
Looking at a couple hours of a stock means nothing and is purposely misleading. Zoom out and it’s got pretty good upward consistency.

Posts like this are like the sad ex who can’t move on and just makes up bullshit about their former partner. Let’s move on and make Lemmy better instead of being stuck making up fake news for internet points.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s shit posting community

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

People really seem to think this community has only serious bones in its ruling body


On the other hand, being posted to a shitposting sub doen’t make something a shitpost. Shitposts don’t have to be jokes but just feels like agendaposting, which feels a bit lame in a shitposting sub.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

No, everything in here is shitposting.



ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

See, that’s the way to react!


I react to shitposts as such but agendaposts in a shitposting sub, that’s just lame imo.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

Meh, I just take it as a joke about Reddit being shit which is why many left for Lemmy.


This feels like straight up agenda posting. Posting it to a shitposting sub doesn’t make it any different.

Kolanaki, avatar

Are we gonna pretend that Reddit doesn’t completely suck ass, in the bad way?

Are you guys investing in it or something? 🤔


“This post is misleading”


Lmao. Why are some people like this


If by “this” you mean “go to a community with ‘Memes, Jokes, Vents and Banter’ with a straight face”, then you’re the one who might have the answer!


“This post is misleading”

If by “this” you mean

I think the “this” in my post just means the post. It’s sorta hinted at with the word “post” right after it lol

Kolanaki, avatar


It’s a meme on a meme community. AKA a joke. If you wants facts, this isn’t the place. 🤦‍♂️


What’s the meme part

And no, I don’t want facts here. I don’t want purposefully misleading shit either. That’s ofyen just facts presented weirdly to mislead you. I want proper good old fashioned shitposts


I do this all the time in my reports to execs. If they’re not paying attention to something I’ve been raising, I zoom the y axis in to show big up and down ticks in a visually alarming way. Similarly if they’re obsessed with something stupid, I zoom out and show a much more flatlined and consistent graph so they get the big picture.


Facebook stock had a notoriously horrible IPO. I bought at open and had friends laughing at me when it went to $18ish. I doubled my position.

Finally sold most of those shares at $475.


I agree with the sentiment but it certainly has not been a clear upward trajectory.


Yea now it’s going through fluctuations. When this post went up it was at the peak of the 26th. Either way, we gotta wait this out before jerking ourselves off about a stock crash.


You’re right, I didn’t notice the post was a few days old. I completely agree with you then.

We can still jerk ourselves off the old fashioned way though.


God, please don’t turn Lemmy into “haha reddit stock goes down” literally any time their stock fluctuates.


I think they’ve just had the IPO, that’s why we see it. But I wouldn’t worry in the long term unless something major happens, but that applies to any major social media.


A similar thing happened with one of my favourite podcasts: Tech Won’t Save Us. They just started crowing about what a craven loser Elon Musk was at every opportunity. And it really sucked all the life out of the podcast for me. Like it used to be super interesting, well researched, broad, hopeful; and suddenly it seemed to only be about dunking on billionaires.

Which, deserved. But I don’t want to hear about Musk’s stupid machinations while I’m doing food prep. I want to hear about something cool, like collective action in India.

Maybe I’m in the minority though. Or maybe it’s gotten better by now. Idk


They probably noticed a huge bump in numbers in the episodes where they shit on Elon. There’s a weird dynamic where toxic shit partially maintains it’s popularity because content that focuses on debunking it gets eaten up. So ‘sane’ creators have to decide between creating interesting things or repeatedly dunking on some toxic shit that it grows their platform.


That makes sense, and it’s definitely what happened with mainstream news and Donald Trump. It’s this weird codependence that creates the audience for the behaviour your pointing out as outrageous.


It’s kinda how I feel about any shitty person that gets clowned on. At some point it’s just like “yeah, we all know this person is a POS, what else is new”.

brlemworld, a misleading post, it’s up a lot apparently.


Down to 48 something now.


Can the kids in the stocks subreddits do a reverse GameStop on this?

Would just be hilarious if this thing went to zero in the first month.


Extremely volatile, as anyone expected. Since they started the IPO at $34 things aren’t going bad at all so far.

Give it a year, and we’ll see what the company’s actually worth.


Great penny stock next week


🎵It all returns to nothing.

It all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down🎵

driving_crooner, avatar

OP: *post on c\shitposting *

Nerds: actually, the valuation from the IPO have being up 20%, and you can’t evaluate an stock from its movements on a couple of hours.


Agenda posts

“This is misleading”

“Hehe nice try but I posted it to shitpost subreddit so you shouldn’t say anything about that”

I don’t think it works like that lol

driving_crooner, avatar

Agenda post? My friend, Is the rich people emotional support line. Isn’t real.




Get back to us in 6 months and we’ll see how it’s going. I have low expectations. Somehow capitalism always finds a way to propagate itself, no matter how little sense it makes.

jeffw, avatar

Is this anti-Reddit? It’s still up like almost 20% since the IPO?


line go down

jeffw, avatar

Now change the view to anything but 1 day. Line go up. So what?


It peaked at like 78, but now it’s been been on a downward trend

jeffw, avatar

So it went straight up for a week and had a 1 day correction but is still way up over the past 72 hours. What am I missing here?


Reddit bad, line going down is good. Don’t over think it.


Liquidation is the easiest means of generating profit. Investors are just looking for the quickest exit scam. Thats a lot of people waiting to pullout.


There’s always a spike.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

Line go right


I just don’t like the stock

Edit: this is not investment advice


I hate the stock.

This is investment advice.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

I hate spez

This is an opinion

Lanusensei87, avatar

Price goes underground


Truth Social should be next


I ponder who the fuck is buying truth social. That is the puzzling part to me.


Very wealthy people who want to transfer money to Trump outside of legal channels in exchange for favors political favors.


Dumbass Republicans with their dad’s oil inheritance

jordanlund, avatar

You’re only looking at one day, not since the IPO dropped.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

That’s a bad shitpost

Zuberi, avatar

I hate reddit as much as the next guy (made 25% shorting on day 1)

But yes this shit post is dumb as fuck, it went up a ton the second options went live lmao

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

Tbh I love a good shitpost that makes people fight

ChillPill, avatar
ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar



This happens to almost every single IPO ever…

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