Arcity, avatar

Gay chicken orgies?


use libredirect (browser) or newpipe (android) for deshittified youtube experience


Or for android

uriel238, avatar

So when one of them is voted off, does a screen plate report the exiled contestant is gay? Because if they’re all typical straights and the comedy is based on them being at least a bit homophobic.

This reminds me of classic USMC gay chicken, which seems to be a conspiracy to turn all our fresh trained marines totally gay questioning.

Zuberi, avatar

…but 20 dollars is 20 dollars


So it’s gay Werewolf?

zarkanian, avatar

I saw that movie.

AVincentInSpace, (edited )

which movie is that? The Fandom (2020)?


There is a YouTube series “Odd One Out” by Jubilee with that premise, not necessarily gay but other social groups as well. In one episode, there really were only Odds and no one how was what they pretended all to be


Started watching it based on your comment. It’s mid, but good enough to watch and can be funny. I am hoping it picks up a bit though.

SternburgExport, (edited )

I would be voted out so fucking quick and I‘m proud of it.

Edit: Oh fuck my dumbass misread this and thought gay people would be voted out


Weird thing to brag about.


Big “I’m not gay! I’m not gay!” Energy lmao


Who do you feel the need to convince of this? Yourself? Lol


Big “I’m gay I’m gay!” energy in that edit

MeepsTheBard, avatar

The more time that passes between each repost is more time for the premise to be less “2005 dude-bros can’t fathom being unmasculine for a second” and more “when did Troye Sivan write this?”



MeepsTheBard, avatar

Cute twink who makes thirsty songs. Peep the video for “Rush” by him if you want to get an idea for how his vision of this show would go.


I feel like it would work better as a show with like 5 gay men. That way you get reaction shots of gay men judging straight men trying to act gay, and things actually progress romantically. I feel like anyone who thinks they are the one straight guy might just act like a sexually conservative gay man, the pressure will be on when people start talking about things getting more sexual.


If all the men are straight, the game will end after one week no matter who gets voted out (and everybody except the one guy who’s worst at acting gay gets $1M).

I guess that’s not a problem, as long as the folks making it are okay with it being a one-off special and not a series.


No, it ends when you’re down to two people. That’s ten people who have to be voted off, so ten weeks of TV.

Then you reveal the premise to the last two guys, and tell them that they have to roshambo for the prize money.


Nah, let them play a game of chicken.

The one doing the most gay thing wins. See how far both of them would go.


Suddenly it just becomes "who'll make a gay porno for 7 figures?"

The answer is everyone.


Perfect, 12/10, no notes.


Once a week someone gets outvoted, until 2 are left, or the straight man is out

(emphasis added)

If they’re all straight, then the straight man is necessarily voted out the first week.


I’m only getting into semantics because you are - that statement is singular and definite, therefore it can only be taken to have one of two meanings:

A) a given straight man is selected at the start, and once he is voted out it ends.

B) it ends once the final straight man is voted out, as at that point he would be the straight man. This can never occur as he would win by being the only one remaining, so there would be no vote for him to vote himself out.

If they’re all straight without a single selection at the start, then there is not a definite straight man, and even if there is one selected at the start there’s only a 1/12 chance he gets voted out first.


I mean, dude, obviously that’s just the version of the rules that you’re giving to the competitors.


That’s just the cover story to tell the contestants. The real game is seeing a bunch of straight guys pretending to be gay. Probably poorly.

SubArcticTundra, avatar

This would be a nightmare because I have no idea what the signals look like.


What signals?

Fudoshin, avatar

Maybe the ones that ping on “gaydar”?


Gaydar is a 1312 kHz signal.the encryption is specified in ISO: 11919

riwo, avatar

well fuck because i’m not going to pay to find out what iso 11919 entails


Had a girl one time tell me she has perfect gaydar. Asked her if I was and without skipping a beat she said “yeah you are”…. Spoiler: I’m not.




Luckily she was just a friend of mine who was already married. But her look when I said that I’m not was priceless.

alx, avatar

Spoiler: you in fact are


Are you swinging clockwise or counter clockwise?


The show would be very revealing as we’d learn what 12 men think the signals look like!

SubArcticTundra, avatar

Or rather the opposite of the signals look like


Do it with girls and I’d watch it


Do a gay show and a lesbian show. I’ll watch both



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  • miss_brainfarts,

    A tip for (more or less) cleaning up jpeg artifacts:

    Selective Gaussian Blur


    I was in a Glam/prog rock fusion band called Selective Gaussian Blur. We were positively atrocious.


    Now that truly is a band name right there


    At least you weren’t negatively atrocious. That would be bad.


    We did have SOME standards, after all!

    rustydomino, avatar

    Isn’t part of the charm of memes the shitty compression artifacts?


    It is a metric to judge the age of the meme by.

    Internet historians love em!


    Memes should be stored in vector format rather than compressed pixels 🙈


    But what about photo based memes?


    They should be stored in hard copy in a safe deposit box on the outskirts of Mumbai.


    Also vectors


    Vectors are funny, aren’t they? The whole concept is just 🎶 where did you come from, where did you go? 🎵


    Yes :3


    I wonder, is there and algorithm to check how many times an image was reposted solely based on the artifacts? 🤔


    As a connoisseur of technology, the rationale behind this phenomenon resides in the fact that the aforementioned image was captured precisely seven hours subsequent to the creation of the post. Consequently, the temporal emphasis predominantly lies upon the image itself, thereby insinuating that said image has existed in the digital realm for a duration exceeding ten years. This engenders an optical fallacy wherein the image appears to have traversed the vast expanse of time in a mere flicker of moments.


    What if there are zero straight men at the end?


    You both win an all-expenses-paid romantic getaway with your new soul mate/fellow contestant.

    fossilesque, avatar
    SubArcticTundra, avatar

    This is brilliant.

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