Pharmacokinetics, avatar

We are not immune to propaganda

Caitlyynn, avatar

Nobody is


Chipped nails huh.


Do you mean “vndlsm rl”?


Tm fr sm vndlsm rn



samus12345, avatar

Wht hv vwls vr dn fr s?



stebo02, avatar

The arabs were right. Vowels are overrated.

zarkanian, avatar

I thought that was Hebrew. Arabic, too?


*community beautification project

cupcakezealot, avatar

there’s no i in nazis. just remember that.

nifty, avatar

I hate the idea of someone spinning it positive, somewhere in there it should have an “OFF”.


Fuck Nazis…off?


Fuck off Nazis though, maybe off a bridge or something.


Off Nazis Fuck


Ah, sorry. My mistake.

Smorty, (edited )

No way, what’s that black cloth thing over that hand? EDIT: Changed “that’s” to “what’s”, I marked in in italic.


Fingerless glove? 🤷

Caitlyynn, avatar

Heeee heeee - Michael Jackson, probably

TheBat, avatar

Do you live in a steampunk novel?


Steampunk is a state of mind.

Caitlyynn, avatar

I just dress how I feel most comfortable



TheCoolerMia, avatar



Oh wow it looks so good. Real cool


Neat. I would’ve guessed it was like a wrist gator, I have 2 snowboard jackets with those built in so I always have fingerless gloves at the ready

zarkanian, avatar



Auto correct making me look like a damn fool 🥲


What did New Zealanders do to OP?

Caitlyynn, avatar

They took old zeeland from me


Old zeeland is still where it used to be. (I would make a joke about Germans here, but can't think of anything clever right now)


Hahaha Germans having no humor. So funny.

HerbalGamer, avatar

Why germans? Zeeland is in the Netherlands.


You mean swamp Germans?


Because Zeeland gets taken over by Germans in the summer, and OP seems to be German.


Technically they took Aotearoa in the name of Zeeland.

Squirrel, avatar

I’m sad to say that it took me a minute to recognize the actual meaning.

GratefullyGodless, avatar

Glad to see I wasn’t the only one wondering. I thought I had missed something in the news.


The fuck is this? Write it out in full - Fuck Nazis.

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

But that’s so much work.


It’s a spin-off of “FCK AFD” which are stickers widely used to oppose the most popular far-right party in Germany. I think that’s where the design came from, feel free to correct me though.


Actually I think the root of it is “HKN KRZ”, Hakenkreuz, aka Swastika. It was Nazis who came up with the format. There’s also “NZS BXN”, “box Nazis”.


Is that like box wine?


Box as in the Klychko brothers.

There’s no real equivalent of “to punch” in German, usually you’d use “schlagen” but that means to beat in general. And then “Nazis boxen” is a Kangaroo thing.

Also you’d be hard-pressed to find box wine in Germany. Sangria, yes, but not wine.


Ima gonna take that as punch one in the face and enjoy a sangria



Brandy pralines. It must be brandy pralines.

zarkanian, avatar

You mean Nazis came up with something original? I’m very skeptical of that.


It’s not really new in the sense that it’s the same ole “dress old symbols in new clothing to circumvent the ban on use of those symbols”. I think the HKN KRZ thing came after Londsdale, the clothing producer, came down quite heavily on Nazis abusing their brand (If you take a Lonsdale shirt and wear a jacket over it says “nsda”, only a “p” apart from what the Nazis want to wear). It’s more craftiness, not really creative in the pure meaning of the word. Gollum is crafty, too.


I’m pretty sure FCK NZS and NZS BXN existed before FCK AFD stickers. In fact, the AFD one is an outlier, because it doesn’t follow the “remove all vowels” rule.


Huh, the more you know! I’ve almost exclusively seen the FCK AFD one.




Boxen, presumably. Punching. So it’s saying punch nazis


Yes, boxen (en: boxing, like in boxing gloves or kickboxing)

v4ld1z, avatar

It’s a spin on RUN DMC’s logo in case anyone is wondering


Oh damn you’re right


Oh no, it’s so much worse. This is a BRAND NAME, FCK NZS is a company that sells “antifascist” clothing and accessories. Capitalism has successfully commodified antifa.

Aaron, (edited )

Hey I mean if we can make “fuck Nazis” so cool that people will literally pay for it and wear it publicly, I’m okay with that.

zarkanian, avatar

Nooooooo, buying stuff is bad. Because capitalism.


Yeah, that’s gonna show those nazis! Right?..

Caitlyynn, avatar

I’m also protesting on the streets against them


You’re protesting against the stickers?

subwoofer, avatar

Not gonna lie, I saw those stickers all over Frankfurt and it was nice to see them, lol, even if it does not bother Nazis, it is still nice


I instantly feel safer in cities where lots of stickers like this and “Antifascist Action” ones survive.

DessertStorms, (edited ) avatar

Probably why the person made that comment - they're privileged enough to not even consider that apart from potentially making Nazis feel unwelcome (because literally no one thinks stickers will "defeat Nazism"), and more importantly, this kind of action makes those the Nazis target feel seen and know that at least some locals would have your back..

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

This is also why I wear my pro-LGBT+ shirts around town. In a progressive city somewhere, it would probably make little difference – but in this rural conservative area, it’s really important to show people that they have allies.

Plus, it works as chud repellant. I have fewer people approaching me telling me the most bigoted shit I’ve ever heard, thinking I’ll agree.


What a grand idea, thanks

DessertStorms, avatar

Yeah, same. I don't often leave the house, but when I do being a wheelchair user I know I already draw attention from all sorts of people, some good, some bad, so I just lean in to it and have a load of pins on my jacket, some progress pride flags, some "immigrants welcome" type messaging, some autism and disability visibility.. Might as well..
Lets those who need it know they're not alone, and others know their bullshit won't be tolerated.


You rock!

DessertStorms, avatar

And roll..
Lol, sorry.. 😂


Cowbee, avatar

Agreed. Symbols are incredibly important for helping people feel safe and welcome, if there are a bunch of antifascist and pro-leftist symbols, I feel way safer than if there were confederate flags, Nazi symbols, or MAGA symbols.

Ultragramps, avatar

Your comment sure is gonna show those people protesting Nazis! Right…?


Your comment sure showed me! Right?..


All you people are commenting and are beneath me for it

Ultragramps, avatar

I like how you decided to join me in laughing at what I showed you in a mirror. This was fun.
Remember folks, don’t be like Lemvi, stay in school.

DefunctReality, avatar

Stuff like this shows fash they aren’t welcome in our communities, and they can be used to cover up fash propaganda as well. If stickers/tags didn’t do anything then Nazis would probably stop doing it too


Thats not vandalism. Thats just a public service.

rustyfish, avatar

It’s the same as putting flowers on every corner in your city.

SSX, avatar


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  • Caitlyynn, avatar

    No violence

    But also no boundless pacifism


    Yeah and you will to, because you will be in prison, while you could actually do something productive to help people that need it.

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