowledged by Nintendo until this day.

    Having said that this mod looks hard af but would love to watch experienced sunshine players beat this.


    I had the same thought. There are countless romhacks of games that have lived for years. So long as the game isn’t a direct rip of the original that largely plays the same (thinking of that Link’s Awakening upgrade that was taken down a few weeks ago), it should survive.
    Even then, there are Pokemon improvement hacks that are still surviving. It’s probably because the original game is not a part of the download and you patch it over a ROM you supply yourself.

    steal_your_face, avatar

    Good point. Including original Nintendo assets in the project is a death sentence.

    frozen, to games in Marvel’s Blade | Announcement Trailer avatar

    Never knew I wanted a Blade game from the Dishonored team, but now I need it.


    Quick demos of how far along they’ve climbed out of the uncanny valley, meh, but when I saw Akrane Studios several yehs .


    The blade is a great weapon in Dishonored. I wouldn’t be surprised if the blade in Blade were done correctly, as the developers had clearly studied the blade before.


    I would not be so sure this is the Dishonored team. The studio may have the same name, but the investigative news reports about Redfall’s development suggests that most of the studio’s senior talent left during that game’s development.

    Developers who chose to spend their career making immersive sims are unlikely to stick around at a studio that decided to randomly start making a multiplayer shooter.

    frozen, avatar

    Redfall was made by Arkane Austin, a different Arkane development team. Dishonored and Death Loop were made by Arkane Lyon, the same team doing Blade.

    Now, you may be right that some of the devs behind Dishonored and Death Loop aren’t there anymore, but it would be for other reasons and nothing to do with Redfall. So in that light, I’m still hopeful Blade will live up to the hype.

    glimse, to gaming in Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

    Female main character?? What is this woke agenda garbage??? /s

    Felt kind of weird to see gta with more realistic movements. Not complaining, the whole thing looks really good

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