
I don’t read my replies

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This is highly misleading! You don’t need an expensive ship or spend hours sinking into the ocean. So long as you charge up on the beach, you should be able to just drive to the wreak.


This is ironic because the argument concedes vegan ideology, it’s just attacks them for not doing more. At this point the carnists are not really arguing, they’re negotiating terms of surrender.

Most meat consumers already suspect vegans are right. We get aggravated because we’d rather ignore that question. And a vegan threatens to force the issue, even in our own mind. If you’ve ever wondered why vegans inspire automatic hostility, ridicule, and derision it’s because they threaten a carnists identity as a good person just by existing.


anyone who doesn’t agree with you is the bad guy.

You seem a little defensive. Threatened even.


Once again, Linux is late with a feature that Microsoft not only has had for years, but is famous for.


(good for grilled cheese too) when the cheese is melting, force some into the pan to sizzle and crisp up. You can even toss a handful of cheese directly into the pan. The idea is to get crispy cheese bits embedded into the tortilla and clinging to the edges.

Also serve with pickled onion.


Headline: US officials admit that TickTock ban intended to censor Gaza news.

Article: Romney and Blinken blame Israel’s disastrous PR on social media and opine that this is a good reason to ban platforms like TickTock.


If you want an institution that keeps the peace, protects citizens, and is accountable for use of force, then you’ll have to create one whole-cloth. Because the police are not that institution and they never were intended to be.

Archaeologists identify the birthplace of the mysterious Yamnaya (

Yet they and their descendants would go on to transform Europe and much of Asia genetically, culturally and linguistically. Among the many innovations that these steppe migrants ushered in, scientists believe, are the Indo-European languages that are dominant in Europe today, and which are spoken by nearly half of humanity....


Just going to point out the irony that modern Europeans are descended from migrants that infiltrated the Continent and interbred with the locals until their genes and culture were dominant.


A guy who committed suicide had advanced knowledge of his own death? Inconceivable!


Edging plutonium into criticality with a screwdriver is like lighting a match to get a better look at a stick of dynamite. It’s embarrassing that it got two people this way.


I love it. Tucker used to have an enormous platform he’d share with knuckleheads. But his platform has gone from a stadium act to a tent revival.

And it’s not because he was fascist, it’s because Rupert Merdoch traded Tucker’s whole career to get a discount on the Dominion settlement.


The problem is that too many people think they are thinking critically. Pushback, fact-checking, and ridicule are all seen as evidence that one is correct because the crackpots all think they’re fucking Galileo.


Countries that have to jump through hoops to get their hands on, or sell sanctioned goods is an example of sanctions working.

Y’all remember back in 2022 when certain items were hard to get a hold of because of supply chain issues? You could still get what you wanted through the one weird trick of paying a premium for it. And that was a significant factor in inflation.

The goal of sanctions is not to hermetically seal a country off from global markets, but to damage that countries economy.


This is a common rural mentality. Animals are utilitarian and those who fail to be useful or prove to be a nuisance are a waste of resources. “useless eaters”

Unless you’re vegan (and I’m not), you participate in this kind of cruelty, even if you happen to be a few degrees removed from it.


Back in the 60s, People used to criticize the American Civil Rights movement because the Soviets supported it. Bad faith then, bad faith now.


I don’t think the Warsaw uprising is an apt comparison for the war in Gaza. Never-mind the inflammatory nature of the Israel/Nazi comparison. But it’s just doesn’t add much context or illumination to what’s happening.

I think historic examples that could bring more light than heat are : Plan Dalet and the Nakba (47-48), Beirut ('82), or the First Intifada (87-93). I think it might help if people understood more about this conflict, rather than trying to retread it over with WWII.


Is the UN official saying that the pier is enabling the Israeli invasion of Rafah, as though it wouldn’t happen otherwise? Or is he saying that but for the pier, Israel will open more land crossing to aid?

And what is the corrective action? Should the pier be built somewhere else, or not at all? Are their any factors about where to locate the pier besides political? Like the depth of the water or existing infrastructure?

And if the problem with the aid is that it’s a meaningless PR gesture, then does PR medicine not heal? Dose PR food not nourish?

Please help me understand why delivering food and medicine to Gaza is bad.


I normally don’t encourage clicking on someone’s post history, but this jackass is something special.

yesman, (edited )

The reason Dwyer shot himself is that he was facing prison time for a corruption scheme and if he died while still in office, his family got full benefits. Oh, and it turned out he was innocent.

Edit: sorry, turns out I was spreading disinformation. I read the Wikipedia article and it turns out the evidence against Dwyer was pretty solid. Thanks u/TopRamenBinLaden for setting me straight.


Cable news’ job is to sell advertising. Nelson is the judge of how well their doing.

This is what’s so frustrating about neolibs like Jon. They think a call to honor, or perhaps some light regulation can reform capitalism. And even sillier, they imagine that a responsible cable news would somehow lead to an informed electorate.

This is an old schtick for Stuart. Fox News is crazy and CNN is stupid. Both sides, you guys. Please don’t look at the incentive structure behind the curtain.


And my adult children don’t speak to me.


Somebody read the pamphlet from Central Park.


You value human rights so much you’d strip them from certain people?

You have become the very thing you swore to destroy.


It’s not fair to say that Zionist lobby controls US policy. There are plenty of examples when US interests conflicted with Israel and the US crossed it’s ally. (Suez Canal crisis, arms sales to SArabia, Iran nuke deal)

The problem is that the US has no interest in the Palestinian cause. There’s no political or strategic advantage to a free and sovereign Palestine. This has started to change recently with younger Democratic voters demanding a policy change. And we’ve seen direct policy shifts after the Michigan and Wisconsin primary protests. If there is a political cost to supporting the occupation, American presidents will change.

Lastly, I don’t think it’s accurate to assume that Jewish contributors to the Democratic party are necessarily Zionist. Even the article you site gives many domestic reasons why an American Jew would favor the Democrats.


I can’t understand the reasoning. If you think abortion is murder, how can it be pro-life to say “don’t worry, your murder is just a short bus-ride away”. And if you’re pro-choice, how can it be acceptable to say “don’t worry, your rights are just a short bus ride away”.

It’s like the statement was engineered to aggravate pro-choice and pro-life.


It’s ironic because denying that Satan has followers would be considered blasphemy in many Christian denominations.


OJ spent more time in Al Cowling’s Bronco than Liz did at No10.


The mistake is not in painting rural politics as racist, it’s in inferring that suburban and urban politics are not. This goes all the way back to the founding. Northern and urban whites need the redneck Klansman (and his slaver great-granddad) to feel better about their own stake in maintaining a permanent racial underclass.

From the “Great Migration”, Northern and Western States created a patchwork of policy that officially and informally enforced racial segregation that the Confederate States could only envy. That segregation persists to this day. Notice how integration in blue States required “forced bussing” implying the literal distance between races.

The whole reason suburbs exist was a government largess in cheap loans for houses connected to the city by interstate highways. Minorities and women were excluded from the loans while the interstates plowed great polluted holes in the neighborhoods where they could live. This period of “white flight” cemented the idea that cities were the locus of crime, disorder, and filth. The privileged could maintain connection to urban economies while living (and paying taxes) in “the country”. (it also married us forever to car culture)

In America, geography is race.


When you daily-carry, the weapon becomes just like a key-ring, phone, or wallet. Why do you think so many people bring their gun to the airport? Because they fucking forgot they had the thing.

Expecting someone to be ever-vigilant and ever-responsible is not the product of critical thinking.

Trump’s Brain Is Not Okay (

While for many it’s obvious how serious Trump’s declining mental capacity has become, for too many Americans that reality has not yet broken through. The media continues to treat Trump like a normal candidate; many Americans have baked Trump’s bizarre behavior into their perceptions of him; and many take right-wing lies...


The problem with Abbot isn’t his legs.


There is no such thing as a non-Jewish Israeli citizens. Can an Arab “citizen” buy land anywhere they wish? Can an Arab “citizen” repatriate refugee relatives? Can an Arab “citizen” commemorate the Nakba free of government discrimination? Can a political party that advocates equal rights for Arabs seat members in the Knesset?

You don’t get to celebrate diversity in an Apartheid State.


How you define Jewish is irrelevant. They are the only people with full Israeli citizenship. Israel has racist laws, discriminatory policy, and separate services, like schools. A non-Jew has fewer rights in Israel. You can obfuscate, but you can’t argue.


If you want to make seeping, bold, and wrong predictions about the future based on incomplete knowledge of the past, you should try economics.


The thing to know about nihilism is that it doesn’t matter that it doesn’t matter.


Ya know who’s a modern day Nelson Mandela? Nelson Mandela. Trump was about 44yo when Mandela was released from prison (1990).

Mandela was convicted of attempting to overthrow the government, so I hope he and Donald have that in common soon.


This is one of those articles that’s dishonest enough to state a rumor as fact, but honest enough to provide the weak evidence for these claims in the body.

You would expect some kind of weasel words like “claims source”, but nope. They back up the claim that an Iranian general was the “Architect” of Oct7 with the fact that official Iranian sources praised his work with Iran proxies in their statement about his death. What would be extraordinary is if an Iranian General didn’t have dealings with that countries proxies.

Iran may well have had advanced knowledge of the attack, or direct involvement. To believe that though, we need evidence. This ain’t that.


Palestine is a land dispute. Old as time. The doctrines that allow religious people to lay claim to this or that are not universal to either faith. There are anti-Zionist ultra-orthodox Jews for example. As for the Arabs, most of their claims are about national and civil rights. Their claims to religious sites and practices on balance, have been respected while other rights were denied.

Framing this as a conflict between Jews and Muslims serves only to muddy the water, inflame prejudice, and add artificial complexity. The ground truth of the conflict wouldn’t change an iota if everyone “from the river to the sea” suddenly lost their faith.

The Palestinian people have been colonized since the fall of the Ottoman Empire. As Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia clawed some kind of self determination from Europe, Palestinians were kept under the boot. First by England who supported the Zionist project (while strictly limiting Jewish refugees and immigrants herself) Then by the ascendant Zionists themselves. The lines drawn and the issues at stake have as more to do with Sykes and Picot than it does with Issac and Ishmael. More Balfour than God.

Zionism isn’t essentially Jewish any more than Manifest Destiny was essentially Protestant. Resistance to colonization isn’t essentially Muslim any more than it was essentially Comanche.


This is not ironic or hypocritical. Ben-Gurion simply came from a time where colonization wasn’t a dirty word. Why wouldn’t Zionists speak speak the plain truth?

England, America, and even Nazi Germany supported Zionism as antisemitic policy to keep Jews from immigrating and encourage their Jewish citizens to leave. That’s the real hypocrisy.


This is the pattern for conservatives. For years, they’ll rail against left ideologies until they realize how effective the arguments are, then adopt those same arguments for their own purposes.

Reverse racism is the classic example. But my favorite is how MRA bros have completely co-opted the language of feminism and gender criticism. Some of those bros sound just like Judith Butler, except from the parallel reality where everyone has a goatee and is evil.

The way to combat this nonsense is to use their own bullshit against them. Object to lesson plans surrounding the American War for Independence by saying that students of English descent may feel uncomfortable.

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