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jon, in Overwatch 2 director opens up about having the worst-reviewed game on Steam: 'Being review-bombed isn't a fun experience' avatar

Evidently playing the game isn't a fun experience either, Aaron.

snooggums, avatar

Playing the matches is fun, since it is just Overwatch. Literally the same gameplay as Overwatch, but with 5 per team instead of 6.

In between is an assault of micro transaction manipulation bullshit that ruins the experience. PvE is hidden behind a paywall, except for the free stuff that is a retread of the seasonal PvE from Overwatch. I know this because I gave it some hours to see if it was as bad as people were saying.

People hate it because it was supposed to be an improvement but instead it was just another attempt to bleed the players dry. It might be the only game I have reviewed negatively on steam because the monetization really is that bad that it ruins the whole game.

Andjhostet, in Cities Skylines 2 has realistic economy, layoffs and even homelessness

I hope it isn't locked into a liberalism ideology too much. If I want to make food and housing a human right, workers employed by the state, and/or democratically owned workplaces do I have the option for that?

My utopian city has no landlords or bourgeoisie and I hope I can make that happen.


Why don't you go make a socialist city builder game, then? The means of production are right there for the seizing, my friend, go learn game dev right now.

eltimablo, (edited )

No learn, only seize

Edit: guys I was making a joke. If you're going to seize anything, please learn how it works first.


You mean “workers and resources” ?


Sounds like Topico.


It’s communist, not socialist, but there is the fantastic Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic game made by slovakians as a criticism of the time under the soviet union.

Colossal Order is Finnish though, so I have reasonable confidence they know socialism != communism. It’s more of an interesting twist that they let you try the orphan-crushing option.


The distinction between socialism and communism gets a little silly imo. Some people claim that communism is a stateless society, and that countries like the Soviet Union practiced socialism, which is just a stepping stone towards communism. You seem to be implying the opposite. Either way, there's like a million different things you could call these ideologies (state-socialism, market socialism, democratic-socialism, communism, anarcho-communism, Stalinism, etc)

Ultimately, I just want workers to own the means of production in my city, whatever you want to call that.


Fair enough, I was just consciously avoiding "communist" because, I don't even know. Anything is socialist in American terms and I'm just confused, it seemed like "yur commie" would be slightly too on the nose. Not that I care too much when the context is someone's spamming game threads.


It’s a city building game, stop trying to throw ideology to it.


Do... do you not understand that city design and political and economic ideology are inextricably linked?


Paradox has been very welcoming of modders in CS1, I see no reason why someone wouldn’t be able to make a mod for a socialist-inspired ideology in CS2, although that would be a biggg undertaking


Eh, there's probably some easy workarounds to be "good enough". Subsidized public housing (which I think will be in base game) to ensure zero homelessness, rent control measures, being able to tax the shit out of high income earners and provide subsidies to low income earners, and free/publicly funded public services like healthcare, education, transit (which should be in the base game) and I'll be mostly happy.

Guillotine for billionaires would certainly be fun, but I'll live without it. Having an economy 100% controlled by the state would be a bit too much micromanagement for me so I'm fine with business creation being driven by market needs.

AnarchistArtificer, in Anita Sarkeesian is shutting down Feminist Frequency after 15 years

Oof, the last paragraph hit me hard:

“It gave me space to breathe a little more,” she said. “I remember a moment where I did get harassed, I don’t know what it was, but it was either a Twitter [message] or an email. And [when I saw it], I was like, Oh, that hurts. And then I was like, Wait a minute. That hurts. That’s cool. Being able to feel again, that’s a form of healing.” And by stepping away for a bit, she hopes to keep giving herself more and more space to grow.

I learned a lot from Anita Sarkeesian’s work, and it was a nice thing to see, growing up as a girl who had to justify my existence in the space, despite gaming making up a huge portion of my youth

Ragnell, in The Witcher producer blames Americans and social media for Netflix series' simplified plot avatar

I know everyone thinks I'm a brittle American, but I'm kind of sick of everyone blaming Americans for choices that are made by people who think poorly of Americans.


As a general rule, the people making decisions to simplify things because they think Americans can’t handle a complex source ARE Americans.

Ragnell, avatar

@Windex007 Yeah, but they see themselves as smarter than the rest of the Americans when they are in fact, the bottom percentile.


I understand that.

My point is your original comment said you were sick of people blaming Americans for something that is literally being done by Americans.

The bland media algorithm designed to maximize profits, the “MCU formula”, comes straight from the top. People who see media simply in terms of investment vehicles for thier quarterly shareholders reports are the ones who lay down this law, and those “people” are overwhelmingly American business interests.

Ragnell, avatar

I know what you meant. There is such a thing as self-hatred, or thinking you're the only exceptional member of a group. And there's also such a thing as don't trash the majority with the actions of a small minority, particularly a small minority that thinks they are better than the majority.

My point is that the reason this was dumbed down is that movie execs THINK Americans need that, not that Americans need that. Movie execs just think the average American is dumber than a movie exec.


I’m pretty sick of Americans feeling picked on.

You have an illiteracy rate of like 20%. Make a real public school system and then we’ll talk.

Ragnell, avatar

@masterspace Oh go milk a moose.

Ragnell, avatar

@masterspace All right, so I was interested in the statistic so I looked it up and 20% of Americans are at Level 1 literacy or below according to Wikipedia... which means that actually a lower number than that is functionally illiterate.

And out of curiosity I looked up Canada. 22% Level 1 or below.

Allowing for margin of error, your public school system sucks just as much as ours. So go milk a moose in French.


Being creepy by stalking my past conversations instead of arguing the point at hand, and ironically furthering my point by mistakenly using a study on Canada from 1989.

Our current (2013) sub-level 1 literacy rate is around 4%:…/tbl1.1-eng.htm

No, our public education systems are not equivalent even if that makes you feel bad.

Ragnell, avatar

Stalking your past convos? No. I saw you were from and therefore Canadian. Then I did a search for the 20 percent statistic and of course Wikipedia came up.

I don't feel bad. I know our school system sucks because of a lot of systemic problems. I do think your education is not as great as you think it is if you simplify the 20% statistic to full illiteracy and if you think a random person on kbin needs to set up a new public school system before she can have an opinion.

That's before we unpack the idea that literacy=intelligence, which is not always the case.

I do feel a bit bad about the stalking accusation. I didn't realize the ability to see your server in the automatic kbin reply setup combined with the esoteric knowledge of how to use Duck Duck Go would frighten you, Mr Better Educated Than Me. We can stop if this is too much for your heart. This weather can be tough on the body and I know you guys aren't well-versed in heat safety.


if you think a random person on kbin needs to set up a new public school system before she can have an opinion.

You’re allowed to have an opinion, if your opinion is that you feel like America is picked on for being too dumb in this context then I would suggest that you need some strong evidence to persuade people that literacy is not a proxy for education, or more specifically, the ability to hold more complicated medieval fantasy plots together.

And I am well aware of our flaws, our literacy rate is 1.25x the OECD average which is shameful. I’m just not false equivalencing that with America’s 6.33x. In fact if you remove America as the outlier dragging the OECD stats down we look even worse.

Ragnell, avatar

@masterspace So we're helping you. I bet you feel bad about making fun of us now.


Punching down never feels good

Ragnell, avatar

@masterspace And there we get to why I'm such a brittle American. See, the immense privilege of the powerful in our country, our military prowess, and the export of the my of American exceptionalism have CONVINCED a lot of people across the world that if they bash Americans it is punching up.

It's not. See, we do HAVE a bad public school system and the richest in our country have spent 40 years sabotaging it in some scheme to fund private schooling. Not only that, school funding is partly by federal and state funding--which is sabotaged by those bastards--but MOSTLY by local taxes so the people in the rich areas get the good schooling with arts, extracurricular activities, foreign language studies and a pool while the people in the poor areas get a whiteboard, an untrained Army veteran as a teacher, and the requirement to buy their own school supplies.

As Americans we have to fight constantly against this sabotage, WHILE working full-time jobs with greater hours and fewer benefits than any other Western country just so we can afford to go to a doctor--as we are called by not just the privileged in our country but the entire WORLD lazy, stupid, complacent and undeserving.

So when you make fun of the average American and call them stupid because their public school system which they need to fix before they complain about people making fun of them? You're punching down.

Meanwhile, you accuse me of punching down but I have spent this thread mocking you for living in a country with a vast abundance of natural resources and wildlife, and living in a country where it's common to ACTUALLY learn a second language rather than learn some grammar rules and tick off boxes, which as I say above, is a privilege in the US afforded to the better schooling that you get by virtue of living in a rich area.

Now, if you'd say Americans are stupid because we invaded the wrong country... Well, then you'd be punching up. But instead you're making fun of something that we are actually at a disadvantage in.


Except that I didn’t make fun of anything, I merely pointed out that it’s plausible that Netflix felt like they had to dumb the Witcher down for American audiences.

As Americans we have to fight constantly against this sabotage, WHILE working full-time jobs with greater hours and fewer benefits than any other Western country just so we can afford to go to a doctor–as we are called by not just the privileged in our country but the entire WORLD lazy, stupid, complacent and undeserving.

And yeah, I recognize that sucks, but you don’t have to do that because of external forces, you have to do that because many people in the group called “Americans” repeatedly vote for politicians who put those systems in place. So when people call Americans stupid, there’s a reason for it. Many are stupid and vote for stupid shit that goes directly against their interest. I’m sorry if you don’t like to hear that or be associated with your fellow countrypeople who do, but it’s the reality of the situation when we’re talking about “Americans” as a whole.

Ragnell, avatar

This you?

I’m pretty sick of Americans feeling picked on.

You have an illiteracy rate of like 20%. Make a real public school system and then we’ll talk.

You weren't just making fun, you were saying you're sick of us being bothered when people made fun of us.


You weren’t just making fun, you were saying you’re sick of us being bothered when people made fun of us.

Except that the context in which I was replying was not one where someone felt picked on because they got made fun of, it was one where someone felt picked on because someone said that it’s plausible they dumbed down the Witcher for Americans.

Ragnell, avatar

@masterspace Yeah, but YOU are the one who brought public school into it and you did it in a clever little jokey way.

If you had said "Well, that's what you get for attacking the wrong country", it would be one thing. But you went and made fun of the public school system. You punched down. And now, for your sins, you are stuck in this conversation.


Yeah, but YOU are the one who brought public school into it and you did it in a clever little jokey way.

Because the quality of education affects intelligence, or more specifically, the ability to hold more/less complex witcher plotlines together in your head, so it is a rationale thing to bring up when discussing whether or not Americans are actually capable of holding more/less complex witcher plotlines together in their heads.

You punched down

No, I merely held up a mirror and caused you to have a temper tantrum

Ragnell, avatar

I'd hate to see how you'd react to an actual temper tantrum.

No, man. You're mocking people who don't have access to a high standard of learning. You're trying to rationalize that away so that you don't have to feel bad about it.


Again, didn’t mock.

Ragnell, avatar

Did too.

Ragnell, avatar

@masterspace You're really so obsessed with the last word you're gonna let this dissolve into name-calling? are you still IN school?


I know you are but what am I?

Ragnell, avatar

@masterspace Less tired of this than me. You win this time, Canada.

worldstitcher, in Official Minecraft wiki editors so furious at Fandom's 'degraded' functionality and popups they're overwhelmingly voting to leave the site

Satisfactory moved its wiki away from Fandom as well. They use now, which seems a lot more like gamepedia used to be before the fandom enshittification.


Ark did the same thing. The only issue I have with it is the various explorer/spawn/resource map pages for each one. Something about them just makes firefox start lagging after a bit

_haha_oh_wow_, in 'You won’t find our games on a subscription service' says the founder of Baldur's Gate 3 developer Larian, after Ubisoft forecasts a future of players 'not owning' games avatar

“If buying isn’t owning then piracy isn’t stealing.”

-Wayne Gretzky


Of course it isn’t stealing – it’s copyright infringement.


lol this isn't about buying, though.

It's about them pushing their stupid rental service. It's never pretending to be a purchase.

Tiritibambix, in Could we ban clickbait titles in posts? avatar

The decision the mods are going to take will leave you speechless.

KyoStarr, avatar

Bots hate these 5 moderator tricks

Ferk, in Unity doesn't consider Planned Parenthood a charity (but a political groups), won't exempt them from install fees avatar

The whole concept of "charity" is political.... all charities are "political groups", no charity would be valid based on that judgement.

blacknails, in Unity Has Apologized For Its Install Fee Policy and Says It 'Will Be Making Changes' to It - IGN

If your game is not already in development. Forget this shit, use Godot.

50gp, in Unity introduces new fees for game devs based on revenue and game installs

great time to jump to either unreal or godot

TwilightVulpine, (edited ) in Meet the Guy Preserving the New History of PC Games, One Linux Port at a Time

This is such important work, but large gaming companies now seem to want games to stop working so people will move to the next thing. That's one of the hidden business interests on tying everything to online services.

I do hope we can still manage to maintain compatibility using emulators, virtual machines and compatibility layers. Digital media is so trivial to copy and store that letting it be lost can only happen due to complete neglect.


Don't forget your remaster/remakes releases

ono, in Steam Deck alternative Lenovo Legion GO is real, coming October

Lenovo’s machine will run on Windows 11 as opposed to it being a Linux-based system.

No thanks. I want less Microsoft in my life, not more.

(Also, I would rather give my money to Valve than Lenovo.)


i wish you were in charge of IT procurement for my employer.

gk99, in Elon Musk appearance at Valorant Champions tournament met with boos, crowd chanting 'bring back Twitter'

This is why Counter-Strike is better: Elon Musk has yet to show up.

Untitled_Pribor, avatar

I prefer half-life 2: deathmatch


Where anyone is yet to show up.

verysoft, in Hi-Rez Studios, the people behind Paladins and Smite, have stated that they will be using AI to clone voices and refused to add in any words to contracts that would protect actors from it

HiRez being scummy? Well I never, thats not like them at all....

aegisgfx877, avatar

Tribes.. thats all I need to say

parrot-party, avatar

Yeah, the could release the best game ever made and I'd still avoid it.

Ferk, in New Steam Deck Competitor Features Switch-Style Controllers In Leaked Images avatar

Now we need a Windows handheld mode for these Steam Deck competitors

No, what we need is for game companies to stop using DRM that blocks Linux.

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