
5, 8, and 9.

1 is entirely useless to me, so is 7 because water is my favorite drink. I do not wish to become a girl so 2 is also out of the question. 5 is useless, because it’s just a tautology. EDIT: I read that wrong (as “people who find you attractive find you attractive”), oops. 4 is only marginally useful, and 3 and 6 could be good but pales in comparison to the rest.

8 is basically a superpower that nobody else has.

9 would give me so much more time to do the things I like doing.

After rereading 5, it’s the best one out of the bunch. I cannot find any romance in my life, and this would get me 99% of the way to fixing this problem.


8 does not say cats will want to talk with you. Hell, cats could already be able to talk to us but chose not to.


I think you lose having 7 if you don’t lick it cuz I’d say the same making 7 and 9 my choice and no interest in any of the rest. But if can get my hands on Yerba Mate & Meth/Addies then the whole note is useless like 7.

Hell, at the crack, if we get a choice on what the pill actually is, I’ll take 4-MMC>Meth easily.


Honestly, cyan, blue and black combined seems like superpowers. Lemme explain:

Most important is not needing sleep, which gets you access to $20, leaves you time to become a master pizza chef and frees your schedule to get rid of those pesky hairs, and when you’re done, you can just make yourself your favourite drink. Having access to estrogen solves all kinds of problems, and the main issue left over is finding love, with which the blue pill can surely help.

The only thing you’d be missing out on is the ears and tail and talking to cats. Which is actually kinda big to miss out on… yeah screw the rules, I’m taking all of them!

Fhraze, avatar

red, yellow, black.


No need for sleep = [a lot more] remaining useful lifetime!


You don’t have to, doesn’t mean you won’t want to…


Xlnt point! But sleep because it feels good seems better than dying otherwise!


But people rarely get to the point of deprivation insanity, let alone death.

Go without sleep for 48 hours for no other reason than an experiment. I guarantee you will sleep the third day, even though you technically don’t need to.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

Clarification on the blue pill: Will I be able to tell that someone is attracted to me? Or will that still be a mystery?


Well, you know it when you find them attractive. The only blank spots are when you’re not attracted to them and why bother with those people (/s).

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

That wouldn’t work for me, though. If I know the only reason they’re attracted to me is because I’m attracted to them it won’t be genuine, and then I wouldn’t be attracted to them anymore.

It’s why I don’t like strip clubs and wouldn’t hire a sex worker.

RIP_Cheems, avatar

Well obviously the last 3.

BioDriver, avatar

Brown, purple, and black. We unstoppable.


Pink pill makes water taste like water


Black, blue, and purple. It’s not even close.


So you could become a hairless cat with $20.


Not needing to sleep is a no brainer, the middle one honestly I do admit I would take it :x


Yellow is pretty terrible, people don’t look very good without eyebrows.


Just draw them on!


What are looks compared to the thrill of competitive swimming?


Black and Blue are OP everyone should take them.

I pick the water thing (pink) but totally get if you want to talk to cats or have a tail or whatever.


Why is $20 even in consideration with the not needing sleep pill. Hell I’d probably choose the not need sleep pill over $20 million. It’s effectivity massively increasing your lifespan, but without making you outlive everyone you know


Bro, sleeping is like a free sample of death every night, why would you give that up? With that $20 I can buy like 3 gallons of gas!


The pill doesnt stop you from sleeping just makes it so you dont have to


But when it’s phrased as having to sleep, you could be dealing with a monkey paw situation.


That’s exactly how I read it. You don’t have to… but you will want to, and be tired as fuck if you don’t.

Mr_Mofu, avatar

Ima only need red. Fluffy Tails for life!

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