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More importantly, why is the gay room so small? You can barely get any gay in there.


It’s specifically affecting people in certain areas of NB. Far more likely the cause is tied back to Irving in some way.


I’ll settle for fines being substantially bigger than the profit obtained from the crime.

Embracer rolls out new AI policy to 'massively enhance game development' | Game Developer (www.gamedeveloper.com)

Article textNewly-restructured Swedish conglomerate, Embracer Group, will leverage AI models to bolster game production. As noted in Embracer’s annual report, the company has adopted a new AI policy package it claims has the capability to “massively enhance” its production process by “increasing resource efficiency,...


Embracer, functionally speaking, have zero understanding of how game dev works. The whole thing is just a massive investment fund. Basically a bunch of rich assholes who bought up every small developer they could get their hands on and then tried to MBA all the numbers up by cutting headcounts and doing other useless metrics driven bullshit. Then when this failed to produce meteoric returns on investment they all went surprised pikachu face.


What the fuck are you on about? They’re talking about using AI to replace the incredibly talented human labour at studios they own. Y’know, like the people who made Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic, Satisfactory, the new Tomb Raider titles, Metro Exodus…

Embracer are shit, but what makes them shit is that they’re fucking murdering a lot of genuinely talented studios that produce great work.


Listen, if AI was replacing executives instead of hardworking creative types, I’d be all for it.

Christ, with how limited the brainpower of your average c-suite is, you wouldn’t need “AI”. I could probably replace most of them with an excel spreadsheet.


What in the actual fuck are you on about?


In order to buy out Paradox, EA would have to make an offer for their entire existing share float, which would then have to be accepted by the shareholders. This means that they would almost certainly sell their stock at over market value (because why would they accept less?).

From their point of view, this would be a good thing. So why then would the shareholders allow this project to be cancelled if it was about to net them a huge payout, according to your theory?


To play a card in M:TG it must have either the Land type, a mana cost, or some other means of casting it explicitly described in the card text.

Since this spell only puts the card in your hand, congratulations, you now have a useless card that you can’t cast.


Two problems:

  1. Solemn Wishes doesn’t have a mana cost, so it can’t be cast. Cards without costs aren’t free in Magic, they’re actually uncastable by normal means.
  2. LP isn’t health in Magic. It’s called Life. So yeah, you’d gain 500 LP, which would be some kind of spendable currency like energy, but you’d have nothing to spend it on, and it wouldn’t do anything to your life total.

Yes, I am really fun at parties.


Thing is, Pot of Greed doesn’t even come close to the kind of card draw you can get in MTG. Try Necropotence on for size.


You can only have four of any card in most Magic formats. So even with perfect draws, you’re only getting four pieces of Exodia, without retrieving this from a graveyard. Theoretically doable, but in Magic any deck that relied on playing the same card five times would be a genuinely terrible deck.


In Magic, if a card doesn’t have a mana cost, it cannot be cast by normal means. Since you only get add the outside card to your hand, not put it into play, you now have absolutely no way of playing it. That 1000/1000 is stuck in your hand.


If it was actually priced at 0 mana, yes, it would be an unbelievably strong card. It only puts you up 1 in terms of card advantage, but it cycles your deck quickly which is very powerful. Basically a better Gitaxian Probe, minus the hand information. If a card like that existed in Magic, it would be an auto-include in every deck. OTOH if I’m casting a spell to tutor up a card from outside my deck, +1 card advantage is the last thing I’m hunting for at that point. Griselbrand let’s me draw seven any time I like as long as I have the life for it. Necropotence or Yawgmoth’s Bargain let me draw basically my entire deck under the right circumstances. If I’m looking to storm off or something, that’s the kind of card draw I need.


Cascade would require the card to go into your deck, not your hand. More likely you’d have to get into your graveyard using something like dredge or One With Nothing, and then use some kind of resurrection spell to put it in play. But then you’d have to deal with the fact that most resurrection spells target a specific type, like “creature”.


It’s always fun when you get to actually see someone become one of today’s lucky 10,000.


The charges were dropped for lack of evidence.


Curious as to why?


Yes, it doesn’t prove anything. I never claimed it did. A lack of conviction is not proof of innocence, just as an accusation is not proof of guilt. Do with the information whatever you wish.


I think you’re welcome to look at the available evidence and come to whatever conclusion you come to. I’m not telling you or anyone else how to feel about this.


Ron. Ron, my guy. Do you know how much weed costs? Like hell am I bringing enough for the whole damn school, those little fuckers can buy their own.


Fellas, is it gay to think women are hot?


The point he’s making is that we need to be saying “Hell no”, because there’s no version of letting them come after one minority that doesn’t eventually fuck us all. We all know how the poem goes. We’re grown-ass adults with the benefit of knowing history, we should be able to stand up and refuse to let anyone be the target of the right.

The fact that some people seemingly can’t manage even that is damning.


Are you kidding? Healers are the ultimate in big dom(me) energy. We hold all the power. You will beg us on your knees for just a taste. What’s that baby? You got yourself all beat up and now you need some hit points do you? Just a few little hit points to keep you going? You little slut. You little hp whore. Say you want it slut. Say you want that healing so bad. Say you’ll do anything for it.

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Voroxpete, (edited )

Buddy, oh buddy.

The power bottom is the DPS.

No, you know what, scratch that.

DPS are bratty subs.

They act all tough, they push your buttons, but they know they want that healing so bad. Thirsty little bitches.


To be fair, a lot of GOG games are already for CPUs and OS’s that don’t exist. Like, a significant amount of their library was meant to run in DOS on a 486. They’re pretty fucking good at making that not be a problem.

How is everyone handling the 2FA requirement for GitHub? (docs.github.com)

Just wondering what people are using to meet the 2FA requirement GitHub has been rolling out. I don’t love the idea of having an authenticator app installed on my phone just to log into GitHub. And really don’t want to give them my phone number just to log in....


That seems like it defeats the “2” part of 2FA. If your password manager is compromised the attackers now how complete access.


That’s still a single point of failure. What happens if someone finds an exploit that bypasses the login process entirely?


I love 1Password, they’re great (I personally use Bitwarden for my passwords, but would happily recommend either of them). But by putting both your authenticator codes and your passwords in the same place, you now have a single point of failure. What happens if someone finds an exploit in 1Password that gives them access to your account? The whole point of 2FA is to not have a single point of failure.


This is why concepts like UBI would be so transformative to society.

Imagine a world where no one had to choose between creating and surviving. Where writers and artists and coders and musicians could just make beautiful things and give them to the world for nothing.



Voroxpete, (edited )

My wife is in the CAF, and when she heard about Sunak proposing this brain dead idea from our family in the UK, her first reaction was that nothing would fill her with more dread than the idea of working alongside a group of people who absolutely do not want to be there.

The idea that you could even get a draftee through the modern CAF’s training processes is laughable. I don’t think the average person has the slightest clue what it takes to be something like an Infanteer. The course has a 60% injury rate… As in 60% of each platoon will be injured badly enough that they’re taken off course and have to retry. It took my wife two attempts, and that was doing well. Some people at Meaford were on their fifth or sixth. She’s still waiting to find out if she has permanent nerve damage in her toe from one of the defensive exercises where she spent eight hours in manning a machine gun nest at night, lying in a puddle of water, in sub zero temperatures.

The nightmare they put you through on DP-1 is designed to weed out anyone who does not absolutely want to be there with a passion verging on insanity. Nothing is more important than knowing, with absolutely certainty, that the people standing next to you are just as dedicated as you are. That you can depend on them to stand with you, fight with you, and drag your ass out of there if things go really bad.

And we already know how to fix our recruitment; it’s the onboarding process. They recently opened up eligibility to people on PRs, and they got enough qualified applicants to completely fill our manpower shortfall. A year later all of them were still waiting for their security check and medical, and most had dropped out of the process because they couldn’t keep waiting. That’s why we have a recruitment crisis. People want to serve, but no one can wait a year to hear back from a job interview.

Well, that and the fact that members literally can’t afford housing next to the bases they’re assigned to because military housing is desparately underfunded and the civilian housing market is an investment portfolio for the rich.

Canadian Home Prices "Need" To Be High To Pay For Retirements: PM - Better Dwelling (betterdwelling.com)

Canadian real estate prices have surged in almost every market, with a typical home price doubling in many regions. A median household in major cities like Toronto and Vancouver would need to save over 20 years for just the down payment, more than 3x the historic average. Seems absurd? The outlandish scenario was apparently a...


Or maybe, just a crazy idea, the government could provide for people’s basic needs so that no one has to worry about dying alone on the streets when they’re too old or infirm to usefully participate in the endless meatgrinder of capitalism.

State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid (www.middleeasteye.net)

A career State Department official resigned from her post on Tuesday, saying she could no longer work for the Biden administration after it released a report concluding that Israel was not preventing the flow of aid to Gaza....


Voting is when you get to choose your opponent. Would you rather oppose the Democrats, who are clearly at least somewhat divided on the subject of Palestine, or the Republicans, whose only division is between “Bomb them” and “Nuke them”?

You’re not endorsing a government by voting for it. You’re just arranging the playing field in the way that is most tactically advantageous to you.


One of the biggest reasons is because cattle growers (especially in North America) feed their cows corn instead of grass or other things that cows actually evolved to eat. They do this because long standing US government subsidies on corn production mean that it can be sold for less than the cost of production; the farms are literally paid to grow it. This is also why high fructose corn syrup is in everything you eat. The corn makes the cattle sick, so the farms pump them full of antibiotics, because that’s cheaper than just feeding them properly.


So, there’s a few reasons why everyone wants you to go in blind:

  1. It’s a puzzle game and a mystery, and one where knowledge is everything. Technically you seem complete the whole game in 5 minutes if you know how. In practice, it’s hours of discovery as you slowly piece together an absolutely breathtaking mystery (there’s literally a “conspiracy board with polaroids and string” on your ship that you can consult as you start to piece things together). That sense of discovery and wonder is everything, and we’re trying to preserve as much of it for you as possible.
  2. There’s an absolutely brilliant twist about half an hour in that will leave your jaw on the floor.
  3. The ending is incredible. Real top tier “best endings in video games” kind of material.
  4. The whole game is just full of really really cool “WOW” moments as you discover new things and just lose your mind over them.

But I get it, you want a little more than that. Here’s the non-spoilery version:

Its a puzzle game that deftly avoids presenting you with “Solve this Sudoku” style puzzles. You’re not doing an IQ test, you’re solving a vast mystery that reaches across space and back into the past. You’re an archaeologist, unearthing the ruins of a dead civilisation. You’re an explorer (most of the puzzles are about navigation; figuring out how to get into or out of places) diving deep into the unknown.

On a more practical level, it’s a game about flying around a tiny but surprisingly well simulated star system in a little tin can space ship, landing wherever you want, and exploring whatever you want, as you try to solve a mystery that threatens your whole civilisation.

It’s a game of cosmic wonder. If you’ve ever felt awestruck by the idea of things like black holes, wormholes, four dimensional space, megastructures in space and so on, this game has it all and more. It’s cute and fun on the surface, but really it’s 2001 and Solaris and Interstellar, just slamming you with the sheer majesty of space.

And it’s just full of heart. It’s a game about life and community and the beauty of building great things together.

Now the more spoilery stuff. Let’s talk about that big twist that happens early on. This doesn’t give much else away, but it does slightly lessen the impact of one really cool moment.

SpoilerAbout half an hour into your first exploration of the solar system, the sun goes supernova. It is terrifying, and awe inspiring. And you die. And wake up again, 22 minutes in the past. That’s the game; it’s a time loop. It’s groundhog day but instead of I’ve Got You Babe it’s the fucking sun exploding. So now you have to repeat the loop, over and over, trying to piece together an answer to why the sun is blowing up, and how you can stop it, and perhaps how it all ties into a dead alien civilisation and their quest for something called The Eye of The Universe.

That should be enough to give you some idea of why people are so hype about this game. It doesn’t even come close to covering some of the truly wild discoveries you’ll make along the way, or indeed the truly heartbreaking emotional gut punches the game will deliver.

It’s one of the best games ever made. I cannot recommend it enough.


Fuck me, the DLC got dark. Like, really fucking dark.

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden (www.theguardian.com)

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....


That’s not just America. The whole world is addicted to a school of economics that “models” reality without ever actually studying it.

Most economists basically operate in a world of frictionless spherical cows moving in an infinite vacuum, and then from this try to infer useful data about the expected price of milk.


For the record, I’m pretty sure I’m paraphrasing Cory Doctorow here.


“Retailers say organized crime is to blame.”

It’s not, but they’ll say it is.


There is nothing unfortunate about this.



Less lethal. The correct term is less lethal. There’s no such thing as a nonlethal weapon. Pepper spray and tazers can be lethal under the right circumstances. “Rubber bullets” are rubber coated 25mm rounds that have been deemed sufficiently safe when bounced off of the pavement into a person’s legs (and even then can cause serious injuries); they’re not remotely safe when fired directly at a person’s head, which is what cops often do with them.

Whenever you hear the word “nonlethal” used to describe a weapon, always remember it is only ever “less lethal.”


Yeah, there was zero miscommunication here. They got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and now they’re trying to bullshit their way out.



Weird way to spell “people who aren’t totally cool with genocide”, but OK


You’re offering a hypothetical where AI art can actually reproduce all of the capabilities of human art. Not just broad aesthetics, but emotion, intentionality, subtext, use of imagery, understanding of the human soul…

Is that ever going to be truly possible? Maybe if we create real, true AI. Something that’s actually sentient.

But putting that aside, if we accept your premise, then sure, I doubt anyone would care. Then again, once an AI is able to create truly human art, what would be the difference between an AI and a human?

AI is fucking cool. The idea of living in a fully automated post scarcity future where advanced learning machines take away all of the need for manual or intellectual labour sounds amazing. But the goal should be to make a world where humans are freed from drudgery and given more time to create and appreciate art and beauty. Instead we’re creating a world where humans toil away our lives while searching for brief sparks of joy in mass produced, corporate owned art that barely qualifies as art. Seems kind of fucked to me.

Instead of asking how far we can go in terms of automating away our ability to create beautiful things, shouldn’t we be asking how far we can go in terms of automating away the barriers to people creating beautiful things?

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