JoMiran, (edited ) avatar

They have been part of the core Cyberpunk TTRPG rulebook since the 1980’s.

JoMiran, avatar

It seems that,

  1. The original OP did zero research
  2. Pondsmith is a prophet

Additionally: Los Payasos


Shadowrun also has the halloweeners

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

Yo that’s actually pretty metal

dan, avatar

My reaction when I see a piece of nicely machined aluminum.


This guy CNCs

Boxscape, avatar

They have been part of the core Cyberpunk TTRPG rulebook since the 1980’s.


Also William Gibson wrote about foiling facial recognition with makeup over thirty years ago.


Also i think in Spook Country (but i’m not sure) he makes them use a t-shirt with an “ugly face” which is designed to disable facial recognition.


Also Judge Dredd has clown folk who are essentially juggalos.

Leate_Wonceslace, (edited ) avatar

Some years ago, Pussy Riot put out information on how to use Makeup to confound face detection algorithms.

On an unrelated note: This is probably going to be blocked in ML because I used the word “pussy”. I wonder why that instance has a problem with me mentioning that word. Could it be perhaps the name of a feminist anarchist group activity resisting domestic Russian oppression? No, I’m sure that’s a coincidence.

Edit: Ty to everyone who helped correct my misunderstanding. The feedback has been informative, but I’ll leave my comment as-is so people reading have context incase they also have misconceptions.


Yeah, .ml blocks all words potentially used as slurs so people don’t mention one band, lol


Not true. Here is the regex doing the blocking: slur_filter_regex:

It’s not exactly secret.


It was sarcasm, yeah


What if a farmer wants to join the instance and comments about waking up to the cock singing, finding the bitches in heat and gathering faggots from the yard

problematicPanther, avatar

I didn’t see anything that would match on pussy there though


Exactly. That’s what I meant.

problematicPanther, avatar

Ah, got it, thanks



JoMiran, avatar

I’m on ML and can read your comment without a problem. Let’s see if I can type it.

Pussy Riot

EDIT: No problem there.

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

I’m surprised! Good to know, ty.


says Pussy riot in the mirror 3 times as the clock strikes midnight

nervously waits (or excitedly? how big exactly is a riot of pussy? Big enough? How many hectares does the average Pussy Riot engulf?)

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

This face looks back at you.


AFAIK .ml doesn’t automatically block comments from other instances containing slurs, they only automatically block slurs from being posted by their own users.


I think it’s being rendered to us, let me test one that I know is on the filter:


so it auto replaces with an italicized removed, what a bunc of b1t ches


That’s so removed


Stop trying to make removed happen


Hey, wanna removed?😳


Beat chess


No, it’s because there’s no sex in the USSR.


Turns out animals’ camouflage including background matching, disruptive coloration, shadow elimination, counter shading, counter illumination and others are there to prevent optical recognition.

Who would have thunk.


What we didn’t know was that Zebras evolved to defeat AI comera recognition.


You’ll also need a silly walk to defeat gait recognition

dojan, avatar

I’m sure this could be negated with flowy clothing that contains adversarial patterns. At least for a while.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

Like a big, flowy skirt that has a bunch of legs all over it


Well that’s why they set up a ministry to manage the silly walks, to make sure they complied with gait recognition before they were used.

supersquirrel, (edited )

Maybe the whole point of Monty Python was to sketch out ways that humans could behave that would confuse and hugely throw off machine learning algorithms.

Talk about “poisoning the well” with AI training, all you have to do is 65% of the time make completely normal and rational intelligent choices and the other 35% be completely illogical and inscrutable. Any algorithm trained on you then, no matter how smart you are or how valuable your knowledge is, will inconsistently and abruptly resort to batshit crazy and unreliable choices and information. :)

The thousands and thousands of years we have nurtured sarcasm and absurdism in the garden of human culture has all been for this one true purpose…

I would say maybe John Cleese is an alien trying to save us, but Cleese is a dick no matter how funny the stuff he was involved in was and I would hope Aliens were much more open minded than he is.


Bonus: Also helps avoid detection by sandworms.


Walk without rhythm.

It won’t attract the worm


I met a juggalo once and he was a racist Trump supporter who steal scrap metal from construction sites for meth money.

ZeroCool, avatar

That sucks. I worked with a few when I was younger and knew a couple others in high school too, and my experience was the opposite. They weren’t exactly Rhodes scholars lol, but they were open-minded, kind, and dependable colleagues. Juggalos have a reputation for being trashy, and it’s something they proudly embrace, but I’ve found them to be generally harmless. Unfortuantely, I think just about every fan base these days has to deal with its share of racist Trump supporters who steal scrap metal from construction sites for meth money…


all I know about juggalos is that magnet meme and this episode of tv


My buddy and I were just talking about this. Juggalos get a lot of shit, but my experience is that they are one of the most accepting groups around. It doesn’t matter if you’re a PhD or are stealing copper out of abandoned houses, if you show up with some clown makeup and fire poi, juggalos are down to clown.


Unfortuantely, I think just about every fan base these days has to deal with its share of racist Trump supporters who steal scrap metal from construction sites for meth money…

If you live in the US (or UK) you live in a collapsing society being suffocated and held in place by neoliberal austerity politics that purposefully shuts down the possibility of any genuine systematic reform that isn’t in the direction of fascism. The US is run by centrists who will spit in your face (while their Republican drinking buddies cheer them on) for daring to suggest populist leftism reforms that would actually improve the quality of life of the working class and poor of the US.

In that environment people are going to resort to taking meth and stealing scrap to survive, as society is literally trying to kill them off and there is no rational hope to be found for things to change. Are these people druggies, are they sketchy? Are some of them maga heads who turn to pathetic and hateful views? Yes, but I think it is important to always recognize the conditions that lead desperate people to act in desperate ways when we discuss the repulsiveness of said desperate acts of non-violent crime.


Chiming in with another juggalo friend who was an incredibly good hearted person. Ended up going to jail for “assaulting an officer” by trying to pull a cop off of someone during the George Floyd protests. I lost touch after that.


sigh meanwhile the cop has still probably got a cushy job and probably goes home every night to get drunk and hit their spouse because that is statistically as far as we can tell what 25-45% of cops do based on difficult to predict statistics that rely on cops snitching on their own illegal behavior (so logically it is probably much higher as hard as that is to wrap your head around).


That’s not doing facial recognition though, that’s a reverse image lookup. It’s a lot easier to find an exact match for a photo.

ZeroCool, avatar

Shhhh they think they’ve outsmarted the shitpost. Let’s just let ‘em have this one. They could probably use the win.



Replace top clown with normal person to show it finding that Juggalo

(Apparently that’s Violent J, next to his buddy… Shaggy 2 Dope)


I presume the facial recognition would be trying to match against faces without the makeup.

If you always use the same makeup pattern, then I guess it can latch onto that like anything else, if trained to do so.

Also note that facial recognition tries to break down a face into discrete “pieces” so it can match a face in profile against the same face from the front. In your example the image is visually similar because they are both exactly the same angle, no ‘facial recognition’ involved. If it can’t figure out what a cheekbone is, what a nose is, generally what a ‘face’ is, then that would count as fouling the facial recognition because it would be unable to use a reference facial database.

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

I mean it’s close. The Cyberpunk ttrpg was released in '88 and ICP’s first album dropped in '89.

zarkanian, avatar

To some degree or another, all of them were insane, with about a third of them firmly in the grip of cyberpsychosis.

Wow! So, they really are an insane clown posse.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

As an enjoyer of most of icp, this makes me laugh.

MeDuViNoX, avatar


p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar




Fuckfuckmyfuckingass, avatar

Bring back the Juggalos! I’ve been saying it for years. We need them now more than ever.


They never left…

Fuckfuckmyfuckingass, avatar

Around where I am you don’t see them much anymore. I think between the Fentanyl and the COVID they got hit hard.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

It’s nice being able to see people talk about icp like this thread without being nasty about it tbh

Fuckfuckmyfuckingass, avatar

I’m not a fan of the music, but I’d rather be surrounded by authentically deranged weirdos than an endless sea of yuppies.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

That’s quite fair.

Cracks_InTheWalls, (edited ) avatar

Love the worst band in the world, fam.

If nothing else, they’re an inspiration for just doing your own thing artistically. Fuck the critics, just make some shit you’re passionate about, make it available to find its audience, and connect/bring in other folks who want to do the same.

IMO, they created/‘popularized’ an entire genre of music, and some of it’s better than what they put out (for example, I like Twiztid more - but they wouldn’t be what they are if it wasn’t for ICP and Psychopathic Records)

Edit: For those who need a pick me up going into work tomorrow, a little MMFCL for ya.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

I like twiztid, too. I’m not a big huge fan of icps newer stuff, but man, their older stuff is awesome.


Incoming novel featuring Dazzle camo face paint


goddamn you, i was going to make a joke about this, now i’m legally required to be mad at you for it!


Abracadabra boom shacka dae I’m Violent J, and I’m back like a vertebrae


vertebra is the singular form of vertebrae

which does not rhyme with day but rather dee or die


Huh, the tweet the article referenced is five years old, I wonder if there’s been any advancement in facial recognition in that regard


Last I heard, the CCP did a bit of social engineering and got a load of TikTokkers to post videos in juggalo makeup in order to retrain their facial recognition software.

I don’t recall if it was successful, but it happened.

gedaliyah, avatar

The Machine can never take our Fago. Woop woop.





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