CBS News poll: Rising numbers of Americans say Biden should encourage Israel to stop Gaza actions

An increasing number of Americans want Joe Biden to encourage Israel to stop military actions in Gaza; and Mr. Biden’s handling of the situation is now down to its lowest levels yet.

In the poll, conducted before Iran’s drone and missile attack on Israel, there wasn’t much clamor among the U.S. public for U.S. military action against Iran, were Iran to strike Israel. More would instead have the U.S. support Israel’s next actions.


Nice try. This will not distract me from visualizing Trump falling asleep during his trial.


Israel attacked an embassy in a country that they are trying to occupy more land in (I’m referring to Syria in this case). Biden is trying to get the US in an unjustifiable war with Iran.

Correct me of I’m wrong but isn’t starting unjustifiable wars in an election year a giant red flag for fascism? The Democratic excuse of “at least we are not [insert_opponent_name_here]” is finally starting to catch up with us.




That’s the shitty, limp-wristed, liberal weasel-speak language they chose to use?


I’m gonna come out and say that towards to beginning of this, while I still would have preferred staying OUT of this conflict, I could understand/respect Biden choosing to back one of our allies. But for fucks sake, every day we just hear more and more about how absolutely fucked up Nettypot (don’t know how to spell his name and do not care) is. He’s gennociding innocent civilians and parading himself arround shamelessly because he knows America’s backing him. He’s like a shit trustfund kid with parents who don’t care enough to ever let him face the consequences of his actions. And now Iran’s getting involved and we’re risking “The Middle East Mistake part infinity” because every single operation we do out there (from what I’m aware of) only ends poorly


while I still would have preferred staying OUT of this conflict,

You were in this conflict since the day you were born - didn’t 9/11 terach you anything?


That’s a funny way to spell 19th century colonialism


Centrists will just assume they’re all Russian shills, like they do with anyone that dislikes genocide.


Shill or not, the borderline obsessive demand for this particular linguistic compliance feels like it isn’t done in good faith


All those “centrists” who checks notes want to avoid an objectively worse person for both Gaza as well as our own country. Right.


Rising numbers of Americans say Biden should encourage Israel to stop Gaza actions

How is this inconsistent with wanting to avoid an objectively worse person?

“Stop supporting genocide” is not the same thing as “I support Trump,” no matter how much pro-genocide centrists try to conflate the two.


“Encourage” with a decapitation strike against Israeli leadership.


Biden has been encouraging Israel to show restraint from the beginning. He has set conditions on arms delivered. He is slow-walking arms deliveries. He is also getting strong criticism for not helping Israel enough.

GrymEdm, (edited )

Biden bypassed the need for Congressional approval to make sure Israel got weapons ASAP. Two weeks ago he arranged to send them billions in fighter jets and over 1,800 2,000lb bombs. There are stockpiles of US arms flagged for US use that are inside Israel that Biden has allowed Israel to pull from. “Officially it’s US equipment for US use,” a former senior Pentagon official said, “but on the other hand, in an emergency, who’s to say we’re not going to give them the keys to the warehouses?”

The US is also using loopholes to keep over 100 arms sales under the radar, including thousands of bombs. “This doesn’t just seem like an attempt to avoid technical compliance with US arms export law, it’s an extremely troubling way to avoid transparency and accountability on a high-profile issue,” Ari Tolany, director of the security assistance monitor at the Centre for International Policy thinktank, said" and added “They’re very much borrowing from the Trump playbook to dodge congressional oversight”.

No matter your stance on what Biden should be doing, why do you call that “slow-walking arms deliveries”? Seems like you’re trying to rewrite the history of how strongly and swiftly Biden has supported Israel - aka doing election season damage control regardless of evidence.


Biden is going to further jeopardize his reelection chances just so arms manufacturers can profit more off genocide.

Say what you want about the capitalist class, but they certainly have class solidarity.


I don’t get why he doesn’t do this for Ukraine instead.


My guess is there’s no Ukrainian equivalent to AIPAC. Joe Biden is the top recipient of AIPAC funds over the last 34 years, more than doubling 2nd place with a total of 5,736,701 received.


I agree with you, but likely because it could escalate with russia and russia has nukes and aren’t poor brown people who “don’t matter”.


We don’t have a base full of munitions in Ukraine that we can just give Zelenskyy access to.


But we could…


Except every time Ukraine attempted to join NATO, Russia attacks them. A nation at war is ineligible for NATO admission. It’s no accident. Putin does not want to share a border with a NATO ally.


They don’t need to be in NATO for us to store weapons there. We have plenty of bases in non NATO countries. We’ve even had bases in countries the Russians invaded. (Georgia, 2008)

But also, NATO doesn’t actually have that as a hard rule. There’s been debate about it and NATO Members are wary of such a member pulling everyone into a war right away, but there’s nothing stopping them from doing it.


We don’t have a base full of munitions in Ukraine

No, Ukraine just sits right next to the largest military logistics machine in human history on it’s western border.


There’s no equivalent existing funds or contracts and Republicans keep blocking it because Trump wants to help his buddy Putin in exchange for favors


Apparently Biden can just do it without Congress though.


Sales, not donations, specifically


They already added Ukraine to the lend lease list, Biden could let them use the credit card.


They did, and ran out of credit


The entire point there is not having a limit.


And then the legislation expired because Republicans wouldn’t approve an extension


That’s hilarious that they put a sunset on it but we can still send them stuff. Hell, FDR literally dropped planes at the border and let the Canadians pull them over. The president could literally have the Air Force leave artillery shells at a Polish base with a note, “addressed to whomever happens to be fighting Russians right now.” When asked, he just points out that we leave shit behind all the time.


It’s part of the yearly government budget, they legally can’t make it permanent unless they create a separate law giving for example DOD a fund to use for it, and they didn’t get any approval for such a permanent fund.

I do think Biden should try more, but he’s far too used with slow pace backroom negotiations (which is pretty much my biggest issue with him)


Yeah I get that they can’t use that authority anymore. But the President has broad authority to move military assets around. They very much could send the shells to a NATO base on the border and just look the other way when the Ukrainians walk them over the border. It would take longer than his next term (if he wins) for the courts to figure out where war powers end and where congressional export authority begins.


Biden is going to further jeopardize his reelection chances

We’ve all seen this movie - this is the part where the big bad humiliates the (supposed) “good cop,” and now “good cop” is going to hand over to “bad cop.”

Linkerbaan, avatar

Strange that you can just completely lie and get upvoted. Biden has done everything Netanyahu asked him to and there are no conditions on arms deliveries.

Joe Biden himself has said he unconditionally supports israel.


You do it all the time. I don’t see why you suddenly have a problem with it.

Linkerbaan, avatar

That’s simple; because I don’t.

Opposing israel doesn’t actually require you to be a pathological liar. That’s only when people defend israel.


You don’t lie? Your mod log of removed posts because of misinformation shows otherwise-

Unless you have redefined what misinformation means.

Linkerbaan, avatar


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  • Mastengwe,

    ROFL! I knew you’d come back accusing mod bias. Hilarious!

    Linkerbaan, avatar


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  • Mastengwe,

    You’re not right. And that’s why your shit was removed. You spread misinformation a lot. This isn’t an opinion, this is backed up by the mod logs.

    And if you have to accuse people of bias just to defend your point, you might want to rethink your point, because a good point regardless of biases- that can be validated with facts, generally won’t be removed.

    If you want to test this theory. Go ahead share an unpopular but true article and note how it will not be removed. And if you’re lazy, just note how many others have shared that still remain.

    You’re just wrong man. You need to accept that. Reevaluate things and approach it from a more nuanced position. Because this militant bullshit isn’t cutting it with a lot of people anymore it seems.

    Linkerbaan, avatar


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  • Mastengwe, (edited )

    ROFL! I’ve never once defended Israel. Not once. And you have zero evidence to offer otherwise. So this just illustrates my point on how you love spreading misinformation and manufactured bullshit.

    You create a narrative in your head and you roll with it. And now, your need to make shit up about me is only serving to validate my point.

    And don’t think we don’t know you’re using alt accounts to upvote yourself.


    They also confirmed rapes, just in case anyone sees that as exoneration.

    Linkerbaan, (edited ) avatar


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  • Belastend,
    1. Based on the examination of available information, including credible statements by eyewitnesses, there are reasonable grounds to believe that multiple incidents of rape, including gang rape, occurred in and around the Nova festival site during the 7 October attacks. Credible information was obtained regarding multiple incidents whereby victims were subjected to rape and then killed. There are further accounts of individuals who witnessed at least two incidents of rape of corpses of women. Other credible sources at the Nova music festival site described seeing multiple murdered individuals, mostly women, whose bodies were found naked from the waist down, some totally naked, with some gunshots in the head and/or tied including with their hands bound behind their backs and tied to structures such as trees or poles.

    Many bodies along Road 232 also suffered destructive burn damage and conclusions as to conflict-related sexual violence (including genital mutilation) related to these incidents could not be drawn. The mission team was also able to ascertain that multiple bodies of women and a few men were found totally or partially naked or with their clothes torn, including some bound and/or attached to structures, which – though circumstantial – may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence.

    All of that from the UN Report.

    Linkerbaan, avatar


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  • Belastend,

    The Patten mission debunks the narrative of atrocity propaganda such as the stabbing of pregnant women. It also clearly states, that rapes occured. At multiple locations.

    Linkerbaan, avatar

    It clearly states that it is based purely on “witness testimonies” using sources such as ZAKA, the people who spread the stabbing lies to begin with.

    It also states that after checking all israeli evidence, there is no forensic or media evidence of any rape happening. And that a real UN investigation would need to take place to draw any conclusions about rape.

    The reason it debunks there lies of stabbed pregnant women is of course because there is no evidence for it just like the rape allegations.

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    You do it all the time. I don’t see why you suddenly have a problem with it.

    Quite an accusation. Have specific proof to make it credible? Because at first glance it seems like an incredibly childish response. As you’ve written it it’s functionally just “NO YOU!” With evidence it could be salvaged into a valid point poorly made. Although it should be noted you don’t even attempt to deal with the substance of their argument, opting instead to just insult them.


    Your mod log is full of misinformation posts being removed. Many of these are upvoted.

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    My mod log? I’ve been here two months and never had a post removed by a mod period. You’re flat-out lying at this point and I dare you to prove otherwise. He said he accused the wrong person (me) and to me that’s completely fair because I certainly make mistakes.

    Mastengwe, (edited )

    Meant to say his mod log. You both responded saying the same thing. Easily confused.

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    Fair enough, that’s an understandable mistake. Notice I still got downvoted though.

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    Maybe consider backing up your accusations when you get aggressive before you get offended when you’re called out on a lack of proof. Burden of proof is on the accuser. Edit: Nice edit to delete half of the above comment and make it appear as if this isn’t responding to your specific insult.


    Since when do I need to back up an accusation made about someone who CLEARLY isn’t you? Why are you so upset over something is VERY provable that was said about someone you have nothing to do with?

    Butt-out man. This isn’t your argument.

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    No. For starters: the demand that I butt out because it’s not my business is coming from someone who involved themselves in an argument that wasn’t theirs to kick off the whole conversation. You can begin participation/speak up whenever you find fault but I can’t? 2nd - if you don’t want public scrutiny of bad arguments, don’t make bad arguments publicly. Your post as written was nothing more than unfounded bullying (didn’t deal with the argument, was just character assassination, and accusers must provide proof). I even said you could salvage it with evidence.


    Okay man. If you say so.


    I’ll take that in good faith and thank you for being reasonable in the end :)


    A bit of advice for you moving forward-

    Not everything said needs to be proven the moment it’s said. Sometimes it’s bait to make the person prove the point against them, and sometimes it sets a stage for a reveal. In other words- occasionally, theatrics are often used to illustrate a point.

    Or, it could also be that I’m not obligated to prove something to someone that has nothing to do with the accuser or the accused. In the future- maybe choose your battles better.


    GrymEdm, (edited )

    You are working from the assumption that I chose a bad battle. Here’s why that’s wrong - you publicly made a poor argument, and now are upset that I asked for proof to salvage it (which I specifically said you could do). You’re treating your public post like a private argument. Maybe don’t get upset when you’re called on the flaws of what you write on public forums, such as is the case with your original response which was nothing more than an ad hominem attack. You left the substance of the other person’s argument completely unaddressed in favor of character assassination.

    My advice in turn for you moving forward - improve the quality of your posts. Your assertion that you always meant to be better is weak and completely unfalsifiable - be better from the start and don’t employ bait, theatrics, and unfounded accusations.


    Okay buddy.

    GrymEdm, (edited )


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  • Mastengwe,

    Okay buddy.


    Ok, I admit you got me with that last, very intelligent response. You win. Maybe one more for old time’s sake?


    Okay buddy.


    As his history shows, Linkerbaan has one interest: talk shit about the US and its president. I know what I think of single/wedge-issue posters who queue flood dozens articles a week like it’s their job.


    Exactly, and we’re not allowed to accuse them of what we all know they’re doing without getting comments removed….

    And yet- they claim the mods are biased against them.


    Dude you’re wrong in so many different directions that I don’t even know where to begin.


    He didn’t need to set conditions, the Leahy Law already does that. His conditions were a smoke screen so Israel could self certify they aren’t doing anything and people would be mollified. The law already bans weapons exports to countries with credible accusations of human rights abuses. And we’ve been past that point for months now.


    Biden has been encouraging Israel to show restraint from the beginning.

    He has done nothing of the sort.

    He has set conditions on arms delivered. He is slow-walking arms deliveries.

    What hogwash. He has circumvented congress to sell Netanyahu weapons with no strings attached. Weapons he knew would be used to commit genocide.

    mlg, avatar

    3.8 million pounds of bombs in only one of five arm sales bypassing congress is definitely restraint and slow walking.


    We are way past the stage of ‘encouraging’ Israel to stop. The US needs to impose sanctions and cut all access to funding and weapons.


    I think we need to dust off the “How to Orchestrate a Coup” playbook.


    You may as well. You might need it if Trump wins in November.


    Biden should first hold the IDF accountable for International law violations that were explicitly prohibited with the sale of US provided munitions.


    I doubt the guy that’s taken an additional $1.4m since December from AIPAC is gonna do anything


    Don’t confuse the Israeli people with Netanyahu. He is unfavorable in their eyes as well.…/only-15-israelis-want-netanyahu-kee…


    What does that have to do with Biden taking millions from AIPAC?


    The American Israeli Political Action Committee?


    Do… Do you know what that stands for?


    Yes I do, and my original comment was along the lines of the guy that’s taken millions from them will not ask Israel to stand down.

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