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BlinkerFluid, in Impressions: Starfield’s sheer scale is already giving me vertigo

I just… man, this isn’t my first rodeo with Bethesda, or the 25-year-old game engine they’re still using.

If there’s more than one major town and five different things to do, I’ll be surprised.

Madison_rogue, avatar

No doubt...

Are we going to get 25,000 planets with repeating assets and only one town? I'll have to take your word for it, I don't have a platform to play it.


Maybe the planets are more like asteroids, just as Skyrim’s cities are more like neighborhoods. ;)


25,000 planets, but only 10 faces and 5 voices shared among all the inhabitants of the universe.


“Is that Patrick Stewart?”

“Yes, and so is he, and him, and that guy, and that dude, and those guys, and that lady…”


Yep same. I’ll wait till I read reviews from gamers I can trust if it’s worth playing.

I really hope it is.


I enjoyed them through Oblivion, then Skyrim gives us generic fantasy land with generic fantasy lads and watered down gameplay…

… Then nobody shut the fuck up about it for 12 years. 🙄

alternative_factor, avatar

As someone who started with Morrowind, I prefer Skyrim over Oblivion. The Oblivion setting is better but the scaling just made it SUCH a slog.
However, I hated Fallout 3 and didn't even bother with 4 so I agree bethesda games have become less interesting over time.


It doesn't use the old engine.

Tarte, avatar

Unreal Engine is a 25-year-old game engine, too.


One’s a company’s pride and joy and the other is a crutch because they don’t want to spend the money to move forward. Good comparison of a bad example.

*Apparently they actually modified Creation for this game. Color me surprised.

xNIBx, in Epic is now offering 100% of the revenue to exclusive games for the first 6 months, up from 88%

Exclusives are a cancer. At least if you made them, i could somewhat understand. But paying third party developers to not sell their game on certain platforms is stupid.

technologicalcaveman, in Cities Skylines 2 has realistic economy, layoffs and even homelessness

I'm interested, just don't want to eventually spend 2k on dlc. To get the entirety of the first it's 377$ with a 9% discount. Which is a bit insane.

ampersandrew, avatar

What if you only bought the expansions that speak to you though? I don't need the content creator pack or the K pop radio station, but I did want Green Cities and Mass Transit, for instance.


I'd rather that basics be part of the game from the start. Mass transit should have been there to begin with. Looking at a lot of these dlc it seems like they should've been there by default.

Shalakushka, avatar

That's literally what they're doing with CS2.

ampersandrew, avatar

So then what if you waited until it had all of the features that you consider necessary and then buy those on a sale? You're a far cry from $2k spent in either case.


I shouldn't have to spend anything extra for basics. It should be there already. So I'll just not pay anything and pirate it if their monetization scheme is going to be this fucked.

ampersandrew, avatar

Who determines what's a basic and what's expanded content then? You know what's in it when it comes out, and you can buy it at that price or not. If they do extra work, it makes sense to sell it as an add-on. If you were happy with it before they added night clubs or weather features, were they really that essential to be included in the base package? If you weren't happy with it before they added those things, wait until they add those things. They sell a good product at a fair price, and they're forthcoming about what's in it. They don't try to keep you hooked with weird psychological tricks or gambling mechanics. Nothing about this is fucked.

Veraxus, avatar

I used to be perfectly happy with Paradox's "slew of DLC" business model... until they raised their prices.

Before that, I would buy everything as soon as it dropped. No biggie. Now I only buy DLC when it eventually gets those deep discount sales. I'm open to their experimental "subscription" & "seasonal bundle" models, though... so long as they include everything and they don't get cute with exclusions.


Please, no more subscriptions. Let me own the content I purchase, as much as anyone ever owns digital content at least.

gerryflap, avatar

Just because the DLC exists doesn’t mean you need it. I bought the original Cities Skylines, haven’t bought any DLC, but still had a great time. It looks like this time around they’ll also include more features from DLC into the base game. Evaluate the game based on what it is. Is it worth the money? Then buy it. Is it not worth the money, then don’t.

ono, in Nintendo has filed over 30 Tears of the Kingdom patents, registering things you wouldn't even notice in the game

Here’s the original article:

Sounds like Nintendo wants to go on a litigation spree.

A related patent defines a mechanic that prevents Link from grabbing an object he is on top of using Ultrahand, which also seems rather intuitive. The patent does, however, go into details such as the mechanic also blocking Link from using Ultrahand on objects which have been joined to an object he is on top of.

The word “obvious” comes to mind.

“a game processing method capable of enriching game presentation during a waiting period in which at least part of the game processing is interrupted” and consists of filling up the loading period that ensues after the user inputs their fast travel destination with a sequence in which an image of the starting point’s map transitions into a map of the destination. After this sequence, the character is placed into the virtual space of the destination.

So, that thing films have been doing for decades?

I hope the patent examiners have some sense in their heads when considering these.


I will say that map loading screen thing is obvious but I've never seen it before in a video game and it was a small detail I really loved.


Yes, it’s nice.

Thankfully, we can appreciate things that are obvious or aren’t novel without granting a society-funded monopoly on them. In fact, both those criteria generally disqualify them from patent, for good reason.


Good point. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely not in support of them getting a patent for it, and I'm against patents in general. I'm just saying I loved it more than I expected, and want to see it more.

Cyv_, in The next Battlefield will ‘reimagine’ the series as a ‘truly connected ecosystem’ avatar

They already lost to battlebit remastered. They need rock solid basics not the latest corpo buzzword bullshit.


exactly, they are here trying to come up with a new language when the book is already written

Midnitte, avatar

BattleBit Remastered is just so good

squidsarefriends, in Anita Sarkeesian is shutting down Feminist Frequency after 15 years

Her videos about women in video games were mind-blowing. And I never forgot her Lego City vs. Lego Friends comparison. Smurfette-syndrome and damsel distress are words I didn‘t know before watching this channel.

Contramuffin, in The Witcher producer blames Americans and social media for Netflix series' simplified plot

Sounds like sour grapes and rationalization. The producer states that his complicated projects failed. If all of your complicated projects failed, then it may be that you struggle with making complicated projects, not that Americans don’t like complicated projects.

Plus, it sounds like he disproves his own point without realizing it. He simplified the Witcher and it still isn’t doing well. Isn’t that an indicator that maybe plot complexity isn’t as strong of a predictor of audience engagement as he thinks?


And yet Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are both in the same fantasy genre with complex storylines and they did great in the US.

fossilesque, in The Witcher producer blames Americans and social media for Netflix series' simplified plot avatar

You know that meme where the guy riding the bike sticks a crowbar in the tire? Yeah…




Heyyy. I’d really appreciate that as an image of a notice. If you’re able to go ahead and get that on my desk soon, that would be greaaat

fossilesque, avatar

A hearty chuckle was given.

unreachable, avatar
StarServal, in PlayStation 5 Pro ‘Project Trinity’ Details And Release Date avatar

A pro model is not needed.

ampersandrew, avatar

It's needed to justify price hikes as components became more expensive due to inflation.

Poopfeast420, avatar

The price already increased, and justified it with rising component prices, so why not do it again?

ampersandrew, avatar

Because it's an easier pill to swallow, given how unpopular that last hike was.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

The price hike happened after they reduced the amount of metals used so production costs went down and after they dropped the weight so much that shipping costs also dropped. They just wanted more money after seeing how much the scalpers were getting.

Roundcat, in Ubisoft thinks it's okay to delete your games library now apparently avatar

I'm starting to feel better about boycotting them after the unaddressed sexual abuse cases.

Kichae, (edited )

What are you talking about? They totally addressed that. Someone from HR even stepped down! /s

I used to work in a small Ubisoft studio, and while I was there one of the managers investigated an employee for sexual harassment. He took it super serious, and, as far as I can tell, did everything right. Then he took the case to HR and... Left the company about 6 weeks later.

The sexual harasser also left, eventually, but I think the order of things tells a story.

rikudou, in Ubisoft thinks it's okay to delete your games library now apparently

Can’t they at least pretend they don’t see users just as money making machines?


Ubisoft be like "We have forced you into our own half-baked launcher, but no one said we'd be willing to bear the consequences and put up money to maintain our database, okay?! The squarespace mysql package for three fiddy has to be performance enough!"

pfaca, avatar

I just stopped buying/playing any games released by ubisoft. They don’t deserve my money or time. Its always the same game with a diferent skin anyway.



exohuman, in 70 percent of gamers avoid certain games because of 'toxic communities', study finds avatar

I like playing paid MMORPGs. When Age of Conan came out I was excited and was really getting into my character and having fun. One day, the game was suddenly swarming with with white supremacists and stayed that way. I remember partying with people who kept trying to recruit me into hate groups while playing. The global chat was full of their dog whistles. I remember folks trying to recruit from everything neo Nazis to Nordic cults.

At one point I made a dark skinned character from the dark skinned race in the game and instead of them yelling about my faction, they hurled insults directed at my character’s race. All the classic insults for blacks and dark skinned Arabs were included. I left that game disappointed. I love sword and sorcery but could not deal with the constant race obsession of the other players.

NotABearJustAHuman, in 70 percent of gamers avoid certain games because of 'toxic communities', study finds avatar

I prefer to play the old school way- in my living room, disconnected from the internet. I'd go back to Sega Genesis and old NES any day.

Sir_Osis_of_Liver, avatar

I'm single player, PVE only, for the past 5-6 years. It just removed a lot of shit I didn't want to deal with when the whole point of playing was supposed to be for fun. That decision was made a lot easier with the stupid levels of monetization and grind being rammed into everything.

Roundcat, avatar

I hear that. It's just a shame some consoles and carts are starting to need service due to their age, especially for handhelds, and retro gaming has gotten more and more unaffordable. Glad I picked up most of my collection when it was cheap.

rafoix, in Court denies FTC’s last-ditch attempt to stop Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard

Microsoft owning Activision Blizzard is like half of the NFL teams being owned by one person. One person that mismanages everything they already have.

Dive, in Official Minecraft wiki editors so furious at Fandom's 'degraded' functionality and popups they're overwhelmingly voting to leave the site

PoE moved away from fandom and created their own fan based site, and it's so much better now

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