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I’m cautiously optimistic, but prime is made by a completely different developer than dread so there’s no guarantees, unfortunately


So infowars is likely to be sold. To whom? I’m hoping comedy central picks it up and turns out into a recurring segment on the daily show


And enormously outperforming the original, too. A shame, I like threes.


Training an AI is intensive, but using them after the fact is relatively cheap. Cheaper than traditional rendering to reach the same level of detail. The upfront cost of training is offset by the savings on every video card running the tech from then on. Kinda like how railroads are expensive to build but much cheaper to operate after the fact.

It’s pretty simple. If you can’t understand delayed gratification, then you’re right: school did fail you.

Ps.: the railroad comparison really breaks down when you consider that they’re cheaper to build than the highways that trucks use and that we don’t, in fact, need to truck in the resources anyway. We’ve been building railroads longer than trucks have existed, after all.


He should have dropped out 8 years ago. He didn’t then and he won’t now.


I don’t expect MS will give you the choice. Not as far as the whole spying on you part is concerned, at least.


Flameshot pretty much already does this, though perhaps not as elegantly


I would kill for this. Trying to get logseq, or any other markdown editor to play nice with an existing obsidian vault is a nightmare. And none of them are nearly as feature complete or expandable.


I misread that as “no one is buying condoms anymore”, and was very confused.


And it’s a hard sell to get a girl at a bar/club to come back to your mom’s house.


I think the implication is he’ll be in prison. Setting aside whether that’s a safe bet or not, I can totally see an 80-something trump making campaign ads from a prison cell. He won’t really have anything better to do at that point.

Edit: typo


It’s good. The steam deck’s version of steamOS is arch based, so that should tell you a lot about its capabilities.

I’d recommend choosing an Arch-based distro like Endeavour or Garuda so you don’t have to go through the rigmarole of installing vanilla Arch.


I can’t think of a single developer who has the chops to follow that act who would be interested. Even Larian would have a hard time outdoing themselves.


Not always a choice we get to make, but I see your point


Just wait for Windows 10’s service life to run out. That’s when I’m switching full time


Huh. Maybe we should have some kind of safety net to prevent that. Makes you think.

Ah well, too bad. Good luck finding a park bench without a useless arm rest in the middle to sleep on, Rudy.

Lawmaker Slammed for Claiming College Basketball Players Were Actually 'Illegal Invaders' (

Michigan MAGA Republican state Rep. Matt Maddock is under fire after claiming three buses were “loaded up with illegal invaders.” The buses, according to multiple reports, were actually loaded with the Gonzaga University basketball team arriving for March Madness....


We need to remove the word ‘slammed’ from the public lexicon


Extremely volatile, as anyone expected. Since they started the IPO at $34 things aren’t going bad at all so far.

Give it a year, and we’ll see what the company’s actually worth.


Bruh the first 6 months of cyberpunk were an unofficial early access


Notice the needle isn’t actually on the gauge: it’s not showing a result and doesn’t until you rate it yourself. Absolutely terrible design, though. I thought it said “unfair far left” too


If I’m understanding the ruling correctly, Congress are the only ones that can. They won’t, but they can.


Phones are easily tracked, and police generally can get that info. As for the beatings, in the US police commonly aren’t held responsible even when they’ve clearly broken the law. Often, they aren’t even charged.


Setting aside that asset production is genuinely one of the most expensive parts of game dev, if they’re smart they can use some clever GPU instancing to improve performance by reusing assets

No clue if that’s happening here, though


Tons of games do that now. Usually they get scans and models from other companies, like Quixel Mega scans. It makes for a relatively fast workflow. Pretty much any photo-real game is doing something like this, it’s just more affordable than paying people to digitally sculpt rocks by hand.


There’s a kind of always a constant undercurrent of hatred for the lower class with them. I wonder how far the GOP can push that before their voters realize they’re the butt of the joke.


Yeah, in the long run this could be good for the industry.

That said, if I’d bought a series x on the promise of many years of high quality exclusives (a promise Xbox explicitly made) I would probably be a bit upset in the now…

It’s shaping up that a ps5 is gonna be just the flatly superior console, and Xbox owners will be stuck holding the bag


We can. At least most of us. Though I suspect there’s significantly less play in the skin, so it may be more difficult for some.


This is only a problem if you can’t roll a burrito…


Neither? The whole point of a burrito, at least one of these style of burrito that isn’t swimming in some kind of sauce, is that it holds together well enough that you can eat it while holding it in your hand without making a mess. If it’s poorly wrapped then yeah it’ll come apart and you might want a plate and flatware to finish the job.


Well, if you were eating it with a fork anyway the I don’t see the problem… A lot of Mexican places (as opposed to Tex Mex) will also pou salsa or queso or something over the burrito, which then obviously requires a fork, but it’s also different from the burrito pictured.

And you know you can just ask them not to put any cilantro on? It’s a garnish that typically isn’t added until the very end and a lot of people can’t stand the stuff, they probably won’t mind leaving it off


Presumably his wife made it. Hopefully as a joke.


Very young kids puke sometimes. It happens. We also don’t know how long it took him to get all those stickers. Could’ve been over the course of a few months or longer.


Safely, but still creating more work for store employees to collect the carts and possibly inconveniencing pedestrians. Point 1 for the moral absolutists.


I’ve been quite comfortable with not owning any new Ubisoft games for a few years now


Or to stop doing business in Japan entirely


On the one hand valve having a monopoly is bad for the industry and it’s consumers.

On the other hand nobody seems to be trying to provide a truly competitive service without also being far more anti-consumer than valve from the get go.


Yeah, but there’s only so much delays can fix. Sometimes suck is sticky.


Not exactly. There’s the old Debian based version and a user edited version of the deck’s recovery image. The latter gets you pretty close to the experience, but as with most arch based distros it’s not always a super user-friendly experience.


A gaming-focused, curated experience that just works™️

With a little know how you can get 99% of the way there with any arch based distro, but installing a new OS for non techies can be pretty intimidating. Having Valve’s assurance that it works with all common hardware would help more people take the plunge, I think.


If you mean the old Debian based one, yes. SteamOS 3+ is arch based and released with the steam deck. Valve said they’d release a version for desktops, but have yet to follow through.


You mean dual boot for the steam deck? Iirc the new OLED model will allow custom bios/firmware so that could be a possibility soon


Did they lift that subtitle from Warframe?


I’ve heard this so many times. If they were all true the a770 on the shelf in my office would have created an AI singularity. Alas, on the shelf it stays. Maybe a second generation will actually have most of the bugs hammered out and be performant enough to rival AMD and Nvidia


The post neither implies nor states that ‘closet trans’ and ‘shitty cis’ are the only possibilities. There’s obviously a lot of cis men who would take the offer of transition information in stride. The OP isn’t judging you.

As for the whole American thing, you’re right, you did go wild.

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