LunarLoony, avatar

Like ‘Susie’, which according to the rest of this thread, puts me in the minority


I’ve been using Linux since I was 15 and this is how I’ve always pronounced it.




Do CentOS next


That’s actually pronounced “cuntOS”




The Linux Cast says soo-suh, so that’s what I’m going to say







cerement, avatar

so, to summarize:

  • German: /suse/ or /zuze/
  • English: should be /suse/ but more often /susa/ but definitely not /sus/
Decency8401, avatar


warmaster, (edited )

OpenZooZah TumbleWeedah

Seriously though, unpopular opinion disclaimer, I think I may be only one that didn’t find it funny at all, just an informative, overly long, cringey Tenacious D reinterpretation ?


Oh you’ve met my cousin


Like “X”, who would have thought it was pronounced “Twitter”?


Close, it’s shitter


I always pronounce this as the Roman numeral; Twitter is now Ten. Just like those Ten Men films and Simon Cowell’s The Ten Factor.


Lots of badlinguistics in this thread.

WeirdGoesPro, avatar

Nginx. I pronounced it N-Jinx.

I never in a million years would have guessed it was “Engine X”.

LunarLoony, avatar

Agreed. I blame Crash Bandicoot for this one.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

Sounds like Chemical X, the key ingredient to a Powerpuff Girl (besides sugar and spice and everything nice).


That dude is totally wrong. SUSE is a german company.


  • z one
  • b oo ze
  • z one
  • v a cation

By accident, here is a video about bavaria and SUSE


SUSE has German origins, but nowadays it is technically a Luxembourgish multinational.


a company based in Luxembourg is practically a German company evading taxes


it could be french too !


Its from SUSE, the company


It’s wrong nonetheless.


Its not up to you

federalreverse, (edited )

Is not up to SUSE’s marketing department, most of which is from the US, either. The company has a German origin, had German founders (they’re all out of the company at this point though), and the company name used to be a German acronym. The correct pronunciation is the German one.

(See the update @barbara added. Lisa Sherwell actually took the effort to learn the correct pronunciation. Part of the reason why is that she was actually involved in planning the new German office of SUSE.)


Still doesn’t matter. If the company thinks it should be pronounced “Bob” then it is pronounced Bob.

At the end of the day the company decides these things, not Germans.


The vacation one is a bad example because some people say vuhkation and some say vaykaytion. From the germans I know the E on the end is like uh, like how they say bitte, danke, etc


Bittä und Dankä!


Don’t get me started. For years people corrected me when I said LEE-nooks instead of Lennox. I finally gave up.


“Lainus Torvolds”

eager_eagle, (edited ) avatar

I get “Lie-nooks”, but who says “Lennox”?


Every English speaker I know. 🙁


The ones I know say Lynnuks


You f*d up at the part where you didn’t start explaining in song, orchestra and all.

sgibson5150, (edited )

I’ll admit that this approach did not occur to me. If it worked for genre television…

🎶 Bunnies aren’t just cute like everybody supposes. They’ve got those hoppy legs and twitchy little noses. And what’s with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anywayyyy? 🎶

Edit: To be perfectly clear, I’ve not looked at bunnies the same way since. I suppose we can add that to the list of the many crimes of Joss Whedon, somewhere after “mental and physical abuse of cast and crew” and “killing off Tara and Anya”.

bigmclargehuge, avatar

I have a rule about acronyms: if the spelling makes sense to be said as a word, I follow the English grammatical rules. A word that’s spelled s-u-s-e would be pronounced “soos”, so that’s what I say.

This is why I don’t pronounce GNU as “ga-noo”, it doesn’t make sense as a word. In those cases, I just spell them out.


Good rule 😊


GNU […] doesn’t make sense as a word

That’s a joke right?


GNU like Gnu, I dont see the problem?

Edit: oh damn english people cant pronounce that?

Here, has lots of spoken examples

lemmyreader, (edited )

Well you know how USA citizens (yeah they’re not English but still) pronounce GNOME ? I once heard one pronounce it as NOME like as in Nomen nescio.


Well, “nome”, with a silent G is the correct pronunciation of “gnome”, as in e.g. “garden gnome”.


From the UK I learned it as nome, but the gn is sounded like ng in ing endings rather than n like no. the difference is slight. n As in no is front of tongue on teeth and (g)ng is a back of the throat and nasal NG sound. When I hear people pronounce as two syllables guh-nome it sounds weird.


Is it supposed to sound like an airplane noise?

bigmclargehuge, avatar

No. I’ve never seen an english word resembling this type of spelling, so I just say each letter.

To each their own, imo my way reduces the risk of confusion. There’s no way to misinterpret what I mean when I say G-N-U rather than g’nue

eager_eagle, avatar
bigmclargehuge, avatar

Well I’ll be, I humbly stand corrected. I will don the dunce cap for this one


It's a gnarly spelling.
Don't let it gnaw away at you too badly.

guy, avatar

So what’s the deal with GNU? When I first saw it, I was sure the G was silent, or formed a dipthong, like gnat or gnocchi or gnaw or gnarly or gnome or just any word starting with gn in English. But IRL, I’ve only heard it pronounced with a hard G, same with Gnome.

bigmclargehuge, avatar

Well thats the thing, generally if I see an acronym and have to ask myself how it would be pronounced as a word, by my rule I just spell it out.

For a great example of this (unrelated to FOSS), look at LGBTQIA+. Even though it’s a mouthful to say each letter individually, no one wrestles it into “Leguhbuht’kwia plus”, it just doesn’t make sense and saying it that way would probably ellicit a dead stare from whoever heard it. Unless it’s painfully simple to morph into a word or single syllable, I don’t bother.

I’m not trying to say this is the right way, mind you. It’s just the way that makes the most sense to me.

melmi, avatar

Except GNU is a great example of an acronym that is pronounceable. It’s even in the dictionary. The GNU mascot is a gnu, in fact.

LGBTQIA+ is essentially unpronounceable, thus we treat it as an initialism. Not that that’s a requirement, there are examples like VIP where even though we could pronounce it we pronounce each letter individually.


there are examples like VIP where even though we could pronounce it we pronounce each letter individually.

This always seemed a bit weird to me. In Sweden we do pronounce that as a word. Vipp.


I add the hard ‘g’ to gnu because saying “new” often sounds confusing in an English context.

e.g. “New Linux”


There are no rules, just loose patterns, and pronunciation is not grammar.


There are people who don’t say GNU like the animal?


Technically there are initialisms which cannot be pronounced ( letters only ) and acronyms which can be pronounced ( form words ).

So, in general, your rule is a good one. Of course, that does nothing to solve the problem of HOW to pronounce the words when so many different origin cultures are at play. As other have said, SUSE is German. So, is following “English grammatical rules” the right take?

I do not really have an answer. It is not self-evident to me. For Linux, Linus himself seems to have defaulted to US pronunciation. There is some precedent there I suppose.


Kaiser Suse


Remarkably close actually


I don't care. It's Soos. It's Ace-SUS, not Ah-soos. It's I-Key-Ah, not E-Kay-Ah. These are the way everyone around me says these things for as long as I can remember.


That’s about as accurate as if I was adamant that the USA was not pronounced yoo-ess-ey, but ooh-sha, like everyone around me said it for as long as I can remember.

Non-anglophone countries exist, and there are actually more of them with more people than anglophone countries, and most of these projects come from non-anglophone countries.


Non-Anglophone countries are free to exist and are free to pronounce things however they want. I would be looked at as if I had two heads if I pronounced those things like those non-Anglophone countries. It's about not wanting to be treated like I'm a idiot just for pronouncing things the "proper" way.


You must live with very closed-minded people if people make fun of you just because you pronounce a German company’s name like the German company does. That said, be happy and pronounce stuff as you like, it’s not like it really matters.


I live in a place where people call things whatever they want to call things, and when enough people call that thing by that pronunciation for long enough than it becomes the default pronunciation. Which is exactly the same as where you live.


A name is not like any other word. It is pronounced the way the entity with the name pronounces it. You can’t tell me how my name is pronounced, for example.

To mispronounce a name because you don’t know how it’s pronounced is fine. But to purposefully mispronounce a name after you know it’s wrong… Well if you’re concerned with “not looking like an idiot” then we’ll just say it’s counterproductive.


IKEA in North America pronounces it I-Key-Ah in their commercials. That's directly from the company itself. If they are OK with accepting the different pronunciation of their own name, then why am I expected to say it the European way? That goes for Suse and Asus as well, since they've been called Soos and Ace-sus for years before they decided to "correct" everyone.


“they’ve been called soos” is not the same as “their name is pronounced soos”. If they state it as an acceptable pronunciation (similar to ikea) then that’s different. They instead released a video telling people how to say it correctly.


They released a joke video, as evident by the singing and the fact the kids still said it "wrong" at the end. I think they are very aware and understand that people will still call them Soos.


I think they are very aware and understand that people will still call them Soos.

And yet it is still an incorrect pronunciation. You can’t dispute that. Just because you will “do what you want to” doesn’t mean it’s right. Own it - you say the word wrong.


I never disputed it. I said I don't care. They can pronounce it however they want. In regular conversation with people around me, I'll call it whatever I want.


And that’s totally fair, in my opinion. Speech has to flow in the language you speak, or you’ll sound like an idiot. As long as people don’t go around claiming to know and teaching others pronunciations for things that they themselves don’t pronounce the way that was intended.

southsamurai, avatar

You pronounce it any way other than the way the person saying it does.

This results in a few possible outcomes.

The person may get an opportunity to go on at length about why their pronunciation is used, and be entertaining.

The person may get all het up about it, insisting that you’re wrong, and you can further mess with them by shrugging and continuing to use whatever you were using.

The person doesn’t care, and y’all have a nice conversation about distros and Linux in general.

The person switches to your pronunciation, and you now have a stalker.

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